“12th & Delaware” abortion clinic owner scrubs hemorrhaged blood off sidewalk
The Susan B. Anthony List “Women Speak Out: Abortion is NOT Health Care” bus tour made a stop in Fort Pierce, Florida, last week, where I met staff from Pregnancy Care Center, the resource center featured in the 2010 HBO documentary 12th & Delaware.
12 & Delaware pitted PRC against the late-term abortion clinic across the street (hence the title of the movie), A Woman’s World Medical Center, with the latter emerging in the film as a shining city on a hill and the former not so much.
I wrote in December 2010 that A Woman’s World Medical Center was subsequently cited for numerous health and safety violations soon after the documentary aired. A year later it was cited for 31 pages of violations, including expired resuscitation equipment, unqualified staff, inadequate patient monitoring. In fact, the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration has now issued six deficiency reports since 2009.
But at the SBA List bus stop I was told of an incident that took place on August 11, and given photos.
Sidewalk counselors noted that a post-abortive mother who had left the clinic and driven herself out of the parking lot (which I’m sure is a health code violation), drove herself back 20 minutes later.
Walking up the ramp to the front door, she dropped her keys. When she bent over to pick them up, she hemorrhaged a large amount of blood, and then left a trail of blood behind her all the way to the door.
The photos below are of “lab tech” Arnold Guerrero (close-up right), who is married to mill owner (and convicted felon for cocaine possession, robbery and battery, and grand theft) Candace Dye, quickly trying to mop up the blood.
Click to enlarge…
The mother left the clinic again after a half hour, again driving herself out of the parking lot alone.
[HT: Bren and Anne]
What many do not know, in addition to the wretched “industry” of abortion, the aborted babies are then treated as “by-product” and sold to many other businesses ending up in cosmetics, hair care products, flavor enhancers and even fad diet products (i.e. HCG – made from something only found in unborn babies and pregnant mother’s urine. Well, when was the last time you saw any company soliciting pregnant women for their urine? NEVER. So the only other place it COULD POSSIBLY come from is the abortion resale industry!) Wicked, wicked people! Maranatha.
pics look like a residence…are we sure these pics are legit?
Thanks, Jill. The pro-life community of Fort Pierce is grateful for your exposure of this clinic. For too long, abortion clinics like this one have gotten a free pass to continue their killing without any accountability from monitoring agencies. Exposure is critical! Thank you!
okay, so just googled it and see preg. center across street…what a wonderful location! talk about being on the front lines of this battle! prayers for the staff!
Oh, that hose just PROCLAIMS the liberation that abortion must provide!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Carol,
Thanks, and yes the pictures are legit. The clinic sits on a residential street (whereas although we are across the street, our building faces Delaware and is zoned for business) and many years ago when they bought the house, the owners had to get the neighbors to sign their acceptance for the zone change. They told the neighbors it would be a “walk-in clinic” and never mentioned the word abortion. So, they had no problem getting all of them to agree to it. What you don’t see in the picture is the third building in the situation – an elementary school! Believe it or not, an abortion clinic right across from a school.
Shut this back alley butcher shop down!!!
Oops. I mean front alley. A pretty little house does nothing to mask the horror, evil and killing that goes on inside.
Prayers for the mother and for you dear Pregnancy Center workers across the street!! Fight the good fight!
who needs a cheapo coat hanger when you can do the same thing to yourself at a pretty suburban clinic…. :(
I will never understand how those that proclaim to support women and women’s rights don’t think women deserve clinics that meet health & safety standards. How can a woman’s access to abortion be more important than the woman herself? While I’d love to see these places closed down, why aren’t pro-choicers fighting to get these places to clean up their act?
If you want to cry, read the Journal Notes under Recent News (right side of page) on the A Woman’s World Medical Center site. Those repeat visitors, do they know about the health & safety violations?
The sidewalk counselors do inform the women going in of the violations and also have a blown-up photo of a woman being taken away in an ambulance from that clinic. Neither seems to make an impact. Additionally, the women are never told the abortionist’s name. He/She (there are 2 males and 1 female) is driven into the garage under the cover of a sheet. The sidewalk counselors also hand out the malpractice record of the abortionists – having long ago identified them.
The women never meet the abortionist and according to our post-abortive clients (from PCC) all they see are the eyes because the abortionist only comes into the room at the last moment and already has a surgical mask on.
It’s a truly evil situation.
Lrning, because the woman isn’t important. (I know you know this.) Abortion rights have never been about women. It has been about social policy and supposedly freeing women from their biology. It is the true “war on women” to use the popular catch phrase. This is one of the reasons why abortion is never a loving option. It destroys the dignity of motherhood, kills an innocent child, and harms women.
Why? why? why? is this place still open with all of these documented violations????????????
As a former labor and delivery nurse, I am horrified at the description of this. The public needs to be informed of a the horrific details because that is the only way change can come about. The civil rights of the unborn need to be put into the US Constitution and the father and mother held accountable!!
What? You mean abortion isn’t between a woman and her abortionist?
I mean doctor??
Good Lord 22 years ago the abortionist didn’t even look at me or talk to me. And these butchers don’t even let you see their face?? Darkness. Truly it is all done in darkness.
Yes, all in darkness. The abortionists arrive under the cover of a sheet and leave under the cover of a sheet. They park their cars at the local WalMart and the owner’s husband is their driver/escort.
The women remain behind for their “recovery” without his/her supervision. All three abortionists live between 1 hour – 2 hours from the clinic and none have privileges at the local hospital. One is the chief of obstetrics at a hospital about 1.5 hours west of the clinic. He delivers babies and kills them -sometimes in the same day.
God help us Anne.
Praying for you and hoping that Jill writing about it will encourage others to STAND UP and join you!!
PS I wanted to find you on facebook and then realized that we are already friends there. :)
Anne: Would that be Dr. Carlito Arrogante at Glades General Hospital?
Yes, it is indeed Arrogante. He’s one of three that kill at AWW.
The women never meet the abortionist and according to our post-abortive clients (from PCC) all they see are the eyes because the abortionist only comes into the room at the last moment and already has a surgical mask on.
That sounds like a horror movie. Just chilling.
This is why more hospitals need to start performing abortions again. But, of course, you schizophrenic fetus worshipers don’t want that, either.
Such hypocritical, busybody faux Christians most of you are.
Wow, Kevin, kind of harsh. I’d wager a bet that the abortion industry does not want abortions restricted to hospitals either as hospitals fall under much stricter regulations than do outpatient clinics.
Besides, then all of the profits would remain with the hospitals and the privately owned clinics (like A Woman’s World in this article) and all of the Planned Parenthood affiliates would lose their main source of income. Abortion = Big money.
I am PROUD to be a fetus worshipper; I am honored that you recognize! I do love those unborn babies so much so that I do all I can to help them and the moms. I pray, donate, volunteer, keep peaceful vigils, and educate when I can.
Secondly, these people that you accuse of being “faux” are the most genuine and authentic people you will ever meet in your life. Hands down. When you meet them and see that their actions line up with their beliefs AND they reach out in love to those in the abortion industrty–it really makes your claim a fairy tale…so far from the truth to be, actually, funny.
Absolutly not, the abortion industry does NOT want the hospital as location. As it stands most clinics can’t meet bare minimum standards, many of the employees are not licensed or would not qualify in a more professional atmosphere (Common, Dye has a felony record with cocaine, assault and battery and grand theft). I assure you, the hospitals don’t want them either!
Abolish the abortion of Humans. Period.
abortion doesn’t solve ANYTHING. And hospitals DO NOT NEED TO BE a place to KILL PREBORN BABIES!
Why doesn’t the health board do anything?
Oh, and I don’t worship “Fetuses”. I care about the preborn baby as well as the mother. I don’t tell her that the only way to solve her troubles: unexpected pregnancy, for example, is to KILL THE BABY. We can LOVE THEM BOTH!
I don’t see any prochoicers opening maternity homes or giving diapers or baby clothes away for free. Or helping a woman get their GED. I just see people saying you can’t go to school and be a mother (if anything is anti woman, telling someone they can’t raise a baby AND go to school is)
I don’t really worship anything. I’m not religious. I mean, I love my daughter-always have. But I just don’t think it should’ve been legal for me to kill her just because she happened to be in my uterus. I don’t think it should be legal to kill ANY child in their mom’s womb. That doesn’t mean I worship them, just that I think they should have the same right to live that we all do.
Hi Kevin,
Do you all just take turns writing and rewriting the same tired ol lines?
If I am a fetus worshiper does that make you a dead fetus worshiper?
Kevin: Your own mother must have been a “fetus worshiper” herself or you wouldn’t BE here to write such an insane comment. Why not take a moment and call her up to say, “Thanks MOM for letting me LIVE.”
It still boggles my mind how animal hospitals and veteranary clinics are held to higher standards than abortion mills.
Yeh, Kev, you picked the wrong site to try and convert anyone here to the “pro-killing humans in the womb” movement. Go look up Gianna Jessen.
Why don’t you prolifers discuss what a fraud Dr. Jack Wilke is?
Republicans, wanting incest victims’ fathers to become grandfathers through force.
Gee, Mike, why is it Republicans want less regulations–until it involves abortion clinics?
Doe, Gianna Jessen, a woman exploited by the prolifers? Never let a good exploitation go to waste.
Blessing, you frauds want abortion criminalized, yet you don’t want the woman to be punished, just the doctor.
“Gee, Mike, why is it Republicans want less regulations–until it involves abortion clinics?
Without getting into any sort of nuances about proper role of government legislating morality as opposed to prudential regulations, notice the category shift. We here are on a pro-life site. Yet, now pro-lifers=Republican. This kind of “error” is simply not the mark of any sort of careful thinking.
Doe, Gianna Jessen, a woman exploited by the prolifers? Never let a good exploitation go to waste.
Excuse me? “exploited by prolifers”?! I don’t think any PRO-LIFER was responsible for her almost being killed and ending up with cerebral palsy, dude. It’s not like anyone MAKES her tour for Pro-Life speaking engagements. SHE CHOOSES TO DO THAT, because SHE WAS VICTIMIZED BY “Pro-Choice”. Don’t you support all choices we as women make, Kevin?!
Poor Kevin. He confuses the word “exploit” with “celebrate.” Women in the prolife movement actually stand for something, Kev. Please don’t confuse our battle-tested heroines with your flunky Fluke, who’s just looking for the free stuff.
Kevin, I know it must be hard for you (being a pro-abort) to stay with the topic on hand but try, okay? Many of us here are not Republicans. I am not. So nice try.
Gianna Jessen was aborted. By someone with an evil, dark heart full of hate and rage…kinda like…yours! Yes, all of you who worship dead fetuses are responsible for those who have been victimized like Gianna Jessen. And there are more who were aborted and lived. My friend Melissa Ohden was aborted and discarded in the trash till a nurse heard her weak cry and took pity on her.
How would it be any different if abortions were performed in the hospital? Did you not just read that the CHIEF of obstetrics at a hospital was performing abortions AT THIS CLINIC with ALL of its MANY violations? Is reading comprehension not your strong suit Kevin?
The problem is that any doctor who would degrade himself and his life-saving skills to become a paid assassin of the unborn probably isn’t the type of doctor who gives a crap about safety of his patients in the first place. He is probably a doctor who fails so miserably at doctoring that he/she must use whatever surgical knowledge they have not to heal, but to kill.
Any doctor with real skill seems to want to distance himself from abortion.
Do you want to stay and have a rational discussion Kevin? That would be nice. Typing HYPOCRITES hardly makes a case for why you believe an innocent preborn human being should die and a woman be wounded.
Try asking a serious question or state what you believe.
Like this
Do you think post abortive women should be punished?
Why should the abortionist go to jail?
I believe it’s a woman’s right to choose to kill her own flesh and blood.
I am a pro abort.
Why is it so very difficult for proaborts to have a reasonable conversation???? I keep thinking of Herman Cain’s quote: S.I.N. for classic probort M.O. I’ve found it to be extremely accurate as illustrated above by Kevin.
Shift the topic
Ignore the facts
Name call, when the above two fails.
Kevin–if you are willing to have an intelligent engaging convo, then please join us. If not–please don’t waste our time or yours.
Shift the topic
Ignore the facts
Name call, when that fails.
Speaking of 12th and Delaware, I was wondering: does Pregnancy Care Center still have a relationship with the priest featured in the film? The one who stepped out of public view after it came out that he had repeatedly committed sexual assault in the course of performing exorcisms?
When I was a teenager, a bunch of rowdy people rented the house next door. I was told at breakfast by my mother that a party had taken place at their house the previous night, a fight had broken out and a man was stabbed. The woman who lived on the other side next door to that rented place — two doors down from our house — had told my mother that the stabbing left blood all the way up to her porch.
I left for school but before I did I checked out the sidewalk in front of the house next door. I couldn’t see any blood but I could tell it had very recently been washed.
Lisa C,
So you think that a priest’s alleged sin (no proof that this is true, but let’s suppose that it is) makes handing out diapers and baby food and maternity clothes WRONG? You think that because someone who has counseled mothers to choose life for their child is wrong about encouraging them to choose life?
On the other hand, you think that the abortion clinic is somehow in the RIGHT for taking the lives of innocent children and wounding women because someone who encourages people to choose life has committed a grievous sin? You’re right that it’s a grievous sin, and inexcusable, but in no way would a priest’s sin (or anyone else’s sin) make killing babies right and acceptable. Sexual sin is a sin, and it is wrong. Killing is a sin and it is wrong. Helping mothers to choose life and supporting them in taking care of their child is right.
Lisa C,
In a completely different vein, are you aware that the percentage of teachers who sexually molest people is greater than the number of Catholic priests who do so?
Also, are you aware that there have been a number of false accusations against Catholic priests?
Are you also aware that Catholic priests (both living and dead) have been persecuted and that great amounts of money have been awarded by the courts to “victims” whose cases have not been proven in the typical manner?
Are you also aware that the lawyers who have been prosecuting these cases have a deep hatred for the Catholic church and have, as their goal, the stated destruction of the Catholic church?
Are you also aware that there are a good number (probably 99%) of Catholic priests are good, holy, and CELIBATE men, and that these good and holy men are being judged, mocked, scorned, persecuted, and reviled by people because of the sins of a few widely publicized cases?
Lisa C – check your facts before commenting. Allegations are not facts.
Lisa C – check your facts before commenting. Allegations are not facts.
I’ve read Mr. Euteneuer’s public statement. It seems pretty straightforward.
That would be FATHER Euteneuer.
And, if you actually did read his statement you would know he did not assault anyone.
Take your lies elsewhere – this is not the forum for you.
Yes Anne!!
I was so ignorant and found the statement myself! Thank you LisaC for illuminating me–it really makes your position look foolish.
Holy crap someone with integrity and honesty and humility. People fail to see that Priests are human beings, make mistakes and that one person does not define the entire faithful billions of members and leaders of the Catholic church–A global organization.
@ LisaC, Even in the face of his guilt–it does not justifiy the killing of unborn children! However, the very fact that you, LisaC, are attempting to equate thE TWO, or even worse, diminish the case against abortion via a Father’s confession screams volumes about your character and priorities.
Here we are discussing this abortion clinic and this poor woman who hemmoraged, was obviously suffering, alone–and you change the subject to guilty Priests?????????
The priest was wrong and this Clinic is STILL wrong–
do you think Dye will apologize, will she admit her guilt?
Will she improve her standards of care?
Will she compensate the patient for her error?
Will she make a public statement to concede her point?
Will she exhibit half the integrity, courage and grace as the Father did?
Will she cease killing unborn babies?
Will she fully disclose the risks of abortion to these poor girls?
LisaC–please go spew your garbage elsewhere.
That would be FATHER Euteneuer.
That would be Father Euteneuer to you, yes. Not to all of us.
And, if you actually did read his statement you would know he did not assault anyone.
I suppose we have different ideas about whether a woman who consents to a priest performing an exorcism ipso facto consents to being the object of his violation of the boundaries of chastity.
However, the very fact that you, LisaC, are attempting to equate thE TWO, or even worse, diminish the case against abortion via a Father’s confession screams volumes about your character and priorities.
Try to calm down, Blessing. I was just curious about the man’s connection to the CPC.
Considering you do not know the facts of the situation Lisa C., it’d be wise to just back off.
Good point Edith Smith! I agree. As a democratic country the state should not interfere with the church and vice versa. The mandate is the real manifestation that the Obama administration violates the rule of the mankind. We should have the right of expression in our various faiths to be exercised appropriately. Religion must not be a hindrance to be united, nonetheless it should be the reason why the state and the church will unite as one.