Pro-life blog buzz 2-19-13
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
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- Women’s Rights Without Frontiers reports on a tragedy in China where a toddler was run over by a van when family planning officials attempted to collect a fine from the child’s family. Because of great protest in the village, the officials have been arrested. WRWF president Reggie Littlejohn encourages pro-lifers to keep shining the spotlight on this, and other, human rights violations:
Our hearts break to learn of the violent death of an innocent child, and we extend our deepest sympathy to his parents. Those responsible for this violent death must be held accountable. Too often, under the glare of international scrutiny, the Chinese Communist Party will arrest officials who have committed a heinous human rights violation. Then as soon as the attention of the world shifts away, these same officials are restored to their former positions or even promoted.
- Suzy B states that despite New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s efforts to expand abortion access in the state (despite their already high abortion rate), a recent survey shows New Yorkers support greater restrictions on abortion. Of note, 78% believe there is already sufficient access; 75% oppose Cuomo’s idea to allow non-physicians to perform abortions; 92% oppose sex-selective late-term abortions; and more than 3/4 surveyed believe in greater information on women’s other options, waiting periods, more clinic regulation, and parental notification.
- Secular ProLife has three of their members featured in a MORE Magazine article on “women who changed their positions on abortion.” Featured are perspectives from a Muslim, an atheist, and a “spiritual but not religious” post-abortive woman.
- ProLife NZ pens an open letter in response to Ann Furedi, chief executive of the British Pregnancy Advisory Service, who recently “label[ed] disability ‘tragic’ whilst endorsing disability selective abortion up until birth… revealing her discriminatory attitude towards the disabled.”
- Michael New asserts that despite the blame laid at the feet of the pro-life movement, it is contraception (and subsequently, premarital sex) which bears greater responsiblity for the increase in unintended pregnancies and single parent households in the U.S.
- At the LTI Blog, Scott Klusendorf highly recommends Prof. Hadley Arkes’ new book, Natural Rights and the Right to Choose, which Klusendorf says raises questions such as, “Where do basic human rights come from? Do they come only from government or are they rooted in something that transcends government? What is man? Is human nature fixed or does raw political power determine who is and is not a human being?”
[Cuomo photo via]

For many decades, abortion was illegal and the out-of-wedlock birth rate MUCH lower than it is today.
It’s comforting to find out the state of New York is not completely insane.
Concerning Michael New and how contraception increases unintended pregnancies:
I often encounter people who insist that we need more contraception and better eduction. I like to remind them that contraception fails a great deal of the time — Everybody knows several people (family, close friends) who have encountered a contraception failure.
If we would all just look at our real-world experience, we can see that our reliance on contraception defies common sense.
My sister got pregnant in college, like millions have — condom failure.
My aunt and uncle conceived my cousin over a decade after they “quit having kids.” My uncle’s vasectomy had healed itself.
Abby Johnson conceived her third unintended child while she was a director at Planned Parenthood — and teaching other women how to use birth control control programs.
We need to help people to see — from their own experience — that contraception is not the answer to abortion and illegitimacy.
@ Del: How do we make intercourse less popular?
“@ Del: How do we make intercourse less popular?”
It can’t be done, intercourse is awesome. :)
I’m surprised there hasn’t been the mention here of the case where the teen girl won against her parents who wanted her to have an abortion. Could it be because Roe v. Wade enabled her to win the case? Even though she is a minor, it is her right, and not her parents, to determine what to do with an unplanned pregnancy.
I’m surprised there hasn’t been the mention here of the case where the teen girl won against her parents who wanted her to have an abortion. Could it be because Roe v. Wade enabled her to win the case?
No, it’s because this isn’t an aggregate news site. It’s a blog. Here’s a mention of it at LifeSiteNews:
P.S. – a commenter mentioned that in a Yahoo poll, 1/3 of people said the parents should have forced her to abort. Do you agree that minors should be forced to abort?
I’m surprised there hasn’t been the mention here of the case where the teen girl won against her parents who wanted her to have an abortion. Could it be because Roe v. Wade enabled her to win the case? Even though she is a minor, it is her right, and not her parents, to determine what to do with an unplanned pregnancy.
Except for the fact that Roe v. Wade enabled the child’s life (THE CHILD was really who was in question here, not “an unplanned pregnancy”) to be put in legal jeopardy in the first place, dur-hur! If I steal 10 dollars from you, you don’t thank me and kiss my butt for handing you back a $5 bill.
No, Kel, I don’t think any woman (or minor girl) should be forced to abort. Likewise, if she is mature enough, it’s also her decision to have an abortion, too. And, Kel, I thought discussion on this matter might be enjoyable.
xalisae, Roe v. Wade was the ultimate factor for her not having to have the abortion. As it should be.
Kel, can you point me to prolife coverage of Alabama Rep. Mary Sue McClurkin, who stated that the fetus is the largest organ in the body?
Kel, can you point me to prolife coverage of Alabama Rep. Mary Sue McClurkin, who stated that the fetus is the largest organ in the body?
Haven’t heard that little gem yet. So… what’s the real deal here? You can’t debunk actual intellectual pro-life arguments, so you have to pick and choose little tidbits like that one to prove how uneducated you think pro-lifers are, eh Merit? But then you came to this site and found out some of us aren’t quite as similar to Neandertals as you had hoped. Ohhhh, darrrnnn.
BTW, I just received and readied a post – going up any minute now – which mentions the forced abortion scenario you mentioned. So I guess you can move your off-topic comments on this post to the other one when it goes up. Just thought you’d like to know. :)
BAAAHAHAA… I just found it. At the HuffPo…
Interestingly, the HuffPo, in calling out this goofball, had to admit that a preborn child has its own organs. :D
See, here’s the thing… you’ve got people like Todd Akin and this lady, who clearly don’t know what they’re talking about, being held up as poster children of the “anti-science” pro-life movement.
But the problem is, they’re not our poster children. And you know it. You also know which side is really seeking to deny the science of life.
“You can’t debunk actual intellectual pro-life arguments, so you have to pick and choose little tidbits like that one to prove how uneducated you think pro-lifers are, eh Merit? ”
Not at all. But these are the ignoramuses who want to pass laws against abortion and their reasoning for doing so.
But these are the ignoramuses who want to pass laws against abortion and their reasoning for doing so.
The three lawmakers who have been vilified recently for foolish statements are exactly that… three. Three terribly uninformed individuals putting out inaccurate information. The abortion industry is full of people (so many more than just a few) who know exactly what they’re doing when they put out inaccurate information regarding abortion. Do you have any issue with that?
Most pro-life lawmakers want to pass laws against abortion for one reason alone – because abortion kills human beings.
We all know why you’re here, Merit. You’re a troll. On every post on this site, you have nothing to say about the humanity of the unborn. You only deflect and distract with, “Oh, yeah, well what about THIS news article? What about THIS guy who said THIS?” I’ve seen your posts for just a short time and I already know this is your M.O. Prove me wrong, Merit. Engage in some actual conversation. What is the unborn?
Kel, I am not a troll. And, if the legislators were serious about protecting life, then they would also include punishments for women (and not just the doctors) if they have illegal abortions, But, they are hypocrites.
Merit says:
February 20, 2013 at 6:23 pm
Kel, I am not a troll. And, if the legislators were serious about protecting life, then they would also include punishments for women (and not just the doctors) if they have illegal abortions, But, they are hypocrites.
(Denise) This doesn’t necessarily follow. Pregnancy can be viewed as a very special case. The girl or woman who is pregnant and desperate to be rid of the pregnancy is often viewed as a victim. Anti-abortion laws often include no punishments for the girl or woman who seeks abortion because the very illegality of it amounts to a kind of punishment in and of itself.
Parenting and adoption have always been available options before Roe v. Wade and in fact if you go back & look at the ruling, you’d see it was abortion they were trying to legalize and in fact NARAL Pro-Choice America was called the National Abortion Rights Action League. It has only been more recently that pro-choicers have been purposely fudging up the term “the right to choose” to include more than just abortion rights. Also it’s easy to throw out rhetoric such as “I support her right to choose” without actually taking action or being inconvenienced/burdened to support a person in an unplanned pregnancy situation. In other words, it’s easy to talk the talk without walking the walk, so what are you doing to help women in unplanned pregnancy situations?
So in other words, what are you doing to be “pro-choice” and ensuring a woman has all options available to her (and doable) and not only abortion?