Thumbnail image for blog buzz.jpgby Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email

  • Albert Mohler responds to New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, who suggests that not making contraception “free for all” is equivalent to “banning” it. Kristof also makes the startling statement, “The basic principle of American life is that we try to respect religious beliefs, and accommodate them where we can.”

  • Accepting Abundance blogs about Whole Woman’s Health in Maryland and Texas (recently fined for dumping the bodies of aborted children in a landfill) which now offers a mobile app for more convenient and efficient abortions. Also included at this abortion day spa are herbal tea, VIP rooms, cookies, “post-abortion care baskets”, and even souvenir photos of the child you just killed. Decorative fluff and faux women’s empowerment aside, these are killing centers attempting to dress up the death of the defenseless. You really have to read it to believe it.

  • Our newest blog, Kansans for Life, reports on NOW lobbyist Kari Rinker’s (pictured left) recent “rants” before a Kansas State House Committee, in which she theatrically accused committee members of “rubber stamping” pro-life legislation and of passing laws that “demean women.” Committee member Rep. John Rubin “told Rinker he believed ‘the most fundamental right any woman has in America is the right to life’ and said more than half of those aborted are females.”
  • Abolitionist Society of OK shares a great example of how social networking can be used to reach open hearts and minds on the abortion issue. We may not always reap an immediate harvest, but there is great value in planting a seed for life.
  • LaShawn Barber quotes excerpts from Michelle Malkin, who compares Obama’s contraceptive mandate with Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger’s Negro Project. Malkin writes:

    When a bunch of wealthy white women and elite Washington bureaucrats defend the trampling of religious liberties in the name of “increased access” to “reproductive services” for “poor” women, the ghost of Margaret Sanger is cackling.

    As she wrote in her autobiography, Sanger founded Planned Parenthood in 1916 “to stop the multiplication of the unfit.” This, she boasted, would be “the most important and greatest step towards race betterment.”…

    Outright murder wouldn’t sell. But wrapping it under the egalitarian cloak of “women’s health” — and adorning it with the moral authority of black churches — would. [Founders] called their deadly campaign “The Negro Project.”

  • Big Blue Wave links to an article about a celebratory euthanasia film festival in the Netherlands, which strangely (or not so strangely) did “not include one of the first and most famous euthanasia films, the tear-jerker Ich Klage An – perhaps because it was made by Nazis during World War II to promote voluntary euthanasia as a cover-up for the involuntary sort.”
  • On a similar note, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition reports that the Netherlands now have six mobile euthanasia units to dispatch death to your doorstep, which are estimated to “lead to 1000 more euthanasia deaths in the Netherlands per year.”
  • Ethika Politika revisits their most popular topic to date, in the wake of the new HHS contraceptive mandate – the belief that one cannot be pro-life and pro-contraception:If the pro-life cause hopes to emerge victorious from the throes of a rampant disregard for basic human rights, it needs to realize — and ever more quickly — that abortion isn’t the only way dignity comes under attack. The embrace of abortion is fueled by an embrace of sexual license, and a culture that continues to reduce sexual expression to the unavoidable byproduct of insatiable and unruly desires.

[Photos via and]

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