Sunday funnies 8-15-10
Late but here, my top 5 favorite political cartoons for the week, starting with a good one by Michael Ramirez at…
by Mike Lester at…
by Glenn McCoy at…
by John Deering at…
by Signe Wilkinson at…
The Michelle Obama in Spain cartoon… Priceless!
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Comparing Michelle Obama to Marie Antoinette is just plain unfair.Rumors that she made an expessive trip to Spain at taxpayer’s expense have proved to be false.
And look at the hypocrisy of the conservatives who are up in arms at our first lady.None of them complained the least bit about the expensive vacations taken by former first lady Laura bush while her husband George W. was in office.
I’d like to complain about Pelosi’s ugly misuse of taxpayer dollars! I say, make them all fly coach and eat tiny packets of peanuts like the rest of us! There is so much waste by our Congress, it boggles the mind. Ditto for the Obama’s who campaigned about ‘hope and change.’ It looks to me like the same old same old..
This is only the 2nd year of Obama’s term in office. They’ve managed within the 2 years to take at least 3 expensive vacations and yes, a portion of those costs DO come out of taxpayers’ money…Secret Service isn’t free, for one thing. Let’s see…first year (almost just a few days after he got into office) he takes Michelle to New York on a date (not official business, just a date)…taxpayers paid for motorcaid, secret service among other things. Then Maine, et cetera.
Obama said he was going to the Gulf and instead he went somewhere else. My husband knows someone who’s working like 13 hour days to try and come up with solutions to that problem and I know someone else who’s working hard on figure this out, but our president says he’s gonna go to the Gulf then he didn’t. He stopped on some Island or port, but it wasn’t the Gulf of Mexico.
Even if they paid for everything else, we still had to pay for the Secret Service and other things and that trip had NOTHING to do with being in office.
I asked about your assertion that Laura took expensive vacations while GW was in office, and I was told, no. I was also told that a lot of those vacations were working vacations. That GW had a type of mobile White House so he could do business while away from the White House.
And why shouldn’t we scruntize what the Obamas are doing? Shoot, both Bushes were scruntized. The president is always going to be cause of the nature of his job.
P.S. The First Lady will be, too because of her connection to the President and a lot of First Ladies do things that have to do with Good Will services and hostessing. It’s the tradition of the office.