web grab.jpgby JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat

  • How much does Planned Parenthood love Barbara Boxer? Enough to spend a cool million to help her keep her job. If Boxer loses, who else will get up and make such a fool of themselves defending partial-birth abortion?
  • CO pro-lifers are protesting a Catholic hospital where an OB/GYN who also performs abortions at Planned Parenthood is on staff…
  • Reached at home following the protest, [Dr. Richard] Grossman (pictured left) said he was “very happy” he lives in a country where we can speak our minds.”


    He said that, as a Quaker, he objects to depictions of abortions as sinful. He said licensed medical professionals provide greater care than “garage mechanics” or people who care only about money.
    “The reason I perform abortions is because I’m a Christian,” he said.
    He denied that he performs “late-term” abortions, a term which he said has no medical definition.
    When asked when life begins, he said, “Personally, I believe in the strength, intellect and fortitude of women. When a woman says a fetus is a person, I think it is one. I believe the woman empowers the fetus.”

  • A mother is suing her child’s school district for forcing her to remove her pro-life t-shirt:
  • According to earlier Sun-Star reports, a McSwain Elementary School 6th-grader said she was forced by school administrators to remove her abortion opposition t-shirt in 2008.
    … The lawsuit claimed that the district violated [the student’s] free speech rights, right to due process, conducted an unreasonable seizure of her property and committed battery by forcefully grabbing the girl’s arm.

    [Grossman photo via examiner.com]

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