Obama: I’m “really good at killing people”
Mark Halperin and John Heilemann’s book Double Down: Game Change 2012 notes President Obama commenting on drone strikes, reportedly telling his aides that he’s “really good at killing people.”…
The Bureau of Investigative Journalism estimates that a total of 2,528-3,648 people have been killed by CIA drone strikes in Pakistan since 2004, and between 416-948 of them being civilians. The group labels 326 of such events as “Obama strikes.”
~ CBS DC, November 3
[HT: Laura Loo]
Unfortunately no, your average career abortionist makes the President’s kill list look like child’s play. I laugh (grimly and sorrowfully) when pro-abortionists whine about war, we’ve perfected taking life on a mass industrial scale in this country.
“Unfortunately no, your average career abortionist makes the President’s kill list look like child’s play.”
True, but think about all President Obama (and like minded politicians) have done to enable the work of the average abortionist.
Obama IS an abortionist, as far I am concerned.
Yes Courtnay, there is a lot of innocent blood on that man’s hands.
He has no clue what is awaiting him after he takes his last breath.
So sad.
“He has no clue what is awaiting him after he takes his last breath.”
Like most narcissists, it doesn’t appear he believes consequences apply to him, in this life or the next.
The black community is actually WORSE off now that Barky is president in terms of unemployment and income, but 99 percent of us still defend him to the death. I still don’t understand it. And NYC is about to elect an EXTREMELY pro-abortion mayor. Good luck New Yorkers, you are going to need it.
October 26, 2012
CALLER: Hi, Rush. Thanks. I wanted to speak to the question of when the president knew and why Secretary Panetta refused to support the CIA annex request either to move to the consulate or to reinforce. Within a few minutes of the consulate being under attack — I’m a retired lieutenant colonel special operations planner for 15 years — the personal security detail for the ambassador notified the communications room in Tripoli who then, on the top secret side, sent a message to the White House Situation Room that the ambassador was in peril, okay? And they did that by code word and it would have been within minutes of the attack commencing.
The White House Situation Room has a list of what’s called Essential Elements of Friendly Information. That’s the military’s acronym for it, but they would have a similar thing, a critical information list. Certain things go right to the person that’s standing next to the president, both military and civilian leadership. So he would have known within minutes or it’s supposed to be informed within minutes because an ambassador is a four-star equivalent, very high, very important person, you know, represents the president and essentially is the president’s — you know, is the surrogate of the president in that country. So the White House cannot deny that the president knew immediately.
CALLER: Well, it’s even a little more frustrating than that. So when that message, that code word goes out, flash traffic, that an ambassador is in peril, okay, the —
RUSH: We have heard this. In our parlance, the way we heard this, Doug, was essentially the panic button was hit. That’s how this was explained to me the first time. Somebody who knew what they were talking about referenced this as a panic button essentially was hit, and that once that happens, everybody that receives it knows what’s going on. There’s no doubt about it. So that’s pretty much true, right?
CALLER: Right. But it’s even more detailed than that, Rush. What it means is when a code word goes out, there’s standard operating procedures. The geographic combatant commander that’s responsible for Libya would have been part of that message traffic, and his
CINC’s In-Extremis Force,
which is, you know, a Special Forces unit —
RUSH: Okay, let me stop you there for another question, because what a lot of people have been told, the excuse that has been offered, in fact, from Condoleezza Rice on Greta Van Susteren a couple nights ago, the impression is, “Well, there’s so much traffic coming in, there’s so many e-mails, so many cables, so many memos, it would take somebody hours to sift through it.” What you’re telling me is that there are systems designed to penetrate all that in a real emergency?
CALLER: Well, there’s three networks, Rush. The e-mails that have been released are unclassified e-mails. On the top secret side, a flash traffic message from the embassy Tripoli to the White House Situation Room, it’s like an IM. I mean, it’s immediately responded to. You have to acknowledge receipt of it. Okay? So it’s immediate. It gets to the person, the watch officer sitting there, boom, flashes on his screen, he has to acknowledge receipt. And then there’s a protocol for who he then sends it to. He physically turns to someone, the senior guy on watch, “This is a critical element of information. POTUS needs to hear this,” and that’s what would have happened.
So no one in the White House can deny that — well, they can deny it, but the fact is the protocol says someone marched their happy little ass up to the senior guy standing next to POTUS and said, “Sir, ambassador in Libya is in peril.” And if he was missing, that is even a higher precedence. And then the chain would have also gone out automatically to the geographic combatant commander, AFRICOM, and he would have then turned to his special operations commander and said, “I want the In-Extremis Force, you know, strip ready in five minutes.” And evidently they were strip ready in Sigonella and they would have the assets to penetrate the airspace, you know, an MC-130 papa, which is a C-130 specially equipped with electronic countermeasures. They didn’t need permission to enter Libyan airspace, okay?
[They had ‘standing orders’ to respond immediately to just such a critical situation.]
RUSH: What about the story we’ve been told that not only was there so much traffic coming in that it was impossible to find the right stuff, which you’ve now explained, but they’re also telling us that the president wasn’t told for a while, and even now, as recently as today, they’re saying that the three most recent e-mails — it sounds like we’re talking about — flash traffic’s not e-mails, right?
CALLER: Flash traffic is digital from station to station.
RUSH: Right. So they’re misleading us left and right. They’re trying to say, “Well, the president –“ They will not explain. They will not tell us what happened to the three e-mails and why he didn’t get them or why he wasn’t told or when he knew or what. They’re basically portraying the president as removed from all this.
CALLER: Well, the bottom line is a flash traffic saying that the ambassador is in peril, or, worse, missing, you know, the protocol is for someone to physically contact with a person in the chain that’s supposed to determine what happens next. Now, I wasn’t in the Oval Office so I can’t —
RUSH: Let me ask you, the question came up yesterday that I couldn’t answer, and I need to ask you, just from what you’re saying. This is unreal, but let’s assume they can’t find POTUS, let’s assume he’s just not engaged. Who has trigger authority on a response to something like that? I mean, you say we don’t need permission to send a C-130 in there to disrupt. Who orders it in there, in a situation like this? Who has the authority to order the C-130s wherever they are, Italy, wherever they are, to take action? If you can’t find the president — is the president the only guy that can give that order?
CALLER: No, sir. Okay? Basically
in the absence of permissions, okay, you have standing orders.
And one of the
standing orders to geographic combatant commander is to preserve life of American citizens —
[Especially United States Ambassadors]
CALLER: And he’s a four-star, you know, he’s in Germany. AFRICOM headquarters is in Germany, and their op-center would have been monitoring this in real time, ’cause it’s part of their geographic responsibility. And they would have been going through the different permutations of courses of action of who can get there the quickest. Now, in their geographic area they have Combined Joint Task Force, Horn of Africa, which is in Djibouti. I served there when it was the Joint Special Operations Task Force Crisis Response Element, and we have responsibility for all of CENTCOM and AFRICOM in Africa because at the time there was no AFRICOM. And we had the capacity to get from where we were in Djibouti to Benghazi in about three hours, four hours, depending on what we wanted to take. Now, if we wanted to go in there with a lot of operators, and at the time we had about a hundred operators, it would have taken us probably five hours.
[The only person who had the authority to overide the ‘standing orders’ for Commander In Chief (CINC) in-extremis forces was/is the CINC/POTUS.
But we don’t have a CINC/POTUS, so some ‘un-authorized’ person gave the order to the CINC in-extremis forces to dis-regard their ‘standing orders’ and to ‘stand down’.
It was probably the boRAT, but he may have been pre-occupied with his ‘boytoy’ and some subordinate to the office of the POTUS may have siezed the initiative (Remember when Ronald Reagan was shot Alexander Haig incorrectly asserted, “I am in charge.”). Somebody told our team to stand down. We still do not know who that someone was/is.]
This was all occuring just days before the presidential election.
Remember, the boRAT who is on video tape more than 20 times lying to the electorate you can keep your own insurance is the same liar who sent his surrogate out to blame the attack in Benghazzi on a amateurish video tape about the father of Islam.
This is the same liar who was claiming we had the Jew hating jihadists on the run.
The same liar who insists on classifying the Fort Hood massacre by a Jew hating jihadist shouting Allah Akbahr as a work place incident.
The same liar who swore an oath to uphold and defend the United States Constitution.
The same liar who awarded the contract to design the web site for his hellthscare scam to a Canadian company.
In testimony on Capitol Hill, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said, in response to a direct question: “Congresswoman, we have spent about $118 million on the website itself, and about $56 million has been expended on other IT to support the web.”
That adds up to $174 million.
Question: Whats the difference between a bag of manure and the boRAT?
Answer: The production, collection, packaging and distribution of the manure creates jobs and the manure actually stimulates growth.
Yes he provided his skill, starting with those tiny children left in laundry closets in Chicago hospitals to die after botched abortions.
When it comes to being responsible for the deaths of people obama is a rank amateur compared to George W’s adventures in Iraq.
Those soldiers who died in Iraq were adults, who chose to enter the military knowing of the risks involved.
Ah, so there were no civilian casualties then MemyselfandI?
Sadly, of course there were. I’m just referring to the “against abortion but for sending our CHILDREN off to war.” people. when as I said before, their children were young adults making their own decision to join the military.
“reality” – you seem not to undertstand the concept of drone strikes. Please read some more of that non-fiction you recently claimed of having the affinity to…
BTW, does “targeted killing of American citizens abroad mean anything to you?”
Who’s for sending children off to war MemyselfandI? Certainly not I. I know that some less than advanced cultures do.
I know what drones are “thomas r.”, and why they’re used. Many are used for peaceful purposes, did you know that? Since they are unmanned I wondered what obama would be if he was in one yet it was still unmanned as was claimed.
BTW, does “targeted killing of American citizens abroad mean anything to you?” – yes. Do you have a point?
I’ve heard the phrase “sending our children off to war.” used to describe American families who’s legally adult daughters and sons are serving in the military quite often. If any of them were so emotionally controlled by their parents that they felt forced to do that, I personally think that is uncalled for.
WOW!!! You could not make this stuff up. He actually said this? “I’m really good at killing people” finally he speaks the truth, the most pro-abortion president to ever hold the office who should be called “the exterminator-in-chief” and “the leader of the baby-free world”. The same BHO who told Jill “it is too much of a burden on the mother and the doctor” for the baby to be given care if her baby survived a botched abortion. I agree with him that he is “really good at killing people”.