Video: Abortion supporters cheer and do happy dance when mom enters clinic to abort
From the demonic Northern Illinois Women’s Center abortion mill in Rockford, IL, comes word of yet another sick and creepy incident.
NIWC owner Wayne Webster is losing so much of business due to the mobile ultrasound unit parked near his clinic that on May 14 he brought in 2 older pro-abort women “sidewalk counselors” to encourage moms to ignore the pro-lifers and come on in to kill their babies.
In this video (at 2:20-2:45) you will see them both bizarrely cheer and one do a little happy dance when a mom does exactly that…
Recall this is the mill that has been know to display a rubber chicken hanging on a cross in one of its windows. View this video for more unbelievable window displays (warning: vulgar and blasphemous).
Go to this link to see a photo of Webster traipsing around the complex in a devil costume, another photo of horse dung Webster spread along his property line to deter pro-lifers, and another (warning: vulgar) video, this one of Webster’s friend verbally assaulting a black pro-lifer and yelling out at a mom entering the mill to abort, “You’re doing the right thing, and God will honor you! I believe in you, Mom.”
I spoke at the Rockford Area Pregnancy Care Center banquet a couple weeks ago and afterward drove by the mill. It was about 10p. I sat there a couple minutes and then got spooked. I know Jesus was with me, but I still got rattled – I’m not sure by what – and zoomed off. That feeling has come over me 2 other times, both when I was working at Christ Hospital.

What I dont get is that these pro-aborts fight for the right to choose, but when a mother chooses something other than abortion, they are mad? So you only support their right to choose, as long as they choose abortion? Twisted…
Killing babies is pure evil. I am sure that it was the evil you were feeling.
I wonder if the pro-aborts understand fully the difference an ultrasound makes. I think they do that’s why they fight legislation that requires ultrasounds before abortions can be performed. I think when technology is used more often by pro-lifers such as ultrasounds and people videoing the emotional maturity of people actually dancing when a mom chooses to kill her baby that people will be able to see a little clearer the emotional depth of a movement that questions the reasononing abilities of the pro-life movement.
What a sad thing to see two heartless women cheer and “do a happy dance” just because a baby will be killed by abortion.
As we all know, being “pro-choice” destroys a persons ability to think and reason and these two women have chosen not to think or care about children bing killed.
I think that the visual of the pro aborts covering their faces with their signs to keep from looking at the picture of the child saved, says it all. When we converse with pro aborts on a daily basis, they refuse to accept the unique humanity of a person. Whether it’s an ultrasound of a preborn child or a photo of a child in a family picture (who was saved from abortion) it’s always the same response. They refuse to accept the simple biology that this IS a human person, They just want to cling to that outdated verbage, “it’s just a blob of tissue.”
I believe both of these women are more than likely post abortive themselves. We need to remember to pray for them, for God to soften their cold hearts.
@phillymiss, really everyone cheered? And pro-choicers say no one is pro-abortion.
I’m so thankful for those people who are praying. They will not go unanswered, and the Lord is near that place.
I once read an article about notorious Canadian abortionist Henry Morganthaler, who was speaking at some sort of rally. When he mentioned that he had performed thousands of abortions, the audience cheered.
Truly warped and sick.
Abortion is satan’s business. The evil of child sacrifice is his.
That’s absolutely disgusting. How can someone celebrate the death of another human being? Ugh, it makes me sick.
I wouldn’t say it’s evil, so much as crass and insensitive towards women making a difficult decision and those who’ve had an abortion. Also discouraging women from being presented with information and alternatives and cheering on women who go into the clinic is a bit over the top and shows their true colors. Hey pro-choicers, your extremism is showing!
Jill, I know the feeling.
I cry every single time I go to the Pittsburgh abortion clinic. There is definitely a tangible evil surrounding the mills and it shakes me up every time I go there.
I pray very hard, but the evil is there. It’s nice to know that in the end, the Lord will win. Until then, we must contend with the evil here. And abortion is one of the most horrifying manifestations of that evil. How can you be gleeful about a child being killed? Aren’t pro-choicers supposed to recognize that it’s not an easy choice, that it’s a difficult time for women? This is just sick and it makes me angry!
I wonder how many of those happy dancers will be the bitter old ladies in nursing homes with no family to visit them? Or perhaps have a caring nurse who was NOT ABORTED but placed for ADOPTION instead?
I will say it again. Abortion is evil. Those that cheer while a child is being driven to its murder are participating in that very evil.
Seeing this just drives me even more to want to sidewalk counsel and provide alternatives and compassionate care to these women. Does anyone know where I can go to learn more about sidewalk counseling in Indiana and maybe connect with more experienced sidewalk counselors?
Also, I have an off-topic question:
Apparently my primary care provider went out of business at the beginning of May & I can’t reach anyone by phone. Anyone have any suggestions as to how I can get my medical records?
I am convinced that men need to speak up more and more in this forum. I am tired of the labels that the ‘pro-choice’ crowd uses, and that it is not for a man to tell a woman what to do with her body. I’m sorry, but I believe men need to step up more, and be responsible. Men also need to stand up – with the example of St Joseph before them – and show what it is to do the right thing.
I had read an article by Dr William Donahue of The Catholic League, and decided to write the Rockford Clinic, pleading for civility, and an end to their infanticide. The response I received was curt, and accused Dr Donahue of inaccuracy, and inflammatory rhetoric. It was a typical response.
Having just celebrated the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima, I remember to pray for the salvation of souls, pray the Rosary for peace, and to do penance for the conversion of hearts. Only then, demonstrating love and fidelity, will we drive the devil out of the public square.
Rachel, contact your local 40 days for life coordinator to learn about how you can get trained as a sidewalk counselor.
As for your records, I would contact your insurance company and ask for the number to the billing department of your PCP. Once you’ve got that information, you should be able to talk to the billing department about how to go about getting your medical records.
Thanks for the information Lauren. Phew! I was finally able to get a hold of my primary care provider (I kept receiving an automated message, even during normal business hours) and while the birthing center connected to the practice (and under the same name) did close at the beginning of May, their primary care practice is still open. I think I’ll probably still see about getting a copy of my medical records though, as it’s located in my hometown which is almost 2 hours away and I’ve been considering for some time now to try to find a provider closer to home and who specializes in the chronic health conditions I have. Still, I find the task of trying to find a new doctor, daunting and almost overwhelming.
I am convinced that men need to speak up more and more in this forum. I am tired of the labels that the ‘pro-choice’ crowd uses, and that it is not for a man to tell a woman what to do with her body. I’m sorry, but I believe men need to step up more, and be responsible.
Michael, I’m pro-choice, but very nice post you put up, there. There are some excellent pro-life men who post here, in my opinion. On the issues, I don’t think that being male somehow disqualifies a guy, be he pro-choice or pro-life.
I think demonic is the right word Jill.
Most people who are pro-abortion still admit abortion is an awful decision to make.
I think these women are being more consistent with the pro-abortion position.
People still rejoice at sacrifices being made to Molech. This is incredible.
God bless you. Thanks for being a real man. Real men love their women and their children. Real men protect their families and honor their obligations and sacrifice for the good of the ones they love. Please tell me you have 16 sons. :)
They cheer because they view the action of “exercising one’s rights to abortion” while others peacefully protest to be a slap in the face to those of the opposing view. They cheer because they believe those entering the abortion clinic are “empowered” and didn’t allow the peaceful pro-lifers to speak to them about their decision to kill their own child.
They cheer because they believe abortion “empowers” women – but what they don’t realize is it makes women into oppressors and murderers themselves.
They cheer because if they faced the truth, they’d fall apart with the knowledge of what they’ve done to either their own children or to the children of others.
They cry “bully” (even when it’s painfully obvious that’s just false) because that’s what they have to tell themselves to continue to function. They cry “bully” because they have to believe abortion has helped them to “overcome” pregnancy, and how dare anyone speak the truth to them.
Haha, sorry Jen, I have 4 daughters and 1 son – ages 25 to 12. And I pray everyday for my son to discern vocation; he would make a great priest!
And another thought: we all know pro-aborts don’t work for free. Maybe they’re getting kickbacks from every “save” they make.
by Kel on May 18, 2011 at 1:49 pm
Very well put, Kel!
Amen! God bless you for speaking up. Real men don’t murder their children and abuse their women.
I have been very blessed to meet quite a few excellent pro-life activists who know what it means to be a man. There is hope yet! :)
So I rec’d a comment from CC, but it did not post up here. They wrote: Should there be a question of why the anti-choice community is viewed as a bunch of medieval religious zealots. “Devil out of the Public square” – is this Puritan Salem? Meanwhile, the modern “apostate” churches and synagogues support a woman’s right to terminate a pregnancy. In fact, their clergy are frequently involved in escorting and speaking on behalf of a woman’s right to choose. RI’s Rabbi Stein spoke at our rally to support Planned Parenthood.
Where should I start? First of all let’s get it right: I am not a foaming-at-the-mouth religious zealot, nor medieval. I believe my point of view – confirmed by reader Doug – was civil. And I am not anti-choice – how very quaint at rearranging labels (like it is not a child, it is a piece of tissue). I support life. Period. From womb-to-tomb. I support commuting death sentences for those to be executed, so why wouldn’t I hope for the same courtesy, nay - Right - for babies? The Declaration of Independence even endorses it: that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life.
Second, the greatest trick the devil ever did, was convincing some he didn’t exist. No, I am far from Puritanical. But you are delusional thinking evil does not exist – just turn on the evening news. It is full of those who claim to choose. Choice to do evil; choice to make their will come first before all others – even God. As far as I am concerned, the choice, the action that caused the Life in the womb to start living, was already made. What you really want is to have it so you are not responsible for your choice.
Third, the modern “apostate” churches and synagogues support a woman’s right to terminate a pregnancy. Again, nice, sterile labeling. Let’s call it what it is. Right to terminate a pregnancy? C’mon? It is right to kill. And as far as apostate? You said it, I didn’t. But their are many who will choose what is easy over what is right. Including Rhode Island Rabbis. As far as the need to be escorted, this is not what our Lord would want – just read Matthew Ch 5, 6 and 7. Note my suggestion was prayer and penance, which is not offensive in the least.
Finally, as I had this conversation with a friend earlier this week, all of these quarrels and quandries stem from a culture of death, that Pope Paul VI right spoke of in his encyclical Humanae Vitae -
Consequences of Artificial Methods
17. Responsible men can become more deeply convinced of the truth of the doctrine laid down by the Church on this issue if they reflect on the consequences of methods and plans for artificial birth control. Let them first consider how easily this course of action could open wide the way for marital infidelity and a general lowering of moral standards. Not much experience is needed to be fully aware of human weakness and to understand that human beings—and especially the young, who are so exposed to temptation—need incentives to keep the moral law, and it is an evil thing to make it easy for them to break that law. Another effect that gives cause for alarm is that a man who grows accustomed to the use of contraceptive methods may forget the reverence due to a woman, and, disregarding her physical and emotional equilibrium, reduce her to being a mere instrument for the satisfaction of his own desires, no longer considering her as his partner whom he should surround with care and affection.
Finally, careful consideration should be given to the danger of this power passing into the hands of those public authorities who care little for the precepts of the moral law. Who will blame a government which in its attempt to resolve the problems affecting an entire country resorts to the same measures as are regarded as lawful by married people in the solution of a particular family difficulty? Who will prevent public authorities from favoring those contraceptive methods which they consider more effective? Should they regard this as necessary, they may even impose their use on everyone. It could well happen, therefore, that when people, either individually or in family or social life, experience the inherent difficulties of the divine law and are determined to avoid them, they may give into the hands of public authorities the power to intervene in the most personal and intimate responsibility of husband and wife.
And I will save Planned Parenthood, unholy product of a hateful eugenicist, for another day.
As always,
Michael, CC’s comment was intentionally unapproved by moderators. Her continual inflammatory comments about religion are not allowed.
HYPOCRISY!!!! You went nuts over the video of a young Woman overreacting about the way anti-choice protesters treated her while she walked into a clinic, and yet you are ok with overreacting to the way these Women acted? Do you recognize how hypocritical you’re being?
Please don’t change the subject on this. Answer my question. Thanks!
Also, do you really think the Women were cheering about an abortion? I imagine they were cheering about the fact that the man was bothering them instead of harassing a Woman going to the clinic after having made a very difficult decision.
Lastly- How long was the man harassing them before he started filming? They weren’t looking at him or saying a word to him, and he wouldn’t get out of their faces. I would have covered my face as well. Not because I’m ashamed or scared to look at the picture, but because people think its ok to release the names and pictures of clinic workers, escorts, etc, and I don’t feel I deserve to be stalked or harmed for assisting in providing a legal service.
Oops. Sorry!
Yep, free ultrasounds are super scary, and cheering over the death of an innocent child is just peachy. ( That was sarcasm, just in case someone doesn’t pick up on that)
I agree that the women were cheering the fact that the pregnant women drove into the parking lot. (She drove so fast, I’m surprised no one was hit.) But they didn’t know if her reason for being there was for abortion or not. The cheering went on despite that fact. The hypocrisy is that they care more about their “cause” than helping the woman with an unwanted pregnancy.
Regarding the woman who was going into the clinic with the pro-abort escort (in the first video you referenced), I was taken aback by the fear-inducing words the escort said to the woman as they walked. The escort was far from being a calming presence for the woman…again showing the hypocrisy of pro-aborts to claim they care for the woman. Instead of caring, it’s all about the “cause” that holds so-called “abortion-rights” in such high esteem.
Janet- Exactly! We don’t know if the Woman in the car was going to the clinic for an abortion! The driver was going pretty fast, to be sure! I can’t blame them though, as I too would have floored it in order to avoid being harassed.
The driver was going pretty fast, to be sure! I can’t blame them though, as I too would have floored it in order to avoid being harassed.
Really?? With no regard for the people you might run into along the way??
To your second point- Upon watching the first video again, I’m wondering what you’re talking about in terms of what the escort said to her. She talked about the rain, and that there would be more people near the door. Fear-inducing? I guess I don’t see warning a young Woman that a large number of people will be staring at her is a bad thing. Before I went to Africa, I was warned about the possibility of contracting rabies from wildlife, and told not to touch any non-human primates if I saw any. Is that fear-inducing or cautionary, in your opinion?
I really do appreciate the tone you’ve taken in responding to me. Unfortunately, many people (on BOTH SIDES of the issue) become snippy or rude during this type of conversation, and I thank you for being calm and polite!
You’ll find that Janet’s one of teh good ones, Ashtar.
This video is sick and shows how hate and intimidation are the tools of the anti-choice movement. Where to start…
Let’s start with this being video proof of what I have been saying for awhile now. You guys block driveways and harass every single person entering the property weather they are there for an abortion, pap test, or just an HIV test. Oh and you guys look real compassionate surrounding two old ladies like a LA gang initiation and ridiculing them in front of children… Yep lots of love and compassion going on there.
Next, these ladies were holding up the signs to cover their faces from the camera so that…. oh I don’t know…. they wouldn’t end up on an anti-choice website!!! They are not cheering for abortion, they are cheering for the right to access for all women. They are cheering that there are women who have the courage to speed through the horde of hatemonger’s at the gate. The very fact that you guys read it as cheering and dancing for abortion show the hate you feel towards people who work at women’s clinics. You demonize them in your heads so it makes it easier to shoot them later without remorse, because how can you not be righteous if you are killing a demon right?
Lastly, the abortion debate in this country is a debate for adults. Why would you make a cute little 5yo girl hold up a sign like that? Would you give her a giant picture of a liver transplant or a hysterectomy? I mean that’s just good old fashioned nightmare fuel…. I mean this little girl won’t even learn sex ED for another 10 years…. Are you not worried about robbing her of her childhood by throwing her into an adult debate?
It is interesting that so many technological advances are so wonderful for the pro life side. Not only ultrasounds and millions of happy mothers posting their ultrasoun pictures online, but also the you tube videos.
Cheering an abortion is terrible even if you are pro-choice. I would never cheer and do a happy dance over someone’s mastectomy even though I believe that is completely moral. It’s disgusting.
All you pro-choicers who like to say, “it’s legal”, are you going to roll over and give up your “cause” when Roe v Wade is eventually overturned? I hope you are not going to be a bunch of hypocrites. Once abortion is illegal again, I expect you will all be sweet, compliant, and law-abiding. :>) !
Keep dreaming Ninek. It is legal and it will continue to be. Will you admit I was right when the republicans lose these next elections horribly due to the backlash of all the over stepping that party has done in the last year on abortion, unions, education, social security and medicare? The republicans and especially the tea-party are going to get hammered, Mark my words Ninek.
Sorry, but the slavery comparison to abortion is a valid one to anyone who believes in the inherent dignity of every human life given to us by our Creator. The accusation of racism is totally unfounded.
(Biggz, This comment was meant for another thread where you mentioned slavery, sorry for any confusion!)
To your second point- Upon watching the first video again, I’m wondering what you’re talking about in terms of what the escort said to her.
Hi Ashtar,
At one point in the video the escort says to the woman as they’re walking down the sidewalk:
(Escort:) “It’s creepy…insane…..”
This didn’t seem an appropriate thing for an escort to say… one who is supposed to be a helpful, calming influence on women entering the clinic. (Sorry I wasn’t clear on that. I had commented on it on the other thread.) Also, thank you for your kinds words. I try to be “calm and polite”, but I don’t always succeed.
* * * * * * *
Thank you. Right back at you.
I once sat in on a meeting of pro-abort activists and listened to a clinic escort tell prospective volunteers, “Now when we’re out there we’re ‘pro-choice’ not pro-abortion. I know this seems like a compromise and it is but it’s what we need to do to keep the cops off our backs and get the women in the door”. I recorded it.
Pro-choice, your name’s a lie…
I want to start off by saying that I’m very pro-life, with no exceptions. I definitely thought it was disturbing when the women cheered about the woman driving into the parking lot (presumably to get an abortion).
I wonder, though, if I’m the only one who finds the man with the video camera and his nonstop speaking a bit odd? Why not let the video speak for itself? Instead of really trying to convey love to the prochoice ladies, to me he comes across a bit too preachy and “in your face.” Maybe it was the repetition of how terrible they were, how wonderful his side was for saving the lives (which is wonderful they were saved!). I just think his chatter was too much, and pushing those women away.
So what do we call those on the other side, anyway?
We can’t concede to “pro-choice”. The choice is life and death – not vanilla and chocolate, for crying out loud.
I think “pro-abort” or “abortion supporters” as used in this video might be too strong for most of them. I consider them shallow thinkers who “know not what they do”.
I would personally call most of them “abortion tolerators”. Now, we’re all told to be “tolerant” of practically everything under the sun. But I’m not tolerant of littering. And so I’m certainly not going to be tolerant of abortion.
But these two? I have to say ninek has their ilk pegged. They’re abortion fans.
No we won’t roll over ninek because making abortion illegal would be like reintroducing slavery or removing voting rights from elements of the community who currently have them.
It is ‘pro-choice’ Hans. In this context it is a noun, not a unit of measure or an adjective.
I don’t understand. Perhaps I should have said “the use of the word “pro-choice” ? I thought it was pretty clearly “nouny”. It is late. Concede me just a little shorthand, huh? :)
Two interesting videos in the last week.
Pro choices filming pro lifers and attributing behavior to them that didn’t appear to be there.
Pro lifers filming pro choices and attributing behavior to them that didn’t appear to be there.
Pro lifers filming pro choices and attributing behavior to them that didn’t appear to be there.
Watch the video again. The pro-choice/pro-abort women DID cheer when someone went into the clinic instead of listening to the pro-life sidewalk counselors and/or went in for an ultrasound and they didn’t seem all that happy when the man pointed out women who chose NOT to have an abortion. That’s not behavior we pro-lifers made up, that behavior was actually in the video.
However, in the pro-choice/pro-abort video of the pro-lifers nobody was screaming at the woman going into the clinic with the escort, but rather calmly offering to take them to a center where they could have an ultrasound and receive help. The people who made THAT video claimed pro-lifers were screaming and harrassing, when in fact, what they did was stand there and call out things like “We love you and want to help you. We know a place you can get counseling…” The pro-lifers were not overly-aggressive like the pro-choice/pro-aborts made it sound like.
However, if you watch, the pro-choice/pro-abort women DO cheer everytime someone coming in did NOT go into the trailer for an ultrasound or counseling but rather went into the clinic, and they WERE going right up to cars saying “Just drive on through, ignore these people and don’t talk to them.”
The pro-life sidewalk counselor in the other video didn’t say “Don’t listen to the escort” all she did was talk about the alternatives to abortion.
See the differences?
Excellent posts!
Jen–look up the Gracia-Pratts family (find their books here: ). They have 10 sons.
I want to know where in this video it says anyone was getting an abortion or on their way to get an abortion. As abortion is only 5% of what PP does the chances are very low that an abortion was even on the agenda of the clinics patrons. It doesn’t matter to you guys anyone who steps foot on the property is a demon trying to slaughter babies!!!
Just keep yelling Chicken Little the sky might fall sooner or later….