American Life League’s STOPP International released a significant report today listing the salaries of Planned Parenthood CEOs.

Occupy Wall Street protesters may want to move their tents over to 434 W. 33rd Street in New York City, where Planned Parenthood Federation of America headquarters are located, and where the top eight officers of this supposed nonprofit made over $2 million altogether in 2010, none less that $245,000:

  • Cecile Richards, President (pictured below right): $353,819
  • Maryana Iskander, Chief Operating Officer: $288,886
  • Maria Acosta, Chief Financial Officer: $263,443
  • Vanessa Cullins, VP of Medical Affairs: $257,115
  • Barbara Otten, VP of General Counsel: $251,379
  • Laurie Rubiner, VP of Public Policy: $248,438
  • Karen Ruffatto, VP of Operations: $247,932
  • Lisa David, VP of Affiliates: $245,322
  • PPFA is an entirely administrative organization.  It operates no clinics. No salaries are billable; they are all overhead.

    Across the country are 81 Planned Parenthood affiliates. Altogether they made $12,862,560 in 2010.

    According to ALL’s report, the average annual salary of a PP affiliate CEO is $158,797. Twenty-two (27%) made over $200,000 in 2010. The top dozen were:

    1. PP North Texas, Dallas, TX (salary of previous CEO): $324,381
    2. PP Mar Monte, San Jose, CA (Linda Williams): $315,950
    3. PP Illinois, Chicago, IL (salary of previous CEO): $302,014
    4. PP Hudson Peconic, Hawthorne, NY (Reina Schiffrin): $296,908
    5. PP Northern New England, Williston,VT (Steve Trombley): $292,297
    6. PP Orange & San Bernadino, Orange, CA (Joe Dunn): $278,i871
    7. PP Treasure Coast, West Palm Beach, FL (Lillian Tamayo): $275,238
    8. PP MN, SD & ND, St. Paul, MN (Sarah Stoesz): $268,710
    9. PP Heartland, Des Moines, IA (Jill June): $265,389
    10. PP Southern New England, New Haven, CT (Judy Tabar): $264,766
    11. PP Great Northwest, Seattle, WA (Chris Charbonneau): $259,405
    12. PP League of MA, Boston, MA (Dianne Luby): $256,474

    Some interesting statistics on the 81 CEOs:

  • 52 (64%) are women
  • 9 (11%) have a political background
  • 10 (12%) have a health background
  • 2 (2%) have an educational background
  • The remaining 75% have backgrounds in management
  • Thus, over one-third of all Planned Parenthood CEOs are men (pictured right is PP of AZ CEO Bryan Howard), and 88% of PP CEOs have no healthcare background.

    ALL’s report goes into detail on each affiliate and each state.

    Cecile Richards’ salary is now “close to $400,000 per year,” according to

    The next time Cecile or a PP spokesperson complains that defunding the abortion giant will hurt women, the astute mainstream journalist (who doesn’t exist) should ask why PP salaries don’t reflect their austerity concerns.

    I don’t mind private industry CEOs making whatever the market will bear.

    But it is wrong on so many levels for the officers of this top-heavy supposed nonprofit – to which you and I now contribute almost $500,000,000 annually, and which makes a large part of its profits from abortion – to make the salaries they do.

    [Photo of Richards from the Time 100]

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