JillStanek.com makes Top 100 most popular conservative websites
Am tooting my own horn here, but this is also a tip of the hat to the pro-life community and the mods.
Death By 1000 Papercuts has listed this site in its Top 100 Most Popular Conservative Websites category for March 2011.
I barely eked in at #99, but this was a 1st for me – and it demonstrated the pro-life issue is considered a valid component of mainstream conservatism. As you know, pro-life is all I do, and to my knowledge this was the 1st time a pro-life site has made the list (although I stand to be corrected on that!).
Thanks for your support!

CONGRATULATIONS JILL AND MODS!! God bless you all for the awesome job you do. I appreciate you keeping on top of the pro-life news and newstories that I need to know about. Keep up the good work.
You go grrrlll!
Huzzah! May this continue to be the site where true “Hope and Change” emanates from!
congrats Jill! This is by far one of the best pro-life websites.
Congratulations, Jill!! Whooo Hooo!
Congratulations, Jill!
They also have a list of top liberal sites, which hasn’t been updated since last year. In that list, there are quite a few with a focus on promoting abortion. Planned Parenthood comes in at #43. This seems to suggest that the other side cares more than we do, which flies in the face of all my experience so far. It could be the timing– last year everyone cared more about abortion because it was in the news on health care reform.
Of course, none of this accounts for pro-life liberals or pro-abortion conservatives.
You’ve joined the ranks with Riehl World View and Iowahawk.
Iowahawk can wickedly hilarious.
Congratulations Jill!
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Hi carder,
Iowahawk has a good piece called “The Constitution is Very Important”.
Oh my gosh, Janet, yes! That piece was utterly devastating. Ezra Klein can never be the same man again after that.
One of Iowahawk’s latest is setting Obama’s “kinetic military action” to the tune of Mary Poppin’s “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” (sp?)
Boyfriend is too much.
Toot your horn, you rock!
Awesome. You deserve it.
Conservative and pro-life 1st!!!
I’d settle for only the $33 billion in cuts as long as they left the rider that defunds Planned Barrenhood. Without the Planned Barrenhood rider I’d rather they stand firm and let the Dimbocrats shut down the government! The Republican’s will lose a lot of the energy in their base if they sell out on de-funding Planned Barrenhood.
Richly deserved, Jill! Toot your horn. We’re tooting right along with you.
I’d settle for only the $33 billion in cuts as long as they left the rider that defunds Planned Barrenhood.
Congratulation, Jill. : )
Truthseeker, I’ve not been following the Congressional debate on these cuts much, but…$33 billion – good grief, what a drop in the bucket that is. : /
More proof that ‘pro-life’ is only interested in high visibility. Try to generate some interest in a hospital that does a few abortions on babies with serious birth defects and see how far you get. No one returns your calls. No one cares. Shame.
I don’t know, justlookingon – there are some people who will be against abortion no matter what.
That said, when we get to something like Down Syndrome, where 90 or 92% of all such detected cases of pregnancy in the US are ended by consent of the pregnant woman (or the consent of both parents) then it’s obvious that huge numbers of people who would have described themselves as pro-life are finding that in that situation, having an abortion is best.
When we look at normal pregnancies where the issue is only whether the woman wants to be pregnant or not, it’s close to a 50/50 split in the US whether abortion is okay or not, to a point in gestation. When we get to “serious defects” in the fetus, we head toward cases where there’s much, much less resistance to legal abortion.
I’m not sure what you are trying to say, Doug. I am extremely frustrated. Pro life to me means exactly that. If you are pro life, you are anti abortion. Period. It is hypocritical to say you are against aborting healthy babies, but when a baby has a poor prognosis, well, it doesn’t matter if a mother kills that baby. I have advocated for ‘the least of these’ ……the most helpless of the helpless. I have had ‘pro life’ clergy ignore me, PRC directors who won’t return my call, Christian radio station managers refuse to pull advertising, and prominent blog owners patronize me with how busy they are, and when I asked for help tell me to go it on my own. I’ve lost my job and my reputation because I wanted to save the what would have been the very short life of an unborn baby. I told everybody ‘pro life’ I could find, and you know what??? THEY DIDN’T CARE!! And they still don’t. Has “pro life” gotten to be such big business ( as I was told by a ”pro life” lawyer) that we they have forgotten what they’re supposed to be fighting for?