Catholic bishop switches from registered Democrat to GOP
The a-ha moment for me was the 2012 Democratic National Convention. It was just awful…
I just said I can’t be associated structurally with that group, in terms of abortion and NARAL [Pro-Choice America] and Planned Parenthood and [the] same-sex marriage agenda and cultural destruction I saw going on.
I just couldn’t do it anymore.
~ Most. Rev. Thomas Tobin, Bishop of Providence, Rhode Island, explaining his decision to switch from a registered Democrat to a registered Republican, WPRI, August 14
Fr. Z and Hot Air’s Ed Morrisey weigh in.
I was astonished at this statement by the bishop, given the planks at prior DNCs. I thought Tobin was independent!
We have a very serious problem in RI – many people who vote Democrat really don’t understand what has happened to their own party (actually they have never really researched their own party). For years my elderly mother gave money to pro-life organizations, then voted for hideous pro-abort congressional and state representatives because she never had the ability to look into where they stood and the press plays games.
Just today I received a reply from RI Congressman James Langevin stating the House’s 20 week legislation contained ”dangerous” language. Ha! The man flat out lied to my face regarding Obamacare, and more then likely has never even read the legislation, while pumping out boilerplate spittle probably produced by a Planned Parenthood congressional ‘advisor’.
I’m also saddened to see how many RI state reps who are pro-life, but have a D next to their name. I believe they think they are sincerely pro-life, but don’t see how their affiliation nullifies their principles.
The Democrats are not pro-life, and the historical truth about their party is atrocious.
“For the shepherds have become stupid And have not sought the Lord; Therefore they have not prospered, And all their flock is scattered.” (Jeremiah 10:21 NASB)
The bishops ‘a-ha moment’ did not arrive til the democRAT was standing over him, spitting in his face and urinating on his faith and, at the same time, reassuring him that it was just showers from heaven.
They pour forth words, they speak arrogantly; All who do wickedness vaunt themselves. They crush Your people, O Lord, And afflict Your heritage. They slay the widow and the stranger And murder the orphans. They have said, “The Lord does not see, Nor does the God of Jacob pay heed.” Pay heed, you senseless among the people; And when will you understand, stupid ones? (Psalms 94:4-8 NASB)
I refer to the bishops epiphany as hearing the ‘pop’.
That is the sound produced by the sudden extraction/expulsion of ones cranium from ones rectum.
The dramatic change in perspective is at the same time both liberating and terrifying because one is immediately free to clearly see how bad things really are.
They love the place of honor at banquets and the chief seats in the synagogues, and respectful greetings in the market places, and being called Rabbi by men. Do not be called leaders; for One is your Leader, that is, Christ. But the greatest among you shall be your servant. (Matthew 23:6, 7, 10, 11 NASB)
I pray that Timothy Dolan of New York experiences the epiphany of the ‘pop’.
2012? What took him so long?
I suppose there were Jews who were registered with the Nazi Party — until the Nazis kicked them out.
I wonder how long the Democrats will allow Catholics to vote? We are already second-class citizens under the Obama regime. It’s just a matter of what “rights” he will allow us to keep.
The only excuse for a Christian to register as a democrat is to mess with their primaries and move the partiy to favor respect for life and religious freedom again.
If the Bishop had this excuse I could understand it. Unfortunately he probably never thought that far. Like many Americans, his party affiliation was likely a form of ignorant idolatry.
Better late than never!
“I wonder how long deocRATs will allow catholics to vote?”
As long as catholics keep voting democRAT, especially the dead catholics.
Please forgive me for taking some editoriial license with your question.
Thomas Tobin is not only a catholic, he is a priest in the catholic church. And not only is Tobin a priest in the catholic church, he is a bishop in the catholic church hierarchy.
Not only did Tobin vote democRAT, he also identified himself as a democRAT.
You don’t get to be ordained as a priest and rise to the office of a bishop without demonstrating a knowledge of the christian faith and the catholic religion.
Tobin is no ignorant hayseed who just fell out of the back of a passing turnip truck.
Why did it take decades for it to dawn on Tobin that the leadership of the democRAT party was at war with the Judeo/Christian worldview and the teachings of catholicism?
You don’t have to be registered republican or even declare yourself to be a conservative to be a christian, but when someone who professes to be a christian registers as a democRAT and votes democRAT, given the anti-christ agenda of the democRAT party, then as the apostle Paul instructed, I have to take note of such a one and stand apart from her/him so that no one will mistakenly believe that I agree or condone with what he/she advocates or approves.
At least Tobin has finally taken note of the leadership of the democRAT party and is standing aloof from both them and their goddess agenda. It is inexplicable why it took him so long to see the obvious.
Bishop Tobin is contemptibly stupid to have taken so long to understand that several aspects of the Democrat platform are in complete opposition to basic beliefs of the Catholic Church. “Better late than never” doesn’t even apply here – this is well past the tipping point which was the re-election of Barack Obama.
My take is the same as Edward Elexim.
That such a man is a Catholic Bishop says much about why the Church is in the condition She is in. This is what the seminaries have been cranking out for 50 years. And it’s still going on. The Church will struggle mightily under completely inept human leadership like His Excellency Bishop Tobin for a long time.
I am glad that finally some sense has come to a prominent Catholic, but yes, since we’ve got the overgrown amateur for a second term, it is a day late and a dollar short.
If Hilary had run against Obama in 2012 (like many people advised her to), even if she lost I might have had some respect for her. But no. She threw ALL OF US under the bus so she could position herself for what she thinks is a better chance to win in 2016. Everything she’s done has been contrived to win a stupid argument with her errant husband about who can be a better president. I hope that another candidate emerges to run for president that we can get behind in large numbers (and I’m open minded to a non democrat, non republican candidate). I certainly do not want to endure 4 years of her shenanigans after the SHEEPLE elect her for the same reason they elected the amateur: “to make history.”
Don’t be quick to judge, people. Party affiliation itself is not a gauge of how a person votes. In some instances, it’s a requirement to be able to vote in a particular party’s primaries — a necessity of you want to get pro-life candidates into either party’s primaries. I suspect something like this is the case with Bishop Tobin. He himself stated “the party registration itself is not all that important to me.”
Indeed, he has walked the walked as a bishop of abortion — let’s not forget his very public face-off with pro-abortion Sen. Patrick Kennedy.
Many people are registered in a party without voting for that party. And some keep party registration for a variety of reasons.
I should know, because I’ve been a registered Democrat since 1976, and haven’t voted even once for a Democrat on that party’s ticket since then. My family are immigrants and workers and loyal to the Democrats as the party of the workers for two generations.
But I swore in 1973 that I’d never vote for a single pro-abortion candidate, and I never will. I came of voting age just in time for the ’76 election, and the first national Democratic candidate to be pro-abortion, Jimmy Carter (He was all “I’m personally opposed but” . . . but we knew the score). It was my first time voting . . . . I felt almost a traitor as I pushed down that lever for Gerald Ford. I have kept my vow. Sometimes that has meant not voting. Twice a write-in vote for the brave Penn. Governor Casey – a Democrat, but not on the ticket.
Why even keep the party affiliation? I guess I have done it in honor of my parents and grandparents and what the Democrats used to be. Plus, I always had the hope that the party would notice how the number of registered Dems didn’t exactly match up with the numbers voting for Dems at the polls and take a good hard look at themselves. No such luck.
But now, as has Bishop Tobin, I will jettison the membership as soon as I can. The stench is getting too bad.
ninek, Hillary probably didn’t run against President Obama because she thinks he’s doing a fine job. Like a lot of us.
Sigh. I put my post through too long an editing, and went over the deadline. My intent was to add this, to the end of first paragraph among other things:
“You don’t know how Bishop Tobin or Cdl Dolan voted, and you would not know, even if you stood directly behind them in line at the polls. So do not judge!”
And please forgive the long personal rant that follows it. I’m in a very bitter mood.
No disrespect intended……..although I that comes to mind is
Well Hal,
What do you think of your hero playing cards while our brave men, who Obama ordered into action, are taking out Osama bin Laden?
Also, in the Situation Room, why isn’t your hero, the Commander in Chief, in charge? He isn’t even in the president’s designated chair, an officer is. Instead he’s sitting next to the officer, looking like a guy that got pulled out of a card game and sat down and watched out of curiousity.
I’m less concerned with how Cdl Dolan voted than I am with him yukking it up with Obama at that dinner. Doesn’t look like schmoozing Obama paid off.
I continue to vote “D” in the primaries so I can complain as a party member whose party has left me. This last time around, I wrote in Roger Calero. Calero is a foreign-born socialist, and has never made a secret of this. He was on the presidential ballot in 51 states in 2004, and 5 states in 2008. Wikipedia has all of this info.
So, it is “possible” for a foreign-born socialist to be on the ballot in just about any state; he just did it right in front of our eyes.
I raised this issue with fellow democrats when attempting to earnestly discuss the fact that Obama’s only vetting for eligibility for being on any state’s ballot was Nancy Pelosi’s signature on the form from the DNC to each state that he was their man. That is THE step that got him on the ballot.
Instead of us democrats getting suspicious of who we are trucking with (a man steeped in Marxist thought his entire formative years), we developed a name-calling/change the topic response.
No organization can sustain and improve integrity without self-examination.
No one among my fellow democrat friends has said ‘boo’ about us dems boo-ing God at the nominating convention. Nor have any said anything about the “Hail Satan” chants at the Texas abortion-bill show-downs (two; the bill passed in the special session after an unruly mob prevented its sure passage at the very end of Texas’ regular legislative session).
Now, locally, I google each candidate’s name plus “Planned Parenthood.” You are either for us or against us – either killing babies is OK, or it is not. If you are so smart to be putting yourself up as a leader, you should be able to figure this out, and have integrity. You either accept the PP endorsement, etc., or you come out firmly opposed. when encouraged to vote for these locals – I regularly get the request from people who have met or know the candidate – I ask and often my friend has no idea whether the candidate is OK with killing the preborn, or is opposed to that. Yet in just about every case except school board, the info is right there on the interwebs.
I love the scripture posted here in response to this post. Thanks, everyone.
Poor Hal. The minions are the only ones left who still believe the talking points. Hilary does NOT think the amateur is doing a good job and that’s my whole point. She knew how bad he already was, how bad of a job he would continue to do, and she’s left us all hanging out to dry for her own political ambition. She deserves as hard a fall as everyone else who put that turtle on a post. Only the sheeple haven’t woken up yet. That kool aid must be pretty strong drink.
Edward Elexim has it right. We are here because for 40 years the Catholic Church and it’s priests have played passive-aggressive games about abortion. While screaming how much they hate abortion, priests like this man support and honor the pro-abortion Democrats. It really is a day late and a dollar short. Our country is in the condition it is because 25% of pro-life Catholics vote for every Democrat they meet-always in the name of goodness, mercy and light. That was and is the swing vote and why we are in such disarray. It’s nice he FINALLY had a come-to-Jesus moment-I thought a priest would have had the moment a long time ago. So how many years was HE voting for Democrats and responsible for the annihilation of the innocent unborn?
“I wonder how long the Democrats will allow Catholics to vote? We are already second-class citizens under the Obama regime. It’s just a matter of what “rights” he will allow us to keep” – the gradual and overdue provision of social and political equity and rights to groups traditionally treated like second-class citizens due to the excesses of christian privilege does not equate to making catholics second-class citizens. Unlike how we see the gop constantly striving to make as many existing and potential democrat supporters second-class citizens as they can.
“Unlike how we see the GOP constantly striving to make as many existing and potential democRAT supporters second class citizens as they can.”
’potential voters’/’second class’: deceased citizens who continue to vote and non-citizens who vote illegally and almost exclusively democRAT.
At the last democRAT national convention, the one where they booed the mentioning of God, delegates were required to produce a photo ID before they were allowed admittance to the assembly. Green cards and death certificates were acceptable substitutes.
excesses of christian privilege
If the world hates you, realize that it hated me first.
If you belonged to the world, the world would love its own; but because you do not belong to the world, and I have chosen you out of the world, the world hates you. Remember the word I spoke to you,‘No slave is greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours. And they will do all these things to you on account of my name, because they do not know the one who sent me.
John 15: 18-21
Hal says: august16, 2013 at 2:28 pm
Hillary probably didn’t run against President Obama because she thinks he’s doing a fine job. Like a lot of us.
I do not doubt that a bunch of democRATs are still trying to persuade each other that b o is doing a fine job and a few of the true believers may have succeeded in deluding themselves.
You are too intelligent to be one of them, but you are cunning enough to perpetuate the fraudulent facade.
The real proof is going back to the USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) and making sure they understand this issue AND stop being Democrats or anything but 100% Catholic Pro-lifers with ALL that that means. Those Bishops would then spread the WORD to everyone else. Would think that their very souls would depend on that. Same goes for me and you and those we meet/influence.
Truth will set you free. Knowledge is power. “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem,
throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8
Pray for everyone that we ALL get to Heaven whatever it takes.
Jasper, Your psychiatrist called. You are due back in your padded cell.
Something about the way the bishop discussed his political affiliation bugs me. Regardless of how he’s registered, he has a responsibility to vote in accordance with the faith. It should be irrelevant whether he’s registered as Democrat, Republican, or Independent. It shouldn’t change his vote. He is, above all, a Catholic, and should follow the Church’s direction above all. Not the GOP. Not the Democrats. The Church.
Not sure if it’s appropriate to post here but my friend’s son’s girlfriend has planned to kill her unborn child tomorrow. For those who are so inclined, please join your prayers with ours that this mother’s eyes are opened to the truth and that she has a change of heart so that she doesn’t follow through with the murder of her child.
I’m really sorry to hear that, Ed H. I hope she changes her mind.
Thanks JDC. There is an unseen war raging right now for the life of this little child. The mother’s name is Sam and we’re praying the light of God’s truth will demolish her mental strongholds, the lies of the enemy.
Ed H – praying to a God who saves, and that the plans he has for her child will be fulfilled.
Ed – I am praying also. If you know the girl and are able, tell her God loves her and her child. Sometimes a person needs to know that someone cares.
I see that you are still domiciled in an inverse universe kentheburper. How apt is the image aligned with your moniker.
Thank you for providing further evidence of my observation Praxedes.
Your welcome, trollmeister.
Prayers being said for your friend, his son, Sam and his grandbaby, Ed H.
My welcome?
It should go without stating, but given your demonstrated propensity to the avoid and evade the obvious, I will err towards caution and spell it out for you:
I was indulging in sarcastic hyperbole with respect to the ‘green card’ and ‘death certificate’.
But democRATs did require photo ID’s before democRAT delegates would be admitted to the democRAT convention. Somehow a bunch of democRAT women and minorities managed to comply with that requirement. I saw them on the floor of the convention and in the stands, booing God.
Please explain how requiring a government issued photo ID from ALL perspective voters before they allowed to cast their ballot only eliminate potential demoRAT supporters.
Stunning examples of ‘potential democRAT supporters’:
“After 9/11, the Justice Department found that eight of the 19 hijackers were registered to vote.”
As John Fund of the Wall Street Journal has reported, eight of the Saudi terrorists actually registered to vote while they were here. (It is illegal, at least technically, for people who are not US citizens to vote in American elections; but the 1993 “motor voter” law, passed on a party line vote in the House and Senate and signed into law by President Bill Clinton, makes it virtually impossible for the states to keep foreigners off the voter rolls.)
REAL ID was enacted in 2005 in direct response to recommendations of the 9/11 Commission that the federal government set secure standards for identifications (IDs) such as driver’s licenses. The Commission found that 18 of the 19 9/11 hijackers obtained 17 driver’s licenses and 13 state IDs — at least seven by fraud in Virginia. Six of these IDs were used to help the hijackers board planes on the morning of 9/11.2 Of those obtained legally, many were duplicates, with some states issuing the same hijacker multiple licenses within a several-month period.
“but the 1993 “motor voter” law, passed on a [democRAT] party line vote in the House and Senate and signed into law by President Bill Clinton,”…
I am exercising my right to redact my comment about my comment about democRATs accepting ‘green cards’ and ‘death certificates’.
I bet some of those 9/11 hi-jackets tore themselves away from their celestial virgins long enough to cast an absentee ballots in subsequent elections.
I bet all the votes cast were for democRATs.
“Vote early. Vote often. Vote multiple times in multiple states. The statute of limitations does not apply for the dead and there is no extradition treaty with paradise/hell.”
What planet have these Catholic Dems been living on? The Democratic Party has been rabidly pro abortion since the 1970s! It took them this long to find out? Give me a freaking break.
You must have gotten an Obamacare waiver.
It is increasingly clear that our “Constitutional Law Lecturer In Chief” must be an expert/teacher/promoter/defender of some other country’s constitution.
There you go kentheburper, I knew you could answer some of your own queries, given the opportunity.
Are you able to substantiate any notable level of actual voter fraud? From what I’ve read, investigations have shown instances to be few and far between. Unlike the gop operatives who either misled registering voters or simply binned completed registrations they didn’t like.
Then there’s the issue of the attempts by various gop controlled states to alienate voters who are more likely to support the democrats. Thankfully, in some cases at least, judges have put a hold on things.
Can the level of voter fraud throw an election?
Apparently, Obama thinks that a bunch of small efforts adds up to a critical margin in key states.
As the 2012 election approached, we kept hearing that Ohio would be a critical state.
Now, we hear about suppression of legitimate 501c3 activity by the IRS – in Ohio.
Why Ohio?
Someone, somewhere, believes that Ohio was shaky ground but mission-critical. Duh. It was all over the news.
The democrat-led suppression of the tea party IRS 501c3 filings show that the dems were concerned about how Ohio would vote, and violating first amendment rights would be worth the risk of having a safety margin there.
If that would be seen as being effective, then the level of voter fraud detected starts to seem worthwhile to the dems.
Also, a bunch of modest scams are easy to dismiss as anomalies conducted by lower-level people, if detected and pursued.
This allows us democrats to be fed the party line. We used to say, “there is no voter fraud.” Yes, I heard it from friends and family.
Then, we were spoon-fed the cult-correct response that Reality gives: “any voter fraud is so tiny it is irrelevant, and is just an odd mistake or odd occurrence here or there.”
That way, when the reality is put in our face that voter fraud happens, like James O’Keefe humorously being given Eric Holder’s ballot, we democrats can carry on with our cult views without the threat from reality cracking our imaginary world.
This is our new party line as repeated by Reality, and I have heard it from friends and family. No one in the democrat party seems to care about integrity; the proper thing to do would be to assert that “we” are going to be legit, and work AGAINST any voter fraud, rather than poo-poo-ing those with actual cases as being racist or whatever.
Thank God I escaped this cult right after voting for Obama in the 2008 primary.
I have said this in another thread and will repeat it here – the democratic party is much similar to the socialist party. This form of democracy in the US is not even pure, say as the Greeks and Romans enacted. It is all about control of the citizen in every aspect of his/her life. Why do you think all these dems remap districts all the time? Socialistic policies fail miserably when the coffers dry out. And it is already evident with the social security and medicare funds which are “raided” all the time to pay for other “important” aspects of government. The problem is that the money is not going to be there for O and his minions to support O-Care and other of his socialistic “innovations” and we will further be enslaved by this so-called democratic movement.
I am of the opinion that Catholic Bishops and clergy need to stay away from the voting booth. Their faithful can vote based on the Church’s interests (hopefully). The Conference of Catholic Bishops needs to continue to concentrate on advocacy for the Church and its members but not align themselves with any particular party.
I disagree about the Catholic clergy avoiding the voting booth altogether. I do feel like they shouldn’t be aligning with a party outright for many reasons, but largely because neither party actually adheres to Roman Catholic teaching strictly. However, it remains the responsibility of all Catholics -including the clergy- to work for reform in the direction of the Lord… that includes at the polls.
So well, MaryRose, perhaps if Clergy votes, they need to write-in a vote for Jesus Christ. I think it is dangerous beyond advocacy, for Roman Catholic clergy to vote as it represents alignment, perhaps not outright but nonetheless.