Notorious pro-abortion congressman Alan Grayson accused of wife abuse
He may beat his wife, but at least he supports late-term abortion!
Let’s see if this old endorsement survives the current cycle.
~ Guy Benson, noting the irony of the Florida Chapter of the National Organization for Women 2010 endorsement of Congressman Alan Grayson’s run for Congress in light of recent allegations by estranged wife Lolita Grayson of domestic abuse, Hot Air’s Green Room, March 4

What a stud! Anyway of course anyone who would condone and tolerate abortion would also tolerate any act of violence. Abortion the most brutal satanic act ever. Beat your wife beat your kids kick a puppy rape someone rob a little old lady….liberals…who can ever understand?
Heather I don’t think it’s fair to say all liberals are like that.
But I would agree that once you’ve made “peace” with committing abortions, it’s a half-step to making “peace” (or perhaps justifying is a better word) with any sort of evil. Most of them, I think, fight it and try to overcompensate by trying to say they love puppies or bunnies or whatever (or like Tiller going to church!?).
But abortion is dirty work. It’s evil. The very act is deceitful and bloody. So I’d say that some may enter with ignorant good intentions. And perhaps others, like this charming cad, are drawn to it because it speaks to a darkness already in them.
For every such accusal, there are 50 Republicans who’ve been convicted.
Two words.
Bill. Clinton.
The pro-abort gang don’t care how many women die from the inadequate care of Gosnell and Carhart and Planned Parenthood…. so why would a little wife-beating bother them?
The only thing that matters is unregulated, unrestricted, easy and taxpayer-subsidized access to abortion-on-demand.
Funny thing is, Grayson is such a nutjob that he once called one of his opponents “Taliban Dan”. Perhaps he was projecting.
The Culture of Death and it’s Party is all about death … abortion, death panels, and anything that just might lead to sin and death. Seems like anything else is just a cover waiting to suck more people into it’s possession and death grip. Pray that eye’s are opened.
‘Borts would support a serial killer if he was pro-choice.
Patty: death panels
As included in the 2003 Medicare prescription drug bill, which 42 Republican Senators and 204 Republican Representatives voted for.
As an idea originated by Republican politicians, such as Johnny Isakson of Georgia. If somebody is a ‘conservative’ then it would only make sense to realize that we cannot spend unlimited amounts of money on people who will be dying in the near future.
There was the House of Representatives bill that eventually led to Sarah Palin coining the “death panel” and posting it on her Facebook page. A week before the appearance of that bill, Isakson put forth an amendment to the Senate health care bill to allow Americans ”to obtain assistance in formulating their own living will and durable power of attorney.”
In 2007, Isakson talked with other Republicans, and what resulted were two bills he sponsored to promote end-of-life considerations – the Medicare End-of-Life Care Planning Act and the Advance Planning and Compassionate Care Act.
In 2005, Isakson cited the case of Terry Schiavo as an example of the importance of planning for such things. Along with other Georgia lawmakers, he signed a personal “Directive for Final Health Care” as an example of people looking ahead.
When asked about Palin’s “death panel” statement, Isakson said, ”I just had a phone call where someone said Sarah Palin’s Web site had talked about the House bill having death panels on it where people could be euthanized. How someone could take an end-of-life directive or living will as that, is nuts. You’re putting the authority in the individual rather than the government. I don’t know how that got so mixed up.”
They endorsed him in 2010, and he just now was accused of domestic violence? I wonder if they will say anything about it. Bill Clinton’s accusations were completely ignored, wonder what they’ll do about this one.
“Sadly, it was Ms. Grayson who physically attacked the Congressman as he attempted to visit with his children. He did not respond to Ms. Grayson’s violent assault,” the statement said.
It added that Lolita Grayson has become “increasingly erratic” since filing for divorce, and her husband “is deeply concerned by her recent behavior and is profoundly pained by her accusations.”
There are photos of her bruises. Let’s see the bruises he had.
But I’m sure he’ll say she’s so crazy she beat herself up.
This is not about Democrats and Republicans, “death panels” or how many wife-beaters are in Congress.
This is about a particular individual, a pro-abortion politician, who was endorsed by the local National Organization for Women and is recently accused of beating up his wife.
One would rationally assume that NOW would withdraw their endorsement and even condemn the politician for being capable of abusing a woman.
Abortion is controversial: Some claim that abortion is helpful to women, while others insist that abortion hurts women and enables the abuse of women. The divide is about 50% on either side. An organization that supports women is not required to also support abortion.
Meanwhile, beating a spouse is criminal in every case. A large male beating a woman is especially unfair. To anyone who is concerned about women, it should be obvious that such a man belongs in jail, not in Congress.
But if supporting the abortion industry is more important than supporting women, then NOW will overlook the wife-beatings and repeat the endorsement.
It will be interesting to see what NOW really thinks is most important….. respect for women and their safety, or abortion.
As much as I dislike Alan Grayson, I am suspending judgment until all the facts are known.
“The Culture of Death and it’s Party” did not say Republican and/or Democrat. Death is having a party and invites everyone.
BTW I think that the “living will” is better named as “I want to die when …”.
Respecting women and their safety is maintaining the rights and freedom they have.
NOW will drop the endorsement of Grayson, and perhaps he won’t be re-elected. Either way, we’ll still have the Republican War on Women, and “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down,” and ”I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.”
Kennedy Anne — even what’s-his-name didn’t believe what he said after he miss-said it, and no one else does either.
Only fools believe that Republicans have a “war on women.” Even the abortion industry spokesmen know better than to believe this particular propaganda. Democrats quit saying this immediately after Obama’s reelection.
If you want to see a real War on Women, you have to look at the people who are taking money from vulnerable women and killing their children.
Jack: Bill Clinton’s accusations were completely ignored
Jack, they really weren’t – he ended up admitting involvement with Monica Lewinsky and Gennifer Flowers. Dolly Browning claimed to have had an affair with Slick Willie, though it was dubious. Paula Jones sued for sexual harassment, the case was dismissed, she appealed, and Clinton finally paid an out-of-court settlement. Juanita Broaddrick claimed Clinton raped her, though she couldn’t even remember the year. She had previously sworn there never had been any problems with Clinton. Kathleen Willey said she got groped, though it looks like she was lying. She escaped perjury charges as she was given immunity for testifying in the Paula Jones case.
Overall, I was going to say that he was really kind of a dog…..
Bill Clinton was a Girl Scout!!!!!!
Doug I didn’t mean legally or whatever you think I meant. I mean from the pro-choice set, it seems a lot of people who get upset (with good reason) over people like Todd Akin don’t seem to care about Clinton and his issues.
NOW endorsed him in 2010.
His estranged wife is making allegations in 2014.
For something current, not in 2010.
Has he been convicted?
What penalty has he received?
Better be careful who you endorse in 2014, they might just get accused of who knows what in 2018 or something.
Talk about stretching!
Jack: Doug I didn’t mean legally or whatever you think I meant.
J, you cracked me up with that. (Oh ffs, what is that doggone Doug thinking now…?!) : P
I didn’t really mean “anything” – it just felt like a general “were completely ignored” to me.
I mean from the pro-choice set, it seems a lot of people who get upset (with good reason) over people like Todd Akin don’t seem to care about Clinton and his issues.
It was 1992 when Gennifer Flowers was in the news, and most of the other stuff about Clinton was in the late 1990s. Were you old enough then to really be aware of it all? Not trying to cut you down, just asking?
It seems to me that it really was a fairly big deal in the media, for a time, and for most people, regardless of political party or pro-life/pro-choice.
Kathleen Willey claimed that Clinton manhandled or groped her. She was involved in the Paula Jones case, and she also appeared on 60 Minutes. In the end, it did look like she had given false information to the FBI, and that her testimony was inconsistent. She also had tried to get a friend, Julie Steele, to lie and say that Willey had told Steele about the Clinton incident at the time. Steele signed an affidavit making that plain.
Specific to N.O.W., regardless of the truth or falsehoods in what Willey said, it was enough for N.O.W. to say, “Kathleen Willey’s sworn testimony moves the question from whether the president is a ‘womanizer’ to whether he is a sexual predator.”
And you can imagine that Clinton started out as a great favorite of N.O.W.
Personally, I was quite disappointed with Clinton when his campaign promises fell to dust; specifically – he said there would be $2 in spending cuts for every $1 in new taxes. What we got was $12 in new taxes for every $1 in spending cuts.
Jeez. Talk about making a big deal out of nothing. You’d think he supported tearing the child from her womb or something.
Pushing your spouse and leaving bruises all over them is hardly “nothing” truthseeker. Neither is gaslighting and pretending to be the victim (a common abuser tactic). We don’t really have all the facts so it’s hard to make a judgement either way, but domestic abuse shouldn’t be downplayed.
Lol Doug, you’re right I was like nine or ten I think when the Clinton scandals were going on and all I remember is my stupid dad blaming Hillary for it. I don’t know the feminist response back then. I just know that plenty of pro-choice and feminist women I have talked to around my age seem to revere Clinton as like the best president evah and blow me off when I ask him if workplace harassment (I’m sorry, I don’t see the flipping president having sex with a 24 year old intern as a particularly consensual situation, the power imbalance is way, way off) is okay, even if none of the other allegation were proven.
I think “dog” is about the nicest term I have for dudes like Clinton.
*them, not him. It won’t let me edit. :/
Jack: I was like nine or ten I think when the Clinton scandals were going on and all I remember is my stupid dad blaming Hillary for it.
Ahahahahahaaaa! Hillary can do no right for some people. : P
Quite a few men have a visceral reaction to Hillary, just the way it is, I think.
I just know that plenty of pro-choice and feminist women I have talked to around my age seem to revere Clinton as like the best president evah and blow me off when I ask him if workplace harassment (I’m sorry, I don’t see the flipping president having sex with a 24 year old intern as a particularly consensual situation, the power imbalance is way, way off) is okay
Jack, time has been kind to Clinton, there. I was thinking it’s somewhat like George Clooney doing something that you would normally think would make women mad….
I think many women would say, “Yeah, I’d normally be upset about that, but…… Uh…. George Clooney…..”
Guy Benson: “Let’s see if this old endorsement survives the current cycle.”
“reality:” “NOW endorsed him in 2010. His estranged wife is making allegations in 2014. For something current, not in 2010. Has he been convicted? What penalty has he received? Better be careful who you endorse in 2014, they might just get accused of who knows what in 2018 or something. Talk about stretching!”
In case you can’t comprehend “reality” allow me to translate: Guy Benson was referring to a possibility this endorsement will not be repeated based on whatever may occur with this DV case. That’s what he meant by “current cycle.”
In case you can’t comprehend “thomas r.”, my comment was as much in response to some of the comments as it was the concept of assumed guilt that was displayed.
What I’ve seen & experienced in life has taught me that abusers can come from all walks of life & background.