web grab.jpgby JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat

  • Planned Parenthood is closing six clinics (none of which perform abortions) in Minnesota, supposedly due to federal budget cuts.
  • Planned Parenthood of Indiana is taking a one-day furlough in the hopes of saving enough money to keep 7 clinics open until July 1. They’ve also stopped seeing Medicaid clients.

  • Fernando Woody of AZ has received a 10-year sentence for killing his unborn child:

    Earlier this year, Woody pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter. He admitted that he kicked the mother of his child in the stomach while wearing boots. She was pregnant and the unborn child suffered a skull fracture, causing the child to die in-utero.

  • A local ABC News affiliate is covering the state of Texas’ investigation into the Whole Woman’s Health abortion clinic and their improper disposal of fetal remains:

    According to an initial report by the TX Commission on Environmental Quality, investigators found that fetuses from the clinic ended up at the Sunset Farms Landfill off U.S. 290 and Giles Road along with all other municipal trash.

    At the time of the complaint, the clinic had a contract with a medical waste company called Stericycle. According to the TCEQ report, the company would steam disinfect the fetuses before disposing of them at the landfill.

    According to state code, steam disinfection is legal treatment if followed by internment including cremation or burial. Investigators say that was not happening. Disposing treated fetuses at a municipal landfill is against state code.

[Photo via smallvictoriesusa.com]

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