(Prolifer)ations 5-4-12
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
We welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs (see tab on right side of home page)! Email Susie@jillstanek.com.
- Moral Outcry comments on a Christianity Today article on a conference of young evangelicals who largely agreed that contraception should be promoted among Christian singles as a way to prevent abortions:
Combating abortion in the church isn’t going to happen by endorsing abortifacient birth control with a weak justification that since singles might sin anyway, we should help “prevent” the problem. Acknowledging a sinful lifestyle is just “how it is now” is agreeing with the kingdom of darkness that sin can be relative to situations.Further, by trying to reduce the problem, we send a message that a baby is only a blessing if it’s a desired baby that comes through marriage and a couple’s want. Psalm 127:3 reminds us, “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward.”
Shockingly enough, Jesus and the Apostle Paul advocated celibacy and purity.
- Pro-Life Action League recaps UnitedWomen.org’s attempt to copycat the successful Stand Up for Religious Freedom rallies recently held in 145 cities on a weekday with 63K in attendance. Though the copycat rallies were on a Saturday, attendance could only be described as “paltry.” Was it their muddled messaging, vulgar signage, B-rated speakers or just lack of commitment? PLAL is gearing up for another round of Stand Up rallies on June 8th.
- John Smeaton applauds citizen advocate and parent Emma Clarke, who spoke against a the use of graphic sex cartoons and videos in UK school sex education programs. Clarke organized a petition signed by 47,000 people calling for the banning of sex DVD’s in schools, which has resulted in a review of current programs:
She said that her son’s behaviour changed radically for the worse after he was exposed to sex education at school. Mrs. Clarke, who also runs a charity for child sex abuse victims, said that sex education puts children in a vulnerable position because the material used is basically paedophilic.
- Wesley J. Smith comments on the story of George Will’s son, Jon, who has Down syndrome (family pictured right), and discusses the gift that the developmentally disabled are to us all:
We should ponder that as our society conducts a search and destroy mission to wipe people like Jon Will off the face of the earth. And it won’t end with eugenic abortion. The odor of infanticide is on the wind too. Not only that, but people like my friend who become developmentally or cognitively disabled after birth could well also be targeted one day for mercy killing or refused necessary medical treatment toward the end that they die sooner rather than later. It has happened in history before. And with people like Terri Schiavo, it is happening here and now. - Reflections of a Paralytic recommends the subtly pro-life movie, In America, about an Irish family who moves to NYC.
- Secular Pro-Life urges a boycott of the Earl Macke School of Law at Drexel University over their “promot[ion of] two pro-abortion pro bono projects.” See BoycottDrexel.com for more details.
- Right to Life of Michigan introduces the “Life After 40” campaign:
For 40 weeks, from April 17 until the 40th memorial of Roe on January 22, let’s celebrate the development of human life. Make a pledge to be a voice for the voiceless and share one fact each week about life in the womb… with your family and friends using email and social networks. After 40 weeks, a baby is born and after 40 years of Roe, life begins again.This video captures the idea very well:

Unite women they say. Given that women are at least as divided on these issues as men are, it seems silly to think you can unite them. I guess they can unite like minded women.
In America is a very good movie, I recommend it.
Oh but JDC, haven’t you heard? All women are pro-choice, pro-contraceptives! Those that don’t *appear* to be have been brainwashed and supressed by the male-dominated religious right and only need exposure to a ‘real’ liberated woman to break the chains of misogynistic tyrrany and flee into the open arms of their liberated sisters. All the woman in the 2nd picture there are actually being drug their in chains by woman-hating husbands and fathers, don’t you know the male-only pro-life movement photoshops all pictures so you can’t see the chains?
[just saw this on the net. enjoy]
New Pro-Life Slogans
Journalist/Author Dave MacPherson has composed these baby-saving slogans: “Unborn babies should have the right to keep and bear arms – and legs and ears and eyes etc.!” and “Unborn babies should have the same right to be born alive that abortionists had!”