Planned Parenthood CEOs: “We are the 1%”
American Life League’s STOPP International released a significant report today listing the salaries of Planned Parenthood CEOs.
Occupy Wall Street protesters may want to move their tents over to 434 W. 33rd Street in New York City, where Planned Parenthood Federation of America headquarters are located, and where the top eight officers of this supposed nonprofit made over $2 million altogether in 2010, none less that $245,000:
Cecile Richards, President (pictured below right): $353,819 Maryana Iskander, Chief Operating Officer: $288,886 Maria Acosta, Chief Financial Officer: $263,443 Vanessa Cullins, VP of Medical Affairs: $257,115 Barbara Otten, VP of General Counsel: $251,379 Laurie Rubiner, VP of Public Policy: $248,438 Karen Ruffatto, VP of Operations: $247,932 Lisa David, VP of Affiliates: $245,322
PPFA is an entirely administrative organization. It operates no clinics. No salaries are billable; they are all overhead.
Across the country are 81 Planned Parenthood affiliates. Altogether they made $12,862,560 in 2010.
According to ALL’s report, the average annual salary of a PP affiliate CEO is $158,797. Twenty-two (27%) made over $200,000 in 2010. The top dozen were:
- PP North Texas, Dallas, TX (salary of previous CEO): $324,381
- PP Mar Monte, San Jose, CA (Linda Williams): $315,950
- PP Illinois, Chicago, IL (salary of previous CEO): $302,014
- PP Hudson Peconic, Hawthorne, NY (Reina Schiffrin): $296,908
- PP Northern New England, Williston,VT (Steve Trombley): $292,297
- PP Orange & San Bernadino, Orange, CA (Joe Dunn): $278,i871
- PP Treasure Coast, West Palm Beach, FL (Lillian Tamayo): $275,238
- PP MN, SD & ND, St. Paul, MN (Sarah Stoesz): $268,710
- PP Heartland, Des Moines, IA (Jill June): $265,389
- PP Southern New England, New Haven, CT (Judy Tabar): $264,766
- PP Great Northwest, Seattle, WA (Chris Charbonneau): $259,405
- PP League of MA, Boston, MA (Dianne Luby): $256,474
Some interesting statistics on the 81 CEOs:
52 (64%) are women 9 (11%) have a political background 10 (12%) have a health background 2 (2%) have an educational background The remaining 75% have backgrounds in management
Thus, over one-third of all Planned Parenthood CEOs are men (pictured right is PP of AZ CEO Bryan Howard), and 88% of PP CEOs have no healthcare background.
ALL’s report goes into detail on each affiliate and each state.
Cecile Richards’ salary is now “close to $400,000 per year,” according to
The next time Cecile or a PP spokesperson complains that defunding the abortion giant will hurt women, the astute mainstream journalist (who doesn’t exist) should ask why PP salaries don’t reflect their austerity concerns.
I don’t mind private industry CEOs making whatever the market will bear.
But it is wrong on so many levels for the officers of this top-heavy supposed nonprofit – to which you and I now contribute almost $500,000,000 annually, and which makes a large part of its profits from abortion – to make the salaries they do.
[Photo of Richards from the Time 100]

I think it’s weird to complain about their salaries, it’s about par for the course for large non-profits. What they do is the issue, not what they get paid.
Oh my word! Richards looks positively serpentine! The enemy’s grip on her soul is starting to distort her physical looks.
OWS doesn’t have any issue with Michael Moore leaving his Manhattan penthouse and lakefront estate to join them. I doubt they will have a problem with PP salaries.
was going to second what amy 1 said. richards gives me the creeps. she almost gives off a seductive look like shes selling perfume. yet the only thing shes selling is dead babies. wierdo.
richards is an attractive lady. to bad shes hiding so much evil behind that face.
That picture is seriously creepy.
The reason to bring up executive salaries (and top heavy management structure) is to rebut the claim that PP needs more money. Any sharp-eyed accountant would look for waste to cut.
Remember Cecile Richards’ immortal words to a reporter a few months ago?
“I work hard for my salary.”
The Richards photo interested me, too. I should have (and now have) posted where I got it. It was apparently an outtake from a photo shoot for the Time 100 ( I never thought the photo they ended up using was all that flattering either (,28804,2066367_2066369_2066140,00.html).
While they are certainly making less than some CEOs out there, this is still terribly high for something that is supposed to be “non-profit” and “helping people.”
While I don’t think that Occupy Wallstreet is the way to get anything done, I agree with some of what they stand for – my parents together make about 70,000 a year, yet they made “too much money” for me to get finanicial aid to go to college. So now I sit on a stack of student loans…ay ya ya. But I disgress…
I do find it odd though that, at least amoung my own friends, the ones who are most supportive of these protests are usually the ones most supportive of PP and abortion.
I will never understand…
Wow, murdering innocents brings in a lot of money … sick. That picture of that “lady” says it all.
Technically, I believe the top 1% is about $340K and over – so these folks would mostly fall out of that range.
“While they are certainly making less than some CEOs out there, this is still terribly high for something that is supposed to be “non-profit” and “helping people.”
No it’s not. Here is a link showing the 25 highest-compensated executives of non-profit organizations:
Cecile Richards, much less the other PP executives listed here, wouldn’t even come close to cracking the list.
What’s the problem with one third of the CEO’s being men?
“you and I now contribute almost $500,000 annually” – well that’s not much now is it.
What’s wrong with DFO’s, GC’s, Operations people and managers not having medical qualifications. I wouldn’t want my accountant or lawyer to have inappropriate qualifications. The manager of my local medical center doesn’t have a medical background.
The salaries are far from excessive. And on what basis do you claim it is ‘top heavy’?
Joan – I don’t think that any non-profit’s CEOs or presidents should be raking in that kind of money – baby killers or people who actually help. I don’t think anyone needs to make that amount of money – esp. through a non-profit. If this blog post was about a cancer non-profit or something else making a lot of money, I would say the same thing.
Amber, I second that. I have no problem with people making a large deal of money. So, for example, corporate executives making a large salary–I may question whether some of them truly earned it, but it doesn’t really bother me. But when they run a nonprofit and are making a large salary? I just wonder how much more charitable work they could have done by cutting executive salaries.
Come on, people. The more they spend on executive salaries, the less they can use to finance murdering children.
Ahem, Cecile, “Lair of the White Worm” called: they want their villain back.
Jill said: But it is wrong on so many levels for the officers of this top-heavy supposed nonprofit – to which you and I now contribute almost $500,000 annually,
Jill – don’t you mean on the order of 350 million annually to PPA?
I work in Cardiology where the Federal Govt cut Medicare reimbursement nearly 40% in some areas over the past 3yrs. One of the Dr’s I am proud to work with is a Harvard Med graduate, practicing cardiologist for over 20yrs and HE makes LESS than the majority of Planned Parenthood’s administrators. That is absolutely disgusting! Let’s review, an esteemed Dr who works in a specialty trying to fight the nation’s #1 Killer of women (heart disease) while paying a fortune in malpractice insurance protection gets paid less than an administrator for Planned Parenthood which is supposed to be NON PROFIT and takes my tax $$. THIS IS WHY OUR HEALTH CARE SYSTEM IS BROKEN!!!!!
The head honcho at the Heritage Foundation earns almost $1.1M!
The lead cowboy of the gun club earns almost three times what Cecile Richards earns!
Reality, do either the NRA or the Heritage Foundation receive direct funding from the government?
The NRA is “the most powerful lobbying organization in the country several years in a row”, “Opponents of the organization accuse it of unduly influencing political appointments” and “During the 2008 presidential campaign, the NRA spent $10 million”.
The Heritage Foundation is an ultra-conservative ‘think tank’ and major lobbying group.
PP provides a range of health and advisory services to a very large number of citizens.
Hm, which one warrants direct funding from the government. And which ones receive unseen, backdoor, indirect funding.
“Cruella De Ville, Cruella De Ville
If she doesn’t scare you no
evil thing will
To see her is to take a
sudden chill
Cruella, Cruella
The curl in her lips
The ice in her stair
The innocent children better be ware
She’s like a spider waiting
for the kill
Look out for
Cruella De Ville
OWS is really not about salary figures per se. We see that in the OWS being funded and supported by millionaires on the left. For some people it is OK to be stinkin rich, but not OK for their opponents. What this is all about is Alinskyite class division…i.e. divide and conquer; the rich being the perfect target for their self-righteous indignation. The dupes who participate in OWS usually have their own problems and are looking for government handouts and nanny state solutions such as European style socialism which we now see crumbling everywhere they are tried. For the most part the OWS “movement” is a top down phenomena, directed and controlled by leftist elites.
It has been stated here that in comparison to other non-profit execs the pay for the PP execs is not out of line. The question that must be asked of these PP execs is what percentage of their salaries is paid for by income from abortion services. PP is always quick to say that abortion is a mere fraction of the overall balance sheet. So in the end that means these quarter million dollar plus incomes are in large part paid for by the taxpayer for the Title X programs administered by PP. So I disagree with those who are comparing privately funded non-profits with government-funded non-profits.
I agree with Kate: If the private funded non-profits want to overpay their execs that is their problem, but when it is we taxpayers that are on the hook—no thanks!
Is OWS still going?
Jerry – so your argument then is we should add some government regulations in regards to compensation for CEO’s of organizations?
Yep. Not as much as they would like. Didn’t you see the video that went viral a couple of weeks ago of a couple of OWS women punching each other?
Please fix the last paragraph — according to PP’s latest financial reporting, taxpayers gave nearly $500 million to PP in 2010. (Guys like “Reality” will take any convenient misprint and repeat it like some sort of fact.)
We need to keep the numbers in front of the voters. Most voters still naively assume that no taxpayer money is given to abortion providers. When we tell people how much of our money is given to PP (over $1 million per day!), they get angry.
Most people still believe that taxpayers should help the poor with free birth control, but common people don’t want abortion providers to profit from it.
To your second question–not for privately held non-profits and for profits. For gov funded non-profits, yes.
Missed the video.
Not as much as “they” would like, or not as much as conservatives would like?
Jerry – can you explain this quote then: “if the private funded non-profits want to overpay their execs that is their problem, but when it is we taxpayers that are on the hook—no thanks!”
So you do believe the government should regulate pay of CEO’s of non-profits, or you don’t?
Ex: Go back and re-read my comment.
So you are in favor of government regulations if a certain percentage of pay comes from government sources – is that a better summation of what you want?
I really, really object to part of my purchase price of yogurt & many other grocery store food
go to Susan Komen Foundation, which is supposed to sponsor breast cancer- but if you go to
Susan Komen Foundation website, you will see that part of your $$ go to Planned Parenthood!! Arrgghh!!
The people funding privately funded non-profits usually get some sort of tax break for doing so. And the organisations themselves also get generous tax allowances and such. So to an extent there is a form of government ‘funding’ or ‘subsidy’.
All these organisations need to compete for ‘talent’ with all types of organisations in the marketplace. And has been shown, the PP execs are hardly overpaid.
I knew the figure was wrong Del, that’s why I pointed it out in the manner that I did.
You are so right! Cut Cruella’s hair short, bleach it blonde and have her holding an ultrasound picture instead of a Dalmatian picture and voila!!
“Technically, I believe the top 1% is about $340K and over – so these folks would mostly fall out of that range.”
Mrs. Stanek is a self-admitted propagandist, comparing herself to Tokyo Rose. She made this admission on January 6.
Stanek wrote, “Yesterday I told a friend I view one of my online roles as that of a pro-life Tokyo Rose.”
“For those who don’t know,” Stanek continued, ‘Tokyo Rose’ was the name given to a small group of female Japanese radio personalities who attempted to demoralize American GIs during World War II by broadcasting Japanese propaganda.”
It’s really quite an admission. So, don’t expect to see facts here. Don’t expect to see reason.
She’s telling you, straight to your face, she’s willing to do whatever it takes to advance the cause, even if it means falsifying data or engaging in sophistry.
I can think of many historical figures worthy of emulation in the pro-life cause. Tokyo Rose is not one of them.
Add three more zeros to the number in the last paragraph and that is how much we are forced to contribute to PP’hood. its 497 MILLION, not 500 thousand dollars a year in tax monies.
It’s actually $500,000 in our tax dollars go to Planned Parenthood BEFORE NOON EVERY DAY.
“For the most part the OWS “movement” is a top down phenomena, directed and controlled by leftist elites. ”
Can you cite a source to backup this statement ?
“she’s willing to do whatever it takes to advance the cause, even if it means falsifying data”
Oh, cc, are you reading? The above sentence is an example of “projecting.”
Oh, cc, are you reading? The above sentence is an example of “projecting.”
The willingness to falsify data and engage in sophistry is in the propagandist’s job description. We are, after all, talking about the self-admitted Tokyo Rose of the pro-life movement.
So, let’s begin by taking a close look at the title of this piece:
Planned Parenthood CEOs: “We are the 1%”
I see quotation marks. Who among Planned Parenthood CEOs said that?
How many cells do you have to have in your body before you’re not called a BLOB? Lol!
mp, cc was talking about Freud’s term ‘projecting’ on another thread. Jill’s point about demoralizing wasn’t to say she was committed to falsification, that is you projecting based on your own assumptions about yourself (according to Freud). The trust-fund babies and couch surfers that held up signs saying they were the 99% were not, but it has become a bit of a pop culture reference now.
That being said, the abortion advocates must be demoralized because anti-life comments on this and other websites has spiked dramatically. Good. Abortion is murder and it’s got to go.
Jill’s point about demoralizing wasn’t to say she was committed to falsification, that is you projecting based on your own assumptions about yourself (according to Freud).
Stanek wrote, “Yesterday I told a friend I view one of my online roles as that of a pro-life Tokyo Rose.”
“For those who don’t know,” Stanek continued, “‘Tokyo Rose’ was the name given to a small group of female Japanese radio personalities who attempted to demoralize American GIs during World War II by broadcasting Japanese propaganda.”
Propaganda (Oxford Dictionary)
1 [mass noun] information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view: he was charged with distributing enemy propaganda
the dissemination of propaganda as a political strategy: the party’s leaders believed that a long period of education and propaganda would be necessary
So, I’ll now ask again: Who among Planned Parenthood CEOs said, “We are the 1%”?
“go to Susan Komen Foundation, which is supposed to sponsor breast cancer- but if you go to
Susan Komen Foundation website, you will see that part of your $$ go to Planned Parenthood!! Arrgghh!!”
I feel the same way KW. The Susan K. Foundationsullied the girl scouts last year by getting them to work a Susan K fundraiser.
“go to Susan Komen Foundation, which is supposed to sponsor breast cancer- but if you go to
Susan Komen Foundation website, you will see that part of your $$ go to Planned Parenthood!! Arrgghh!!”
I feel the same way KW. The Susan K. Foundation sullied the girl scouts last year by getting them to work a Susan K fundraiser.
truth – I wouldn’t get too worried about the indirect funding…for instance, have you ever given to the GOP? Up until 2009, the GOP’s own health care plan that they offered employees covered abortions – so like the Komen foundation, up until a couple of years ago, that same argument could be made to anybody that donated to the GOP on a national level.
I do not wish in anyway to be assossicated with someone who lacks understanding in such a delicate issue like that of abortion. This article shows that you are clearly a ruthless person who hijacks other’s passion and support to further your own motives, regardless of if it damages other people’s campaigns. You should be ashamed of your actions, you clearly want to do something you see as good. But many of the methods you use on this site are frankly disrespectful in my opinion.
do NOT buy Komen products! i do not buy their products because ive known they give to the abortion industry. i have called komen and let them have it. ive told them that they are contributing to breast cancer. i was met with denial and contempt from their staff. i refuse to buy their products.
Reality, Chris, Del, Amy1: Paragraph fixed. Taxpayers now give PP almost half a billion $$ every year.
Public employee (tax payer paid) unions contributed the following amounts of money to elect candidates in the 2010 election cycle:
The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees spent over 87 million
Service Employee International Union spent 44million
The National Education Association spent 40million
Your tax dollars at work folks.
Contemplating Cecile Richards career and her attempts to glam it up in whatever photo, flattering as they may be, I am reminded of something my friend Laurie used to say:
Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes all the way to the bone.
Perhaps she may yet have a conversion of heart and reclaim her dignity.
@Jim. The most disrespectful thing you can do is convince generations of women that the right to kill their unborn children is their liberation.
You came here to associate with us and to tell us you do not want to be associated with us? Mmmmkay.
If you are proabortion you should be ashamed of your actions by promoting abortion here. You clearly want to do something you see as good.
Why is the killing of my child by my abortion a delicate issue? Come on. I’m a big girl. I can take it.
jim dont you mean you just want your right to get outta paying child support?
lol jim calls pro lifers ruthless? lmao last time i checked it was the people who advocate the ripping off of babies limbs and the crushing of their skulls or throwing them in a bucket nude and mangled who were the ruthless cold blooded types.
oh and jim i wish you could meet some of my post abortive friends who are grieving the loss of their “globs of tissue” you havent done your homework as far as looking at post abortion syndrome ( a very real condition) women grieve their dead babies jim. i have seen it. i have heard endless stories of women who wish they could undo it all. but guess what jim? you cant bring a dead baby back to life. a crisis pregnancy is temporary. abortion is FOREVER!!
How long would Richards continue to draw that salary if libsnob feminists had to fund PP themselves? Funny picture, isn’t it…
Aww. We can’t “Like” comments anymore?
“..who hijacks other’s passion and support to further your own motives, regardless of if it damages other people’s..”
Wow, that’s an awesome description of pro-abortion tactics if I ever read one!!! In the 60’s and 70’s the cries for legal abortion were chock full of highly emotional propoganda (even today it continues). Just read Norma McCorvey’s book “Won by Love” to see how warmly she was treated by the abortion advocates who used her and cast her aside when her use was over. Just observe how abortion advocates love to pass around an old black and white photo of an abortion casualty, which completely demeans and degrades the woman’s memory with no regard for her family, while at the same time calling photos of aborted children “fake” and “disgusting.” There is no creature on the planet more hypocritical than an abortion advocate.
The sooner abortion is criminalized, the better.
I hope you are also commenting all over the interwebs that the campers who spent weeks using our cities sidewalks as lavatories were not, NOT, the 99% of anything.
yeah just like becky bell. pro aborts began using the pretty teen as the poster girl as a dead victim of an illegal abortion. they still use her to further their adgenda today. had anyone ever cared to get their facts straight they could have reviewed the on line autopsy report of rebecca suzanne bell. their was never any abortion. the coroner looked at the uterus and said the lining was smooth and it glistened. an abortion would have shown sloughing tissue. the cause of death was a rapid swift pneumonia that had infected beckys body so quickly that immediate treatment was not effective.
Right on, Heather. Oh, that phrase dates me!
Right now there’s a news item about a 14 year old girl who’s suing her family because they are trying to force her to abort. Sure enough, the abortion lover’s chatter on the web is all about how the pro-lifers have “brainwashed” her and want to “force” her to give birth. Yep, because if you say that life is better than death, well, you’re just swallowing pro-life propoganda! I mean, even though we’re placental mammals, even though we’re cooperative primates, we couldn’t possibly have an instinct to protect our children.
sorry about typos
Ninek–that’s because there’s no such thing as “pro-choice”–unless you choose abortion. That poor girl. Won’t anyone in her family stand up for her?
no problem ninek. a group of pro lifers here were talking to a 14 year old named ali. shed run away from home and was staying with a girl who was kind enough to take her in. she left home because she refused an abortion after her entire family insisted. this was last year and i never got to meet her but i hope shes okay. i prayed for her. of course thats all pro aborts want is a dead baby. what about “trust women”? so we stop trusting them if they choose life? anyway even becky bells mom said “my daughter died over a fetus.” no wonder they stopped dealing with pro aborts when the truth came out. no matter. pro aborts still use becky to pimp abortion.
I hope you are also commenting all over the interwebs that the campers who spent weeks using our cities sidewalks as lavatories were not, NOT, the 99% of anything.
Your comment does not address the question, so it isn’t relevant.
The question is: Who among Planned Parenthood CEOs said, “We are the 1%”?
If none of them said it, if there is no source for the quote, then the title of this piece is misleading, which makes it propaganda according to the Oxford Dictionary definition reproduced above.
mp: It’s obvious that it is not a quote – no one would go around running a controversial “non-profit” and then brag about being rich. I think Jill knows we’re intelligent enough to know it’s just a title of her blog entry about their salaries – if it wasn’t, she would have written the quote again in the body and elaborated on it. That’s how quotes in titles usually go.
Heather: That is so sad but true :( so many are forced into abortions – where is the “choice”? I am so proud of that young lady and I pray that she and her baby are doing well and being cared for.
mp, you poor poor thing. 99% vs 1% is a pop culture reference, but go ahead and reeeeeeach as far as you can to justify abortion. Oooh! Jill used a common-currently-in-the-news reference, oh that’s soooooo bad. You are a hypocrite if you don’t call everyone else on the same thing. So get on the phone now to all the networks, all the websites, and don’t forget the pundits, and correct their math, pronto!
Now, that’s enought time spent on your ridiculous “outrage.” So, you never answered my question. Abortionists love to tell women that their babies are “blobs” or “blobs of tissue.”
Tell us all: how many cells does my body need to be comprised of before an abortionist will call me a baby instead of a “blob?” Because last time I checked, “blob” is NOT a medical term in anyone’s textbook.
You are a hypocrite if you don’t call everyone else on the same thing.
Oh, but I do.
mp: It’s obvious that it is not a quote …
If it’s obvious that it is not a quote, then why the quotation marks?
My question stands.
mp, you poor poor thing. 99% vs 1% is a pop culture reference, but go ahead and reeeeeeach as far as you can to justify abortion.
I’m not attempting to justify anything.
I simply want an answer to my question.
OOh. I want to hear the answer too!
Just as ninek said: It’s a pop culture reference.
Moving on…
i know amber. im sure ali had the baby. its a shame that society says “oh just go have an abortion.” what about women who make the choice to give life?
Hey, I do know what Cecile really says: “We are the 3%” as in “only 3% of our services are abortions..”
One of my younger friends is pregnant and just got the 1st ultrasound. Her “blob” is totally recognizable as a little human and she doesn’t even have a visible ”bump” yet! Go, little blob, go! :>)
Haha ninek, thanks for that laugh <3
The point would be that there organizations that fight to cure breast cancer that do not grant money to the abortion and there is no good reason for Komen to fund them either. The girl scouts should stop supportingKomen too.
What is funny though is that you provide the same argument Komen seems to:
“Komen provides funding for local community health programs through our network of more than 120 affiliates across the United States. Each affiliate is responsible for assessing the breast health service needs—including education, screening, treatment and support—for the residents within its region as well as identifying and providing funding to organizations that can meet those needs. Annually, Komen Affiliates fund programs that provide breast health education and breast screenings for hundreds of thousands of low-income, uninsured, or medically under-served women via nearly 2,000 local organizations, including 19 Planned Parenthood programs.
The decision to fund any breast health and screening program is based on a thorough assessment of a community’s breast health needs and resources. In some areas of the U.S., our affiliates have determined a Planned Parenthood clinic to be the best or only local place where women can receive breast health care.”
So they don’t blanket support PP – they support them at local levels where those clinics are the best option (maybe the only option) – just like (I think) you are arguing that GOP support would have been fine because there aren’t other options. Or are you arguing that? What are you arguing in regards to the GOP indirectly funding abortions the same way?
She creeps me out big time!
PP does not perform mammograms and that whole PP does breast cancer screenings is a farce.
right ts…as a former pp client i can tell you that the only services provided were pap smears and birth control. of course they would refer you to the main death camp if you wanted an abortion.
Good on Jill- Have you seen this one posted months ago? : #Planned Parenthood’s Capitalistic and GREEDY rich! How about an “Occupy Planned Parenthood” protest next?