Obamacare to fund congressional, staff abortions
Paging Bart Stupak. On March 24, 2010, he and other congresspersons calling themselves pro-life Democrats smiled for the camera as they watched President Obama sign an executive order no one but them believed would keep abortion out of Obamacare. (Stupak is in the photo above off of Obama’s right shoulder, wearing a grey suit. Click to enlarge.)
Besides the inobvious expansion of abortion in Obamcare – a mandate that forces insurance companies and employers to cover contraceptives and morning-to-days-after contraceptives, both of which can cause early abortions – there is the obvious, as explained in National Review Online, September 25:
An analysis by the Charlotte Lozier Institute published this week suggests that the number of abortions that will be heavily subsidized via federal premium tax credits and Medicaid expansion is likely to be between 71,000 and 111,500 per year. This approaches one in ten abortions performed in the United States.
The number is split roughly 50-50 between abortions subsidized by the ASPs [abortion-covering state plans] in states that have not barred them from their exchanges and abortions newly reimbursable under Medicaid expansion in states that use their own taxpayer funds to underwrite them.
The obvious was followed by an in-your-face this past Monday, when the Office of Personnel Management ruled that “members of Congress and their staffs will be able to buy health care plans that pay for abortions, even though the premiums are funded largely by taxpayer money - a move that conservatives say breaks federal law on abortion funding,” according to the Washington Times.
A pro-life friend on the Hill explained in an email how this rule violates the law:
The final rule indicates that OPM does not intend to comply with the pro-life Smith amendment as it administers health insurance benefits for this group of federal employees.
As you may recall, 84 Members of Congress sent a letter to OPM Acting Director Elaine Kaplan earlier this month. The letter pointed out that the Smith amendment (first offered in 1983 by Rep. Chris Smith, R-NJ) is annually attached to the Financial Services Appropriations bill and governs activities by OPM employees. Specifically the Smith amendment states that no funds may be used to “pay for an abortion, or the administrative expenses in connection with any health plan under the Federal employees health benefits program which provides any benefits or coverage for abortions.”
The Member letter specifies that collecting and disburses premiums for health plans that include elective abortion are administrative activities and would constitute a clear violation of the Smith amendment. While all insurance plans for Federal employees under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program exclude elective abortion, the ACA deviated from this longstanding policy and explicitly allowed plans on the new health care exchanges to include coverage for all abortion.
In the final rule OPM specifies that despite the Smith amendment they will carry out administrative tasks in conjunction with health plans that include elective abortion. They justify such action by saying that OPM does not “administer the terms of the health benefits plans offered on an Exchange.” Even though the Smith amendment is in no way limited to administration of the “terms” of a plan, OPM appears to be arbitrarily narrowing the Smith amendment without Congressional approval.
Also paging former Congressman Steve Driehaus, who sued Susan B. Anthony List for defamation after his loss in 2010 to pro-life Republican Steve Chabot, claiming this sign was fraudulent. Click to enlarge…
Driehaus is in the top photo on the far right, smiling broadly. He lost his case in federal district court in January 2013, but the sore loser quickly filed an appeal, which has still not been decided. (Meanwhile SBA List has petitioned the US Supreme Court to review the constitutionality of the Ohio “false statement” law which provided the gateway for Driehaus’s lawsuit. SBA List expects SCOTUS to make its decision by early November.)
You may have a hard time finding poor Bart, he “retired”, remember?
OK Bart, you and the others made the mistake of being suckered by a sociopath with a charming smile and empty promises. Happens all the time. Live and learn. You even “retired”. Ya think the Dear Leader cares? Uh-uh. You and the others served your purpose Bart. I do hope though that Obama at least kissed you first.
This is the sort of thing that we really hate being right about.
This was 100% because of Republicans, who insisted that congressional staff go onto the insurance exchanges (which features plan that offer abortion) instead of being covered in the government plan, which they had for years.
I posted on this a while ago – that the GOP in their blind hatred of Health Care Reform had put in a loophole that allowed for the funding of abortion.
Great job congress.
Furthermore, under this argument, anybody who contributed to the Republicans for years was subsidizing abortion – they had abortion covered in their own health care plan – and those plans were further subsidized through tax breaks.
So to pretend this is new to Health Care Reform is simply lying.
Come on EGV,
Not even you can kid yourself about this.
Obama and his minions in the senate want this shutdown so bad they can taste it. They then have their toadies, AKA the mainstream media, convince people like you that the Republicans are to blame, even though the Democrat controlled Senate is refusing any kind of negotiations and Der Fuehrer sees no reason why he should negotiate or compromise. Check out the polls on Real Clear Politics.com and you’ll see how the American public opposes Obamacare. But who gives a crap what the American public wants, right?
Of course Obama has been happy to grant exemptions and control what will or won’t be enforced and when, however illegal. You know, like some kind of fuehrer. In 2011, about 20% of Obamacare waivers went to businesses in Nancy(we have to pass the health care law to see what’s in it)Pelosi’s district. Half a million labor union members are now exempt from Obamacare. Yes, the very union members who supported Der Fuehrer. My goodness what does this tell us? Even Teamster Union leader James Hoffa, who’s father Jimmy was offed by the mob, is whining though I’m sure Der Fuehrer will grant him and his union an exemption once the commotion dies down and James just keeps his yap shut, something his father didn’t have the good sense to do.
BTW EGV, do you know if Der Fuehrer at least kissed Stupak first?
Also, do you think Der Fuehrer may regret not taking the Republicans up on their offer to delay Obamacare one year? Good grief, 3 years to get ready and the computer system for applying is right out of the dark ages. First I’ve ever heard of an internet “hold”. Hopefully they supply elevator music while you wait. But then you can always call a toll free number in if you don’t mind being about half a millionth in line.
The gods do indeed punish mortals by answering their prayers!
Mary – what are you talking about? We’re talking about the funding of abortions – why are you talking about the shutdown?
Who is talking about the shutdown?
What’s going on here – do you not even care about what’s the subject these days?
This is all quite straight forward Mary.
obamacare was passed into law.
obamacare defeated a court challenge.
obamacare won a presidential election.
Now a group of the even more deranged republicans are stamping their feet like three year olds and threatening to stop the rotation of the planet unless they can bring down obamacare. They even defy their own leadership to pander to a constituency of raging cellar-dwellers. The republican leadership appears to have less authority than Fox, the Koch brothers and the Heritage foundation.
They are in a state of panic because they know that once obamacare is underway and into effect the overwhelming majority will be supportive of it and appreciate it.
It is quite obvious there are certain elements who are so focussed on the destruction of obama himself that they don’t care what damage they do to anyone else, including themselves.
Roll on mid-terms.
Reality – I thought it would be a massively interesting debate to see how the GOP would react to losing another presidential election – my thought was that they’d come to the middle, and was interested to see in what areas.
What I didn’t expect, but should have, was that so many GOPers fear losing in the primaries more than against a Democrat (because of the rigged area they represent), that the GOP is moving further to the right.
Early in the year, I though the GOP would end up right of middle, and start really making noise again.
Now I’m feeling like unless the GOP defeats the tea party, the Dems could turn Texas faster than they thought, and they could rule the white house for many, many years.
I agree Ex-GOP. If the GOP morphs into being predominantly constructed of the ring-leaders of this current escapade they will shrink and fade from the political landscape. And then there are those, including a few here, who have expressed their desire for an even more extremist party!
I see Mrs. Perry is upsetting Rick’s applecart.
It’s just very odd to see what battles the GOP is really willing to fight these days. I mean, they are so enraged that we’re saying goodbye to pre-existing conditions, and that millions more will have insurance, that they’re willing to do serious harm to the economy of the country.
I mean, talk about a bunch of sore losers.
They should put a clause in the law that they only fund the abortions that are committed on the congress people who voted for the law and their families. And I’d also be open to allowing government funding of abortions committed on the people who voted for those congress-people. That’s what they wanted right?
Wow truth – I guess I’ve never seen people joke about abortion on this site.
Just wow.
I guess we have one vote for the “life is not sacred” column.
I think truthseeker adheres to the ‘if it’s permitted it’ll be mandatory’ school of thought.
You would certainly agree that what’s good enough for the American people is good enough for Der Fuehrer’s supporters and Nancy Pelosi’s constituents? Any idea why his biggest supporters want out?
I am disgusted and enraged about his whole thing and if I misread the point you were making and was unfair to you I apologize.
But come on EGV, you know Der Fuehrer pulled a con job on Stupak and the other “blue dog” Dems. Do a little googling and see what they have to say about it. Come to think I did give you a link to one former rep who said Der Fuehrer conned her and the others but you brushed it off. In your mind, she only opposed the abortion and contraception mandates because she now worked for a Catholic organization.
Still I have to ask, do you know if Der Fuehrer kissed Stupak first?
“They should put a clause in the law that they only fund the abortions that are committed on the congress people who voted for the law and their families. And I’d also be open to allowing government funding of abortions committed on the people who voted for those congress-people. That’s what they wanted right?”
That’s not remotely funny. The children of people who voted for pro-choice politicians are still children deserving of protection. Just because their parents want abortion funded doesn’t mean those kids are any less precious than the children of pro-life politicians and their constituents. You couldn’t have possibly made a more hypocritical joke here, truthseeker.
If you were even joking, I don’t know about people sometimes. I’ve seen that whole “lol Dems should definitely have more abortions lol haha” thing so many times that I’m starting to think people are serious when they say it.
Jack, I voted not to fund anybody’s abortions but I live in a pluralistic society and if I have to allow the insane people who want somebody else to pay for their abortion in order to be able to purchase my family a plan that does not pay for abortions then so be it. The choices are just the insane people get abortions funded for them or everybody gets government funded abortions. I’ll take the lesser of two evils.
EGV 9:03PM,
Kindly refer to my post of 7:58PM.
“I guess we have one vote for the “life is not sacred” column”
Some people are ridiculous. It reminds me of the super pro-gunners on Twitter after Sandy Hook. “Lol that’s what they get for not letting teachers be armed!!!” Uh… so you’re satisfied that a bunch of kids died so you can stick it to gun control advocates. Disgusting.
“Jack, I voted not to fund anybody’s abortions but I live in a pluralistic society and if I have to allow the insane people who want somebody else to pay for their abortion in order to be able to purchase my family a plan that does not pay for abortions. The choices are just the insane people get abortions funded for them or everybody gets government funded abortions. I’ll take the lesser of two evils.”
You’re still funding abortions. If they use federal tax dollars to fund their abortions then you are still funding them. They don’t mark your tax dollars with a “conservative” tag to avoid using your tax money for anti-conservative programs, no more than they mark mine with a “vegetarian” tag to avoid using mine to subsidized animal testing.
You would certainly agree that what’s good enough for the American people is good enough for Der Fuehrer’s supporters and Nancy Pelosi’s constituents? – what are you on about? Are you a constituent of Ted Cruz or something?
Any idea why his biggest supporters want out? – again, you’ll need to explain yourself.
You might want to consider joining the circus as a trick cyclist truthseeker.
…..or mine with “atheist” to avoid funding religious activities.
Read my post to EGV where I point out that Der Fuehrer’s supporters and Nancy Pelosi’s constituents got exemptions from Obamacare. Do you have any idea why the unions, who were among the biggest supporters of Obama, and some of Nancy Pelosi’s constituents, who put her in office, want out?
I’m sure you would agree with me that if this law is good enough for the American people, then its plenty good enough for the unions who supported Obama and Pelosi’s constituents.
“…..or mine with “atheist” to avoid funding religious activities.”
I don’t care if my tax dollars go to religious programs that are doing good, like the Salvation Army or other charitable organizations. I’m glad to financially support such things. The only thing regarding religion I don’t want to fund is proselytizing. I don’t see why I should pay any taxes to fund people spreading religion. But I’m pretty sure that’s not something that happens often anyway, I don’t think taxes generally go to purely proselytizing organizations of any religion (except at the state and local level, if you live in a heavily religious area you probably end up funding proselytizing in some way or another whether you want to or not).
…..or mine with “atheist” to avoid funding religious activities. – See more at: https://www.jillstanek.com/2013/10/obamacare-to-fund-congressional-staff-abortions/#comment-466327
“Reality – I thought it would be a massively interesting debate to see how the GOP would react to losing another presidential election – my thought was that they’d come to the middle, and was interested to see in what areas.”
No, the weird part is that from what I’ve seen in how a lot of conservative reacted to losing the election, is that they are calling to become even MORE right wing! I’ve literally seen no conversation about possible compromise or moving toward the middle or anything. All I’ve seen is people arguing that they lost the election because Romney wasn’t conservative enough. It’s just the oddest thing, I don’t understand why people think like that. I honestly thing the GOP is going to continue shrinking unless they start getting rid of the extremism in the party. I know a lot of older “Goldwater Republicans” that are really uncomfortable with the “moral majority” extreme social conservatism in the GOP currently, though they are still die-hard fiscal conservatives. I think that the GOP is losing a lot of people to the Libertarian and Constitution party. Maybe there will even be a viable third-party next election, that would certainly be interesting.
Mary – this is childish. He’s President Obama. Call him that, or call him Obama, grow up, and be more respectful.
Tossing around terms like ‘Der Fuehrer’ is an explicit demonstration of the mindset of the constituency supporting and driving the truly deranged cabal within the gop which will lead to its diminution.
Which unions? How many? How many members? What have they actually said?
Try and stop the funding of abortions and get labeled a religious extremist. Offer to allow the funding of abortions for the people who say they want it or who vote for it and get called a hypocrite. These liberals just like whining and insulting others in order to gain popularity. Like they still live the code of bullying and cliques on a elementary school playground. About all a person can do is ignore them and keep up the good fight with other loving people who respect life.
“Try and stop the funding of abortions and get labeled a religious extremist. Offer to allow the funding of abortions for the people who say they want it or who vote for it and get called a hypocrite. These liberals just like whining and insulting others in order to gain popularity. Like they still live the code of bullying and cliques on a elementary school playground. About all a person can do is ignore them and keep up the good fight with other loving people who respect life.”
Lol, I want abortion defunded, though I would prefer it to be illegal all together, and I’m not even religious. I don’t consider defunding abortion a religious position at all, even if people who agree with me are religious.
Bullies are the ones who think that only the children of conservatives and pro-lifers should be protected from abortion. As long as you and yours are safe, whatever happens to those babies is fine, eh?
Are the babies conceived by Democrats or people who vote for pro-abortion politicians less precious than the children of Republicans, truthseeker? Why are you willing to fund their deaths?
It’s not about the adults, truthseeker, it’s about the innocent babies who have no choice in what their parents vote for. This is like approving of the abuse of children as long as yours are safe, it’s pretty gross.
Offer to allow the funding of abortions for the people who say they want it or who vote for it – so you’ll cease seeking the outlawing of abortion then? You’ll allow pro-choice folk to have health cover which pays for abortions? Yes?
Jack, you are what is called a fence sitter. Your insults always leave you a little wiggle room and you have no real conviction. You sell your loyalty to the whoever is giving away the biggest prize that day by talking out of both sides of your mouth.
Reality, would you agree that all the abortion lovers pool their Obamacare money into one pool and all the pro-life people put their funds into a separate pool that works for me. I don’t have to dirty myself with your baby killing and you get the choice to have the government run abortuaries where they subsidize hiring people to commit abortions when you want to kill your babies. Would that be acceptable to you?
Jack, watching people day after day claim that want to join the fight to end abortion but support DemocRATs is enough to make any real pro-lifer weary and want to vomit.
I’m not remotely in any way a fence sitter on several important issues. Anti-abortion, pro- animal rights, anti-child abuse, anti-rape, etc. I am a fence sitter on things like Christianity.
You just don’t care about the right of the children conceived by people who are pro-abortion to live, apparently. You’re willing to allow and fund their deaths as long as you personally aren’t involved. That makes me more convicted against abortion than you are.
Who are you talking about? Ex-GOP? I have only voted Dem once since I’ve been old enough to vote, and it was a local election that had basically nothing to do with abortion, and the Republican candidate was a racist idiot that I couldn’t in good conscience support.
The Democrat party has its good points, if they weren’t pro-choice I’d probably vote for them over Republicans every time. If there were viable pro-life Democrats I’d vote for them too.
When it comes down to it the pro-aborts like Reality wouldn’t accept what I proposed above. Even they can’t feel good about what they are doing and they can only find their comfort in forcing everybody else to live the same way.
You didn’t answer the question truthseeker – so you’ll cease seeking the outlawing of abortion then?
pro-aborts…….can only find their comfort in forcing everybody else to live the same way. – comedy gold.
What about ‘viable’ pro-life republicans Jack? Spotted any of them?
Nah. But at least Republicans will defund abortion. But a lot of them do a lot of damage in other ways. So I pretty much hate voting, it’s a moral struggle every time.
Jack, then you have more conviction then Ex-GOP. Keep up the good fight and keep voting Republican until the holocaust of the unborn is ended.
Like you I look forward to that day when pro-life people are elected and use their positions of power to change the laws and make abortion illegal. But that is not the society we live in and as things stand today neither you or I can keep the government from contributing to people’s abortion. So until that day when pro-life people can change the laws all we can to end our participation is to segregate those who contribute to abortion from those who do not. Doing that does not mean I do not care about the children killed by pro-aborts. It means I can keep the work of my hands from contributing to their demise. It would reduce the total funds available to the abortion industry.
But at least Republicans will defund abortion. – how long has it been so far? The only element of the gop which might defund abortion is the mob currently holding the nation to ransom.
I look forward to that day when pro-life people are elected and use their positions of power to change the laws and make abortion illegal. But that is not gonna happen.
I look forward to the day when there is a black, lesbian, atheist, democrat in the white house. Probably best if it doesn’t happen for a little while yet though, it’d be nice if she could at least survive long enough to be inaugurated. By that time there would also be less self-detonating heads to clean up.
“The only element of the gop which might defund abortion is the mob currently holding the nation to ransom.”
Reality, you must not be keeping up on the news. The latest CR the house sent to the Senate only asks that the average person be included in the same one year exemption that Obama granted to businesses and unions. Why should a union pipefitter be given an exemption from the Obamacare mandate and a non-union pipefitter be taxed and penalized? The Republicans are just looking out for the little guy and asking that everybody be treated equally. The law wasn’t written and passed with exemptions for businesses and unions and Obama is acting like a thug in granting these exemptions to his cronies but not to the poor. The one who is holding the government for ransom is Obama. All he would have to do is treat people equally and fairly by granting the same exemptions from the mandate to individuals that he decreed for businesses and the government would be funded. Anyone who wanted to get insurance on the Exchanges could still sign up. Why are you so against that?
only asks that the average person be included in the same one year exemption that Obama granted to businesses and unions. – do you really expect people to believe that that would be the end of it?
The Republicans are just looking out for the little guy and asking that everybody be treated equally. – oh well, comedy silver isn’t too bad truthseeker.
Should the black, lesbian and atheist president also only serve the people who think exactly like her? (if she is even 100% liberal herself)
“do you really expect people to believe that that would be the end of it?”
The CR is written already. Government would be funded again. Why should Der Fuehrer be allowed to illegally grant these law mandate exemptions to cronies like unions and big business but then hold the government funding hostage when congress tries to grant the same exemption to individuals. If anything it is congress who should be the one granting these exemptions and not Obama. It is congress that has the authority to pass and change laws.
I said she’d be a democrat MemyselfandI, not a republican, therefore she would strive for the best for all.
Government would be funded again – for how long? Until when. How many more times would they hold up various items by tying lunatic desires to them. A never ending run of ransoms is no way to run a country. What might they eventually demand, no increase in the debt ceiling until obama goes into self-exile?
Why should Der Fuehrer – seriously?
“how long has it been so far? The only element of the gop which might defund abortion is the mob currently holding the nation to ransom.”
I know. It sucks. It’s actually very uncomfortable for me to vote at all, I find most of the GOP’s positions repugnant and I dislike nearly every politician. But (and I don’t expect you to understand, and you probably think I’m stupid), I really do believe abortion is as bad as killing a born child. Could you vote for someone who supported and pushed something like child murder? You might be able to understand the position I am in.
“Jack, then you have more conviction then Ex-GOP. Keep up the good fight and keep voting Republican until the holocaust of the unborn is ended.”
I don’t want you to kiss my butt and I didn’t write that comment to defend myself against your accusations. I just wanted anyone reading to know where I stand. You’re not my ally and really, 90% of our interactions are you insulting me or people like me so I don’t really care what you think. I’m tired of trying to be nice to people who continually put me down. And I like Ex, he is convicted, he hasn’t significantly changed his views in the couple years I’ve seen him comment here. He just doesn’t agree the GOP is going to make an impact on abortion. He’s explained his reasoning a million times, and I don’t all together agree, but he’s gonna do what he thinks is correct. It doesn’t make him not convicted just because he doesn’t agree with you.
Republicans won’t ever end abortion all together. I believe the vast majority of them see claiming to be against abortion as a handy tool to get the conservative Christian vote, and to get those like me who aren’t conservative but have a strong moral opposition to abortion to vote for them. The best I can see coming out of the GOP is defunding of abortion as much as possible. The GOP loooovvveeess to defund anything that’s not the military or their own paychecks and pet projects, so they can do that at least.
And honestly I don’t see a whole lot of difference of which tax dollars are used for abortion or not. Even if they separated all pro-lifers taxes from those used to fund abortions, those babies are still dead. The only thing that would actually help that besides criminalizing is stop funding all together and supporting programs that increase women wanting to choose life and keep their baby.
“Should the black, lesbian and atheist president also only serve the people who think exactly like her? (if she is even 100% liberal herself)”
Do the rich, white, Christian, straight males we have always had as presidents before our current one only serve themselves? Do people even ask this question? What is the point of your comment?
“Why should Der Fuerher” – seriously?
Yes seriously. Why else would he deem himself able to grant people exemptions from the law but hold the government ransom if congress tries to make similar change to the law themselves?
“I don’t want you to kiss my butt and I didn’t write that comment to defend myself against your accusations.”
It is good you don’t want me to kiss your butt cause I never would and did write that comment to defend yourself against my accusations…why are you having trouble admitting it?
“You’re not my ally and really, 90% of our interactions are you insulting me or people like me so I don’t really care what you think.”
You already declared yourself as against abortion so we are allies in the fight to stop abortion; you just feel a need to deny we are allies at all. And I admit that I call you out on so many of your other positions but only cause I do care what you think.
And I like Ex, he is convicted, he hasn’t significantly changed his views in the couple years I’ve seen him comment here.
Did you know that Ex-GOP also claims that he sees abortion as being child murder?
“And honestly I don’t see a whole lot of difference of which tax dollars are used for abortion or not. Even if they separated all pro-lifers taxes from those used to fund abortions, those babies are still dead.”
I definitely disagree with you on this one. It is my labor and my time and effort that goes into earning my money so I justly feel a personal responsibility for the way my money is used. Much more of a responsibility then I feel to tell others how they should use their money.
“You already declared yourself as against abortion so we are allies in the fight to stop abortion; you just feel a need to deny we are allies at all. And I admit that I call you out on so many of your other positions but only cause I do care what you think.”
We might share a common goal, but I don’t think I can consider you an ally. Like I said, you spend most of the time we interact insulting me or people like me. And you don’t “call me out” on my positions. You generally call me stupid, or accuse me of supporting the sexual abuse of minors because I don’t believe the morning after pill the most evil thing that’s ever happened, or repeatedly insinuate I don’t actually care about stopping abortion because I don’t agree with your ideas about healthcare, or the myriad other untrue and rude things you can think of to say about me. I swear, half the people I talk to on here or other conservative sites seem to think if they can just get me to agree I’m totally garbage that I’ll suddenly become a conservative Christian and we can all hold hands skipping into the sunlight. Yay, another convert! Why in the world would anyone want to go to church or be like you guys if this is the way they’ll be treated? Good lord. I’ve commented here for years and people STILL insinuate I’m not actually pro-life. Drives me crazy. I’m really tired of it. I wouldn’t even comment here anymore if I didn’t think it was important for any undecided people to see you don’t have to be straight or a Christian or a conservative to oppose abortion.
“Did you know that Ex-GOP also claims that he sees abortion as being child murder?”
Yes, I know that. I also know he doesn’t vote Democrat to support abortion. I don’t agree with him, but neither do I think he’s some evil person. He’s just doing what he thinks is the best route to reduce abortion.
“I definitely disagree with you on this one. It is my labor and my time and effort that goes into earning my money so I justly feel a personal responsibility for the way my money is used. Much more of a responsibility then I feel to tell others how they should use their money.”
Well, I don’t agree. The babies are just as dead. If abortion isn’t defunded all together, and criminalized all together, I think all Americans are responsible for the dead babies in this country whether or not we directly financially support it ourselves. And I do feel a responsibility to tell people that they shouldn’t use their money to support killing unborn babies.
EGV 11:25PM
Truth hurts doesn’t it?
Maybe you should remind him he was elected president and not dictator.
Reality 11:29PM
Kindly refer to my post of 7:58PM.
Also, lighten up about this “mindset” crap. “Der Fuehrer” is simply German for “The Leader”. I also use the term Dear Leader. I couldn’t help but think of him as such when I saw our schoolchildren singing his praises like mindless robots as they do for dictators.
Also, speaking of “mindset”, I recall Bush often portrayed as Hitler and some play or book about his “assassination” that no one on the left seemed to find too offensive.
Hi Jack,
Remember that even “pro-life” Democrats are always loyal Democrats first. That’s why Bart Stupak is out of a job. The “blue dog” Democrats may have been conned, give the Dear Leader that, but its their loyalty to the Democrat Party that made it possible.
Here’s my two cents: Pres Obama did the American people a disservice by not intervening in this fiasco of a gov shutdown. He will go down in history as a president non-grata just for this stupid maneuver. Its not about kids going to camp at Indiana Dunes or vets visiting the memorial, its only about politics for this sorry-excuse of a leader.
He will also be forever known as the abortion-happy lunatic for allowing this abortion-funding clause to see the light of day.
As far as O-Care, let’s pick up this discussion in 5 years. This monster will grow teeth to make exchanges so unaffordable and out of reach and a bureaucratic nightmare, dems will live to regret it.
Is Pelosi an example for women wanting to go into politics or what!
Mary, you have the right to refer to Obama as you wish. Ex is just one of those PC individuals guided by “proper” references. I also remember how dems painted President Bush with all the insults they could muster. I came to America because its constitution quarantees freedom of thought and expression. For Ex to reprimand you was inconsistent with your rights as US citizen.
Thank you Thomas R,
I appreciate your support.
One must consider that Der Fuehrer views me, a law abiding American citizen who belongs to the Tea Party, as closely fitting the profile of a “domestic terrorist”. Der Fuehrer then gave his definition of of an “American domestic terrorist” by saying:
“Typically domestic terrorists in the U.S. are people who cling to obsolete beliefs from the time of the American Revolution. They are conservative Christians, reactionary Republicans and conspiracy theorists many of whom belong to racist hate groups”.
I would consider my references to Obama as Der Fuehrer or the Dear Leader to be charitable by comparison.
“Remember that even “pro-life” Democrats are always loyal Democrats first. That’s why Bart Stupak is out of a job. The “blue dog” Democrats may have been conned, give the Dear Leader that, but its their loyalty to the Democrat Party that made it possible. ”
Yes and the Republicans are “whoever is giving me the most money” loyal first. Whatever, they all suck.
I went to bed last night, and then to work today, so I missed roughly 40 comments – so let me just make a couple of blanket statements, and if anybody had anything related directly to me, just let me know. I’m not dodging intentionally – I just have skimmed comments, and a lot of things are now a bit past.
Thomas/Mary – use whatever names you want – I just think it makes individuals look stupid. When I hear rappers or others using the n word, it makes them look dumb. When I see people insulting women with phrases, it makes them look dumb. And I think this makes you two look less educated and more spiteful than I think you are. If you don’t agree, that’s fine. It’s my two cents.
The topic at hand – this post – was mostly the fault of the GOP that insisted that congressional staffers be treated differently than the normal population, and send them into the free market exchanges rather than in a group policy.
The shutdown has a lot of blame to go around, but is mostly the fault of the GOP, and the polls back it up. Let me put it this way. Pretent the GOP came into presidential power and ran the senate, and the house was Democratic. Let’s say the GOP actually passed a law banning abortion. The GOP president ran again, was re-elected. The house votes, across all americans, actually favored the GOP, but because of weird district maps, favored the Dems on numbers. The supreme court says that the anti-abortion law is legal. But the Dems say “hey, we’re going to take two unrelated issues and link them together because we haven’t been able to win any of the other 7 ways we’ve tried”. Are you saying you’d have no issue with this at all? You would.
The shutdown is stupid – it’s hurting the company I’m at, it is hurting the economy, it’s making us look dumb in the eyes of the world and will lessen the position of the dollar, which would hurt the economy. The only silver lining is the hope that the American people wake up, kick a lot of these GOP tea party folks out, and the house will go back to the Democrats. I saw this as no chance a few weeks ago, but newer poll numbers have me hopeful.
One last thing – on health care reform itself – Thomas probably hasn’t been reading much news, in which a lot of the exchange prices are LOWER than estimated previously.
The GOP knows that once this is implemented, they are dead on it. Imagine in a year, the GOP saying “hey, we want to get rid of this now, which will usher back pre-existing condition discrimination, will kick a ton of young adults off plans, and will up the ranks of the uninsured 20-30 million people”. That will be a non-starter once this is in place, and the GOP can’t pass a bill with the popular parts without having the unpopular parts (paying for it, mandating it). They just can’t.
So that’s the issue – the GOP knows that once this in place, people will like it, and it won’t be going away.
EGV 6:12PM
For heaven’s sake EGV, lighten up. So I call your beloved president Der Fuehrer or Dear Leader. BFD. Its exactly how I view him, as a petty banana republic dictator wannabe. Of course its fine he considers me a domestic terrorist but hey, this is America, right?
Concerning the shutdown. This is a law that was passed under dubious circumstances, i.e. the cornhusker kickback and the Louisiana Purchase. Good grief you’d think politicians would have the decency to take their bribes in private. And ask Bart Stupak and the other bluedogs if Obama at least kissed them first. The American people have consistently opposed it. Der Fuehrer gives his union supporters waivers. How nice he can pick and choose who follows the law.
The law that’s good enough for you, me, and all other Americans is plenty good enough for Der Fuehrer’s union buddies, Nancy Pelosi’s constituents, and all members of congress, the senate and their staffs. Certainly everyone would want to take advantage of this wonderful law, ya think?
When it comes to making this country look ridiculous no one has done a finer job than the Dear Leader who was made to look like the clown he is by Putin. Obama dithered and dathered on Syria because he was completely clueless. Yeah dipstick, words mean something and when you talk about red lines you better be able to back it up. But what can you expect when you take a community organizer with a flashy smile and turn him into a Commander in Chief?
You don’t seem to understand EGV, your fearless leader wants this shutdown. Harry Reid is acting on his orders. He’s counting on his stenographers, AKA the mainstream media, to convince people like you otherwise and obviously he’s succeeding. As for the polls, I don’t see any difference in Obama’s support than before, just the usual fluctuations. He remains below 50%.
BTW EGV, did you see that post on Jill’s blog about scammers setting up false websites and stealing confidential data, SS numbers, etc., from unsuspecting souls such as yourself who trust the gov’t? Give it to the scammers, they could teach the gov’t a lot about efficiency. Its right up there with Obama’s Brownshirts, AKA the IRS, stealing 60 million electronic medical records. If the scammers don’t get you the gov’t will.
Der Fuehrer really blew it when he didn’t accept the Republican offer to delay Obamacare for a year. Were the Dear Leader to ask my advice, I would suggest he agree to the delay, start up the gov’t and resume pouring our tax dollars down a sewerhole, and spend the time consulting with scammers as to how to efficiently run a website.
In the meantime EGV, apply for Obamacare online at your own risk, assuming the website is even working.
EGV 6:14PM
Tell that to Teamster President James Hoffa. He’s none too pleased with Obamacare. However I’m sure if he keeps his yap shut the Dear Leader will grant an exemption. After all James and the unions helped get Obama elected and supported Obamacare, until they realized it was biting them in the butt.
I believe the vast majority of them see claiming to be against abortion as a handy tool to get the conservative Christian vote, and to get those like me who aren’t conservative but have a strong moral opposition to abortion to vote for them.
Sadly, I think this is all too true.
Pres Obama did the American people a disservice by not intervening in this fiasco of a gov shutdown. – the disservice would have been allowing a bunch of numpties to dictate everything and anything they want by holding the country to ransom.
He will go down in history as a president non-grata just for this stupid maneuver. – history will show him to be one the best, delivering large and broad benefits despite the most hateful, spiteful and obstructionist republican splinter group yet seen.
As far as O-Care, let’s pick up this discussion in 5 years. – in 5 years time the gop will still be licking its wounds, people will shake their heads in disbelief that the tea-party ever existed, obamacare will be widely accepted and popular and most folk will wonder what all the fuss was about.
Is Pelosi an example for women wanting to go into politics or what! – absolutely!
Mary -
I’m plenty lightened up – it’s on you – it’s your call – I just think it makes you look dumber, that’s all. It’s like when I hear people use ‘retard’. I just think it makes them look petty, and I feel sad for them.
I, quite frankly, don’t care if you are upset at how it was passed. My guess is you don’t have those same concerns when GOPers pass laws – like when Walker passed the budget bill in Wisconsin. Fact is, it passed, it has remained the law, has been validated, and deserves the chance to move forward.
On the shutdown – I have absolutely no doubts that if a clean bill was presented, the senate would pass it in about 5 minutes. The Dems are accepting the shutdown because the hostage component of the negotiation is silly. I think, to say the Dems want the shutdown is silly and unsupported.
So now the presence of scammers means reform is bad? Does that mean when the guy set out the fake salvation army bell to scam money, does that mean the salvation army is now bad? Come on Mary.
The GOP is putting party above country, and it is sad to see. I’m seeing now that there are enough house republicans ready to pass a clean bill if Boehner would simply let it come to a vote. Now who wants the shutdown?
Well, tell your beloved leader that American citizens don’t appreciate his name calling. Personally I think you make too much of an issue of it. The president exercises his right to call me a terrorist, I exercise my right to call him a dictator. Don’t feel sad for me. Feel sad for our country.
OK, so if you have no issue with politicians openly taking bribes, fine. I think they should at least have the decency to do so discreetly. And he certainly should have at least kissed the bluedogs first.
Your beloved president wants this shutdown EGV. Harry Reid is just following orders. Obama could negotiate like other presidents have during shutdowns. I believe this is our 17th or 18th.
EGV, despite our differences I like you and I sincerely hope you haven’t had an application for Obamacare go through. Heaven only knows who has your personal information and health history.
Mary -
Can you post the domestic terrorism quote please?
Again, if the house would pass a clean bill, it would be signed in a minute. Do you dispute that? It’s a little odd – the position hasn’t changed in forever – pass a clean bill – it shouldn’t be linked to other stuff. I don’t know why that is tough to figure out.
I get my health care through my employer. I used to be on the free market – over the course of 4 years, our payment went up about 50%, all while raising our deductible. The health care exchange is a conservative idea, and I think it’s a pretty okay one – I wish I had that option back in the day. But no, the exchanges won’t affect me.
All the trash talk and semantic hole-digging by the rabid right is simply a facade of distraction from the truth.
Obamacare became law.
It defeated a legal challenge.
It’s author won a second presidential term.
There is absolutely no reason on earth why it should be delayed or deconstructed in any way.
Everyone knows that if obama agreed to any gop demands for changes whatsoever, to any extent, it would only be the beginning, not the end. The current situation would happen over and over and over again. A gop-induced nightmare groundhog day.
Mea Culpa. Turns out the quote was bogus. I stand corrected and apologize.
However I stand by my statement that Obama is behaving like a dictator.
A clean bill? You mean one which caves to the Dear Leader? The majority of the American people oppose Obamacare. The House of Representatives is supposed to be just that. Represent the people. Not toadies for the dictator. Are you not troubled that Obama picks and chooses who follows his law and his favorites don’t have to?
Well, be thankful the exchanges won’t effect you. Besides being an exercise in frustration who knows who would end up with your private and medical info.
If this law is so wonderful why are Obama’s supporters in the union trying so hard to bail?
Why does the Dear Leader grant exemptions to his favorites? Can a president pick and choose who follows a law?
Certainly what is good enough for you and me is plenty good enough for the president’s supporters and favorites, wouldn’t you agree?
I think you need to study up on dictators then.
On your second post – how can you tout one opinion poll, but simply ignore another that says an even wider margin of people don’t think the government should be shut down to try to defund health care reform? It you are going with the “will of the people” argument, then they should pass the clean bill (continuing resolution without other components).
Mary – on your post to Reality -
From the beginning, there has been lots of waivers granted – not from the law, but delays for individual groups in bringing their plans up to speed. Nothing wrong with that.
What’s odd though is you are so upset that some plans have longer to comply, yet you are arguing for a system in which tens of millions more would be without insurance? It’s like saying “If you work for this other company you can’t pick your choice of a car…but if you come work for me, I won’t give you a car at all. i’ll give you a bike, with a flat tire”.
Come on Mary – any plan and any law is going to have issues and things to work out. Are you saying though that in general, you feel that a plan in which pre-existing condition discrimination exists, and millions more are uninsured – that this sort of plan is desirable? Seriously?
Apart from the majority spurning the gop’s current behavior as EX-GOP has pointed out, polls also show that a vast number of folk don’t adequately understand how obamacare works. Now that it has arrived – yes it has arrived – people will soon see how just and effective it is and opposition to it will plummet. Another reason why the rabid right is so hell-bent on destruction right now.
The other points you raise may be worthy of discussion in their own way and time, although Ex-GOP has explained quite well just how spurious your protestations are (the facade of distraction), but they do not justify the gop holding the nation to ransom.
Maybe you should study up on dictators. Petty tyrants who exempt their friends and supporters from unpopular law is a common characteristic. Spying on citizens is another. BTW, I had no admiration for Nixon and certainly none for Clinton but as far as I’m concerned they were rank amateurs next to Obama. BTW, Dr. Ben Carson said he rec’d a visit from the IRS after the prayer breakfast where he was critical of Obama. Merely a coincidence I’m sure.
The will of the people has been opposition to Obamacare, and the opposition has only grown from what I have seen of the polls. So what’s this sudden concern with the will of the people? It never mattered to you before. Also the gov’t can continue to function without Obamacare but Reid and his puppetmaster Obama won’t hear of it.
EGV, 11:28PM
LOL. Sure.
Law is the law EGV. It applies to all of us equally. The Dear Leader can’t pick and choose.
EGV if I’ve told you once I’ve told you 500 times how I would reform insurance and health care and I’m not going to repeat it as obviously it doesn’t register. I do like Dr. Carson’s suggestion for health care accounts. Apparently the Dear Leader did not.
Oh of course, if only the American people were just a little swifter.
The majority have long spurned Obamacare but that has been of little relevance. Also, hasn’t the Dear Leader had plenty of time to enlighten us? Or are we all just a little slow?
Anyway Reality, a word to the wise. Scammers and hackers, considerably smarter and more efficient than our gov’t, are stealing info from unsuspecting citizens who actually trust their gov’t. My advise is avoid checking out these exchanges. Heaven only knows who will end up with your private and medical info.
The people elected Scott Brown as senator in Connecticut to break the DemocRATic fillibuster-proof majority in the Senate and stop Obamacare. The RATs responded by using the ‘Budget Reconciliation Process” to pass Obamacare with only a simple majority. Seems to me since the law was passed by deeming it to be a part of the budget process then it perfectly reasonable to bring it up again during budget/CR negotiations.
“Scammers and hackers, considerably smarter and more efficient than our gov’t, are stealing info from unsuspecting citizens who actually trust their gov’t. My advise is avoid checking out these exchanges. Heaven only knows who will end up with your private and medical info.”
The exchanges seem to have some bugs but seem relatively secure. There are scam sites for everything everywhere, that’s not limited to the healthcare exchange. I don’t get your argument. You should just not use the internet at all if you’re worried, unless you use an anonymizer and other security measures you’re never actually secure from hackers. Avoiding scams is pretty simple by not being dumb about phishing and other typical tricks.
Hi ts,
He was in fact elected in Massachusetts.
However I think its only fair that if Nancy Pelosi can pass a law without informing the American people of its content, then we have the right at any time and by any means to overturn it. Fair is fair.
Hi Jack.
When posting your SS number, passwords, and personal and medical info you had better be considerably more careful. I think the post on Jill’s blog is very alarming. Unsuspecting people are barraging scammers and identity thieves with a wealth of info, and the thieves planned very well, in anticipation this day. They can set up authentic looking websites and the average person may see no reason to question their legitimacy.
Truthseeker, I don’t know if Obamacare would really benefit my wife and me, relative to what we had before/what we have right now. I do know it’s good for some people and bad for some others.
I certainly don’t trust the US Federal Gov’t to run anything efficiently.
Will say that all this contention, all this hand-wringing and wrangling and argumentation – is taking place, and is taking center-stage, while the decades-old spiral of Debt continues unabated. Frankly, I’m a bit numb to a lot of it – the stuff on the TV news – not a really big deal compared to the more-meaningful economic decline which I think the US is in.
Not to say that a given issue, even a transient one, cannot be of titanic import to a given person, including whether the gov’t is running tomorrow or not. Yet in the long run, the fiscal foolishness of the Federal Gov’t will impact almost all of us, and in a very negative way. I see the current “popular media” stuff as akin to static on the radio, while one is in a small ship on a big sea, with a very big tidal wave coming.
No reasonable way to think it won’t come. No way around the fact that “right or wrong,” the actions of the US Gov’t have massive impact on economic reality for lots of people. Worry about it? Yeah, I do, but the main thing IMO is to do the best one can while protecting oneself and one’s family. I’d say there are 5 or 6 or 7 times in one’s adult life when it really pays to “get ready,” and right now I’d say it’s “get ready for higher interest rates,” after three decades of generally falling rates.
The majority have long spurned Obamacare but that has been of little relevance. – because the reality is that the majority have been misled and lied to by the usual suspects. That’s why the rabid right are in a state of furious panic right now, because they know that people will soon learn the truth.
Scammers and hackers, considerably smarter and more efficient than our gov’t, are stealing info from unsuspecting citizens – I guess we’d better freeze the planet into stasis and shut down the interweb thingy then hadn’t we.
” When posting your SS number, passwords, and personal and medical info you had better be considerably more careful. I think the post on Jill’s blog is very alarming. Unsuspecting people are barraging scammers and identity thieves with a wealth of info, and the thieves planned very well, in anticipation this day. They can set up authentic looking websites and the average person may see no reason to question the legitimacy.”
Uh, if you type your information into a website because it looks “official” you know nothing about the internet. I just don’t understand why you think this is a point against Obamacare. People get scammed by fake “auto insurance” agencies because they don’t do any research all the time, that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with auto insurance companies, it means people need to take control of researching and making sure they only type info into sites they know for certain are legit.
Yeah sure Reality, whatever,
So why hasn’t the Dear Leader enlightened us mindless sheep? He’s had what? 3 or 4 years?
No Reality we don’t need to shut down the internet. We need to understand that criminals have planned very well and are waiting to obtain a wealth of personal and medical info from unsuspecting citizens. People who blindly trust the gov’t to protect their info and steer them to the right websites may get a very rude awakening. Check out the post on Jill’s blog.
Hi Mary. : )
Uh… I think only Al Gore could shut down the internet.
I’m saying that people trust the gov’t. though don’t ask me why. People go onto the computer to apply for the health care exchange not knowing what to expect. What are the websites supposed to look like? I was steered to this website by the gov’t website so OK, here’s my info, especially if I’ve spent a lot of time already because of computer “glitches” and I just want to be done with it.
I’m saying this is a golden opportunity for scammers and according to Jill’s article they are prepared.
I got one awful virus infection, it even shut down my virus protection, talk about the inmates running the asylum. I downloaded an “upgrade” which turned out to be bogus though it looked legit.
Hi Doug!
Great to see you again. Well of course he could, he invented it didn’t he?
Mary -
The GOP and the various right wing sites have spread misinformation and lies for a long time, and now we see people are confused. And now you take that confusion as proof that the law needs to go? What a joke. A majority of Americans voted Obama over a guy who wanted to repeal the law. A majority of Americans cast their votes for house democrats. It’s over.
The truth is, once this law is the law, the GOP doesn’t have a credible chance of repealing. They don’t have a plan that replaces the popular parts. And I know your plan – it isn’t even a plan – the GOPs answer doesn’t exist. So this is their last chance, and they are fighting like little kids about it.
Again though – I’ve seen videos where people say they hate Obamacare but love the Affordable Health Care law (they are the same thing) – I’ve seen people like truth confused about the easier details of the law – I’ve seen people who claim they hate the law, even though they admit it will save them money (I have a few friends in that category). A lot of ignorance out there so far – but that will change a lot in the next year.
Again though, if you are going to be a slave to those numbers, you should also be a slave to the numbers that say people don’t think health care reform should be defunded in this battle.
Time for the house to stop fighting, pass a clean bill, and move on.
truth -
You had a couple of things factually wrong.
First off, as pointed out, you have the wrong state for Brown.
Secondly, reform passed the senate 60-39. The house altered the bill a bit, which would have required either a full vote in the senate, or the working out during the reconciliation process, which they did that way. It did pass with 60 votes though originally.
You forget the majority of Americans put Republicans in the House in 2010 and 2012. Voters put the bluedogs in the House in 2008 with the understanding they were conservative Democrats. Bluedogs who Der Fuehrer deliberately conned. Some make the argument the Dear Leader turned the IRS on his opponents to enable him to win in 2012. Now of course there’s no record of the Dear Leader actually giving any such orders, but there’s no record of Hitler ordering the Holocaust either. That’s what you have goons and flunkies for.
Ain’t over til its over my friend.
Please spare me this “right wing” website horse puckey. The Dear Leader has had a worshipful media in his pocket since day one. He had a public that mindlessly worshiped him. He has the IRS to intimidate his opponents. Why do you think he required that our medical records be digitalized? To save trees? No EGV its so he has access to your most private information. Its so the IRS can do the same. I can remember the good old days when goons actually had to break into your doctor’s office to get your records, and did.
Stalin and Hitler must be looking up from the deepest depths of hell eating their hearts out. All they had was the KGB and Gestapo!
I’ve had to revise my thinking a little here. Scammers and hackers may be the least of our worries.
Hi Jack,
As I pointed out to EGV, scammers and hackers may be the least of your worries. Its the Dear Leader and his IRS brownshirts who can access your and your children’s most private information at the touch of a button that you need to be concerned about.
Cybercriminals have nothing on the IRS.
Ex- I was just commenting that it is improper for you to reprimand any one of us to use the type of language you prefer. PC movement stinks to high heaven…
Obama is our president but that in itself does not command respect.
Thomas – when I have called somebody any sort of slur?
Mary –
I saw Tommy Thompson speak about digitizing medical records – how if a person got in a car accident, they could find information about the car faster than the health history of a person. You are being paranoid.
The fight is ending – the House of Reps have their cracks. I have had multiple posts of friends on facebook say they’ll be either saving money with reform, or will pay the same for better coverage. It certainly won’t be like that everywhere – but I stick to what I said earlier. Once this is in place, the GOP will be trying to get rid of a plan with some very popular aspects, and they won’t have a credible solution to keep those options in place.
This one’s over – just interested to see if the GOP drags things out long enough to blow up their party.
Just look at the Pro-life vid of the day today, Ex, the one about Harry Reid. People are willing to do just about anything to deny that the Republicans has ANYTHING to do with the problems that are going on right now. It’s possibly one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever seen.
I just don’t see this extremism and partisan bickering getting better since no one seems to learn anything.
Jack – yeah, saw it. I almost commented, but one thread at a time is enough. What a joke though.
I must say, between the few of us still reading this thread…sometimes I think this site is just a front – like priority number one is the right wing advancement, and priority number 2 is abortion. The crazy hatred of Obama, Reid, Pelosi and others has created this barrier. After being on this site a few years, I’m convinced that to many, a pro-lifer is a right wing conservative who goes to a Catholic church, is against contraception, homosexuals, education, science, and celebrities.
If you don’t fit the mold, move on.
I don’t think that priority number one is right wing advancement, it’s just that some people seem to have an extremely difficult time imagining that you can be just a little less right and still be anti-abortion, so sometimes they get suspicious and accusatory of anyone who isn’t right wing. Like you said, a few people seem to think that a pro-lifer HAS to have these certain set of characteristics and if you don’t they’ll just insult you until you either go away or change your views.
Fair – though look at the front page right now:
1) Anti abortion post
2) Anti Harry Reid, nothing is the fault of the GOP video
3) Radio host – abortion post
4) Bad people putting health care scams in place – anti Obama
5) Limbaugh post – anti Democrats – partially anti-abortion (main message is the shutdown)
6) Pro-life buzz
7) Anti Obamacare – abortion funding loophole (which the GOP created)
8) Campus vandalism
9) Abortionist that gives teddy bears
10) Pro life student introduction
Lol true it’s like half and half. I think it’s fair to say that since Jill is a very conservative Christian pro-lifer, that she’ll probably give equal blog time to conservative, Christian, and pro-life issues. I don’t think it’s quite a front, but definitely a really conservative bent. I’d prefer the tagline to be “With her fingers on the religious, conservative pro-life pulse”, because she does certainly speak well for that segment of the movement, it would be a little more accurate and wouldn’t imply that everyone who is pro-life supports conservative and religious ideals.
Believe me I know about the advantages of digitalized records, I work with them. Not paranoid, EGV, realistic. What do you suppose Der Fuehrer’s Brownshirts wanted with all those medical records? Better hope yours isn’t next.
As I said EGV it ain’t over til its over.
Speaking of Der Fuehrer’s Brownshirts:
Mary – what’s the status of the lawsuit anyway? That was a good six months ago – surely there’s more news now, unless it was just a big overblown hoax. What’s the update?
Also, what do you think the government would do with the information? I mean, they hold the medical keys to most old people anyway. I mean, what’s your specific fear or accusation here.
On Ben Carson – I hope a lot of people with a net worth that high get audited.
As you know lawsuits take forever. One I was involved in took 3 years to get to court. I was pregnant with my second child when I was first informed and my third child was a year old when it went to court. Knowing your concern, I was exonerated. I can find no evidence that its a hoax, and I’ve checked Snopes and Truthorfiction.com, as well as google and yahoo. You can research as well as I can.
What do I think they would do with it? Good question. Just the fact they will get their hands on your info whenever they want should unnerve you. Hey, for all you know they have.
Medical keys to old people? That means exactly what EGV?
Yeah let’s get someone like Ben Carson. A man who rose from poverty to renowned pediatric neurosurgeon. Well EGV, if you want to see more people with a high net worth get audited, then encourage them to criticize the Dear Leader. But do be careful what you wish for, never know when you might P.O. the Dear Leader and his Brownshirts will come a knocking.
Thomas – when I have called somebody any sort of slur?
Nor have I claimed you have Ex. Neither have I hopefully. Mary has very strong convictions. Perhaps other than reprimanding her for going there, it would have been more helpful to simply ask how she arrived at that comparison. Don’t you agree? Peace…
You are reading too much into the other thread to assume hatred Ex. Facts speak for themselves you know…
Mary -
So no other information? Every conservative site in the Western World championed it for a few days, and then *poof* – nothing? Really? I smell a fabrication.
It doesn’t unnerve me. Most Americans put all that info on facebook and twitter these days anyway. What’s your paranoia about somebody knowing your cholesterol numbers? Seriously – you’ve brought this up about 10 times – so what’s the fear?
I don’t care where Ben Carson came from – good for him. I still think it’s good when people who make that much money get an occasional audit. It’s not like he was assaulted – he just has to show he wasn’t lying. Again, is that the worst thing in the world that you can come up with these days?
If you find evidence of a fabrication let me know. Actually I saw several articles for the year 2013 so I would hardly say its gone poof anymore than the IRS targeting scandals have.
Well its one thing if you want to put your info out there for the world to know, quite a difference from the Brownshirts helping themselves to it as they see fit. I read that state judges in California had their records seized. Talk about some great reading. Must be right up there with the high class call girl’s little black book.
You still haven’t told me how much Ben Carson is worth. But get real EGV, do you really believe he was just randomly audited? If you do, I’ve got some bridges to sell you.
Absence of evidence is not evidence Mary. Evidence is evidence. So nothing has happened in six months? Seems like a fabricated story.
You never asked how much he’s worth – it’s estimated at $10 million. Again, an audit is simply proving you aren’t lying. Should be quick and easy for him.
So this is great – you have no actual scenarios you can dream up medical information being used wrong – you are loudly yelling about some lawsuit that seems to have just disappeared – you think any organization/law that is targeted by scammers is the villan and not the victim – and you seem more concerned with somebody possibly having information stolen in a mysterious lawsuit than you are concerned with the very real situation of people denied medical care and coverage because they had something wrong with them once.
Come on Mary.
The RATs wouldn’t pass Obamacare without first removing the language against abortion funding. Passing it that way should have required sixty votes which they did not have. So they use a parliamentary gimmick and passed it as part of a budget reconcilliation process. That should make it fair game for debate during the budget process every year the budget comes up. The RATs said it was considered part of the budget process when it was passed then they should expect it to be part of the budget process every year it is funded.
I’ll take that to mean you can find nothing that proves this is fabricated.
OK, let’s move on.
10 million! Good for him. No one deserves it more. Imagine the jobs he creates maintaining a home and busy practice. But the man should realize he criticizes the Dear Leader at his own risk, as we have seen.
I can’t come up with scenarios? Well the problem is if I did, they would just be speculation and scenarios. How could I possibly know for certain what the Brownshirts are doing with that info? If it does include some state judges I bet its making some great reading. Loudly yelling? What am I doing, pounding the keyboard?
Now you’re starting to ramble. Come on EGV.
truth – I think you’re still confused – the abortion language debate came into play in the house.
Let’s just deal with this simply – Health Care Reform passed the Senate on December 23rd, 2009. What was the vote tally?
Mary -
If somebody said you were a transgendered Elvis impersonator, I wouldn’t be able to find proof that it wasn’t a fabrication either – but it doesn’t mean it isn’t a fabrication.
I think it’s great Carson has done so well – and all he has to do is prove he wasn’t lying. Let’s use your own standard – can you prove that the IRS was targeting him? I mean, they do quite a few audits a year – somebody getting audited doesn’t mean they were targeted.
Of course you can’t come up with scenarios…of course.
Again, you are more concerned with paranoid scenarios than you are with actual scenarios – actual people who went bankrupt because they chose not to abort a child who would have issues. Actual scenarios of people who were denied care because of previous issues. Those are actual issues Mary – actual situations people faced. You don’t care about those though – you care about disappearing lawsuits in California that, if true, would present situations that you yourself can’t even speculate on how they would harm you or another person.
I’m trying to be tactful, you know I like you, but your post is all over the place and not really saying anything. My responding only seems to generate more of the same. I’m going to have a glass of banana liquor and relax. Why don’t you have a beer and do the same? We can talk another time.
“truth – I think you’re still confused – the abortion language debate came into play in the house.”
Ex-RINO, the way I remember it that debate was in both houses. In the senate they bribed the so called pro-life senator DemoCRATic senator from Nebraska with the infamous cornhusker kickback in order to get him to vote for the version of the bill without the Hyde-like anti-abortion language.
truth – I missed that vote total – what was it?