Pro-choice blogger quits the day she delivers her baby
Well, this is rich. God speed to Robin Marty, who blogged at the pro-abortion RH Reality Check until today, the day her son will be delivered by c-section.
I read Robin’s tweets and know she loves being a mom. I also know she has suffered the loss of a baby through miscarriage.
I hope Robin’s 2nd miracle of birth persuades her to fully embrace the sanctity of life, so she doesn’t have to twist her logic and emotions into pretzels.
I also hope the pro-choice friends who have surrounded Robin will be given pause to reconsider their position by the miracle of birth of Robin’s son. I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for activists supporting abortion to separate feelings when one in their circle decides to have a baby.
Here is an excerpt from Robin’s somewhat contradictory farewell…
I began to realize that in many ways, emotionally and physically, miscarriage and abortion are 2 side of the same coin, that there are many overlaps between an unwanted pregnancy and pregnancy loss or infertility. It became more and more clear to me that just as a woman should have the ability to get pregnant as quickly as she can whenever she she chooses to have a child, it is also imperative that she have the access and care she needs to end an unintended pregnancy, a pregnancy that threatens her health, or a pregnancy where her child will not be able to survive or thrive outside the womb.
And then I became pregnant again. It was marred by fear. It was shadowed by loss. But I was able to continue on day by day, in many ways by being able to share it, step by step, here with all of you….
[T]oday I am giving birth. I will finally get to meet the stubborn, independent little creature inside me — the one who tried to frighten me with potential physical issues because he was too obstinate to give a good clear ultrasound image at 20 weeks. The bullheaded boy who chose 2 weeks ago to turn himself breech to justify my choice for an elective c-section. The one who started a firestorm before he was even born just by discussing his foreskin.
It seems appropriate to be saying goodbye to you all on the day I will be saying hello to this new being whom I finally get to meet face to face. Although I will likely be returning in January, as always I am unsure what the future holds. But this moment seems like a good one to close that chapter that started out so low, so dark, and so full of loss, and start in fresh with new life, new hope, and a newer understanding of why women need to make this choice individually, and for themselves.
Thank you for being with me through all of this. And thank you for helping me heal in time to meet Sebastian Elmer Marty.
Congratulations, Robin.

But she will continue to be pro abortion I bet, until maybe one day she will realize what abortion really is. But i won’t say anything more.
“But this moment seems like a good one to close that chapter that started out so low, so dark, and so full of loss, and start in fresh with new life, new hope, and a newer understanding of why women need to make this choice individually, and for themselves.”
A newer understanding of why women need to make this choice…
Well, Jill, I’d say that this pregnancy has done nothing for her. The lesson she is taking away from it s that women need to make the choice for themselves.
The choice to contract for the baby’s slaughter, that is. This poor woman’s greatest lesson is a renewed appreciation for usurping the power of life and death from God.
“I will finally get to meet the stubborn, independent little creature inside me — the one who tried to frighten me with potential physical issues because he was too obstinate to give a good clear ultrasound image at 20 weeks.”
Here too, one sees that she would have killed this baby in a heartbeat had the ultrasound delivered less than optimal news, and she would have had the late term abortion.
Listen to the twisted verbal engineering of the committed pro-abort in referencing her own child. Note the lack of humanity in the label. No person, son, baby, little one…
Creature. As in the Creature From the Black Lagoon, perhaps?
Hell is the absence of authentic love. The eternal pining for love, eternally unrequited, by those who have systematically cut themselves off from authentic love in this life.
It sounds like this mother is well along in her isolation, in her disconnect from the humanity of her own child, from her “frightening” inability to embrace imperfection and need in her own child. How utterly tragic.
She writes: ”The bullheaded boy who chose 2 weeks ago to turn himself breech to justify my choice for an elective c-section. ”
Wow. She is so mixed up. This kid is not even born yet and she’s calling him a stubborn, bullheaded creature. Nice. But it is a joyous occaision when a baby slips past the murderers and makes it out alive. Good luck, little survivor!
Ok, I’ve just read the comments here and don’t even want to read more of this ignoramous woman’s stupid words. I’m not feeling very patient at the moment and just want to point out that most pro-choice people are freaking ugly! I feel so sorry for her poor child. Hopefully it will be able to get through to it’s ignorant mother one of these days!!! Hell, maybe we should be there when it’s born and offer to take her poor “creature” if it turns out to be ugly like her and she doesn’t want it! Call me mean, I don’t effing people are mean-er.
I read this post by Robin and am deeply disturbed by it. She does not once refer to her son in a complimentary way (does she hate males???). She calls her baby a creature and bullheaded. She can’t even seem to manage the word baby instead using “new being”, like he’s a plant or something.
My sincerest condolences to Sebastian. My God bless you and protect you. You will most certainly need it.
How do proabort mothers know which ones to kill and which ones to keep? Decisions, decisions.
“She calls her baby a creature and bullheaded. She can’t even seem to manage the word baby instead using “new being”, like he’s a plant or something.”
I think it’s all a front that pro-abort women put on… they have to be careful with their words and not recognize the humanity of the unborn…deep in her heart, I bet she knows the truth..
She calls her baby a creature and bullheaded
You guys are so snark challenged.
“Here too, one sees that she would have killed this baby in a heartbeat had the ultrasound delivered less than optimal news, and she would have had the late term abortion”
Her choice, Dr. Nadal, too bad, so sad. And until you change the law or assassinate every abortion doctor that’s the reality.
Pro-abortionist, and I refuse to call them pro-choice, as it ceased to be a choice when it became a child within their wombs, can justify ANYTHING in this culture of death that was created in 1974 when SCOTUS overstepped it’s authority and rendered NULL AND VOID the rights to “LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.”
When one is deliberately deprived of life, it is a simple equation that the loss of the others follow. GOD, OUR CREATOR, ENDOWED US WITH THOSE UNALIENABLE RIGHTS, but man has decided that those decisions are CHOICES.
My beloved son, who fought for every breath as he was being delivered, after an uneventful pregnancy (my third), had his cord wrapped around his neck TWICE, was blue and not breathing and I could see this. He was the only one of the three that I did not get to hold immediately after birth. My only daughter was plopped on my tummy before he cut the cord, and she shoved her gooky fist in her mouth, looked around wide-eyed and cooed… WATCH OUT FOR ME, WORLD!
My youngest was fine, but was 10 hours old before I got to hold him the first time, and three weeks from being 28 when I held him the last time. A 6’1, size 13 shoe, the fire in his auto accident reduced his remains to a body bag that wasn’t three feet long. I signed all kinds of releases because I WAS GOING TO HOLD MY BABY AND SAY GOOD-BYE! I conceived him in love, carried him in ecstasy, delivered him just in time, and he showed and told me how much he loved me every day of his life. His fiance drove by the burning vehicle on the way to work, so THANK YOU, GOD for sparing me that. (another state).
I loved all three of my children equally, but differently. My oldest son was special cause he was my first; my daughter special cause she was my only daughter; my youngest special cause he was my last; but there are no words to describe the indescribable pain that never goes away.
How can women, who were born crowned with God’s glory and grace, just throw away another HUMAN LIFE, as if they were emptying the trash bin on the computer? May God have mercy on their souls, because as casually as they seem to approach it, the emotional and physical effects are devastating at some point.
The only Organized Religion that offers professional counseling for women who have HAD abortions and need a place to heal and feel forgiven and be able to continue (whenever that time comes, and it does come) is the Catholic Church. Ironic, isn’t it, that the Church that forbids abortions, will not do them in Catholic hospitals, nor sterilization procedures, welcome with open and comforting arms to help those who have fallen, stand again. As Jesus said, “I find no fault with you (to the woman accused of adultery) Go and sin no more.”
There is NOTHING I would not give to hold my son again, but I KNOW THAT I SHALL, when I enter the Gates of Heaven held open by those Nail-Scarred Hands. Life is precious, fragile and not meant to be “terminated” like a pest infestation. LIVE IT, LOVE DEEPLY, LAUGH OFTEN, and be thankful YOUR MOTHER believed in LIFE!
She didn’t quit.
Jill your article is misleading. If you read the entire article Robin said, “Although I will likely be returning in January, as always I am unsure what the future holds.” To me that sounds like, “I’m taking a break and plan to return in January unless I decide to stay home.” What’s wrong with that? Many parents take off time after a birth or adoption.
Why can’t you be happy for Robin? Just because she’s pro-choice? I’m really happy for her and her family.
We’re thrilled she carried to term, but we’re criticizing her dehumanizing and insulting description of this innocent child who has not yet had the chance to be ‘stubborn’.
I was born three weeks after my due date, and only because they went in to grab me! My family likes to say that I was a procrastinator even then. I’m hopeful that the attribution of personality characteristics to an unborn child– even a negative one like “stubborn”– is actually a step in a humanizing direction.
That sure is a lot of personhood she’s ascribing to her unborn child – and as far back as 20 weeks, no less. The entire argument – such as it is – in favor of abortion unravels on this basic understanding. In that regard, I pray that motherhood imbues her with the common sense and logic sorely missing from all pro-aborts.
And I pray that both she and her newborn child are healthy, and that God blesses her with the indescribable blessing and fulfillment that comes only from being a parent. Her life will never be the same, and I hope that change is only for the better, as it has been for me!
A few thoughts–
First of all, being ‘bullheaded’ is not necessarily a derogatory term. Stubbornness has it upsides and downsides, just like any other personality trait. That she’s ascribing personality traits to him – and as far back as 20 weeks, no less – and describing him as ‘making choices’ should show that she does consider him human.
Secondly, she’s not quitting, as rebellious said. She just gave birth, and like many other women she is taking a break from her work at this time.
Third, why would we be upset with her? She made her choice, as we want all women to be able to do–without co-ercion, with all the available information. There’s no reason for us to be anything but happy for her and her family, especially after what they’ve been through. We only have a problem with women giving birth if they’re forced into it. Robin wanted this, so there’s no problem.
Someone is posting using my name. I did not post the comments at 6:18 and 6:40 PM. Let’s check the IP addresses and get to the bottom of this. Then ban the individual. You have my IP address.
Joan and Ninek,
I just got off of the phone with Jill. The only comment I made was at 4:02 PM. So some coward who wants to stir the pot is posting using my information. The only remedy is vigilance, and banning all IP addresses as this comes in.
Thank you for sharing your heartfelt story. I don’t know who the vicious troll is who wrote those comments making them seem to come from me, but we have the IP address of the individual and will seek legal remedy if this continues. I’m so sorry for any distress inflicted upon you by a vicious coward using my good name.
God Bless.
Hi Gerry (and others),
The previous VERY out-of-character comments were out of character because Gerry didn’t post them. Someone else did.
Please, posters, realize that if someone begins posting things wholly out of character for them that this may be a case of attempted pro-abort sabotage.
I also notice that those particular posts did not show Gerry’s gravatar as his REAL posts do. That is worth noting.
Thanks Kel,
Typical of pro-aborts. They are first rate cowards. What else do we expect from those who militate for the slaughter of babies in the womb? At least this coward is consistent with his/her absence of character.
Let’s hope that motherhood changes this woman. I know that having my children changed me, for sure. Being available to others in love helps us grow from self-centeredness to charity. A beautiful transformation, hopefully.
And for pro-choicers, many move to pro-life when they finally ‘get-it!’ When you look your baby, it’s very hard to advocate for the ending of the life of a pre-born youngster.
And it is entirely a different thing when explaining to your own youngsters that you advocate for women ending the life of their pre-born children.
Pray for conversion of heart. It is entirely possible.
It became more and more clear to me that just as a woman should have the ability to get pregnant as quickly as she can whenever she she chooses to have a child, it is also imperative that she have the access and care she needs to end an unintended pregnancy.
In other words, a woman should be able to have a baby when and how she wants the way she wants. The baby should be exactly what she wants as she wants him/her and if she decides she doesn’t want him or her at any time for any reason, she should be able to end his or her life.
Lovely sentiments.
Rebellious, Jayne: I realize she held open her option to return at the end of her piece, and I expect she may submit guest posts here and there (or not). But if you read her piece in its entirety, it is not a maternity leave post, it is a farewell post. One doesn’t write something like that just to take a 4-6 week break.
What I thought was interesting is that she talks about abortion as though it was only done for the health of the mother or serious health issue of the baby so that it would not be able to survive outside of the womb. How we know that is not the case. Me thinks her guilt factor is acting up along with her hormones. Now that she is a mother, her feelings may change dramatically. Let’s hope so. The miracle of life… works every time.
It doesn’t seem to me like she is prepared any time soon to recognize that she had a living baby inside her. In fact, she seems pretty put out about the entire pregnancy.
I began to realize that in many ways, emotionally and physically, miscarriage and abortion are two side of the same coin, that there are many overlaps between an unwanted pregnancy and pregnancy loss or infertility.
I think many women who have suffered miscarriage would (rightly) be offended by the suggestion that abortion and miscarriage have ANY similarities. :(
Happy for her? Um. That’s a tough one for me. She can still get a late term abortion up until the due date so it is not like the stubborn creature is out of the woods quite yet.
I fear for her child.
“That she’s ascribing personality traits to him – and as far back as 20 weeks, no less – and describing him as ‘making choices’ should show that she does consider him human.”
Ok…which begs the question…Why should it be legal to have him killed then?
I fear for her child.
I continue to do so AFTER he is born. We can only hope that Sebastian will help his mom see the humanity of the unborn child and he will soften her heart.
I have been thinking about that quote too. Women who have miscarried get quite upset to be put into the same group as those that have aborted. Women who don’t regret their abortions but are HAPPY about them are extremely offensive.
Since I have had both I can tell you honestly that the grief is the same now that I have His forgiveness. I want all my babies here with me.
The act of abortion should not be compared to a miscarriage in the first place. The violent act of abortion is nothing like a child that died naturally in utero.
Oh and YES I fear for her child now and when he is born.
Jill, your headline, “Pro-Choice blogger quits the day she delivers baby.” Once again, she didn’t quit. I’m a regular reader of Robin’s posts and know that Robin is a committed advocate for reproductive freedom, which includes giving birth to her son. I have no doubt she will return as a writer for RHRC. If she decides to stay at home with her son full-time and not return as a writer for RHRC I will miss her but at the same time I will be happy for her that she has time to stay at home with her son. I guess we will have to see in January.
What makes this creature so special that he is allowed to live?? Why does he get to miss his mommy exercising her “reproductive freedom??” Which we all know is proabort speak for ABORTION. How can this one slip through the gloved fingers of an abortionist while another gets chopped to bits?
If this Mother of the Year changes her mind and makes the appointment to abort the stubborn thang you will be just as happy for her, eh??
“Robin is a committed advocate for reproductive freedom”
Your language needs refining. We support reproductive freedom too. However, once one has reproduced, one should not be free to contract for the killing of the child in the womb. It’s a critical distinction.
I agree. The baby is not out of the woods yet, even after he is born. Robin’s piece is utterly devoid of love. It was as cold, sterile, and desolate as an Antarctic ice floe.
Language is the window into the soul, and here one sees just how difficult it is to reengage one’s humanity after having deconstructed it in order to be a champion of murdering the child of the womb. This is a timeless piece, a case study for the ages; demonstrating that character, decency, and humanity cannot simply be turned on and off, as though one were switching channels on TV.
When I read “stubborn and bullheaded” I thought “WAY TO GO BABY!” because it sounded like if she tried an abortion that baby would fight for his life. And I found that incredibly amazing. Not that I want the baby to have to fight for his life, but it was nice to know he could.
Besides, pregnancy isn’t always easy and anyone who expects it to be a complete walk in the park is the one who’s more than likely to get a rude awakening. My pregnancy wasn’t real hard. But the labor and delivery was scary. But we all got through that (and the other things after that were rough), and my kid has an incredible sense of humor (often making me burst out with laughter).
No, parenthood is not easy. But it’s been my experience that things that are often of the most value (marriage, parenthood, achieving a positive goal) are usually not easy or a “cake walk”. There are good days and bad days to most everything and the more we learn to find ways of dealing (positively) with the bad and rejoicing in the good, the “easier” it does get. It’s not EASY, but it’s less stressful when we figure that part out.
Xalisae: We all have the right to prevent others from using our bodies against our will. Even dead people have to give prior directive for their organs to be used to save the lives of others. (I know the kill/let die distinction is probably important for you, which I understand although I do not necessarily agree)
Carla: In some ways, abortion and miscarriage have a lot in common. If nothing else, the procedures for dealing with miscarriage are the same ones used in abortion. And a woman who finds herself aborting a wanted pregnancy for health reasons is going to experience the same grief and sense of loss as a woman who miscarries.
BTW, Robin’s son didn’t ‘miss’ her exercising her reproductive freedom. He is a product of it. She freely chose to become pregnant.
We all have the right to prevent others from using our bodies against our will.
Wrong. Not our kids. At least not at the cost of their lives. If my 2 year old hops on my shoulders against my will and uses me as a jungle gymn, I can’t grab him by the feet, bash his head against the ground, and then justify his death by saying, “HE WAS USING MY BODY AGAINST MY WILL!!!!” You’re wrong. The parent/child dynamic makes a huge difference. Pro-choicers might learn that some day if they can ever keep from killing their kids.
I disagree. My two babies I miscarried died at 10 weeks and 9 weeks and I delivered one baby into my hand. I did NOT want a D & C as I am sure I would have flashbacked to my abortion. I have had both. You are barking up the wrong tree, Jayn.
You have offended the many that come here that have had miscarriages as you are equating that heartache to abortion. Go you.
Please clarify abortion for “health reasons.” Do you mean depression cause she can’t afford a baby or a woman who has an induced labor knowing her baby might die but allowing the doctors to do everything in their power to save the lives of both herself and her baby?? Or maybe you are talking about going for a 3 day abortion with the late Dr. Tiller?
MaryHolloway Love…. What a heartrending story…. I’m so sorry for your loss…. I lost my brother 18 years ago, when he was 31. As bad as my own pain was/is, watching my parents go through it was horrible. I believe that my dad is now with him in Heaven, as my mom will be someday. I’m sure you will hold your son again in Eternity.
Love and hugs….
My condolences on your losses, Carla. While I understand you not wanting to undertake the procedure, it doesn’t change my point about it being the same one. As far as health reasons go, it’s not as much about the why or how as it is about losing something cherished. When a child is wanted, any result other than a healthy mother and baby is going to cause grief to the parents.
I’m sorry if I upset you. It was certainly not my intent.
Nadal, I disagree. You don’t support reproductive freedom. You support that every pregnancy ends in a live birth, by force. That’s not freedom. Reproductive freedom is supporting a woman’s choice to or not to reproduce. It’s trusting her to her own bodily autonomy. I support women to what their choice is.
Contraception and abortion are nothing new. Women have been practicing contraception and abortion for thousands of years. For example,
2700s BCE – Emperor Shen Nung of China, who laid the foundation for traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture, wrote some of the earliest recipes for contraception and abortion, many of which were quoted well into the 16th century.
Much of the information about herbal and natural methods of contraception and abortion where lost during the witch holocaust, there are women today who still practice herbal abortions. Although not the safest method of abortion, I know women who have used this method to successfully have an abortion.
Check out 4000 years for choice. It’s a really cool website. You might learn something.
Be well. Peace out.
” You support that every pregnancy ends in a live birth, by force. ”
Umm…yeah…just like people are made to go through puberty by force…or breathe air by force…or process consumed food into ATP by force…
Do you guys ever listen to yourselves? You’re ridiculous.
The only force at work here is the force you all advocate in tearing apart a living developing human and killing them.
Once a child is conceived, the woman has reproduced. Where the baby resides, and where the baby is along the continuum of development is entirely immaterial. She is a mother from the very first moment of fertilization. That is a biological fact.
The only question after that is whether the mother will engage the services of a human predator who will snuff out the life of the child within the womb, whether she will be the mother of a living or a dead baby. Either way, she will forever be a mother, having crossed the reproductive threshold.
But make no mistake, reproduction from the purview of science is something that occurs from conception, and not delivery. Pro-aborts have for too long misquoted science and distorted scientific truth in order to advance their agenda.
All that is changing, as more and more scientists and physicians are stepping forward to declare and end to the distortions of scientific and medical truth.
The bodily autonomy of which you speak is simply the exercise of raw political power over the child that exists, the reproduction that has occurred. It is simply getting away with murder, simply because one can.
If a child is wanted who aborts them? A child that has already died and is removed via D & C is NOT considered an abortion. An abortion deliberately kills a living child. The INTENT of an abortion is to kill the child. Not so with a D & C.
You haven’t upset me in the least. I am 20 years out from my abortion and have found my way to abortion recovery. The baby girl that died in my abortion has a name. Her name is Aubrey. I held Jamie in my hand after he died in utero. I also miscarried a baby named Lee.
They are all my children and have I grieved each little life.
The difference? I was adamantly prochoice after my abortion and fought for my right to choose!!! Believing the lies I was told that what I aborted was a “bunch of cells” until I delivered Jamie into my hand. The grieving over the killing of my first child by abortion began. I know now just how wrong it was to not fight for the life of my child.
I appreciate that you stayed to comment Jayn. Most from RH rarely engage in any kind of civil discourse.
I hope this new mom will begin to contemplate the horror of abortion as she watches her precious son grow. Moms, we all know that the personalities displayed by our children when they were in the womb continue after birth. When I carried my son I felt this bump bump bump in my womb for months. After he was born I realized that when he is relaxing he rubs his feet together. Thats what I felt. Every ultrasound his little legs were crossed and he was sucking his thumb. To this day my son falls asleep with his legs crossed and his thumb in his mouth. My son is also very very active, and yes, a little hyper. He was very VERY active in the womb also. So many of his personality traits I can trace back to when he was growing inside me. The person you behold upon delivery is the SAME PERSON who has been growing in you for 9 months! I hope this truth will suddenly go off like a lightbulb in Robin’s head one day.
Just read the thread over at RH. Hilarious!
I keep forgetting that we are Jill Stanek’s cronies!! LOL
I would quit too. All of a sudden it becomes real to her.
Nadal, I disagree. You don’t support reproductive freedom. You support that every pregnancy ends in a live birth, by force. That’s not freedom.
rebellious grrll the freedom to get pregnant or not exists BEFORE the pregnancy and before a baby is conceived. Once a woman is pregnant she has exercised her so called “right” to get pregnant (which I don’t believe is a right anyway – it’s a gift and not all are given it) or not.
The best practice in medicine is that every pregnancy should end in a live birth because a “pregnancy” IS a living human being, whether you acknowledge the situation as such or not.
Angel’s points are well made and well taken. To be pregnant is to be filled with something, such as:
Pregnant with meaning.
Pregnant pause (filled with anticipation).
Pregnant with child.
Robin’s tortured use of the language in the thread over at RH:
“Conceived a pregnancy” is linguistically absurd. One does not conceive a fullness. One conceives a child, with which one becomes full. Similarly, one does not terminate a pregnancy (fullness). One terminates the life of the child. What ensues is emptiness, physical, emotional, and spiritual.
The intent is different. The procedure is the same.
As far as who aborts a wanted child, I’ll point you towards The stories there make the point far better than I ever could.
So the child they wanted but had a poor prenatal diagnosis was killed in the womb but at least they wanted that child.
Well very good then.
They are responsible for the deaths of their children. But at least they were wanted. What were the last moments for those babies like I wonder??
Parents that wanted and loved their children with poor prenatal diagnosis enough to let them live as long as they would live. Courage in the face of adversity. My favorite.
I have family friends that have done just that. Loved those children enough NOT to kill them.
Jayne, hop on over to
Most of the pro-life women who comment on Jill’s website are post-abortive. A lot of women I’ve met at pro-life events are post-abortive. I. am post-abortive. Want to hear MY story? I had no “right” to kill my child. Sure I was frightened, but murder was not the solution. I regret my abortion. Everyday I miss my child.
Do you tell your friends who have miscarried and needed a D & C that you are sorry for their abortion? Or do you grieve with them that their child died naturally?
In an abortion and a miscarriage a child dies. Abortion is the gruesome, violent intentional death of a child by dismemberment.
I think deep down you already know that though.
Your argument is specious and insulting to any individual with half a brain. You seem to think that in the pro-choice community abortions are obligatory. What part of choice do you not understand? Shame on you.
I can’t understand how it is perfectly legal for a child to die on his or her mother’s whim. I just can’t comprehend that.
Oh, Jill. I’m so sorry you are such an angry, hate-filled person. Robin already has an older daughter – which I know doesn’t fit into the absolutely false image you and your groupies create for those who advocate for ensuring dignity, love and respect for all. Quitting because she had a baby? Wha???
All of the women – in fact – associated with RH Reality Check are mothers. In fact, a large majority of women who have abortions ARE ALREADY MOTHERS. Your pretend world and hate-mongering that goes with it is sad, truly sad. I hope you find some relief from your anger and hate someday. I do.
I imagine that all of those who follow your line of thought just simply cannot align what you want to desperately to be true – that those who advocate for the rights and health of women as well as children – are simply without children yet. We’re simply unknowing. But it’s not true
I hope someday you can create a more open, understanding and loving vision of the world. But until then the lies you create and that those around you believe so thoroughly are hurtful, without a shred of compassion and just plain wrong. I’m sorry for you. I’m thrilled for Robin that she’s bringing her second child into this world as I know, as a mother, how amazing that is.
I hope you find some peace someday.
Believe it or not, Carla, I am not devoid of compassion. If a friend of mine was grieving the loss of a child, of course I would grieve with her, and I would try to avoid saing anything which might upset her (unfortunately, I tend to suffer from foot-in-mouth syndrome, so the odds of my doing so are a bit high). I would also celebrate the birth of a child, even if my personal opinion is that having a child was a mistake.
I don’t expect to change your mind, but it does sadden me that you show little desire to even understand the choices of others.
Good Lord, Jayn.
You would celebrate a child that you think should have been aborted? Now that is compassionate.
I had an abortion!! I began drinking, partying, having nightmares, depression, suicidal thoughts and made a suicide attempt!! Why? Because I paid someone to kill my first born child. Boy do I understand what abortion does to a growing child and her mother! All too real for me. All too familiar.
That is not an opinion. It’s a fact.
“I would also celebrate the birth of a child, even if my personal opinion is that having a child was a mistake.”
I have seen this kind of “celebration.” Pro-abortion women may think they are only wanting what’s best, but the snide remarks, the eyerolls, the heavy exhales, the excuses to get out of support (“I’d come to the baby shower but I’m just so busy, and I just don’t feel right supporting this since she’s ruining her life”). We have relatives like that and know just how warm and fuzzy their compassion really is in real life.
Some of us, believe it or not, have had miscarriages too. But there ain’t no grief like knowing it was 100% preventable. There ain’t no grief like remembering how you walked through the abortionist’s door on your own two feet.
Denial can last a very long time. It’s like a lead curtain, like an x-ray technician’s vest. Armed and dressed in denial, many post-abortive women lead others to murder. It’s wrong to murder children. There’s enough sickness and death in our world already without volunteering to kill the youngest and most vulnerable among us. I hope it is you who can find peace.
“I imagine that all of those who follow your line of thought just simply cannot align what you want to desperately to be true – that those who advocate for the rights and health of women as well as children – are simply without children yet. We’re simply unknowing. But it’s not true”
That’s the most tragic statement of all from the Pro-choice community. That you do have children, that you do grasp the humanity of the child is the greatest of all monstrosities. You can’t claim ignorance.
So the humanity of the child cannot of itself surmount your narcissism. When the self’s desires/whims trump the humanity of another and dictate that the other must die, knowing the human identity of the other, that points to someone who has lost their own humanity. It’s nice of you to wish peace for Jill.
Get well soon.
I love you, ninek.
ninek, we’re not all like that, trust me. I only want to see the best possible outcomes, so I’m not going to be a jerk and make snarky comments. That doesn’t help. And I will provide what aid I can.
I only want to see the best possible outcomes,
Killing a tiny, growing human child by abortion is NEVER the best possible outcome for the baby. OR the mother.