Pro-life blog buzz 2-19-13
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli
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- Women’s Rights Without Frontiers reports on a tragedy in China where a toddler was run over by a van when family planning officials attempted to collect a fine from the child’s family. Because of great protest in the village, the officials have been arrested. WRWF president Reggie Littlejohn encourages pro-lifers to keep shining the spotlight on this, and other, human rights violations:
Our hearts break to learn of the violent death of an innocent child, and we extend our deepest sympathy to his parents. Those responsible for this violent death must be held accountable. Too often, under the glare of international scrutiny, the Chinese Communist Party will arrest officials who have committed a heinous human rights violation. Then as soon as the attention of the world shifts away, these same officials are restored to their former positions or even promoted.