Pro-life blog buzz 12-14-12
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
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- Pro-Life NZ links to an article showing how the Guttmacher Institute pushes the legalization of abortion by using flawed methods to determine (and inflate) countries’ illegal abortion numbers.
- Alveda King of Priests for Life announces that new Life Talk panel member Fr. Frank Pavone is set to receive the 2013 Defender of Life Award from Students for Life of America.
- Albert Mohler notes how Newsweek, which will go out of print at the end of this year, uses one of its final editions to “deny the historical basis of Christmas.” Mohler points out that “it is Newsweek, and not the New Testament, that is going out of print.”
- Secular Pro-Life president Kelsey Hazzard plans to soon release her new fiction entitled, Cultivating Weeds, the “story of an abortion doctor who secretly becomes pro-life and is recruited to help conduct a controversial, revolutionary medical study.” Though written from a secular point of view, Hazzard thinks Christians will enjoy it also. Look for online release soon with sales with proceeds through February to benefit SPL.
- Wesley J. Smith takes on Princeton bioethicist Peter Singer, who seems confused by his own “twisted logic and inconsistency”:
Singer claims that it is ethical and moral to kill an existing disabled baby to serve the interests of an, as yet, unborn sibling….
That’s the amorality of utilitarianism. There really are no fixed moral principles, only expedient analyses. If Singer wants a chance to experience near-immortality, the cost of the quest to the not yet born can be justified because they don’t matter yet. But when he wants to justify killing disabled babies, the lives of the not yet born matter more than the life of an already born infant – even if the latter-born sibling will never actually make it into this world.
In other words, in Peter Singer’s moral universe, consistency doesn’t matter and principles need not be applied.
- Stand for Life focuses on what should be considered a healthcare crisis in New Mexico – and why this is everyone’s concern:
In the past four years alone in New Mexico, 14 women have been rushed to local hospitals with severe life-threatening injuries due to botched abortions. In addition, late-term abortionist Shelley Sella [pictured right] faced a New Mexico Medical Board hearing after a woman suffered a ruptured uterus during a 35 week full term abortion. This was a violation of the standard of care. To make matters worse, no abortion clinic in New Mexico is ever inspected by the health department.
In New Mexico, we know that the health department, hospitals, and even high schools send unsuspecting women to Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics to receive healthcare services. Women are continually referred to abortion clinics for D&C’s after their miscarriages, sterilizations and birth control. New Mexico is one of 15 states where all of these services, including abortion, are fully funded through Medicaid by taxpayers. When abortion clinic workers maim and injure these women they make each one of us culpable.

I’m excited to read Kelsey’s book.
“Newsweek, which will go out of print at the end of this year, uses one of its final editions to “deny the historical basis of Christmas.” Mohler points out that “it is Newsweek, and not the New Testament, that is going out of print.”
It is interesting to note that the Jewish people don’t deny Jesus was born, just that he wasn’t resurrected. Muslims don’t deny that Jesus was born, but say he wasn’t the son of God. Atheists who claim that we don’t have proof, well, they simply aren’t doing their homework. There is ample archeological proof that a person named Jesus lived in the first century. We’ll never find archeological evidence of his physical body because of Easter, :>).
In every nation where communism and socialism have reigned, the nation’s existing culture was deliberately attacked. We are experiencing that in the West. It hasn’t been forced on us from the government downward, like Mao’s destruction of Chinese culture. Instead, our own Western citizens are self-destructing and denying their own cultural heritage. Our religions are our treasures, the inspirations of artwork, architecture, codes of law, and more. Atheists can deny all they want, but they’re only telling lies. Repetition and destruction will not make their wishes come true.
Thank you, Jack! And thanks to Susie as well for promoting it. I expect my proof to be waiting for me when I get home from work, and I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am :-)
Off-topic, but I am sure you heard about the slaughter in CT of schoolchildren in teachers. My God, what is happening to this country? I feel absolutely sick about this. Who could shoot a child, or anyone else for that matter? Those poor babies . . .
Kelsey, super excited to read your book. :) I’ll buy a copy soon as I can. I’m a writer too – I know it can be hard work. Way to go on getting published!!
Phillymiss, I know. :( Made me want to cry when I first read it. I wonder, is this an effect of abortion culture?
What a horrible, terrible world we live in. I mean, an elementary school! What kind of a sick bastard does that? Who can look a little six year old in the eye and shoot him? I can’t even contemplate evil like that.
I know this is a terrible thing to say, but I can’t take this president of ours wiping away a tear about this massacre, given his support of the everyday massacre in our nation.
Yep, Hans, at least Ronald Reagan admitted he was an actor.
I know this is a terrible thing to say, but I can’t take this president of ours wiping away a tear about this massacre, given his support of the everyday massacre in our nation.
I was watching and thinking, “Mr. President, THIS is how we should feel about the violent death of every child, in or out of the womb. Please, please… make the connection.”
I pray that one day he will.
I was watching and thinking, “Mr. President, THIS is how we should feel about the violent death of every child, in or out of the womb. Please, please… make the connection.”
I pray that one day he will.
I watched the press conference also and he did really seem to be touched by this tragedy, as we all are. It’s too bad he can’t make the connection.
Hans -
…and people said the same thing about the perceived hypocrisy of a pro-life President rushing so quickly into war.
To say people can’t grieve because of other viewpoints – I just don’t agree with that.
Wartime combatants can run away. Killing civilians can get you accused of war crimes. However, innocent developing children have nowhere to run and no one to charge with their murder. The comparison is not apt. It is especially not apt when the most abortion crazy president ever is also getting us mired into more conflict overseas and not less. Point your hypocrisy laser at HIM where it’s more deserved.
Bloodshed follows bloodshed ~
Hosea 4:2
Bush wasn’t as gung-ho as you would make out. Yes, Afghanistan was retaliated against two months after 9/11. And Iraq’s Hussein had many months to cooperate with U.N. demands about WMDs and shooting at planes.
Obama isn’t exactly shy about using drones. And he really is gung-ho about liquidating a million babies a year – even when they survive the first murder attempt.
Sorry, he may very well be grieving along with us about today in Connecticut. But he’s a rather picky “griever-in-chief” if it has to be such an obvious, in-your-face travesty.
I wish that we could grieve those kids today without people tying their deaths into gun control, abortion, war, hating Obama, or whatever.
I accept your scolding, Jack. But I can’t help myself. This is even bigger than Obama holding the economy hostage for his leftist pipe dreams. Seeing him as our leader on such a day is like seeing Ted Kennedy opine on drunk driving or Bill Clinton do so on sexual harrassment.
I’m not taking away from this day. It was caused by an evil, self-centered punk.
I wasn’t trying to scold ya Hans. I am just really heartsick about those kids.
You and me both, brother. :(
Jack and Hans,
That makes three of us.
I was surprised to read on the internet of another school massacre in Bath Township(?) Michigan in 1927 that killed 45 people. Apparently a school board member placed 3 bombs, for what reason I don’t know. 22 Chinese schoolchildren were slashed by a deranged adult.
It seems that when people are determined to kill they will, guns or no guns.
Yeah, it shouldn’t have surprised me, but it was only a couple hours before people on both sides of the gun argument hopped on their respective bandwagons. It honestly sickens me, can’t there be one freaking day where these kids who died get mourned? We have to go directly to using them to advance agendas? It’s gross.
“We have to go directly to using them to advance agendas? It’s gross.”
I don’t think anyone on the right to bear arms side uses shootings to “advance their agendas.” They just go on the defensive. Also not appropriate.
I wish there were no guns at all. I also pray that the source of our problems is revealed to those who cannot see it. Violence is a serious symptom.
Based on what I have seen on Twitter and other places online, there’s not much “defensive” on either side. Both sides immediately started with some form of either “Well if those teachers had concealed weapons no one would have died but the shooter!!!!!” or “This is why we need stricter gun laws!!!” and it just snowballed from there. I just think it’s gross. People could have at least waited like twelve hours or something, that would have been cool.
Hi Jack,
Good points.
Life is a thousand “what ifs” a day. Deranged people have always existed and always will and if they want to kill, they will find a way to do it. So, as you say, let’s put the debates, arguments, and politics aside and give the victims and their families the respect and concern they deserve.
Mary/Jack/Hans –
– How long after the tragedy do we start asking questions?
– Are there certain numbers that have to be hit before we start actually looking at the issue? Maybe 15,000 gun death in a year in the country, or 30 victims in one shooting?
I agree that we need to mourn before we ask questions – but the fear is that the questions never get asked.
This is getting ridiculous.
“How long after the tragedy do we start asking questions? ”
I don’t know. I do know that literally like two hours after the tragedy there were people on Twitter screaming about this and that with gun control, and I find that disgusting. Jezebel had a great little essay about four hours after the shooting called “F*** Guns*, and the conservative blogs were doing that whole “It’s all the liberals fault for not allowing guns in elementary school!” thing. Like I said, maybe a tiny break before people start throwing politics on top of everything. It would be nice.
“Are there certain numbers that have to be hit before we start actually looking at the issue? Maybe 15,000 gun death in a year in the country, or 30 victims in one shooting?”
Nah, we should have been working on reasonable laws regarding guns years ago. I just don’t have a lot of faith in gun control to do much, to be honest. I spent a lot of time in the criminal underworld, guns are a dime a dozen and cheap, easy as heck to get.
If you ask me our problems are less about guns and more about our shameful mental health care in this country.
EGV 11:11am
How many people die in car accidents each year? How long before we start asking questions? We have laws, yet people still die.
Maybe deranged people pick what they think are “soft” targets like schools, movie theatres, and malls, where people can’t defend themselves? When was the last time you heard of a crowded cop bar being hit? What about the millions of citizens who have been slaughtered by their own governments because they didn’t have guns to protect themselves? Ever wonder why tyrants oppose private gun ownership?
Mary – are you saying that this statement:
So, as you say, let’s put the debates, arguments, and politics aside and give the victims and their families the respect and concern they deserve.
That this no longer holds true – that you think the time has passed to debate this? I’ll answer your questions if you want.
I was just responding to your post.
Hi Jack,
You make a great point about guns being easily available to the criminal underworld. Do they concern themselves with gun laws, or any laws for that matter? If someone wants an illegal gun, or much of anything, it can and will be provided.
Our shameful mental health care, absolutely. Drugging our children senseless, my friend who has been physically and mentally destroyed, people put on the street to survive and patients and families left to fend for themselves when it comes to mental illness. Instead of patting ourselves on the back for emptying out the mental institutions, we should have instead vastly improved laws and facilities instead.