Aborted Party of Death staffers ask for “compassion”
We don’t know whether the axed Democrat staffers quoted in the following Politico story this morning work(ed) for a pro-life or pro-abortion boss.
Whatever, the Democrat Party, leadership, and agenda are all pro-abortion. So the metaphors to abortion in this article are rich. Jobs were aborted as the powerful became powerless:
As many as 1,800 Democratic congressional staffers will soon lose their jobs, with layoffs hitting everyone from entry-level schedulers to six-figure committee lawyers in a mass exodus that will accompany the greatest congressional turnover in 70 years.
While results are still being tallied in some races, the damage is clear for Democratic staffers. At least 60 seats have been lost….
Last week, there were “counselors” making the rounds in some Democratic offices…. One section of a packet handed out to staffers dealt with the stages of grief.
“It was like it was about death,” one staffer said. “It was bizarre.”…
About 500 jobs could be shed from House committees, where Democrats currently control 66%, or 2/3, of the budget and have about 1,000 committee staffers….
Democratic leaders will have to adjust to fewer perks and smaller staffs as well. There are about 55 aides in Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s leadership office, and she will also have a smaller staff as she assumes the minority leader office….
Most Democratic aides, though, weren’t talking.
“I don’t want to discuss it. It’s a hard time,” said one House aide, who requested anonymity. “We’re not gone yet.”…
For now, some outgoing Democratic aides are asking for compassion from their Republican colleagues.
“What bothers me now is there is a lot of insensitivity to the plight of these people who are losing their jobs. Pundits are talking about how exciting this turnover is… but there are real people whose lives are being affected,” said one outgoing Democratic aide. “They really need to show some compassion.”

England just cut 500,000 government jobs. If the Dems stand in the way of common sense reforms we will end up in the same situation.
That these staffers will be without jobs for long is hard to imagine. Many of them surely had feelers out starting six months ago. 55 aides for Pelosi? What was that all about?
Cry me a river. Your job is inherently not secure when it depends on your boss being elected. You knew that going in. So spare me the hand wringing. It says right in the article that the situation was worse during the republican loss in 2006. So suck on your sour grapes stop whining.
Sorry. No compassion here. That’s the way the job is. These jobs were never meant to last for life. They were meant to allow patriotic people to serve their country in the public service capacity for a season. I realize that most of these people have probably never held a private sector job, but I don’t feel sorry for them. This is their chance to either spread their wings and fly or crash and burn – just like everyone else.
Is there ever any concern for Republican staffers who lose their jobs?
We are supposed to cry because the “Party of Death” was unseated in the last election? Wow! If it was the other way around let me guess what the response would be.
I don’t know if any of you heard the story about a staffer of Bill Clinton when he moved into the White House saying “Pus— is back in the White House!”. How prophetic were those words when Monica Lewinsky told about the “dress” and American children heard “I did not have sexual relations with that woman”. Now years later American teens don’t believe oral sex is sex because the President said so, what a legacy for a President. Then 8 years later when GW Bush moved into the WH the way Clinton’s people left the WH is total disarray. I understand Laura Bush and GW were a ”class act” when they turned over the WH, both very gracious people trying to help the Obama’s. God help the USA.
Boo hoo. Democracy means a change in power every so often, not a lifetime of free limo service.
Yeah, ’cause there was soo much compassion for the Republicans who lost their jobs in ’08. I mean, everyone was just talking all about that, all the time, and nobody went on about how exciting that election was, or said anything about “hope” or “change” or any…O WAIT.
Our media is such a joke.
But… but… can’t the government just create some jobs and take care of them, like Obama promised? Where is the government when these out-of-work Democrat staffers need them?
One thing I noticed during this election (in my state in particular) is that a lot of politicians just can’t seem to find success in private sector jobs. They run for office after office, so they can have the power they’re accustomed to as well as the government pay and benefits. They don’t ever work jobs like the rest of us, which means they are totally clueless as to what life is like in the world outside of a government job.
Exactly Kel,
Looks like they and their staffers will just have to join the rest of us mortals and pound cement if they want a job.
Very creative and clever; nice satire piece Jill! :-)
What? This isn’t satire?
You know, Jill, out of all the pictures of ousted incumbents, you just had to post my now-former congressman, he-who-shall-not-be-named.
And can I tell you the festivities us Orlando Tea Partiers had when he delivered his concession speech?
You lived under that congressman who shall remain nameless and under Obama as president and Pelosi and Reid leading the houses and you have survived this far. Did you need counseling somewhere along the way to get you through that?