pro-lifeby Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

  • Americans United for Life praises yesterday’s Supreme Court decision, with CEO Charmaine Yoest remarking that it was “a victory for common-sense as pro-life Americans do not lose their First Amendment freedoms when they open a family business or when they value unborn life”. But the battle is far from over, as “[a]bortion is woven into the healthcare law at multiple levels, making repeal of the law a pro-life necessity.”


  • Fletcher Armstrong has two excellent posts discussing pro-choicers’ attempts to use misdirection and propaganda to stifle free pro-life speech.
  • Big Blue Wave links to an article in The Atlantic about the rise of black market abortion pills, with a prediction that this will be the new front for abortion activists.
  • Euthanasia Prevention Coalition is happy to report that New Jersey has withdrawn its assisted suicide bill due to lack of support.
  • American Life League’s Judie Brown gives examples of how different organizations in our culture – like Planned Parenthood – are successfully instilling their “values” of sexual immorality into our children.
  • Abstinence Clearinghouse highlights Janice Crouse’s excellent article on the myths of recreational sex. Crouse writes:
    The harsh realities of casual, drunken sex should make the choice of abstinence very simple. If there were more honest discussion of the pain caused by promiscuity, the market value of virginity would dramatically increase. Young people need to choose carefully. Sex can never be free; choices always have consequences. We cannot expect young people to act responsibly when neither adults nor the culture is providing the best possible information to encourage self-discipline and self-control, which are the surest keys to young people’s long-term well-being.
  • Live Action shares a video that clearly explains how Hobby Lobby’s refusal to embrace abortion-inducing drugs is not just about religion, but is based in science:
    The case may seem confusing, because Obamacare (aka the Affordable Care Act) is confusing. But believe it or not, the science behind Hobby Lobby’s lawsuit is not confusing. In fact this simplistic video explains in under 3 minutes why the company’s owners have a problem with being forced to cover free emergency contraception in their employees’ benefits packages.

[Photo via Fletcher Armstrong]

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