(Prolifer)ations 10-26-10
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN
- Judie Brown reports the IA Board of Medicine’s recent meeting to discuss telemed abortions was flooded with concerned citizens and pro-life reps, despite the fact that the time for public comment was moved an hour earlier unannounced. After allowing comments from several pro-life groups, the Board postponed all further debate until next month’s meeting.
- Ethika Politika discusses the fallacy of claiming personhood is dependent upon the ability for “rational thought.”
- Big Blue Wave notes one woman’s negative consequences as a result of pursuing IVF, including a broken marriage, 3 abortions, 1 birth, and many regrets.
- Catholic Vote discusses President Obama’s repeated omission of “Creator” when quoting the Declaration of Independence in public speeches:[T]he notion that human rights come from God means that government is not the final arbiter of how to defend or formulate those rights….
[T]he men who wrote the Declaration and our Constitution were believers in man’s God-given dignity and rights.
Obama has since restored his use of “Creator” after several media outlets drew attention to his misstatements.
- Moral Outcry has a “you can’t make this stuff up” headline: “When was the last time you heard of an unknowing father accidentally finding a baby in a dumpster—who turned out to be his child?”
- Coming Home highlights a Headline Bistro article on the pain of post-abortive men as “collateral damage.”
- Live Action links to a statement from Planned Parenthood OH taking credit for a declining abortion rate. With 134 abortions performed for every 1 adoption referral, do they really have reason to boast?
- MommyLife shares an incredible video of a pro-life Vietnamese man who has adopted more than 50 children:
Wow! The story of the Dad finding his own child, and the story of the Dad who acted as a father to 80 kids – AMAZING! And the video says that 30 of the 80 children were later taken home by their biological mothers! Can you imagine; almost half of these children who could have been killed are now being raised by their mothers. Why is abortion legal when so many women can overcome their “dire” situations in such a short amount of time? It’s crazy!