(Prolifer)ations 7-19-11
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN and Kelli
As always, we welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email Susie@jillstanek.com.
- Abby Johnson writes a must-read post about owning the sin of abortion – there are no scapegoats. Abby states not only are women and abortionists responsible for abortion, but we as Christians are culpable for our silence.
- Our newest blog addition, Abolitionist Society, wonders if by our consumption of various products we are unwittingly participating in the commercialization of abortion.
- Pro-Life in TN points out a self-proclaimed “pro-abortion with a heart” blog which justifies abortion as merely another one of those decisions we make for our children’s lives.
- Big Blue Wave reports on a record-setting baby girl in Germany born at 21 weeks, 5 days weighing just over a pound. She was given immediate lifesaving treatment and left the hospital at 7 pounds. In the US, doctors do not attempt to save babies born before 22 weeks gestation, regardless of parents’ wishes. When young preemies survive, those who deny the humanity of the preborn are forced to view the truth.
- Culture Campaign links to news accounts on census data showing the declining birth rate in America. As the debt crisis continues to dominate the news, no one wants to address the fact that we did this to ourselves – we aborted the workforce needed to support our aging population.
- Moral Outcry discusses the need for prayer and the fear that motivates some to file frivolous lawsuits to stop public prayer.
- The Culture Vulture and the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition both report good news: Italy has passed a bill outlawing euthanasia through means of withdrawing nutrition and hydration from comatose patients unless it can be proven that the patient’s physiological functions are not benefited by the nutrients. This followed a highly controversial story similar to that of Terri Schiavo.
- The FRC Blog highlights a new FDA-approved trial using adult stem cells for treating stroke victims up to 19 days following a stroke.
- Catholic Vote has the inspiring story and video of Dr. Nancy Hendricks, who, with other pro-life warriors, stood against the University of Wisconsin Madison’s plan to partner with Planned Parenthood in providing 2nd trimester abortions:
[Photo via National Catholic Register]
“There is no way to make abortion something that improves an aborted baby’s life, but those of us who do consider the babies, who strive to perform abortion in an atmosphere of caring and dignity, do what we can to honor that baby’s life and death.”
In other words, “while I kill you, you poor, precious, defenseless infant, I am going to pretend to care about you so your mom won’t feel too uncomfortable about what I did later.”
She says that abortion clinics need to be respectful of the relationship between mother and child.
“Assuming that it is better to be alive than not to be alive (and I generally think it is), abortion does not improve the life of the aborted baby. And pro-choice activists, in general, do not do a good job of including the babies in our discussions of abortion. ”
Again, I paraphrase; “Yeah, we need to address the fact that we are not addressing the facts, (but I don’t think that the facts need to be considered when a baby is actually aborted.)”
This woman works in an abortion clinic. The entire post is about how pro-choice activists are too reluctant to talk about babies when everyone else knows that a baby is involved in every abortion.
“First of all, including talk about babies would require us to acknowledge that, in an abortion, an unborn baby dies. Many people find this difficult because we are generally uncomfortable with death, in our culture.”
“The truth is that women know that an unborn baby will die, and they choose abortion anyway, which should tell us something about the relationship between abortion and motherhood.”
Wow. Just wow. “Uncomfortable” sure is one way to say it… And so many women are lied to… And she thinks that abortion is comparable to choosing which school your child will go to, or what the child’s medical treatment should be for an illness…
I disagreed with some of what Abby wrote on her blog. Blaming women for their abortions helps no one. Women can be coerced/forced into abortions they do not want.
On Abby’s facebook page she agrees with someone who says women are secondary victims of abortion but she blogs that women are not victims.
I can not even fathom the depravity of someone who thinks they kill children with dignity. I dare not hope for a SEMBLENCE of rationale as to why it’s only ok to kill unborn children with dignity.
Carla, I don’t think it’s about blame per se, but actually owning our actions. It is the woman’s sin too. God knows her heart perfectly and knows exactly what the degree of that sin is (including the degree of her knowledge and intent), but for the most part even in cases of coercion, the woman owns at least some part of that sin. God, of course, can set us all free from our sins, but not unless we acknowledge them. No one can approach God saying, forgive me father, my dr. sinned. That’s how I took her comments anyway.
I disagreed with some of what Abby wrote on her blog. Blaming women for their abortions helps no one. Women can be coerced/forced into abortions they do not want.
Carla, while it is true that some women are coerced into abortions they do not want, many do so out of their own free will. No one was forcing or coercing them, in many cases the father of the baby does not even know the woman is pregnant. Why can’t we admit that women, just like men, should be held responsible for their actions?
I own mine. Everyone I know that speaks out about their abortions “owns” theirs. I was there. I paid for it. What responsibility does the mill have in lying to me by omission? By preying on desperate women who don’t know what to do?
God heard me when I cried out to him. He knows, He forgave me.
I am wondering why Abby is saying two different things. Women are victims. Women aren’t victims.
Sorry but I have read too many things from Abby that just don’t add up.
Thank you for your thoughts though. :)
Carla is not a sinner. She speaks for many. Nuff said.
Ah, CC. You make me smile.
But I will have to disagree with you. I am a sinner.
We are all sinners.
I don’t see how condemning the women who have had abortions does even a bit of good. It seems cruel to me. “You had an abortion and are devastated? OWN IT, SINNER!!” I mean, come on. If someone is already grieving, harping on them isn’t going to do any good.
I haven’t read enough of her writings to know if it adds up, that’s just what I got from this piece. I think you can be a victim of the 30 years of propaganda touting abortion as good and still bear culpability as a moral agent. I hope you know I was speaking generally about the need to “own” actions – I know that you have fully faced your abortion head on!
No worries. I read Abby’s facebook page and sometimes have to scratch my head at what she writes.
I was probably thinking/typing out loud. :)
I also disagreed with her comment that post-abortive women are not victims. Our culture has been saying this is okay for nearly four decades now. It’s impossible for that not to have an effect. We are all both victims of it and participants in it (even if we’re pro-lifers, the culture that created this monster is still the one we claim; we can’t totally distance ourselves from that, nor should we try). But post-abortive women are the primary victims of the culture that told them it would be fine and then wasn’t there for them when it wasn’t. It’s not wrong to acknowledge that.
HI Alice!!!
Excellent comment!
I feel it can be both: we’re victims but we’re perpetrators, and we do use our free will. It seems inconsistent, because it is.
I left two comments on Abby Johnson’s blog asking why she supported the Women as Victims thoughts on her facebook wall and then blogged that Women are not Victims.
She did not publish my comments. Hmmmm.
food for thought
When I discuss the facts of my abortion I am telling it like it was.
I was told it was a “bunch of cells” at 10 weeks along.
I was shown a filmstrip of a clump of red circles.
I was told nothing of the risks of abortion.
I was told nothing of the pain of the procedure.
I was told I could get on with my life.
That is the truth. To tell those things does not mean I do not take responsibility for my abortion. It was only me and the God I love when I confessed my sin, cried out to him for forgiveness and received it.
Ah, Carla, your story always makes me sad.
Ah, Jack.
Do not be sad. There are several women that have chosen life after hearing my story and to God be the glory for that!!
He continues to redeem my pain in meeting other post abortive women through Silent No More, Operation Outcry and Rachel’s Vineyard.
If you click my name you will see that my life is truly blessed. :)
Aubrey is in heaven. Waiting for mommy. And as much as I would love to go back 20 years and tell everyone at the mill to go to he** I do have much to say about abortion. As you have probably guessed. :)
The men that stand beside me and speak up for me and the voices of other women hurt by abortion helps and heals in ways I cannot describe. So THANK YOU for that.
“The men that stand beside me and speak up for me and the voices of other women hurt by abortion helps and heals in ways I cannot describe. So THANK YOU for that.”
Oh, pro-life men aren’t evil misogynists who want to force women to have ten children each? Coulda fooled me! I mean, wanting children to live and women to avoid a lifetime of pain and regret is pretty awful. ;) All joking aside, I’m glad that you have found love, support, and healing.
Your kids are adorable by the way. :)
Carla, I really heart you a lot. <3 You’re just amazing.
Although you do not have a uterus and thus have no say, I still like ya so good!! :)
Thank you! My kids are nuts.
Mary Lee,
I heart you too! A lot. When I see your name I can’t wait to read your thoughts! Unlike quite a few other names I skip or skim.
Aw, really?!
Is it okay that I’m a secular pro-lifer with Episcopalian tendencies? I sometimes attend the Episcopal church, woman priest and all……I’m not TOTALLY Godless. Should I ever have a full conversion, I would still consider myself a secular pro-lifer!
It is ok. LOL!
Is it ok that I am a Jesus Freak?
Some of my best friends are Jesus freaks! It’s all right with me.
We’re good then.
Carry on.
Carla, while it is true that some women are coerced into abortions they do not want, many do so out of their own free will. No one was forcing or coercing them, in many cases the father of the baby does not even know the woman is pregnant. Why can’t we admit that women, just like men, should be held responsible for their actions?
Dear Phillymiss,
What is lacking in the abortion industry is INFORMED CONSENT.
Women are not told of fetal development, not shown ultrasounds, the risks of abortion, the pain involved etc. They are told as little as possible(lies of omission)before making this life changing, life ending decision.
Women are there for abortions. They are responsible. They pay for it. They submit to it. Women should also be told EVERYTHING about what an abortion will do to their child and to them.
How many would “choose” it if they knew the truth?
If I were having open heart surgery I would be told all of the risks, the procedure, the pain relief available, the therapy, the recovery process……..I would have it all explained to me fully. Nothing would happen until I understood and consented to the surgery based on my knowledge of what was about to happen. I could go ahead with it, wait until I got a 2nd, 3rd or 4th opinion or decline the surgery.
How many would “choose” it if they knew the truth?
Probably fewer, but there would still be some that choose it, sadly. I’ve been a first-hand witness of this.
True, Kel.