Pro-life news brief 1-17-14
by JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat
- The Washington Post has one of those columns from one of those professors who write some of those books which attempt to study pro-life people or Christians like we’re exotic animals. It has some hilarious assertions, like claiming that pro-life legislation on the state level “largely went unnoticed, and thus popularly unopposed, until Texas State Sen. Wendy Davis’ filibuster brought attention to the strategy.”
- Joshua Wilson is writing about Massachusetts’ 35-foot buffer zone law, comparing sidewalk counseling and clinic blockades, but never mentioning the FACE Act (which has a much greater effect on clinic blockades than any buffer zone law).
- At National Review, Ed Whelan points out that the primary evidence Massachusetts’ lawyer cites for why the 35-foot buffer zone was needed is “pro choice advocates swearing and screaming at pro life advocates” in the smaller buffer zone.
- Local media outlets are taking notice of the closure of Planned Parenthood in Birmingham:
[Planned Parenthood vice president of external affairs Nora] Spencer did not comment beyond her statement.“Planned Parenthood in Birmingham prioritizes patient care, and provides essential reproductive health care to over 1,600 women, men and teens each year,” she said. “We are slowing down our services in Birmingham temporarily in order to upgrade our operations.
“Planned Parenthood Southeast is committed to excellence, and the effort we are taking is to verify that we are doing everything we can to ensure patients have a safe, positive experience while in our care.”

“Planned Parenthood Southeast is committed to excellence, and the effort we are taking is to verify that we are doing everything we can to ensure patients have a safe, positive experience while in our care.”
Well, except for those patients who are being intentionally killed.
I seriously doubt pro-lifers asked for a 35 foot buffer zone to protect them from pro-choice advocates. So pro-lifers went all the way to the Supreme Court because we wanted to be screamed at in a smaller buffer zone? Yeah, I don’t see the state of Massachusetts going out of its way to protect pro-lifers from hostile abortion supporters.
It’s probably inconvenient for pro-lifers to admit that the written case for the buffer law complains much less about swearing by counter-protesters and much more about pro-lifers’ habits of videotaping patients coming in and out of the clinic, throwing material into patients’ cars, and posing as police officers to collect patients’ names, addresses, and phone numbers. Also, following patients around screaming “You’re going to burn in Hell” at them through a megaphone.
Speaking as someone who believes that people should be able to enter medical facilities without harassment or hindrance, I don’t think that counter protesters belong on the clinic’s doorstep any more than protesters do.
LisaC I completely agree. I see abortion protesters outside abortion clinics and I get so angry because they scream and yell at women. I want to show my support by counter protesting and showing that the antichoicers do NOT represent all of society. However, a medical facility is not a place to share your political views as to hinder anyone from receiving care.
If only PP would keep up with the health and safety codes than terming their mills as “medical facilities” would be appropriate Stevie. As it stands their operation consists of behind the alley “methods.” There is nothing political about exposing PP for the mill it is. Health and safety codes are apolitical you know… And I find it interesting how you exposed democrats as viewing life as a political ideology and nothing more.
Tommie how does yelling at women help medical facilities “with health and safety codes”? Im talking about sidewalk counseling not medical facility standards of care. What do you mean by “behind the alley methods” and how do you know of such methods? Do you work in an abortion clinic?
I will never consider not – medically necessary scraping or suctioning out a valid “method.” One does not have to work in such a horrid place to know the difference Stevie. Medical definition of pregnancy is “containing a developing embryo, fetus, or unborn offspring within the body.” Pay close attention to the word developing. Side walk counselors are there to remind women of that word. How does it feel to be for the murder of a developing human being Stevie? Makes you all warm and fuzzy I bet…
“For it”…I do it….and it feels great.
Your childhood must have been very rough. I am so sorry Stevie. Professional help may be just the thing you need :)
And prolifers who scream outside clinics and “thump” Bibles DO NOT represent all prolifers either. Certainly not ones I, as a prolife person want to spend any time with…