web grab.jpgby JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat

  • The Washington Times has an article on Abby Johnson’s $5.7 million whistleblower lawsuit against Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast:

    According to the lawsuit, PPGC contracted with the state to help prevent unwanted pregnancies among a population of eligible women. The clinics’ main service was to offer women an annual family-planning exam and consultation; only office visits “related to contraceptive management” were reimbursable by the Medicaid program, the lawsuit said.

    However, owing to financial pressures of its own, PPGC leaders and staff collaborated to register all kinds of ineligible services — pregnancy tests, sexual-disease tests, Pap tests — for Medicaid reimbursement, the lawsuit claims, adding that the bosses admitted to Ms. Johnson and other clinic directors that these claims were not eligible for reimbursement, but told them, “We have to keep these people as patients” and “We must turn every call and visit into a revenue-generating client.”

  • Dr. Peter Goodwin (pictured left), a leading advocate of Oregon’s assisted suicide law killed himself using pills obtain under the state’s “Death With Dignity Act.”
  • Two New York researchers were awarded the King Faisal International Prize for Medicine for their work to treat alloimmune thrombocytopenia, “an auto-immune disease which can cause fatal brain hemorrhages in unborn fetuses and newborn children. The cause is unclear, but the illness causes the mother’s immune system to attack the fetus as if it were a foreign body or disease.”
  • In the Weekly Standard, Andrew Ferguson discusses the “after-birth abortion” bioethicists:

    The article doesn’t go on for more than 1,500 words, but for non-ethicists it has a high surprise-per-word ratio. The information that newborn babies aren’t people is just the beginning. A reader learns that “many non-human animals… are persons” and therefore enjoy a “right to life.” (Such ruminative ruminants, unlike babies, are self-aware enough to know that getting killed will entail a “loss of value.”) The authors don’t tell us which species these “non-human persons” belong to, but it’s safe to say that you don’t want to take a medical ethicist to dinner at Outback.

[Photo via oregonlive.com]

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