Abortionist compares lethal injection of preborn baby to flu shot
Today, Live Action released a fifth investigative video in its series, “Inhuman: Undercover in America’s late-term abortion industry.” This video answers the question, “What is human?” from the abortion industry’s perspective.
Their answer: Not preborn babies, no matter what age, unless their mothers say they are, which, of course, is ludicrous.
Replayed in this video are lowlights of previous videos – abortionist LeRoy Carhart joking that dead preborn babies are like “meat in a crockpot,” and that he uses “a pickaxe, a drill bit” to get them out; abortionist Laura Mercer (pictured right) lying that a 23-wk-old preborn “doesn’t even look like a baby yet” and macabrely using hand gestures to show how babies are pulled apart en utero; plus a couple more.
New to this investigative series is abortionist Carmen Landau (pictured right) of Southwest Women’s Options in Albuquerque, New Mexico, who told LA’s investigator that giving her 27-wk-old baby a lethal injection was “like any shot, you know, like a flu shot, or a vaccine, really.” But I don’t expect that’s any kind of shot Landau would like to get.
Kudos to Drudge Report for being five for five on spotlighting LA’s “Inhuman” releases. Thank goodness for pro-life new media, since MSM is none too anxious to honestly report the horror of abortion, or the people who commit them….
Here’s LA’s latest video…

anyone who can watch this and not be appalled is not human…
Lord have mercy!
Looks like everyone got the memo on time. If you’ll look at Amanda Marcotte’s QOTD, she says essentially the same thing. It’s nice to see what a firm hold the Hive Mind has over its minions.
“Babies aren’t actually babies unless their mothers say they are.”
What rubbish.
I’m really especially upset about the way they intentionally lull the mother into a sense of security, “I don’t want you to beat yourself up” “That, I think, helps us all to feel more comfortable with this”
And since when is the baby itself “the pregnancy”? The baby is indeed what pregnancy is about, but it’s ludicrous to claim that you have ‘removed the pregnancy’.
These are our healthcare providers. These people are supposed to be protecting us from harm, helping us to make choices in life that make us stronger, healthier. Instead they are encouraging women down a path of depression, suicide, anger, possible cancer, possible infertility… When are we going to fire these dang “doctors”? Enough is enough.
Every day Paul Hill is looking better and better….
Jasper, may I remind you that responding to violence with violence doesn’t do anything but further perpetuate the cycle of violence and does a great disservice to the pro-life movement. I can remember when you were a more rational person & less of a radical extremist…what happened?
“shame on who ever liked his comment!”
Sorry, that was me. My finger slipped, it was entirely accidental. I’ll try to be more careful in the future.
Ladybug, I hope me liking your comment makes up for it. :)
The word “doctor” comes from the Latin verb meaning “to teach.” The Doctor is a Teacher.
When we put these questions to one who is a credentialed Doctor, we have a right to expect truthful and informed answers.
We expect this sort of lying spin and puffery from a used car salesman in a Hollywood comedy…. but these intentionally false and misleading answers from the abortionists are unbecoming of professional healthcare Doctors.
It’s no surprise that real Doctors want nothing to do with the abortion industry. Who would want this job where you feel compelled to lie to the women who are relying on your information?
Does anyone remember the recent requirement in Britain that send a woman to an independent abortion information provider? This professional answers the woman’s questions — honestly and completely — and the professional teacher gets paid the same whether the woman chooses life or death for her child.
That would be a huge improvement. I wonder how NARAL would feel about that?
Obfuscation, minimization, justification, lack of accountability for one’s actions, blaming the victim . . . abortionists and chronic offenders think alike
I’ve heard a lot of people bash the Army of God site….people have asked me if i would join the site. I’ve browsed it but I’ve told them that if it’s about choice then its my CHOICE to join.
Anti lifers only choice is death.
No big deal ;) Besides, I realized my comment was a bit harsh & musta edited it after you responded :)
“JDC,No big deal Besides, I realized my comment was a bit harsh & musta edited it after you responded ”
Cool. :) Honestly, I’m still glad that I was able to explain myself, though.
LOL, I was trying to like your earlier comment while the page was still loading & accidentally liked Jasper’s comment too as the page shifted :P That’s what I get for rushing ;)
So to any pro-choicers lurking, no the majority of pro-lifers here do not support Jasper’s comments nor violence