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On May 29, two former Planned Parenthood of Delaware nurses testified before a bipartisan hearing of state legislators regarding unsafe practices they witnessed at two PPDE abortion clinics as well as by PPDE abortionist Timothy Liveright, who I previously wrote “ogled, slapped, [and] played peek-a-boo with patients.”

On May 30, Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden filed a formal complaint before the Delaware Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline against Liveright, 68, stating he “presents a clear and immediate danger to the public.” I’ll say. Liveright has admitted to murdering 50,000 preborn children, aside from harming and exploiting women.

blue_valentine_ver3In all the news about Liveright I read something that piqued my curiosity: “He even played an abortion doctor in a 2010 movie starring Hollywood heavyweights Ryan Gosling and Michelle WilliamsBlue Valentine,” wrote USA Today.

Indeed, quoting from a 2011 Huffington Post interview with Williams:

Q: Then there’s the abortion scene. It’s quite visceral. It was actually shot in a location with people from the clinic itself — did that help the process of shooting that?

MW: It’s true, yeah. It was helpful, but a lot of this movie cuts really close to the bone because of the way that we were encouraged and allowed to work. That doctor was a real abortion provider. The nurse was a real nurse.

Film credits list Timothy Liveright as the doctor and Felicia Reid as the nurse.

In a 2010 Cannes Film Festival Q&A, Blue Valentine director Derek Cianfrance stated, “[W]e filmed the abortion scenes in a real Planned Parenthood clinic, using real personnel.”

2013-06-04_1017Digressing on this point a bit, the film was shot on 14 locations in New York and Pennsylvania, one of which was Scranton. A Felicia Reid at one point worked at the Scranton, PA, Planned Parenthood, located at 316 Penn Avenue, although the receptionist at that location knew of no one by that name when I called there today. Liveright was also listed as working at a PP in the Scranton area at one point. A Scrantonian wrote he recognized the Penn Avenue PP location in the film. So there’s that. PP stars in a depressing, dark drama – more typecasting.

At any rate, here’s the abortion scene, featuring Liveright, from Blue Valentine. Thanks to Andy Moore of for uploading it to YouTube for me.


From what we now know about Liveright, this entire scene was indeed acting on the tallest order. His manner with Williams was far different than his manner toward real patients. And the way he totally backed away from the abortion after a whispered “stop” from Williams, as if she were holding Kryptonite, was also disingenuous. I wonder how she feels today, knowing she was thisclose to such a menace, with so much blood on his hands.
Since there are no other recent photos of Liveright, here is another screen shot from the movie. Click to enlarge…

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My advice to abortionists is to stop accepting movie roles. Their real lives seem to deteriorate into nightmares afterwards, even if it takes a few decades.

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