West Coast’s wholesome Walk for Life vs. creepy Walk for Death
About the West Coast Walk for Life held last Saturday, January 22, on the anniversary of Roe v Wade, KTVU’s John Sasaki reported:
San Francisco is known for its protests. But this is no anti-war demonstration. This is some 50,000 people fighting against abortion…. Abortion rights supporters were vastly outnumbered but still vocal…. Police confirmed to me this walk for life was the biggest one this city has seen.
The SF Walk for Life goes a little differently than DC’s March for Life. Pro-aborts march right alongside pro-lifers. As KTVU reported, the counter protesters were unsurprisingly “vocal” even though “vastly outnumbered.”
The difference in protesters could be no more starkly demonstrated than by contrasting these 2 photos, posted by ProtestShooter.com…
Wholesome vs. creepy, that pretty much sums up the differences.
Here’s video of the parallel marches, again accentuating the differences. WARNING: vulgarity…

Yuck. They shout and yell and use obscenities and stupid signs. Meanwhile, the Life Marchers are calm, dignified, and more powerful in their quietness than the screaming mob could ever hope to be.
Seriously? “Keep your rosaries off our ovaries?” LOL That’s so old, not to mention completely wrong and stupid.
I’ve got news for ya: we’re not fighting for the right to life of your ovaries.
Praise God for those pro-lifers! They may be the reason San Fransicko hasn’t fallen into the Pacific.
Oh and don’t forget the wire hangers!!
Also in the photo do you see the sign that says Abortion Saves the Lives of Two People.
A picture is worth a thousand words — videos, even more.
Wow, the end of the video just keeps going and going and going, showing the pro-lifers whereas the pro-abortion “crowd” died off after about the first minute. You hear nothing but anger and hatred in the voices of the shrill gals screeching through their megaphones for the pro-choice crowd.
What an enormous difference! These pro-aborts only make themselves look worse and worse. Pro-lifers represent life and celebrating it so well. -With dignity, respect and without the use of megaphones or curses. God bless them!!!
I’ve got news for ya: we’re not fighting for the right to life of your ovaries.
LOLZ. Seriously, nobody cares about their ovaries.
Isn’t it amazing how Satan can put himself right in front of our eyes, and still we fail to recognize him?
Even this video makes the counterprotesters seem larger. In reality, they kept hurrying ahead and starting over so it would look like there were more of them.
You may recognize the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgance.” They show up everywhere, lol! They are also the same who went to mass at one of the Catholic Churches last year. The people in the church treated them just fine, but of course they had to complain about that, too.
Their rhetoric was so old, Joan Collins had to dust the dinosaur poop off of it. lol!
Oh those silly “pro-choice” slogans. SO lacking in logic and substance.
One of my favorite images shows a baby in the womb holding a small pistol with the words “Keep your laws of my body”. Pretty effective counter to the absurd “keep your rosaries off my ovaries” chant.
‘Pretend I’m a tree and save me.’ (on poster with fetus)
Did the video get taken down or is the link broken or something? It’s not showing up on my browser page and I’ve already refreshed.
I attended the Walk for Life West Coast with my family. The video was very representative of what I witnessed too. One of the things I think is very important to note is the make-up of the counter protesters versus the pro-life walkers.
The walkers were tens of thousands of families, men, women, children, grandpas, grandmas, kids, babies, and lots and lots and lots of teens and young adults. The pro-lifers were also wonderfully diverse, all colors of the rainbow…from all races and ethnicities, different religious backgrounds, though most were Christian/Catholic.
The counter protesters, in contrast, were scary. They were a pitifully small group, MAYBE 100-200, (but that’s being kind). They ranged in age from older teen or college age to about 60ish. They were very loud, obnoxious, and angry. I heard countless people walking around me say how surprised they were at how angry the counter protesters were. The pro-abortion crowd was armed with off-putting signs and slogans, name-calling and shouting. They had both men and women on their side, but many were gay activists, some men dressed in make up and costumes, dressed in drag, even a couple of anti-war protesters who wanted some late night news air time. My seven year old son saw some of them and asked why the abortion people were having a “circus on the sidewalk” during our Walk for Life. I didn’t even have to comment. He saw all their nonsense and came to his own conclusion.
The most shocking and telling thing to note: I saw only ONE person out of the whole group of protesters who wasn’t white/caucasian/anglo, etc. Someone can go back and check the photos. There might have been a couple I missed as I was walking, but seriously, where’s the diversity in “choice”? Where are all the minorities coming out for choice? African Americans? Hispanics? Asians? Anyone?
Oh, that’s right. All the minorities are being targeted for extermination by Planned Parenthood and abortion supporters. Many of the people who have survived the holocaust are waking up to that fact. They want to live. So they Walk for Life. Makes sense.
I don’t see the link to the video either. I have refreshed several times and even did a restart.
I’m not seeing the video either but I’ve seen some of the photos.
I think it’s incredibly sad.
However, the Walk for Life looked great!
At our Walk for Life in Santa Fe, New Mexico, I did not notice one pro-abort protester there. I had warned my three sons about their presence, but I did not notice any. What a blessing, but I found it interesting.
We had our very first March for Life here last Sat-the proaborts were all but absent. No shrieking, spitting or cussing. It was a great event and reaffirmed this state’s prolife stance. Have gotten numerous reports from prolifers in other states that the proabort presence at their events was far less than in years past. Keep it up, people. The tide is turning.
Click on ProtestShooter above the two photos for the video link.
As someone who used to be pro-choice I can see the anger and rage of the pro-choicers on this video. I used to get so angry at the pro-lifers. Thank God Jesus’ mom saved me from that. I started praying the rosary and was converted with in a month’s time. The rosary is scriptural focusing totally on the Life of Jesus. His Mother is awesome and I’m so glad she said yes to God. I wonder what would have happened to mankind had she said no. This video of the pro-lifers is a wonderful testimony to the loving peace of our Lord Jesus. Praise God!
Um, I’ll take door number one, Monty!
Go to the link just over the photos for the video.
“Women deserve better! Women deserve choice!” I wish someone had shouted: “Women deserve better! And their daughters deserve life!”
Janet, just call me slow-draw McGraw. :)
Han Johnson,
LOL. No problem.
“Women deserve better! And their daughters deserve life!”
That’s a good one!
Hans & Janet,
Got it. Thanks! :)
The first year of this walk about 5,000 Prolife people were there and 3,000 pro-choicers. The pro-choicers were so awful, crazy and rude this video is soooo mild. Pro-choicers were SPITtING on priest and screaming so loud that their vains in their necks were sticking out. They thought if they could “rude” and “scare” the Pro-lifers away they would not come back. HA HA HA….next year there were 8,000 ProLifers and many less pro-choicers. Year after year Prolifers come in greater numbers and the prochoicers group gets smaller and smaller. When I was there to give my testimony there were about the same amount of pro-choicers…but 35,000 prolifers…It was so awesome. Then this year 50,000 Prolifers!!!!!!
The culture of life meets the culture of death.
What exactly about our movement caused you to get so angry?
And how did you finally start to make the transition? I think it is useful in terms of how we go about converting people.
Hey all,
Not sure why the video disappeared, but I’ve embedded it again. Hopefully it will work now. :)
As a former pro-choicer myself, I echo Cassie. I used to feel such anger and hatred for pro-lifers. As for the cause of the anger, Joe, for me I think it was unadulterated ignorance. I thought pro-lifers were just religious hicks who thought women belonged in the home or deserved the punishment for having sex (total ignorance, I know, but that’s what you get when you just assume that everyone is pro-choice without ever giving it any thought). The anger for me came from being challenged, and got worse before it got better. I don’t know that there was anything that could have been done differently to avoid the anger – I just had to work through it. It’s a hard process to admit you’re completely 100% wrong.
Dude, I seriously saw a man dressed as a demon or something with a sign saying “Mind your own business”! Can the enemy be more obvious? I could see that guy with that sign standing next to a woman or child being raped. Don’t they realize what they’re saying?? Ever??? I’m supposed to “mind my own business” while 3500 babies are ripped to shreds or “snipped” everyday???? NO WAY!
I, like Cassie, was pro-choice for a short stint in college. I remember that anger too, when I would see pro-lifers in front of the abortion clinic. (And I was even one of those pro-choicers who would never have had an abortion myself, but I thought it should be a right given to women.) I suppose I was angry at the thought that anyone would tell me what to do with my body. How dare they!
I came back to the Catholic Church last year, but my conversion to pro-life actually came almost 5 years ago. I was about 2 months into my first (and so far only) pregnancy. It was planned, no crisis or anything like that. Suddenly, I realized I was carrying life inside me. A child. MY child. I still get emotional when I think about that. How could I have ever thought it was ok to kill those precious babies? Thank God I realized the truth! My angel just turned 4 yesterday. We both marched up in Santa Fe, New Mexico this year (maybe we saw you there, RCH) and I hope in my lifetime I’ll see these awful laws overturned through the effort of good people like you. God bless you all!
On the road, more than 50,000 wholesome-looking pro-lifers. Along the sidewalk, a small, scruffy band of counter-protestors who look like extras from a 1970?s B-movie in hippie horror.
The contrast in numbers, dignity, and comportment pretty much speaks to the heart of each movement.
When did you begin to realize that the science and medicine all pointed toward abortion as being harmful to women?
Where/Who did you hear that finally penetrated your resistance, and what allowed you to receive that information?
Meet ‘dead babies r us’, ‘satan’s posse’, ‘rent a mob’:
Have placards, banners, tee shirts, rusty coat hangers; will travel…. by bicycle, burro or a Gulf Stream jet.
Know 60’s era protest chants [able to improvise]
‘Abortion is good for business, invest a baby.’
Will walk, whine, or wail for sex/cash. [no 1099’s please]
‘My body, my choice’, but I demand you be responsible for my elective surgery.
I am a ’CHOICER’ and I vote democRAT…early, often, and as many times as possible.
You know, I’m almost sorry for the pro-aborts… They look so insecure, angry and frustrated. Well, I guess it’s difficult to stand up to 50 000 pro-lifers when there’s just a few of you there…Hehehe! Pro-lifers did great though – calm, peaceful, and so sure in the truth they’re proclaiming! Well done!
Thank you for sharing, Marie. Praise the Lord. God love you.
Thanks, Kel. The video disappeared a couple times when I was writing and editing the post. Not sure why but it apparently disappeared again after it went live.
:) Beautiful story! Our Mom does wonders, through the grace of God, doesn’t she? Thank you for your witness, and your faithfulness!
(*gentle irony alert*)
Okay, what’s up with having a video which portrays (alongside the beautifully courageous) the foul, vile and demonic, only to follow up and contrast it with a slew of comments and testimonies so touching that I’m hovering near the box of kleenex?
Thank you, all! CT, Marie, Cassie, et al., God bless you!
Anyone notice a stoller with a baby in it on the pro-choice side? awkward.
As a former pro-choicer myself, I echo Cassie. I used to feel such anger and hatred for pro-lifers.
Me too. I used to be strongly PC, I even used to donate money to PP on occasion. I just hated them and their racist, sexist movement. My whole family was and still is very pro-abortion, so it was hard for me not to be.
I can’t say I had an “ah hah” moment, but I remember sitting in a restaurant overhearing this young woman talk about how prolifers were helping her with her (apparently unplanned) pregnancy. I was really surprised, because I didn’t know that “they” did things like that. I used to type college papers as a side business, and I did alot of work for students at a small, Catholic women’s college that has since closed. I remember typing a paper for a nursing student who was pregnant. She was living in the dorm and wrote about how the nuns and other students were supportive of her — the father was apparently out of the picture. Once again, I didn’t know they (in this case, Catholics) did things like that. I was really touched and moved by her story. So I sent away for literature about the issue and was devastated to learn about the high rate of abortion in the black community. So devastated, in fact, that I (you guessed it) cried. So I became more active, even was arrested at a rescue, which I believe cost me a job.
So folks, don’t get discouraged, you never know when you are planting a seed in someone’s mind, a seed for life!
““Keep your rosaries off our ovaries?”
I remember this and somebody shouted “I’m not Catholic but still pro-life”…and the protestor just gave a puzzled look.
They don’t even know the meaning of what they’re shouting.
Hi Marie!
It’s wonderful to meet a fellow New Mexican! I was also pro-abort before making the stupid decision to have an abortion. I fell for the BS from the clinic staff stating they are there for women, blah, blah, blah. I was promised counseling after the abortion, and never received it. When I showed up at the clinic for “follow up with counseling” I was told my counselor wasn’t in, it’s normal to feel this way, and I’ll eventually get over. Also, I was told that if I felt that bad about it I could wait to talk to a nurse. I guess while she was in between assisting with children’s murders. I buried the hurt until it became too much that I tried to commit suicide twice. My husband was at a loss and looked into help for me. I attended the Mourning to Joy program through Care Net. I cannot explain in words what a great help it was for me. We found a wonderful church to attend, and our family is doing much better.
As a result, I’ve become active in the pro-life movement. This side is much more wholesome and fulfilling.
I noticed many of their signs were really just anti-religion signs. Also, according to the ProtestShooter site, many of those PC protestors showed up because they were told it was an anti-gay rally as well. Interesting.
I also read another article a couple days ago that said the March for Life should basically be billed as a Catholic event. Now, I know that Catholic participation is very high, but Catholics are not the only people who attend the March.
For anybody curious, IndyBay has a rather…unjournalistic article from the abortion apologist side. While it’s never stated outright, I believe that ProtestShooter’s conclusion was wrong and that the gay activists there were not under any impression that there was an anti-gay component to the Walk For Life.
Also of note are the comments on photo page 2. One of the commenters says “According to the Corporate media accounts i have read there were several thousand Anti-Abortion rightists assembled. If accurate that’s not good . So they outnumbered our forces at least 10-15 to One? Yeah i know they bussed them in from Inland counties. (but i suspect a fair number came from Catholic congreations in SF, Oakland and Berkeley) Well the Left and the Women’s movement have also ”bussed ”people in on many occasions. With all due praise to those who did organize and turned out How is it that the Religious Right is able to outmobilze us?” (Very slight grammar editing. The original comment can be found through the hyperlink given.) One of the replies is several comments down. “Ask Planned Parenthood. Ask NOW. Ask NARAL. It’s not like they don’t know what’s going on. Planned Parenthood in particular is more concerned about their funding than they are about activism. They have been asked REPEATEDLY to show support. They’re pretty useless. If you’re going to get the word out, you have to use new media or a big org with big bucks and a way of contacting lots of people. Word of mouth doesn’t cut it, judging from the results.”
There seems to be, to my way of reading these and other comments, a great deal of outrage, not just over the fact that pro-lifers have the audacity to exist, but that they dare to stage a protest in a liberal bastion like San Fransisco. Apparently this is not allowed.
I remember this and somebody shouted “I’m not Catholic but still pro-life”…and the protestor just gave a puzzled look.
Sometimes I feel like getting a sign tattoed on my forehead that says I AM NOT REPUBLICAN, CONSERVATIVE, OR CATHOLIC, BUT I AM PROLIFE! ;-(
What I do not understand is how Planned Parenthood will council a fourteen year old who is statutorily raped by an adult, provide the abortion and PROTECT THE IDENTITY OF THE ADULT RAPIST
Yet teachers are required by law to report suspected crimes against minors !
Does this not make Planned parent culpable by aiding and abetting the criminal ?
Or criminally negligent by not reporting the adult rapist to authorities ?
Our tax dollars support this behavior.
I agree, Mark. This has always angered me to no end. Yet, pro-aborts use the rape situation to justify abortion!
“What I do not understand is how Planned Parenthood will council a fourteen year old who is statutorily raped by an adult, provide the abortion and PROTECT THE IDENTITY OF THE ADULT RAPIST”
And which Planned Parenthood did this? What actions did the state police and attorney general take? And BTW, what are the sexual abuse disclosure laws of the state in which this supposedly happened?
CC, welcome back! Hadn’t seen any comments from you for a few days. Hey, 9 days is up today. I finished the Novena for you.
Alice, Jim Jones used to make deals with Harvey Milk and bussed in tons of ‘supporters’ to make Milk’s rallies look populated. Jones was known for “lending” his people to political figures in exchange for favors.
To be fair to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, they do sometimes raise money for charities. However, the writer of the article Alice linked to is guilty of Wishful Thinking. While there were a lot of buses, it’s a fact that many people who work in San Francisco commute from other cities, towns, and counties. Just because the commuters don’t live in the city (who could afford the rents!), does that mean they are outsiders? Of course not. The abortionists are on the defensive lately, and they’re not used to that. They’ve been smug and complacent for too long. And the pro-life marchers were not all that shocked by their silly antics. They didn’t shadow very much of the March at all. They kept to a pretty short section of Embarcadero and ran back and forth to seem like a larger group. You know who really won big that day? The food vendors! Cold drinks and corn dogs were selling like the proverbial hotcakes.
That’s the problem, they don’t report these incidents. I have family members who stand in front of these clinics and hear stories about some of these children who get pregnant by men, who are usually in their twenties. This happens frequently, especially in certain communities.
One should ask why no planned parenthood anywhere at anytime ever made the news by reporting any statutory rape incidents. Would you surmise that all 14-16 year old girls get pregnant by 14-16 year old males? Perhaps it is because PP does not want to know any of the the sordid details. If you think this is not happening, you are being intellectually dishonest.
CC – we have seen it happen here in Illinois. I have personally talked with two 14 year olds – one was driven to the abortion clinic by a 16 year old girl, who was the sister of the boy who impregnated the 14 year old. They drove 2 hours to get to the clinic. I offered to drive her home myself – and just as the 14 year old was changing her mind about aborting her baby, the 16 year old took her elbow, and brought her into the clinic.
The 14 year old obviously did not drive and was going home to a household that did not even know she was here getting an abortion, let alone not at school in her home city. If she even had complications from her abortion, her mother would not have known about her medical situation.
And many young women here routinely go in are younger than 16 – and that would make it statutory rape. We even have a law on the books that has requirements – which is routinely not enforced or dealt with.
So does PP not protect the young girl? YES. And during that one time (above), I should have called the police – but I was new to sidewalk counseling and did not know the ins-and-outs I know today.
I still think about those girls and pray for them. When I asked if they were related, they did look at each other, and the 16 year old did admit to being related to the baby. They knew the humanity of the baby, but wanted the ‘problem to go away.’
I’m confused. Don’t gay folks realize that if it weren’t for their mothers carrying them to term, birthing & raising them, that they wouldn’t grow into the silly gooses that dress in women’s clothing & scream about how it’s their right to have an abortion, even when they are just “men” in girl’s frilly things? Yeesh!
Ninek: Weird coincidence, but I’m actually writing a book about Harvey Milk and have had access to a lot of his personal papers and have interviewed his surviving friends. You’re right about the Jim Jones connection, but Harvey also had a lot of local support in his district by the time he was elected to office. It wasn’t so much a question of “making rallies look populated” as it was “making rallies look super-populated.”
Wow, Fuzzy, way to stereotype all gay people. That’s ever-so-helpful to the pro-life cause.
What follows is a montage of comments from this thread (with added emphasis on key words) that points to a common theme: the anger that is so characteristic of pro-choicers. It confirms, I think at least in part, the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer’s observation: “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self evident”.
The anger and/or hatred expressed by pro-aborts can be found to some degree in both of the first two stages and it is worth mentioning here as it more or less reflects the current state of affairs in our culture vis a vis abortion. As time goes on, just as we Americans struggled in the debate over slavery, many are moving through these stages and in the end find themselves planted firmly on the self-evident terra firma of pro-life.
Thank you so very much, Cassie, CT, Marie, and phillymiss for sharing your life experience. Isn’t it so true of life that we have epiphanies that demand our attention? It happens to all thinking people and it sometimes requires no little amount of hard work and intellectual honesty to uproot previously held convictions.
For the record…
Elizabeth Shearer observed the following of the pro-aborts at the San Fran march:
“They were very loud, obnoxious, and angry. I heard countless people walking around me say how surprised they were at how angry the counter protesters were.”
Cassie says:
“As someone who used to be pro-choice I can see the anger and rage of the pro-choicers on this video. I used to get so angry at the pro-lifers.”
CT says:
“As a former pro-choicer myself, I echo Cassie. I used to feel such anger and hatred for pro-lifers. As for the cause of the anger, Joe, for me I think it was unadulterated ignorance.” And: “I don’t know that there was anything that could have been done differently to avoid the anger – I just had to work through it. It’s a hard process to admit you’re completely 100% wrong.”
Marie says:
“I, like Cassie, was pro-choice for a short stint in college. I remember that anger too, when I would see pro-lifers in front of the abortion clinic. (And I was even one of those pro-choicers who would never have had an abortion myself, but I thought it should be a right given to women.) I suppose I was angry at the thought that anyone would tell me what to do with my body.”
phillymiss says:
“As a former pro-choicer myself, I echo Cassie. I used to feel such anger and hatred for pro-lifers. Me too. I used to be strongly PC, I even used to donate money to PP on occasion. I just hated them and their racist, sexist movement.
I don’t know if you’ll even see this since it’s been a few days (busy weekend!).
There was no one moment for me. I did my graduate work at a Catholic school (I was a lapsed Catholic at the time) and I was surrounded for the first time by a significant number of pro-life people. It was really a process of years of conversations. First I had to get over the blind assumption that pro-life people were just uneducated religious hicks (I’m not proud of the snobbery, but it’s who I was). Then we were able to debate with mutual respect and I found myself very uncomfortable with my “performance” in these debates. So I tried to find the BEST pro-choice arguments to counter the scienceand logic I was encountering, and my search yielded nothing that was satisfying to me. But even then, I couldn’t admit I was wrong, so I went through the mental gymnastics stage of tortured logic and arbitrary criteria. I toyed with the “maybe it’s a life but we don’t need to make it illegal” philosophy among other wishy washy ones. The anger was worst at this point for me, b/c in my heart I already knew I was wrong. Finally I admitted to myself that I was pro-life, but I stayed ‘in the closet’ for a while. My friends and family were shocked when they found out.
I think that’s why I ‘feed the trolls’. I do occasionally lose my temper, but I try to remember that I WAS the troll once upon a time. Logic will prevail among people of good faith, and you can never tell who may be fighting more with themselves than you. You would never have known from my arguments that I was on the verge of conversion. The process was long, but once I let go, that was an irreversible change. So pound the facts, pound the science, pound the truth. You may be making more progress than you think.
PS to whoever said this above – I too came back to the Church as few years AFTER I became pro-life.
Thanks for the kind words, all… God bless you, too!
P.S. CT, that was me who said I came back to the Church several years after becoming pro-life. And it’s good to be home! Welcome back!
It makes me wonder, where are these thousands of pro-lifers on a political basis? I have concluded that this issue is made up of three groups: the small, loud, and pushy ultra pro-choice; the large, peaceful, loving pro-life; and the even larger lukewarm, the ones who say “I wouldn’t have an abortion myself, but I’m not going to tell others what to do”. They are the ones who are sitting on the fence, and don’t want to get involved. The smallest group is (politically) controlling the rest of us, and the ones in the middle are allowing that control to continue. I hate that this country is coming to a head. We’re dividing. Will it be another civil war all over again? Sometimes I believe that is the only way this issue will be truly scrutinized and overcome.