On the heels of Rachel Maddow’s attempt last night to intimidate and silence pro-lifers, I thought I’d post the following to encourage pro-lifers to stay focused and stay the course.

By our protests and prayer vigils outside abortion mills, we not only stave abortion in the U.S., we set an example for the rest of the pro-life world. From The Independent, today:

British women who want to terminate a pregnancy are being confronted by Christian protesters picketing abortion clinics, in a copy of tactics used by hardcore anti-abortionists in the US.

A TX-based religious group, which has support and funding from hundreds of American churches, has been holding protests outside Marie Stopes House in central London, one of Britain’s first modern abortion clinics.

It is the first time that the group – called 40 Days for Life – has targeted an abortion clinic in mainland Britain….

Campaigners are holding a planned 40 days of protests, picketing clinics in 218 US cities, as well as in Australia, Denmark, Canada and Northern Ireland. The protest at Marie Stopes House was due to enter its 35th day today.

The group says that its London protest has resulted in 6 women changing their minds. It also claims 2 of the clinic’s staff have resigned. Marie Stopes denied this….

Darinka Aleksic, campaign co-ordinator at Abortion Rights, said she had been tracking a significant recent upswing in anti-abortion protests.

“American-style tactics are being increasingly used in Britain, not just with pickets but with internet campaigns and the use of misleading leafleting,” she said. “We are strongly in favour of women receiving as much support, counselling and information about abortion as possible. But we’re worried about the tenor of a lot of the advice being given out by these pickets. There’s a lot of emphasis on guilt and misleading scientific information.”

[Photo of pro-lifers in front of the London Marie Stopes via 40 Days]

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