Landmark Michigan abortion clinic closes
This makes seven in eight months!
Great news comes from Michigan of yet another abortion clinic closing – Birth Control Center in Sterling Heights.
This makes the SEVENTH abortion mill to close in in the Great Lake State since last September.
As it seems with most abortuaries in Michigan, Birth Control Center has a storied past.
Birth Control Center was the state’s second oldest abortion clinic, incorporating on July 19, 1974.
It was Birth Control Center that brought a lawsuit in the late 1970s which struck down state licensing requirements for abortion clinics.
From the 1981 ruling, Birth Control Center Inc v. Reizen (then Michigan’s state health director), until pro-life legislators passed a clinic regulation law in 1999, first trimester abortion clinics there were completely unregulated.
Even after that, as we have seen with Gosnell’s clinic in Pennsylvania, most abortion clinics remained uninspected due to bureaucratic technicalities and foot-dragging.
But that began to change on on December 28, 2012, when Gov. Rick Snyder signed an omnibus anti-abortion “super bill” into law, requiring abortion clinics to be licensed as surgical outpatient facilities, among other things.
As Ed Rivet, Right to Life of Michigan’s legislative director, noted in an email, “It’s pretty apparent that BCC decided it would be too much trouble and expense to bring this clinic into compliance with the new licensing law.”
Added pro-life investigator Lynn Mills, who broke this story, “That is what makes this so sweet – BCC sued to have no regulations and is now apparently closing over regulations!”
Clinic owner and abortionist, Dr. Richard Goldfine, pictured left, still has what he calls an “obstetrical” practice in Bingham Farms, Michigan. Calls to BCC yesterday were referred there.
Michigan is now down to 26 surgical abortion clinics and two medical, for a total of 28, down from a high of 72.

Great! Keep closing them down!!! Amen
This Michigan resident is happy, happy, happy!
Good news, but will Goldfine be quietly doing abortions in his so-called legit practice?
Yes, he does abortions at his Bingham Farms OBGYN practice. Bingham Farms has many OBGYN’s. Only two of them do ‘it’. Perhaps with pressure form people, they would stop? Maybe phone call to this place would be good? Leon Hochman is the other one. Call (248) 353-9460.
Disgusting!!!! He has an office in Novi too apparently? My husband is from Novi. Drive these baby killers out of business!!!!
I just emailed them. Let’s inundate them with emails and phone calls! ANy doctor who violates his hippocratic oath is no doctor!
People say it’s ONLY about women’s health and not about the money, but so many former abortionist come forward saying that money plays a big role in it.
I’m calling!!
“Added pro-life investigator Lynn Mills, who broke this story, “That is what makes this so sweet – BCC sued to have no regulations and is now apparently closing over regulations!””
Sweet irony! I love stories like this. Way to go Gov. Snyder! Praying they all close, in Michigan and ever state and everywhere.
Good for Michigan. Now to do something about the other 28.
I pray outside a Southfield mill “Womencare”. Sickening to watch “doctor” arrive at 10:10am on Saturday and drive away at 10:40am and by my best guess, 5-6 women were there for abortions that morning. So sickening to think of the $$ he made in that short span of time and the destruction he caused. The only difference between “him” and the Cleveland creep is “he” uses medical instruments and Cleveland creep used his fists.
Another victory for Life and Truth… St. Michael, help us continue.
25,000 people at our March for Life in Ottawa Ontario on the 9th..75% of them young vibrant beautiful people…
I visit and am learning about hundreds and hundreds of Lief Sites in Canada, the US and abroad. I know it would be a powerful testimony to census the number of pro-life adherents in North America as a start …Think I’ll start working on this. Love ya Jill
That would be Life