UPDATE, 7:20p: Add Club for Growth and Heritage Action to the list of groups opposing any more short-term CRs whatsoever. Today, together with Family Research Council, they issued a joint press release stating they will score votes on short-term CRs.

7:15p: The Republican-controlled House Appropriations Committee today released another proposed short-term Continuing Resolution, to commence when the first short-term CR expires March 18. The next one would be good until April 8. If approved by the House on March 15, it would give Congress and Obama another 3 weeks to enact a long term spending bill for Fiscal Year 2011 or enact yet another short-term CR.

And it will also give Planned Parenthood another 3 weeks of taxpayer funding, because this is the 2nd short-term CR that continues to do so, to the tune of:

$950,000 A DAY.

It’s time for pro-life congresspersons to say NO.

PP funding is only 1 of a number of pro-life concerns not addressed in these short-term CRs that were passed by the House in HR 1, the long term FY11 spending bill that the Senate rejected.    None of the following pro-life issues are addressed in either of the short-term spending bills.

Abortion Funding in the District of Columbia: HR 1 restores the Dornan amendment to ensure that no congressionally appropriated funds (whether locally or federally  generated) may pay for abortion in the District of Columbia.

Mexico City Policy and UNFPA: HR 1 restores the Mexico City Policy, which prohibits funding for foreign nongovernmental organizations that promote or perform elective abortion.  HR 1 also eliminates funding for UNFPA, which supports, and participates in the management of China’s one child policy.

Title X Funding: Funding for Title X, a domestic family planning program, is eliminated.

International Population Control and Family Planning Funding: Funding for international family planning/reproductive health is reduced from $648 million in FY10 to $440 million.

Planned Parenthood: None of the funds may be made available to PP. (Pence Amendment passed by a vote of 240-185-1; see video of pro-life speeches in favor of the Pence Amendment here.)

According to Roll Call March 9, before the 2nd short-term CR was introduced:

The focus of the spending debate on Capitol Hill may be over how big the cuts should be, but House conservatives are threatening to sink a final deal on other grounds.

More than a dozen House Republicans confirmed Wednesday that their vote on any long-term continuing resolution could well hinge on whether it includes language to cut off federal funding for PP….

“I think it is critical that they put it in there for our Members,” Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (OH) said…. noting that he had made that case to Republican leaders and that they “understand how important it is.”

Rep. Mike Pence, the author of the amendment to last month’s House-passed continuing resolution on funding for PP, went a step further: He called on House Republicans to “pick a fight” over the issue….

The IN Republican said he is continuing to talk to his colleagues about the importance of keeping the abortion language in the final, broader bill….

While House conservatives said they would show some flexibility over whether the next short-term CR includes the PP language, several said it must be in the final package.

“Short-term, I think there’s been patience given to the leadership from those who care greatly about this, but in the long-term CR I think it’s going to have to be in there,” freshman Rep. Steve Southerland (R-FL) said, adding that patience was “wearing thin” among Members about the prospect of passing several short-term spending measures.

“It’s a priority for our Conference; 240 Members voted for this,” Rep. Joe Pitts (R-PA) said. “This is very important, and it’s on the table.”

The Family Research Council is taking it a step further. It believes the PP language is so critical that it plans to score votes on both short-term and long-term CRs to try to convince Members to keep the language intact.

“We gave them a pass on the first short-term CR, but we think it’s about time that they stand up,” FRC spokesman Tom McClusky said. “It’s a matter of if not now, then when.”

Americans for Tax Reform is also in the process of circulating a letter supporting Pence’s amendment in the CR ….

Here are action steps for pro-lifers to take as provided by Susan B. Anthony List’s president, Marjorie Dannenfelser:

Reps. Jim Jordan and Mike Pence are leading the charge to defund PP. We need to make sure that we are communicating to every single Member of Congress that we expect them – as their constituents – to join this fight.

I need you to help send this message to Capitol Hill right now.

Even if you’ve already taken action, do so again. We need all hands on deck. Here are 3 things you can do to help:

1. E-Mail your Representative. Tell them that NOW is the time to defund PP of our tax dollars in the CR battle. They need to hear from you right now that defunding PP is a non-negotiable, and that you expect them to fight for it.

2. Call your Representative. Don’t be intimidated by picking up the phone! Calling is the most effective way of communicating with your legislator. We’ve included simple talking points for you to use when talking with your Representative’s staff.

3. Spread the Word. It is critical that Congress hears from as many taxpayers as possible that they are unequivocally opposed to their tax dollars funding America’s largest abortion provider. Please forward this information to at least 5 or 10 or more people and urge them to take action right now.

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