My thoughts regarding Election Day
I seriously could not have articulated my thoughts regarding Election Day any better than did Erick Erickson of This is exactly what I’m thinking, except for the fact I know I will be quite upset if Barack Obama wins. I’m only human. That said, I know God is in control. I would get over it. I have been disappointed many times only to look back and say, “Ah, I get it, and I sure am glad I’m not the one running things.” Excerpts from Erick’s post…
I believe Mitt Romney will win on election day….
My world view is pretty simple. I think this world is destined to go to hell in a hand basket by design. I think things are supposed to go to pot. So if Barack Obama wins, I won’t be upset. If Mitt Romney wins, I won’t be running through the streets cheering. I think, either way, it is all part of the design. The world is going down hill. Barack Obama re-elected just gets us down the slippery slope faster in my view. For others, it is Mitt Romney who does.
God is sovereign and He is in charge and He will return. That is my hope and my ever present expectation.
We often get so wrapped up in the view of things at ground level, we forget to look at the world from 50,000 feet. In the historic, grand scheme of things, this too will end.
Don’t confuse me with a fatalist and don’t confuse me with someone who does not really care about the future of our nation. I think we are the last best hope of mankind on this planet. But my destiny is not tied to this planet. While I am here, however, I have convictions that are greater than either candidate and either party and I fight more for a cause than a candidate. I expect, regardless of who is in the White House, I’ll find myself at odds with them, though more so with Obama than Romney.
When I wake up on Wednesday morning, I’m still going to have my wife. I’m still going to have my kids. I’m still going to have my family. And I’m still going to have my God. So will you….
What I do know for sure is that I’m headed home to eternity and this world is temporary….
Too many of my friends have gotten so focused on the outcome and are so convinced the country as they know it is over if the other side wins that they are joyless to be around right now.…
God is sovereign. And whether you are for Barack Obama or Mitt Romney, set your sights on God, not November 6th, and be happy. In four years, we really will do this all over again whether right now you think so or not. There is no permanence except in Heaven.
These all died in faith, not having received the things promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar, and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth. For people who speak thus make it clear that they are seeking a homeland. If they had been thinking of that land from which they had gone out, they would have had opportunity to return. But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city.
— Hebrews 11:13-16 (ESV)
Now go vote! The future of the nation is at stake!!!!
Excellent post!
One add-on by me to the sentence “There is no permanence except in Heaven.” I would change the sentence to “There is no permanence except in Heaven and Hell”.
As important as it is to stand firm for the prolife cause, it’s infinitely more important to proclaim what God’s Word has to say about the free gift of eternal life through the shed blood of Jesus and that He can pay a person’s sin debt in full. Without Jesus, there is absolutely NO HOPE for this world or the next.
I liked the entire post and especially the last line.
Be advised, should Romney win Obama still has 2 months left in office with a lot of power, a score to settle, and nothing to lose. SPDs/NPDs with a score to settle are at their most dangerous. Even Dick Morris has backed up what I had to say about this. He must read Jill’s blog!
Excellent!! Thank you Erick and Jill!!
Totally agree. Obama will not go quietly and we are fools to think he doesn’t already have a team to force recounts and start lawsuits and drag the election out. AND what else will he try to ram down our throats before January??
Also, we should be prepared for the fallout when he loses. There are folks who are threatening civil unrest and WORSE and they will do it. I have no doubt.
Hi Carla,
He will also have executive orders at his disposal, to sign as he sees fit. You may want to check out Morris’ video on his website. Search for Obama’s scorched earth policy.
The best comparison I can make is to the woman, or man, who leaves an abusive relationship, only to be stalked, terrorized, or even killed. NPDs are not people who graciously take “no” for an answer. One disregards the kind of mind one is dealing with at one’s own risk.
You’re right Carla about the civil unrest, etc. The ending is only the beginning of the worst to come.
Excellent article – I enjoyed the read. I’m already thinking about taking a facebook break for a day or two after the election, when half my friends think that the world is going to collapse at any second.
God has ruled through great leaders and bad, great nations and bad, and times so horrible that they make these days look like a walk in the park. God will continue to reign either way.
Well I don’t believe in God but I don’t see the point of having a heart attack if the guy I want to win doesn’t. What will happen will happen, all we can do is try to vote as we see best and deal with whatever comes.
After I expressed dismay after last election to a Christian leader, he reminded me that God has His hand in every election even when we can’t see the reasons. I think Obama’s election woke up a lot of people to issues they have taken for granted. I see the difference in normally passive people speaking out more at the local level and normally assertive people listening to the other side. I see people, myself included, getting involved in teaching others to not take our freedoms lightly.
If Obama wins again, more people will be forced to wake up and take action or watch their rights further erode.
We as citizens have had the greatest lesson in civics ever throughout the Obama administration. It is totally amazing how blinded we were by the color of his skin and fancy rhetoric. To say nothing about the party he represents.
Ever since Erickson pulled his juvenile Palin Bashing Stunt every hour on the hour on October of last year, basically mocking her and her supporters for her delay in announcing her intentions for the presidency, I no longer follow him or Redstate. He was harder on Palin than on any female lib.
So he wants to invoke God. Fine. He may want to start by apologizing to Sarah.
Holding my breath I am not.
This is exactly what I’m thinking, except for the fact I know I will be quite upset if Barack Obama wins.
Aside from the prospect of another 15 years of Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood getting another $2 billion from taxpayers, I must say that I’m dreading every media outlet repeating the trope that Romney lost because of his pro-life stance. Despite having no basis in reality whatsoever, they do this every single time the GOP loses.
“If Obama wins again, more people will be forced to wake up and take action or watch their rights further erode.”
Right on, Praxedes. The war on women nonsense first followed by the mandate is a huge part of why I suddenly shed my apolitical leanings and why I became more flamingly pro-life. Thank you, Obama, for helping me to see many things more clearly.
Sigh, I try to remember that, but I’m afraid if Obama gets re-elected it will be the start of the end…
If Obama wins I’m going to write my Congressman and Senators demanding that they stand strong and block every wicked thing Obama tries to do over the next four years. If Romney wins I’m taking a nap.
Obama’s re-election is more in line with end-times eschatology, i.e., the abandonment of Israel, the vast persecution of the church (Islam), Iran’s (Persia) alignment with Russion (The Bear), etc. I really hope I am wrong.
If he get’s re-elected, I believe is an indication that the end is closer than we think. Be aware of the signs of the times my friends, Jesus is coming back soon. Get ready, be watching. Don’t be found unaware.
We survived 8 years of Bush in office…we’ll survive four more with Obama in office.
If Romney does in fact lose, maybe it will be a wake up call to the Republican party that they’ve got to do things a bit differently.
“If Romney does in fact lose, maybe it will be a wake up call to the Republican party that they’ve got to do things a bit differently.”
So it will mean that the GOP should use scorched Earth, slash and burn, win at all costs politics like Obama, who builds his “throne” from the bodies of aborted children and endless lies? It will mean the GOP should use the Democrat tactic of claiming that the other guy wants to kill your daughter, kill your wife, kill grandma, and kill the planet? That’s what I’ve been seeing from rank and file Democrats in their letters to the editor for months now.
I remain convinced that Ex is a paid Obama operative who loves abortion and has been ordered to come here and vex us.
Lol, Ex can’t catch a break.
John, if you don’t think that the GOP also uses fear-mongering and bad politics to get votes then I don’t think we are looking at the same party. Sure, they claim to be against aborton and gay marriage to keep the evangelical vote, and I think Romney is infinitesimally better than Obama. But all in all none of them are out for our interests.
Jack, the GOP uses fear mongering to an extent. Usually it’s stuff like, if you vote for Obama abortion will definitely remain legal. Or, if you vote for Obama, we’re probably going to abandon our only ally in the Middle East, Israel. Or if you vote Obama religious institutions will lose their freedom. You know, stuff that might actually happen.
The closest the GOP has gotten to arguing that if we don’t vote for them we’re all going to die was Dick Cheney’s comment about the mushroom cloud. Otherwise, Dems have the monopoly on that form of politics, which is what nearly every Democrat letter to the editor I have read this year uses. That is, if you don’t vote for Obama, the GOP is going to kill everyone. The GOP wants to kill the poor, kill women, kill minorities, kill old people, and kill the environment, and you need to vote Dem to stop them. This is the Democratic Party platform in a nutshell. As we can see it is highly effective. Perhaps Ex is right and the GOP should start using Democrat tactics. But then that might cause a civil war, so maybe it’s a bad idea.
A question for you, Jack – you say that the GOP “claims” to oppose gay marriage and abortion to retain the Evangelical vote. Do you also feel that the Democrats claim to be pro-gay marriage and pro-abortion to retain the pagan vote?
Bahaha, I think it’s hard to see what your side does clearly, especially if you agree with the basic sentiments. The Dems I talk to don’t seem to notice the stupid rhetoric coming from their camp, and neither do the Republicans.
Even my former governor Jeb Bush (the only Bush I like!) thinks that the GOP has gone the route of “appealing to people’s fears and emotion” rather than actually tackling the issues that the country has. What I personally see is a whole bunch of “gay marriage will destroy the country” type of appeals. “Death panels” this and “the world will end if we make any military spending cuts” that. Any legitimate points that could be made by the GOP with those issues tends to get swallowed by exaggerations and ridiculousness.
I don’t think most politicians in general, Dem or GOP, give a crap about abortion and gay marriage as moral issues. I do think they care about getting votes, and they know how to play to their base.
Jack, I guess I just imagined it, then, when Romney and company spent the entire RNC talking about the economy and jobs, while Obama and friends spent the entire DNC talking about how the GOP wants to steal your birth control. Bahaha, lol, rofflecopter!
John – are you kidding me?
Did you never see the Focus on the Family “Letter from 2012” about how if Obama got elected in 2008, everything horrible in the world that could happen, would happen?
Have you watched any NRA commercials this election?
Have you not seen all the rhetoric, including this thread, regarding all these “rights” that people think they’ve lost or are going to lose (nobody ever names rights conveniently).
I just looked through the RNC speech Romney gave…fear mongering and lying on medicare…says we are less secure as a nation after talking nukes…
Seriously? You think the fear mongering belongs to one side? Do you really want to play this game?
Lastly – if I was a paid operative, why the stink would I go to this site? Is this full of undecided folks who could be swayed? I stumbled on this site a few years ago when I was shocked that people who called themselves Christians would be fighting a law that expanded health care to the poor. I wanted to learn more about the various sides of the issue and what wasn’t being covered by the big networks. I’ve stuck because I feel like some balance is needed to a lot of the propaganda around here when it comes to politics (abortion is about 80% of the threads, and I generally agree with what is posted – but the other 20% is right wing nonsense that needs some fact checking).
I’m doing you a public service – I wouldn’t take payment- I volunteer to make you all smarter. :-)
John -
Sorry – forgot to answer your first question.
The GOP seemed to try to win this election by shrinking their base – there was less talk (than in previous elections that I can remember) about the middle class. The GOP completely gave up on the poor – and pretty much gave up on minority populations. The GOP strategy was to get the least offensive person available and try to get the far right of the party to vote in high numbers.
At the end of the day, Mitt Romney is the Dems John Kerry. And just because the majority of your party HATES the guy who is in the oval office doesn’t mean that this will translate to picking up the middle ground. Just like in 2004, there’s a vulnerable President that the right guy with the right ideas could have taken down. The right guy wasn’t chosen…
Have you not seen all the rhetoric, including this thread, regarding all these “rights” that people think they’ve lost or are going to lose (nobody ever names rights conveniently).
Ex, are you not aware of the Catholics suing regarding the HHS mandate? Do you ever remember groups of Christians doing anything similar in your lifetime? What the heck do you think their beef is all about? Have you attended any religious freedom rallies? Are these rallies more of what you call right wing nonsense? Please answer these questions. You may have to research a bit first though because it seems you do not understand what is going on.
Just because no rights that you care about or that currently affect your little bubble are being eroded does not mean others’ rights are not being stomped on.
I volunteer to make you all smarter
And smarter we have all become thanks to volunteers like you and paid officials like Obama. Whether enough of us have been touched by folks like you in time for the election remains to be seen. You and Obama have definitely played your parts in the whole story so thanks for that.
Ex, are you not aware of the Catholics suing regarding the HHS mandate?
—I am aware of the lawsuits.
Do you ever remember groups of Christians doing anything similar in your lifetime?
—Sure, Christians and Catholics have been in all sorts of lawsuits over the years. For instance, religious displays on public lands. Furthermore, many states have contraception mandates, and some of those have gone to lawsuits. Two have reached the Supreme Court – one in New York (2007) and one in California (2002).
What the heck do you think their beef is all about?
—The belief is that paying money into a plan in which another person might elect to use monies to do something that the first person believes is sinful – that this is infringing on the first person’s religious liberties. I tend to disagree – but I feel it is in the rights of the institutions to sue and see what the courts decide.
Have you attended any religious freedom rallies?
— I have not.
Are these rallies more of what you call right wing nonsense?
—I don’t know enough of the details to judge either way, so when I talk about the right wing nonsense, these rallies are not what I had in mind. I was explicitly talking about rhetoric promoted on this board and conversations taking place – not things outside of the board which I cannot see or read.
And believe me – I think my rights are being stomped on – I think the voter ID laws pushed by the GOP are one of the biggest threats to constitutional liberties that we’ve seen in a long time.
not things outside of the board which I cannot see or read.
You have not educated yourself about these rallies but yet you think you are here to make us smarter? It is you who is getting educated and you don’t even know it! You’re not very good at doing your homework though and your grades are reflecting that.
Prax -
Do you educate yourself on every type of rally that is going on in the US? Nope, you cherry pick things that are important to you and invest yourself in those things. If catholics want to rally about this issue, that’s fine. I’ve pretty much made up my mind on how I feel about it – I don’t need to go observe a rally to further figure out my stance on the contraception mandate.
And just because the majority of your party HATES unborn children doesn’t mean that this will translate to picking up the middle ground.
Prax – somebody posted on this board just yesterday that abortion isn’t near the top of any list in regards to why people vote – they were making the point that if Romney lost, they don’t want to hear this argument of “well, it was because of his pro-life views”.
Yes, there are people that abortion is their number one voting issue – but I doubt it is in the top ten for those swing moderates.
Abortion should be the number one issue to judge a person’s/party’s character. Anybody who supports the choice for mother’s to kill their unborn children is a monster and openly showing they are guided by the Devil himself; whether they realize it or not.
The world WILL go on regardless of the outcome on Tuesday. But, it does make a HUGE difference who is leading the ship. God wants more of His Kingdom here on this Earth (see the Lord’s prayer), and I believe that some leaders make it easier and some make it more difficult for His people to bring more of His Kingdom to the here and now. So…… VOTE! Don’t even begin to entertain the notion that your vote won’t matter!!!!!! :-) And, be prepared to WAIT if necessary. Those who persevere will be the ones who prevail! VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!
Ex- How are the Real ID laws a threat to your rights?
For this Independent female voter Abortion is the #1 thing I consider. Like someone said before on this thread, if they are on board with killing children they will do a horrible job leading this country the way God intends.
PS Ex: I think you meant it as a Ha HA funny comment but your “make you smarter” comment was very nasty and snobby sounding. I know you feel attacked but seriously Jesus never spit back.
Jamison – the voter ID laws are an issue because there a lot of older Americans that don’t have drivers licenses, and don’t have birth certificates to get an ID. Look at the lawsuits in Wisconsin and the number of older people who can’t vote.
Essentially, we’re spending millions of dollars to fix an issue that doesn’t exist. And there have been people admitting that the laws are designed to disenfranchise voters. In a country with a VERY spotty history regarding letting people vote, any efforts to cramp down on voting should be looked at with an extra close eye.
On your last comment – are you saying that I appear more Christian like and should live by a higher standard? Why call me out for striking back, but not call people out for actually attacking? A little odd. Anyways – the smiley face behind it might be a clue that it was, in fact, a ha ha thing.
MB/c you claim to stand on the higher moral ground & are commenting on a blog with a viewpoint directly opposed to the one you claim.
Thx for the starting points to research on real ID laws. I do not agree with you, but then again I’ve never heard the opposition make any point beyond “racism”. Its a shame you vote for the party that stands on a platform of baby killing, you make a lot of logical points besides that.
jamison -
Why do you believe that we need voter ID bills? Also, how much do you think a state should spend to put them in place? I just can’t find any logical reason to support them, so interested to see your point.
I understand your last paragraph – I get frustrated with the Dems as well on abortion.
The broadcast and print network media blinded us. They distorted coverage of the campaign and issues.
The laws requiring people to have photo ID to buy a gun similarly burden people.
Oh, really?
Tell me, how many votes will this get?
Considering that no one “gets themselves raped” I am guessing zero likes for your baiting statement.
Shoes -
I hope that you can appreciate and understand the fact that if a person that shouldn’t buy a handgun buys a handgun, that they could kill people. That seems to be an escalation in regards to effect as compared to voting.