Just say NO to the next short-term budget, which continues funding Planned Parenthood
UPDATE, 7:20p: Add Club for Growth and Heritage Action to the list of groups opposing any more short-term CRs whatsoever. Today, together with Family Research Council, they issued a joint press release stating they will score votes on short-term CRs.
7:15p: The Republican-controlled House Appropriations Committee today released another proposed short-term Continuing Resolution, to commence when the first short-term CR expires March 18. The next one would be good until April 8. If approved by the House on March 15, it would give Congress and Obama another 3 weeks to enact a long term spending bill for Fiscal Year 2011 or enact yet another short-term CR.
And it will also give Planned Parenthood another 3 weeks of taxpayer funding, because this is the 2nd short-term CR that continues to do so, to the tune of:
$950,000 A DAY.
It’s time for pro-life congresspersons to say NO.
PP funding is only 1 of a number of pro-life concerns not addressed in these short-term CRs that were passed by the House in HR 1, the long term FY11 spending bill that the Senate rejected. None of the following pro-life issues are addressed in either of the short-term spending bills.
Abortion Funding in the District of Columbia: HR 1 restores the Dornan amendment to ensure that no congressionally appropriated funds (whether locally or federally generated) may pay for abortion in the District of Columbia.
Mexico City Policy and UNFPA: HR 1 restores the Mexico City Policy, which prohibits funding for foreign nongovernmental organizations that promote or perform elective abortion. HR 1 also eliminates funding for UNFPA, which supports, and participates in the management of China’s one child policy.
Title X Funding: Funding for Title X, a domestic family planning program, is eliminated.
International Population Control and Family Planning Funding: Funding for international family planning/reproductive health is reduced from $648 million in FY10 to $440 million.
Planned Parenthood: None of the funds may be made available to PP. (Pence Amendment passed by a vote of 240-185-1; see video of pro-life speeches in favor of the Pence Amendment here.)
According to Roll Call March 9, before the 2nd short-term CR was introduced:
The focus of the spending debate on Capitol Hill may be over how big the cuts should be, but House conservatives are threatening to sink a final deal on other grounds.
More than a dozen House Republicans confirmed Wednesday that their vote on any long-term continuing resolution could well hinge on whether it includes language to cut off federal funding for PP….
“I think it is critical that they put it in there for our Members,” Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (OH) said…. noting that he had made that case to Republican leaders and that they “understand how important it is.”
Rep. Mike Pence, the author of the amendment to last month’s House-passed continuing resolution on funding for PP, went a step further: He called on House Republicans to “pick a fight” over the issue….
The IN Republican said he is continuing to talk to his colleagues about the importance of keeping the abortion language in the final, broader bill….
While House conservatives said they would show some flexibility over whether the next short-term CR includes the PP language, several said it must be in the final package.
“Short-term, I think there’s been patience given to the leadership from those who care greatly about this, but in the long-term CR I think it’s going to have to be in there,” freshman Rep. Steve Southerland (R-FL) said, adding that patience was “wearing thin” among Members about the prospect of passing several short-term spending measures.
“It’s a priority for our Conference; 240 Members voted for this,” Rep. Joe Pitts (R-PA) said. “This is very important, and it’s on the table.”
The Family Research Council is taking it a step further. It believes the PP language is so critical that it plans to score votes on both short-term and long-term CRs to try to convince Members to keep the language intact.
“We gave them a pass on the first short-term CR, but we think it’s about time that they stand up,” FRC spokesman Tom McClusky said. “It’s a matter of if not now, then when.”
Americans for Tax Reform is also in the process of circulating a letter supporting Pence’s amendment in the CR ….
Here are action steps for pro-lifers to take as provided by Susan B. Anthony List’s president, Marjorie Dannenfelser:
Reps. Jim Jordan and Mike Pence are leading the charge to defund PP. We need to make sure that we are communicating to every single Member of Congress that we expect them – as their constituents – to join this fight.
I need you to help send this message to Capitol Hill right now.
Even if you’ve already taken action, do so again. We need all hands on deck. Here are 3 things you can do to help:
1. E-Mail your Representative. Tell them that NOW is the time to defund PP of our tax dollars in the CR battle. They need to hear from you right now that defunding PP is a non-negotiable, and that you expect them to fight for it.
2. Call your Representative. Don’t be intimidated by picking up the phone! Calling is the most effective way of communicating with your legislator. We’ve included simple talking points for you to use when talking with your Representative’s staff.
3. Spread the Word. It is critical that Congress hears from as many taxpayers as possible that they are unequivocally opposed to their tax dollars funding America’s largest abortion provider. Please forward this information to at least 5 or 10 or more people and urge them to take action right now.

Yes, and then they’ll all stand around going “rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb”, enter the house, vote to continue the funding and then state “there were too many other important factors involved to hold it up over one or two minor issues which we can resolve later” which they won’t.
I dunno, Reality – the Wisconsin GOP just kicked the crap out of the public sector unions. Perhaps the Republican Party has finally gotten a backbone. I guess we’ll find out.
John, I think you’ll see a backlash against the Republicans in Wisconsin like you’ve never seen before. That will be the end of Republican backbone. There’s a reason Republicans haven’t been doing this kind of thing before, it costs them elections.
Sometimes doing the right thing for hard working middle class tax paying American people, and to defeat thugish undemocratic mafia like behavior from Marxist unions is more important than a second term.
This is not only related to Wisconsin, but it’s coming to the rest of the nation. Americans are fed up with the bullying from socialist Unions that really don’t represent the majority of the people, and instead are just really extensions of the Democratic party which has replaced the Communist Party USA of past.
A unionized public employee, a member of the Tea Party, and a CEO are sitting at a table. In the middle of the table is a plate with a dozen cookies on it. The CEO reaches across and takes 11 cookies, looks at the tea partier and says, “Watch out for that union guy, he wants a piece of your cookie!”
Civil service unions have people being employed at 20 and retiring at 40 on full pensions and full medical benefits. With a life expectancy into the 80’s, states can’t sustain that model anymore.
The rest of the citizens in the private sector have nothing remotely comparable, so I don’t think you’ll see the backlash you are predicting. When the civil servants live like kings compared to their working class employers, the model will eventually change, as it is now.
There’s a reason Republicans haven’t been doing this kind of thing before, it costs them elections.
I think that’s what those in the Republican party who are pro-death would have Republicans believe, there very adapt at painting Christians as fundamentalists that costs elections but a lot of times it’s the Christian vote that wins elections. Isn’t that what happened with George Bush Jr.? When the Republican Party needs to close shop is when they really start listening to the pro-death voices. They were very close to that point, looks like the tide is turning though. That should make you happy that life is winning.
This essay on the Wisconsin situation is both funny and insightful and makes a lot of very good points (although not all the way I’d wish he’d make them).
America has seen the true face of the left in our country. All of the lies told about the tea party being a bunch of morons were instead on display at Madison in the form of illegal job actions on the part of the teachers, the doctors writing out fake sick slips, the cowardly Dems running away, the crowds defacing government property to the tune of millions of dollars in damages, the threats against life and limb against 18 of the Republicans, and the screamers and assorted anarchists raising hell for fun and profit. There is a reason they are called the “angry left”.
I cannot think of a more spineless thing for a politician to do than test the waters before jumping in. I applaud Gov. Walker and the Republican caucus for their principled stand. Contrary to the hightened expectations of the Repub haters, that this will somehow translate into a disaster at the polls, dream on. This is exactly what the majority wants. I cannot wait until 2012 when we take the Senate and the Presidency.
And the Communist Party USA on their website has stopped running their own presidential candidates (remember Angela Davis and the late Gus Hall) for about 20 years now and has urged its members and the rest of the population to vote for the Democrats. In the last presidential election all Communist factions in the United States endorsed Obama.
Was a bad idea for the Republicans to save all those teachers jobs. The union was indiscriminately throwing all the youngest teachers (some of the best and brightest) under the bus. Scott Walker just saved their jobs. Did the Democratic party and the government unions sucker you into any donations related to this yet? lol
Scott Walker included language to defund Planned Parenthood in his new state budget. :<}
Any thoughts on the runaway Dems? They were brave and should be applauded, right??
Considering that they survived reelection in a year that was extremely hostile to Democratic incumbents, thus suggesting that their constituents are overwhelmingly Democratic, and that Democrats (and independents) in Wisconsin are hugely opposed to Emperor Walker’s assault on the middle class, it’s fair to say that the Democratic senators were simply doing what their constituents wanted by filibustering an unpopular piece of legislation.
As for Walker himself, he’s just doing what comes naturally to Republican elected officials: enriching his enablers ($100 million in corporate tax breaks) while at the same time striking a blow against conservative public enemy #1: labor unions. Engineering a hitherto nonexistent “budget crisis” in order to do so was fairly clever on his part, and I suspect that he planned in advance for the entire debacle to play out much like it did and allow him to make a name for himself in national politics, which is probably where he intends to go as soon as he’s voted out of office after one term, but the upshot is that he’s helped to trigger a massive Democratic backlash against Republican anti-labor policies, which I suspect will be a major asset for Barack Obama and other Democrats going into the 2012 elections.
Spare me. The teacher unions had 40 million dollars, thanks to the taxpayers, to shell out to their candidates, 95% + Democrats. The Democrats in turn keep the union honchos in power. My issue is with unions, not teachers. Why not let the teachers keep the 40 million that is taken from their wages and the taxpayers?
Great money laundering scheme, ya think!
Oh and joan, some economics 101. Tax breaks for corporations means business relocation, which means jobs, which means more taxpayers, which means more consumer spending, which means more businesses, which means more jobs…..
Get the picture?
Do you recall Republicans running from Washington DC and hiding when they didn’t have a prayer of stopping Obamacare. Even when Democrat senators were openly taking bribes in exchange for their votes? Talk about some dirty tactics.
“My issue is with unions, not teachers.”
Okay, tell that to the teachers who are seeing their benefits and incomes take a hit as a result of this legislation.
“Get the picture?”
Yeah, you uncritically accept theories of supply-side economics, which are largely peddled by interests with a stake in fleecing the government and the taxpayers as much as possible.
“Do you recall Republicans running from Washington DC and hiding when they didn’t have a prayer of stopping Obamacare.”
Of course not. A quorum in both the House of Representatives and the Senate is a simple majority. Running from Washington DC would not have accomplished a single thing.
Well maybe the union honchos will agree to let the $40 million they spend to keep Democrats in power be given back to the teachers. Ya see joan, there’s a provision in that bill that unions must be recertified every year, i.e. members must vote to keep the honchos in power. Let’s say members tell the unions to take a hike and keep the dues that’s exempted from their pay. Ohhh that can be a big problem for Democrats and the union honchos. Teachers might actually be able to hold on to their hard earned wages and the honchos would have to find real jobs.
joan, I’m sorry that economics 101 is so complicated, but really give it some thought. When a new business opens, people get hired, people who pay rent, mortgages, buy consumer goods,etc. These people pay for these goods. They pay taxes. That gives other people employment. This generates more business and consumers and best of all, since liberals love taxes, more taxpayers.
Oh and joan, running from Wisconsin didn’t accomplish too much either did it? Even though Walker was willing to compromist they would not return. Being I am of very uncharitable nature, I am inclined to think the recertification of unions was THE real issue here.
The republicans in congress are not really PRO-LIFE. They will give up what ever it takes to keep “PEACE”. UNlike the prolifers our republican reps are not at war with satan’s minions.
You heard Speaker Boehner. shutting down the govt. isn’t the adult thing to do. I guess continuing to kill the innocent is!
Our republican representatives we hired to fight for us will give in.(period)
We are ponds in a chess game. They will compromise for a “peace and justice” issue.
All that cying by the speaker and no tears for the innocent………
joan says: March 12, 2011 at 12:03 pm
“Yeah, you uncritically accept theories of supply-side economics, which are largely peddled by interests with a stake in fleecing the government and the taxpayers as much as possible.”
Joan of arse,
Here is littel remeidial econcomics 101 for you.
2->2= no money. [This is not a partisan result, just simle math.]
Test it with the money in your own checking account and see for yourself.
“the Democratic senators were simply doing what their constituents wanted by filibustering an unpopular piece of legislation.”
So when Democrats are in the minority and go AWOL leaving the state it is just a “parlimentary maneuver” really not much different then your typical filibuster. Joan, did the Democratic party and the government unions sucker you into any donations related to this yet? lol
And if it were Republicans who had fled the state??!! Just imagine the outrage……
Carla, lets lets catch the Walker for president wave in 2012. I think Walker may have just overtook Sarah Palin in the Democrat’s most feared leader category. Gotta love it! :<}
Hi Carla and ts,
Republicans would have been laughingstocks if they scurried into hiding like a bunch of ants. The Democrats got bested and that is what has them fried. The real irony is that Walker gave them a facesaving opportunity to return and they gave it the thumbs down. Obviously there was room for some negotiation and the senators had an obligation to their constiuents to do anything they could, or at least give it the old college try.
Gov. Walker will be in Green Bay tomorrow. I’ve read on the internet that local businesses surrounding the place he will speak at have forbidden demonstrators or their vehicles on their property.
Exciting times in WI, truthseeker and Mary!!
Folks are still driving to Madison to protest something that has already been passed into law. They are screaming RECALL. Boo hoo.
Can we recall everyone we disagree with?? Recall Obama.