ProLifeCon NOW!
UDPATE 1/25, 8:10p: Watch or rewatch ProLifeCon here:
1/24, 11:42a: I’m happy to announce the Family Research Council will again host ProLifeCon tomorrow, an annual gathering of pro-life online activists the morning of the March for Life.
PLC runs from 8:30-11:30a EST. More from FRC:
The event will be webcast live, and will feature experts and legislators to inform you about the cutting edge of the pro-life movement and give you ways to make a difference on blogs, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and the rest of the online world.
I’m honored to have been asked to emcee the event again this year.
There is a great list of confirmed speakers!
- Jeanne Monahan, President, March for Life
- Dr. Russell Moore, Dean of the School of Theology and Senior Vice President for Academic Administration at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.)
- Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.)
- Kate Bryan, Communications Director, LiveAction
- Kristan Hawkins, President, Students for Life of America
- Josh Duggar (oldest Duggar son, pictured above right with family)
- Dan Pennell, Life United
- Roland Warren, Chief Executive Officer, Care Net
- Janet Durig, Executive Director, Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center
- Dean Nelson, National Black Pro-Life Coalition
- Jason Jones, MovieToMovement
- Dr. Michael J. New, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Michigan-Dearborn
Be sure to register now!

Spotted: Jill posting this from a Starbucks next to the Hyatt.
Quite a line up!!
This is a great video and the people who are coming have great Potential to move our society in the Direction of Life.
If you’re as pro life as I am, add my facebook here.
Cranky, lol! Why didn’t you say hi?!