Albuquerque abortion clinics: crashing and beating
Operation Rescue has just released 2 disturbing YouTube videos.
The 1st, taken yesterday, is of a post-abortive mother punching and beating pro-lifers with a keyed fist. When one of the pro-lifers said, “You are full of guilt,” she responded, “YES, I AM, you have no idea how much it hurts!”
I called Troy Newman of OR to ask what happened to provoke the woman, and he said she was just driving by and saw the graphic abortion pictures and pulled in and started wailing away. It was at that point the pro-lifers turned on the camcorder. Troy said OR just received more video of her leaving the mill, blaming the pro-lifers and their graphic photos for her violence. If and when that video goes up, I’ll post. The incident took place outside Southwest Women’s Options, a late-term abortion mill in Albuquerque, New Mexico (WARNING: profanity)….
The 2nd video is of a 911 call placed from the UNM (University of New Mexico) Center for Reproductive Health abortion mill on February 15, 2011. A 35-year-old mother named Lisa began crashing after receiving conscious sedation. The call is particularly annoying because the 911 operator wastes several minutes asking questions when he should have immediately sent the ambulance as soon as he heard someone was “crashing” at a medical facility, IMO….
At any rate, so much for safe legal abortions and the denial of post-abortive trauma.
Troy mentioned to me Operation Rescue is being deluged with information and cannot even handle it all. When I called he had just hung up from speaking with an informant inside a mill. Troy said he could use 4-5 more full-time employees. If you can donate to Operation Rescue, it would be helpful. It has been doing fabulous work exposing the abortion industry around the country, particularly of late.
Yeah, you don’t think that “post-abortive trauma” has anything to do with sites like this and people calling women who have had an abortion “murderers” and showing them pictures of dead fetuses any chance they get?
Any “post abortive trauma” that occurs is a socially constructed environment of fear, guilt, and the undermining of women’s decisions…made possible by pro-lifers.
One of the most under reported post abortion symptoms is RAGE! The rage comes out of the realization, unconscious or conscious, of the trauma that took place during the abortion procedure, child loss and not being able to do anything to change the outcome of the abortion.
There is so much rage, road rage, internet bullying, yelling, screaming, uncivil behavior towards one another. We have all been impacted by this “legal and safe” procedure.
@Jane, so called reproductive rights is a lie to women. Killing, your unborn child is legalized murder under the guise of choice. Women deserve better than the lie that is spoon fed to them by PPF, NARAL and the like. This so called choice destroys the intrinsic dignity of women. To feel that this is a right Jane is to demean all women, yourself included. I feel sorry for your mindset and pray that you wake up to the reality of the lie of so called choice.
Jane, if a dead fetus is just a clump of cells or perhaps nothing more significant than, say, a removed appendix, why would anyone be traumatized by seeing it? Could you please explain that to me, Jane?
I have a more plausible idea: post-abortive women know – they KNOW – that being pregnant and having an abortion doesn’t just make the pregnancy magically disappear. It ends a human life. Instinctively, deep down, regardless of “social construct,” women are hard pressed to escape the BIOLOGICAL FACT that a human life is ended by abortion.
Hopefully, someday, this woman will seek the real help she needs, that being healing from the truth of what the abortion did to her child and herself.
That is the only way she will bea ble to free from the guilt and pain she lives with. Her pain is right at the surface and no the Prolife message or those speaking it has caused her this pain, it was the taking of her child’s life by her own choice that did it.
@Jane…I had an abortion and no one made me feel guilt and shame about it, no one had to. It was the truth of what abortion is and did to my innocent baby that drove me insane, just as it is this woman.
Pray for all the wounded out there.
Good grief, Jane.
Your remarks entirely beg the question.
If stealing is wrong, then a person should feel guilty for committing theft, and public outrage concerning burglaries is a good thing because it stigmatizes and deters.
If abortion is wrong, then those who choose it absolutely SHOULD feel guilty.
An impenitent thief is a thief still. Only once someone has dealt with their guilt can they be free of it. But you can’t deal with it till you face it.
Actually, Jane, the way this works is thus: You and your ilk are entirely responsible for prolonging the agony of people who haven’t faced guilt they need to face for something terrible they’ve done. Worse, you (or your ilk) are responsible for leading some to the place where they have no guilt at all — indeed, take pride in their choice to kill the unborn.
When women who should feel guilt at killing their own unborn children — a human life they themselves created — instead are led to believe it’s just a parasite, or a leech, or a threat to their happiness — heaven help whoever gives them that kind of assurance — or possesses it themself.
Morally speaking, Jane, you’ve swallowed the seed of an Alien and it’s growing in your thorax. You have a beast inside you, and it’ll eat you alive.
And, of course, you have no idea it’s happening.
Unborn children are never the discardable problem. The birth of a moral freak of nature in your soul, however — that can be a problem indeed.
Kel: Right. And those who advocate the murder of unborn children — such as Jane — don’t like it when, despite their best efforts to destroy women’s conscience, an external voice of conscience remains to carry on.
Notice how reflexively Jane pounced on this item and how instinctively she resorted to scapegoating pro-lifers.
It’s either the unborn who’s scapegoated as a parasitic killjoy whose birth is a miracle only because its mother has the patience to tolerate the little b*****d, or it’s prolifers who are scapegoated when the folks who’ve drunk the pro-choice kool-aid start to suffer pain from its poison.
Personally, I’d call Jane’s reaction both hypocritical and a soft bigotry of low expectations. Are women that vulnerable and helpless that they can’t be held responsible for their own actions? Isn’t that what “choice” presumes? Hasn’t a woman who’s made her choice — especially one who’s chosen to abort, inasmuch as she’s shown the courage to go against the grain of the conventional expectations of a patriarchal society — hasn’t she demonstrated her authenticity in a way that should leave her feeling empowered — hardly vulnerable to the histrionic absurdities coming from the pro-life lunatic fringe?
Hmm. Guess not. Something must be not quite coherent in the pro-choice scheme of things.
Jane, you could tell me I was wrong for having a wisdom tooth removed that was broken years ago over, and over, and over again. You could come up with thousands of cohorts to tell me the same. I wouldn’t feel guilty about it, because I know exactly why I had the tooth removed and what the procedure did, and through that knowledge, I’d understand that you all were just a bunch of nutters and move on with my day.
You can’t inspire guilt in someone through a guiltless act. Only through knowledge of one’s deeds does guilt derive.
A young child who doesn’t know what stealing is wants something that their sibling has. Their sibling has just been rewarded with an ice cream sandwich for finishing all her chores for the day. While she is in the bathroom, her brother comes along and eats it, because he wanted an ice cream sandwich, it was there, and he has no comprehension of stealing yet. He doesn’t know that what he did is called stealing. Now, as a parent, it is my job to explain to him what has happened, what he has done, and not simply tell him, “Stealing is wrong, and you should feel thusly about what you’ve done.” because there’s no context. I can’t make him feel that way simply because I feel he should, and that method would be horribly ineffective. I explain to him that his sister worked very very hard for that, and that I was proud of her, so I gave it to her as a reward, and now she has nothing. I tell him this is called stealing, and this is why it is bad: he has hurt another through his actions. Normal people feel guilty naturally when they slight someone else.
Now, I did not MAKE him feel guilty. After he learned what he had done, and used that knowledge to reflect on the state of his fellow human being, THEN he felt guilty, because of HIS actions, and because of the knowledge of his actions he has been given.
This is why pro-abortionists revel in the biological ignorance of young women seeking abortions. This is why those same women, once grown, are filled with rage at the world for having been lied to and guilt about their actions.
Jane’s argument is ridiculous. Pictures of surgically removed parts cause rage? Nobody better show me a picture of a wisdom tooth! That would make me so mad.
Rasqual and Xalisae, THANK YOU for writing so eloquently.
Jane, you have one of my favorite names. I will pray for you.
Just to clarify. She didn’t just pull in and start wailing away. I was at the scene of this incident. She pulled in and was upset about the pictures and started discussing with Bud Shaver her view that abortion should remain legal. She claimed that if abortion was illegal back alley abortions would occur anyway. She went on to talk about her abortion and that many of her friends had one too. Bud was just trying to clarify her points so they could have a discussion and all of a sudden she attacked him, verbally threatened me, and then attacked a woman pro-lifer. I called 911 and she started attacking them again.
When you have people shaming you, judging you, showing hatred and anger towards you, and making false assumptions about your character for removing a wisdom tooth then we can talk. Seeing pictures of “aborted babies” doesn’t traumatize me because I know not to trust the source. Seeing angry anti-choicers at Planned Parenthood, on the other hand…
rasqual, I don’t understand what you’re trying to say. Do you think that a woman cannot feel empowered by her abortion and not ALSO feel anger at anti-choice protestors?
Derr- When you have people shaming you, judging you, showing hatred and anger towards you, and making false assumptions about your character for removing a wisdom tooth then we can talk.
They could do all of that as well. I’d just shrug them off as loonies, have no association with them, and keep on walking. I was pregnant with my first child out of wedlock. My parents thought I should feel guilty about it. I didn’t, because I was fine with it. SHAMING DOESN’T WORK IF YOU’RE NOT DOING ANYTHING WRONG.
I’m sure there are people here that think I should’ve felt some sort of guilt or shame about it. I still don’t. And I’m still fine with them as human beings, I even *gasp* LIKE them, and definitely wouldn’t fly into a homicidal rage and attempt to gouge them with my car keys.
This is about the heart of abortion, and what it does. If no harm is being done to another human being, why should anyone feel guilty? I won’t feel guilty for actions that aren’t hurting anyone. Abortion kills. THAT is the center of the guilt. That is the center of the anger. Lying is what starts this in the first place. Lying that abortion doesn’t take a life. Lying that abortion is the only way. These are lies about the hurt caused by abortion which later fuel the anger.
can we switch gears and talk about the other recording for a second? what is WRONG with that dispatcher! they must have said about 4 times that she was conscious… it was almost like he wanted to prolong help from arriving. i mean, i know these women work in a death mill and all, but i am shocked at how well they kept their cool. i would have definitely lost my patience with that guy the second he couldn’t remember “”u&m”
In response to derrr, and at the risk of offending someone, how is having an abortion empowering to a woman? I’d think that having an abortion is about as empowering to a woman as is a man beating a woman empowering to him.
I had a friend (well, acquaintance) who was post-abortive several times over. She flew into a RAGE that I dared to have my son when he was “unplanned”. She tried to tell me that my son was not human because he was unplanned and her current daughter (she’d aborted several unplanned children before) was planned and when I wouldn’t agree with her on this she flew into a RAGE. I had to stop associating with her because I felt she was really unstable and I didn’t want my son in danger.
In fact I’ve seen rage in many of my post-abortive friends.
Xalisae- there are many instances in which people feel shame for doing nothing wrong. Many women are shamed into not reporting rape. Many children are shamed and made to feel like the’ve done something wrong when they’ve been abused.
It’s a horribly backwards way of thinking to believe that only people who are guilty of something can be made to feel shame.
Derr: “rasqual, I don’t understand what you’re trying to say. Do you think that a woman cannot feel empowered by her abortion and not ALSO feel anger at anti-choice protestors?”
You’re quite right — you don’t understand what I’m trying to say, since nothing I said warrants that kind of out-of-left-field inference.
The best way to understand people is to try to understand what they’re actually saying before you draw inferences from what they’re actually trying to say. That’s because if you try to draw inferences before understanding them, your inferences will be drawn from your own confusion rather than from what they actually say.
I honestly don’t know how on earth to answer you, when your inference is so utterly non sequitur in respect of what I actually did say.
Are you wondering what I actually said, or are you simply burdening me with helping you explore the inference-space within your own head?
I can help you with what I actually said and some possible inferences, I guess, but you’re not giving me much to work with here…
“Seeing pictures of ‘aborted babies’ doesn’t traumatize me because I know not to trust the source.”
They’re not actually aborted babies? What’s with the scare quotes? And the reason it doesn’t traumatize you is that you don’t trust the source? What do you mean — you suspect photoshopping? But why should it traumatize you even if you did trust the source?
Jane: ”It’s a horribly backwards way of thinking to believe that only people who are guilty of something can be made to feel shame.”
I don’t think she’s claiming that as a universal truth. I think she’s pronouncing that in her case, she was impervious to shaming — and that people ought to be impervious if there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Obviously not everyone is that thick-skinned.
It seems as if you’re trying to tar her as being “horribly backwards” for demonstrating a degree of emotional security you would otherwise praise in a woman who shows no guilt after having abortion. It seems you’re wanting to shame her for personifying your own implication: that it’s lamentable when innocents suffer shame or guilt, and that that ought not to be.
Why do ostensible virtues you esteem in women who have abortion become vices when they’re seen in pro-life women?
Why are you trying to shame her? Or was your judgment intended as high praise, and she ought to proudly wear the badge of being “horribly backwards?”
Please post the actual photos or links to actual photos of what abortion does to a growing child. Thank you.
Abortion doesn’t empower women. It doesn’t help or heal or save and it never will.
Abortion hurts women.
Shame is an emotion felt by all humans and by primates and other mammals. It is because we are cooperative and interdependant creatures. Abortion fans think we can all live in a little vaccuum of perfection, except that pesky other humans keep getting in their way.
After my abortion, I was certainly angered by pro-lifers who I thought didn’t understand my situation. Sure I felt guilty and horrible on my own, but I thought they were rubbing it in. But gradually, I healed from my post-abortive narcissism and realized they were right all along. Oh, some pro-life activists aren’t nice, that’s true, but everyone I’ve met in this movement for the past 3 years has been kind, compassionate, and dedicated to improving the lives of women and children. I was quietly pro-life for years before getting off the couch. I wish I’d gotten involved sooner. Who knows if I could have saved a couple more if I’d started earlier?
Post abortive rage is real and it’s not the fault of pro-lifers. It’s the fault of abortionists who just want to make their money and get these women out the door so they can move on to the next batch.
Why don’t pro-choicers condemn violence against pro-lifers – just once?
Why do pro-choicers always justify the violence committed against pro-lifers?
I understand that pictures of aborted fetuses upset you. But how does showing pictures or even shouting at women going into abortion centers justify these violent attacks. You are against wars and the death penalty, intolerance and hurting animals – why do you justify attacks against a single group of people – pro-lifers? I grow weary of your hypocrisy but I don’t justify any violence against pro-choicers.
PS Planned Parenthood should use those pictures of aborted fetuses to encourage its clients to properly use the birth control. The pictures show the consequences of improper use.
If I may quote you Carla:
Abortion is an industry.
Pro-life is a movement.
Monte says:
July 6, 2011 at 3:41 pm
“Just to clarify. She didn’t just pull in and start wailing away. I was at the scene of this incident. She pulled in and was upset about the pictures and started discussing with Bud Shaver her view that abortion should remain legal. She claimed that if abortion was illegal back alley abortions would occur anyway. She went on to talk about her abortion and that many of her friends had one too. Bud was just trying to clarify her points so they could have a discussion and all of a sudden she attacked him, verbally threatened me, and then attacked a woman pro-lifer. I called 911 and she started attacking them again.”
Monte, thank you for your work. I pray that you and the others are safe and not discouraged. I had an abortion at that clinic and it is a horrible thing I regret. My so called pro-choice friends were so angry with me reaching out to them about my regret. It made me feel like something was wrong with me that I tried to commit suicide twice. It was pro-lifers that helped me. It is such a reaction from pro-choicers that proves abortion does not empower women. My experience has proven they even lash out, instead of help, friends reaching out for help from abortion regret. Again, I thank you and the others for your work.
I hope Bud is doing alright. He and his wife are wonderful!
No prolifer MADE me feel guilty or ashamed by my abortion. That came all on its own. The prolifers led me to hope and healing in abortion recovery. Thank God for them!!
Nice try though.
I wondered the same thing! Can no one who is proabortion say that what she did was WRONG??? That she is not justified in taking out her rage on others? OR are prolifers just askin for it? That must be it.
You may. :)
God bless you! Thank you so much for your voice here! It means so much to me.
The first video is very sad. The woman that was beating on the pro-lifers walked into the clinic at the end. I hope they were able to listen to her and refer her for some counseling. She needs our prayers.
The second video was maddening! I just cannot believe that the dispatcher followed protocol, hearing that a patient is crashing and delaying sending help to ask a bunch of inane and repetitive questions. I hope Operation Rescue gets a supervisor at the dispatch involved; that man needs training!
“Why don’t pro-choicers condemn violence against pro-lifers – just once?”
I am proudly pro-choice since I was about 12 which would have been about 1960. I do not condone any violence done on the part of either side. Based on the testimony of witnesses and alleged file footage, it would appear that she allegedly assaulted those outside the clinic. If so, that’s assault for which she should be charged and prosecuted.
“Why do pro-choicers always justify the violence committed against pro-lifers?”
Pro-choicers “always” “justify” violence commited? Do you have any sources for that? I could just as easily say that pro-lifers always condone murders of abortion doctors but I know that’s not true.
Derr says “I don’t trust the source!”
Derr, what do you think that an unborn human being looks like, exactly?
CC – you and I are about the same age … but I do not understand this statement “I am proudly pro-choice since I was about 12 which would have been about 1960. I do not condone any violence done on the part of either side”
The pro-choice side promotes the worst kind of violence every day in every abortion that they turn a blind eye to. A child, a human being is killed – that is the worst type of violence … so could you please tell me how you do not condone violence?
Jane, I too am post abortive, I did not feel shame from any “anti-choicer” but I knew, I knew in my whole being that what had happened during my abortion procedure was just wrong.
If so, that’s assault for which she should be charged and prosecuted.
Thanks for this CC.
I was pregnant with my first child out of wedlock. My parents thought I should feel guilty about it. I didn’t, because I was fine with it. SHAMING DOESN’T WORK IF YOU’RE NOT DOING ANYTHING WRONG.I’m sure there are people here that think I should’ve felt some sort of guilt or shame about it. I still don’t.
xalisae, I know this is off topic but it does relate to shame. My parents did not like when my bf and I decided to “shack-up”. They did not think it would lead anywhere positive and believed that if we loved each other enough to sleep together, we should love each other enough to marry. I knew better than them and told them so (after all neither of them graduated college!).
My parents were very supportive when I became pregnant – thank goodness because few others were. My first baby was three when I married his father. The marriage had nothing solid to be based on and we later divorced. Our poor behaviors and decisions hurt our children more than ourselves. It is hard to see children tossed between two homes and schedules and there are lasting effects.
I do believe there are times we don’t feel shame for behaviors we probably should feel shame for. When women who have had abortions say they have no shame for aborting, I believe them. My parents probably knew (or hoped) I would feel shame about my choices as well someday and wanted what was best for me and their grandkids.
My parents will be celebrating their 47th wedding anniversary tomorrow — the same day my oldest celebrates his 21st birthday. Because of my choices, my children will never get to see their parents grow old together. And for this I am rightly ashamed.
Eh. Different perspectives, Prax. I used to pray that my parents would get a divorce. They’re still together to this day, married for 31 years, and in my honest opinion do little more than drive each other mad and fight. Still. I still think they’d both be a lot happier if they split up, but that’s my opinion, and I keep it to myself. I still feel that sometimes, the best gift a parent can give their child is getting a divorce from their spouse.
@Praxedes, do you think that the divorce might have been less harmful than the alternative of staying together? I am not judging, just wondering. Like xalisae, I always wished my parents would have divorced when I was a kid. Things would have been immeasurably better for me. I am not saying that would apply to your situation, but in some cases kids could be way better off if their parents were divorced.
And to Jane, PLEASE don’t compare the shame of being abused or raped to the shame of having an abortion. They are really not analogous.
I can see this from Prax and Xalisae’s sides
I believe the best thing my mother did for us was leave her abusive husband. She still says that at the time she still loved him very much, but she couldn’t allow us to grow up witnessing that. She wanted her boys (my brothers) to be better men. Thanks mom! <3
But barring abuse (or serial cheating) I do think it’s best for parents to stay (or be) married and for there to be two parents in the home. As a result of my fathers abuse, I have no idea at all what a father-daughter relationship is and hearing grown women call their fathers “my daddy” just baffles me. That feeling is a mystery. If I did know that feeling, I think I would have developed a better relationship with my Heavenly Father a lot sooner. I feel blessed that I have the husband I do, and that my girls will know what the love of a father is :) Because of my experience I want to do what I can to ensure that they have a full relationship with both their parents together and a complete unbroken family. Too many of their friends have 2 (or 3!) different homes with all the confusion and strife that creates for them :(
But as to the subject of the post:
I hope the counselors were able to give that angry lady some info on post-abortive counseling after she came out. She obviously needs it!
I agree that no amount of pics and threats or guilt trippin would ever make me feel bad about getting my wisdom teeth removed because NOBODY DIED and I didn’t harm anyone in doing that. But intrinsically it is obvious what abortion does, the pictures make it undeniable, and guilt can bring out all kinds of reactions both offensive and defensive. It doesn’t excuse her actions, she’s still responsible for her CHOICE to attack innocent people. She’s obviously someone in alot of pain. I’ll pray for her :(
xalisae and Jack, I totally agree about divorce being the best choice for the children in some cases, mine included. I have zero regrets about divorcing my abusive ex. I know couples as well who are addicted to fighting and drama and children do not need this.
I wasn’t clear in the fact that my shame comes from sleeping with a man before marriage. Had I said no to sex, he would have moved on to someone who would have . He would have never stuck around for marriage because that is not what he wanted. He wanted sex. I had no business sleeping with him and then moving in with him. I should have waited for the guy who respected me and wanted to marry. I believe once sex becomes the norm, it clouds perceptions about the other person. The signs were there, I chose not to see them. I should have respected myself and my body. I was taught this growing up in my school, at my church and by my family. I just thought I knew better.
I realize that had I made different choices, I would have different children. I love them more than anything, wouldn’t trade them for the world and I teach them that sex has consequences and from my perspective, it belongs in a marriage between one man and one woman. I pray that in spite of everything, my children make wise choices when it comes to sex and have healthy marriages.
It so nice to hear you thank your mom for leaving an abusive marriage, ChristianHippie, and I hope my children learn from their parents mistakes. I hope the woman in the video will be held accountable for her actions and I’ll add my prayers to yours for her.
“I could just as easily say that pro-lifers always condone murders of abortion doctors but I know that’s not true.”
That is the kindest comment I’ve ever seen by you, CC. Thank you so much! Maybe there’s hope for all of us after all (pro-choicers and pro-lifers).
the nicest comments from CC yet. thanks.
For so many years, violence has been enacted upon peaceful, prayerful pro life sidewalk counselors without any serious consequences from law enforcement. Before the advent of cameras, videos, it was our word against their word and we, the pro life element, were never taken at our word.
Now, however, we have photographic evidence to prove our contentions. And yet, the police scarcely follow up on it. I think all violence should be condemned no matter who is responsible. This includes the violence taking place inside abortion clinics where unborn babies are ripped to shreds and discarded like trash. How sad.
It breaks my heart when I hear of unhappy marriages. I am blessed with two parents who are still happily marriage and celebrated 45 years of happy marriage this year. I wish all people could experience the comfort, security, and joy of having two people a person can count on, and teach that happy marriages are possible.
As to the video, those pro-lifers did not MAKE the woman attack them. She CHOSE to do so. She could’ve just conversed with them or ignored them, but she CHOSE to attack them. It doesn’t look like the pro-lifers took over her body and said “Okay, attack!” She made that decision. It’s sad, and it’s not right, but when you make that kind of decision you are responsible for what happens.
Nobody can make you feel guilty without your permission. xalisae is right about that. And it’s true not everybody is as strong as her. Either way, it’s my belief that if someone feels guilty for something it stems from something within the person themselves. I bet if a person takes a seriously look at themselves they could tell you why something someone said or did made them feel guilty–or why something they did or said made them feel guilty.
So if this woman feels guilty over her abortion and lashed out at the pro-lifers, I expect somewhere down deep she regrets her abortion and realizes that she ended a life. Perhaps she’s not willing to admit it consciously, but I’d say if it’s not a conscious awareness on her part, it’s probably the subconscious at work. The woman needs a good counselor who can help her work through the abortion and her feelings. God bless her. Her feelings are coming from a deeply wounded place and that wound needs loving care to heal–if a wound like that can ever truly heal (I wouldn’t know because I haven’t been there, this is just my own personal point of view). She needs our prayers.
Thank you for not condoning violence against pro-lifers.
The reason I made my comment about pro-choicers justifying violence against pro-lifers is that the vocal pro-choicers blame the pictures of aborted fetuses for the attacks on the pro-lifer who was holding them. In my home state of Michigan, Jim Pouillon was gunned down while standing in front of a high school with a poster of an aborted fetus – and the reaction from our pro-choice media was that the assailant was provoked by the picture. There was no outcry about Mr. Pouillon’s death by the media and I don’t recall any condemnation of the act by the pro-choice community.
The fact that there is one peaceful pro-choicer (you) out there does rebut my claim that pro-choicers “always” justify violence against pro-lifers.
Now explain to Jane and derrr that a picture does not justify an act of aggression and that we should respect each other’s viewpoints.
Bad hair day for PMS’ed woman results in battered scalp day for man.
I will venture a guess and say missy has some unresolved issues that have reared their hoary faces.
Curious, she did not seem to go after the female pro-lifer?!?!
After viewing that physical assault and profanity laced tirade I may have to reconsider my position on females in combat and my mommas admonition that a gentleman never strikes a lady.
That climactic scene from ‘Misery’ comes to mind. I can close my eyes and see James Caan hitting Kathy Bates in the head with that typewriter and hear both the men and the women in the theatre audience respond with a spontaneous and enthusiastic, YES!
The pen is mightier than the sword, but a twenty pound manual typewriter packs a pretty good wallup.
Ken, your comment reminds me of a stand-up comedian (who I can’t remember) who joked about women in combat. “To win a battle, all we have to say to them is: ‘you see those guys over there? They said you look fat in your uniforms!'”
Ok, that’s not nice to joke. This woman, though she’s doing something wrong, really touched me when she exclaimed how much it does hurt.
This is the only “constitutional right” that women are ashamed of and feel anger from. Can we stop pretending that abortion helps women? This woman is Exhibit A that killing your flesh and blood is wrong.
And to “Jane” up above, these pictures of aborted babies has nothing to do with her anger. She’s ALWAYS angry because she can’t handle what she did to her own child whether she drives by aborted pictures or not. A guilty conscience. She needs to deal and heal with what she did, not attack others about it.
Ken, I just started reading the book “Misery” this morning. Thank you for ruining the ending for me.
Wow, I can only imagine how much guilt this person has, sounds like she is really hurting. She needs to understand that the pro-lifers showing these pictures are not the ones she should be mad at. These pro-lifers are not trying to make anyone feel guilty they are trying to send a message to women who were in her situation so they won’t make the mistake she did. Women like her who get mad at these images need to appreciate how much pro-lifers are trying to help eomen from making these mistakes. If they can stop women from abortion and feeling that kind of guilt this woman has, they are doing them a HUGE favor and are doing it out of love.
This video should be used as evidence of how important these images are, the same with sonograms, they could help pregnant women from making a terrible mistake.