Planned Parenthood Annual Report reveals organization in decline
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American Life League’s STOPP International has published an analysis of Planned Parenthood’s 2009-2010 Annual Report, and it does not bode well for the abortion giant.
Setting aside the fact that taxpayer funding spiked upward, all other markers shifted downward from Planned Parenthood’s 2008-2009 report. Read details at ALL, but here are highlights…
We may see Planned Parenthood’s abortion numbers continue to decline as it becomes more careful about aborting underage girls, thanks to Live Action’s undercover investigations.
Now the bad news…
It’s happening. It’s happening. Pray, peeps.
The only thing I’m concerned about is this: •Adoption referrals DOWN 13.9%
However, as abortion numbers are also down, I’m assuming it’s because less women are going to these “clinics” when they know they do not want to kill their baby, so they are going to real doctors or pro-life centers, instead, for pregnancies tests, etc.
Hoping so :)
To be fair I’m sure both pro-life and pro-abortion groups saw a decline in donations in 2010.
2 likes oh well, at least you can still get a mammogram there. right? Oh wait no you can’t-oopsie ;)
i had a 14 year relationship with planned barrenhood. they would give me my depo provera shots and they never offered me any other services. they never discounted anything. after the realization of how evil they were i severed the ties forever. i am commanded not to have any fellowship with evil and those who shed innocent blood. today i protest this very same clinic. who woulda thunk it?
“To be fair I’m sure both pro-life and pro-abortion groups saw a decline in donations in 2010.”
Sure, CC, but nobody is sure to die when the donation goes to a pro-life group.
Glad to see attendance at PP sex ed training is down. Hope that is also a trend. Tomorrow a judge in Oakland County, Michigan will decide whether PP can open its abortion mega-center (excuse me, I meant “full service reproductive center”) in a suburb of Detroit.
Please pray that he upholds the restrictive covenant that a neighboring hotel owner is relying on to keep away this killing center.
We have 7 community health centers to provide health services to low income women (and men and children), including 3 in nearby Pontiac. Now none of these legitimate medical providers do abortions. We do have two abortion centers nearby and they do whatever it is that PP does (except the sex indoctrination). We are a sad community.
Here’s hoping they go the way of spittoon makers.
Actually CC, the organization that I direct opened two new centers last year, each fully funded by donations from the private sector. Some of regular donors are families who received help from us in years past. We admittedly have new projects waiting for the funds to be raised, but we are willing to be patient since we have tripled our annual budget in the past two years.