Driehaus-billboard Susan B. Anthony List Obamacare abortion

I have blogged several times about pitiful sore loser Steve Driehaus, the supposed pro-life Ohio Democrat congressman who voted for abortion inclusive Obamacare.

When Susan B. Anthony List planned to expose Driehaus for his vote in a billboard ad (above) during the 2010 election cycle, he filed a complaint with the Ohio Election Commission accusing SBA List of false advertising, and OEC blocked the ad from being erected.

After Driehaus lost his election to pro-life stalwart Steve Chabot, he followed up with a federal complaint of defamation, blaming SBA List for his loss. That lawsuit was dismissed in January 2013, but Driehaus appealed the next month, and no further action on that appeal has been made.

(As an aside Democrats for Life’s Kristen Day burned bridges against the pro-life community when she revealed and twisted private conversations and emails in order to file affidavits on Driehaus’s behalf. Day is now persona non grata.)

Meanwhile, SBA List filed a federal lawsuit against the State of Ohio, challenging the constitutionality of the false-claims law that triggered the trouble to begin with, stating at issue was the First Amendment right of free speech.

While a district court and then the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals both dismissed SBA List’s lawsuit, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously today that SBA List has standing and reversed the lower court decisions.

SBA List is challenging the Ohio statute on grounds that it empowers a state agency to determine what constitutes true or false political speech.

Hopefully, we will see the State of Ohio wave the white flag before dragging this ordeal out further.

Congratulations to SBA List!


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