We don’t know whether the axed Democrat staffers quoted in the following Politico story this morning work(ed) for a pro-life or pro-abortion boss.

Whatever, the Democrat Party, leadership, and agenda are all pro-abortion. So the metaphors to abortion in this article are rich. Jobs were aborted as the powerful became powerless:

As many as 1,800 Democratic congressional staffers will soon lose their jobs, with layoffs hitting everyone from entry-level schedulers to six-figure committee lawyers in a mass exodus that will accompany the greatest congressional turnover in 70 years.

While results are still being tallied in some races, the damage is clear for Democratic staffers. At least 60 seats have been lost….

Last week, there were “counselors” making the rounds in some Democratic offices…. One section of a packet handed out to staffers dealt with the stages of grief.

It was like it was about death,” one staffer said. “It was bizarre.”…

About 500 jobs could be shed from House committees, where Democrats currently control 66%, or 2/3, of the budget and have about 1,000 committee staffers….

Democratic leaders will have to adjust to fewer perks and smaller staffs as well. There are about 55 aides in Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s leadership office, and she will also have a smaller staff as she assumes the minority leader office….

Most Democratic aides, though, weren’t talking.

“I don’t want to discuss it. It’s a hard time,” said one House aide, who requested anonymity. “We’re not gone yet.”…

For now, some outgoing Democratic aides are asking for compassion from their Republican colleagues.

“What bothers me now is there is a lot of insensitivity to the plight of these people who are losing their jobs. Pundits are talking about how exciting this turnover is… but there are real people whose lives are being affected,” said one outgoing Democratic aide. “They really need to show some compassion.”

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