Videos: O’Reilly/Ingraham on Planned Parenthood report; Brigham being arraigned
Here are a couple unrelated but interesting videos from the week I thought you might like to view.
On January 5 Bill O’Reilly and Laura Ingraham discussed Planned Parenthood’s recently released 2009-2010 annual report…
And here is a short video of late-term abortionist Steven Brigham, who has been indicted on 10 counts of murdering preborn babies, being arraigned yesterday. One wonders what he has done, what he has seen, what goes through his mind…

Planned Parenthood is of the devil. Obama must be defeated.
hope they lock him up forever. abortionist brian finkel was a former arizona abortionist doing time for raping and molesting patients. hed been an abortionist for a long time. he tried to kiss patients and when one woman resisted he jerked her hard down into the stirrups. she began to cry. finkle invented a machine he called a “super sucker” and bragged about having worked with abortion floors back in the “good old days.” he said “honey back in the good old days i could open up a woman in 5 minutes. it was at that same time i found out that women will do ANYTHING for an abortion.”
wonder how the feminists feel about mr finkle raping abortion patients and talking about them like they are just tramps to use and abuse. your team cc joan reality…..not ours.
misogyny means a hatred or mistrust of women. then how does the pro abortion crowd feel about abortionist brian finkle and his comments? how do you guys feel about little girls who are killed in abortion? what about “trust women” and the fact that many women in china have abortions forced on their bodies when they dont want one. i guess its okay to say “my body not my choice” in china and pro aborts wont make a peep because the end result is a dead baby.
oh how the “BASTIONS OF TOLERANCE” never cease to amaze me.
You go, girl! :)
thanks hans i believe i will ;)
Heather, I do believe it was in Lime5 (though it might have been elsewhere) that an abortionist was raping his patients once they were “under’. He wasn’t concerned because he knew his DNA would be suctioned out in a few minutes anyhow.
Someone who can tear children apart for a living will certainly not have any concern for their mothers.
Heather: “women will do ANYTHING for an abortion.” What is it about an unwanted pregnancy that renders some girls and women so desperate to immediately end the pregnancy? They know it will end in a few months naturally. Yet they risk molestation, rape, death, pay exorbitant amounts of money, and, when it’s illegal, even risk jail time in order to end the pregnancy NOW.
Why is this?
I emailed a young married woman who had an unplanned pregnancy. She was strongly opposed to abortion. She planned to carry to term and place the baby for adoption. She wrote, “The last few months have been sheer hell.”
I asked her why she described them that way and she answered, “You’ve never had an unplanned pregnancy, have you?” She went on to say other things and I don’t remember all of them but I remember her saying, “You feel like your body has been invaded.”
Heather, why do women go through so much to abort?
sydney m. i believe that was finkle. a man in our pro life group obtained a public records request about our local abortionist martin ruddock ruddocks ex wife came to talk to a pastor in our group one day and said that marty was a sexual deviant. she was so happy shed divorced him. the public records revealed that ruddock was harassing a patient at home and at work and he wasnt just calling to see how she was feeling. he was looking for sex. a complaint was on file. also ruddock had to pay out 1 million in damages to a women. hed botched her abortion and she required an emergency hysterectomy. the list just went on.
see 3rd political cartoon in todays ‘Sundays funnies’
The democRATs are the bagmen, pimps and madams for ‘pp’, america’s whore house, and the democRATs are the recipients of the laundered blood money that ‘pp’ produces.
It is an incestous relationship that borders on beastiality.
[with apologies to practitioners of incest and beastiality for the indirect association with ‘pp’.]
denise i hope that young lady got help. i dont know what was going on with her. well and when finkle said “women would do anything for an abortion.” well we know the man cant be trusted so he could have made it up.. it still goes back to a man and woman having sex and taking a risk that a baby will be made. im never going to be okay with an abortion though.
heather says:
January 8, 2012 at 10:53 am
denise i hope that young lady got help. i dont know what was going on with her.
(Denise) I know that she was extremely opposed to abortion, so much so that she would rather “go through sheer hell” than have one. She and her husband didn’t feel prepared to raise a baby yet so when she got pregnant accidentally, she decided to carry to term and place the baby for adoption. This is a very unusual step for married women but some will take it.
<<well and when finkle said “women would do anything for an abortion.” well we know the man cant be trusted so he could have made it up.
(Denise) History and contemporary evidence both seem to back him. Women have abortions in large numbers despite the high level of risks involved with this procedure.
(Denise) I wasn’t asking you to be “okay” with it. After all, I’m not “okay” with it either!
I was asking why women abortion when abortion entails so many horrors for them.
Read Rodney Stark’s “Rise of Christianity”, Chapter 5.
Women get abortions when they are members of a society which places little value on women or children. Abortion is widely practiced for economic reasons, to conceal illicit sexual activity or at the insistence of domineering men. Legalized abortion debases women, but it is just one symptom of a culture that places little value on the inherent dignity of women. The Christian subculture during the Roman era was exceptional in its positive treatment of women and children.
An authentic Christian culture in America would do the same, but it must be authentic. This is why I am grateful to be a Roman Catholic. When I studied what the Catholic Church actually teaches, I found it liberating because it led me to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The challenge now is for us Catholics to live what we believe.
PS Abortions in ancient Rome were often deadly for the woman. Yet they got them anyhow. Prolifers are not indifferent to the challenges faced by women.
yeah id agree that any society that allows abortion doesnt value women or children at all. womens lib wanted us to be legal to men. in fact it has put us so far behind men. it all backfired. and i never wanted to be equal to men so those radical femisists dont speak to me.
denise i dont know why they would do anything for an abortion. actually i guess if these women wanted to do sexual favors for finkle for an abortion then thats not saying much for them. they could carry to term and place for adoption. dont forget scott petersons sister was placed for adoption and she turned out finkle was calling them tramps. that doesnt sit well with me.
denise im just going to be blunt here. if you act like a tramp then i cant defend women who choose to. read the book Lime 5. many women will have sex with their abortionists ( and its a legal procedure today!) i cant tell you why.
Denise, what you don’t understand is, not every woman suffers from impulse control disorders. Same with men. *sigh*
right x i dont have to have sex. i have to have food water air but i dont HAVE to have SEX! i have gone for years without it. it is possible. it isnt something a man or woman will die without. many of my married friends are too tired for sex so they abstain. my girlfriend stopped at my house the other day and said ” “bob” and i havent had sex in months ( her husband ) because we are both working so much.” yet they still love each other.
i would also like to add that these women who see a pregnancy as such a crisis must have impulse control. if they really knew that a pregnancy would cause them such despair then they shouldnt have jumped into bed and taken that chance.
i would also like to add that these women who see a pregnancy as such a crisis must have impulse control.
Heather, I’d just like to remind you that it takes two to tango, and sometimes it is the spouse/significant other with the impulse control problem. That was the case for me. Trying to be a dutiful and committed spouse to someone with a sex addiction/impulse control problem is difficult when they can’t seem to grasp (or don’t care to) that sex = babies, and don’t WANT the babies that sex creates (and don’t care to discuss the fact that they want lots and lots of sex and no babies with you beforehand). It’s not always a woman’s fault. Sometimes saying “No.” doesn’t work.
x true.
good for you denise. im just fine with a woman who wants a tubal. im okay with women who dont want to be mothers. id rather see a woman get a tubal then to have multiple abortions.
or let men get vasectomies.
oops to correct above posts lack of impulse control and not LEGAL to men should say equal. sorry
There are some guys who know how to say no to any passing thought they may have. Tim Tebow isn’t the only one.
Oh, I know that NOW, Hans. Live and learn. I’ve traded up, trust me. ;)
finkle did everything his victims said i didnt know he was prosecuted until i saw his awful face on the news back when it aired he asked sexual questions and i knew something was not right when he gazed at me from behind his desk saying how beautiful i wasi woke up from the procedure with him smiling in glee hands on my thighs i was then told to stand completely naked where i was asked questions about my boyfriend yes i did have an abortion but i was young he knew id be medicated and i had no dignity left when i went home ..he might die in prison which is good ..ive already died inside but i have survived mentally only by the grace of god …