Stanek one of “7 women working tirelessly to attack equal rights for women”
Affirmation comes from the strangest places.
Actually, the sort of affirmation I might strangely prefer is acknowledgement from the other side, backhanded as it may be, that I’m being heard. The hope is the messaging is getting through to someone over there, somewhere, and that I’m not just preaching to the choir.
Most here know of Amanda Marcotte, a militant pro-abortion feminist who writes some of the most acerbic, jaw-dropping stuff out there. Amanda may be exasperating and even infuriating, but she is refreshing in that she takes her movement’s beliefs to their fanatical conclusions, which they more often than not try to hide.
That’s the set-up for a piece Marcotte just had posted on Salon entitled, “7 women working tirelessly to attack equal rights for other women” (same piece at AlterNet: “7 women working tirelessly to screw over other women,”) with the subtitle, “Sadly, these women find it personally advantageous to reject feminism and continue perpetuating sexist social norms.”
So I made Marcotte’s list of “women who have made a career out of opposing women’s struggle for social, political and economic equality,” along with icons Phyllis Schlafly (“original gangster”) and Lila Rose (Planned Parenthood demoniz[er]”) and other dedicated conservative women I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting – quite an honor.
About me Marcotte wrote:
3. Jill Stanek. Many women have found their calling in attacking contraception and abortion access, but Stanek, an ardent blogger, brings a hatefulness and obsessiveness that helps her stand out from an already unpleasant crowd. After getting old enough that unwanted pregnancy stopped being a personal concern, Stanek “discovered” that contraception has been evil all along, dedicating much of her blog to arguing that pregnancy prevention is a uniquely modern evil.
Stanek also notoriously celebrated domestic violence, arguing that men should hit women who have abortions. “That spontaneous slap was the reaction of a real man who a woman had just told she aborted his baby,” she said of a notorious scene in Godfather II in which a gangster hits his wife. “Compare that to the modern-day cowardly male response, ‘It’s your choice. Whatever you decide, I’ll support you.’”
Sometimes I wonder if what I write does any good. And I’m not as prolific as I’d like to be. To be viewed by someone on the other side as “an ardent blogger,” who “stand[s] out from an already unpleasant crowd” is quite the compliment.
I don’t need to tell you that which pro-lifers promote is the opposite of how Marcotte portrays it. The reality of Marcotte’s ”equal rights” movement is that over half the preborn babies they kill are female, the pills they push are dangerous artificial steroids that kill women as well as their tiny human offspring, and the sexual abandonment they hail has wrought nothing but brokenness and disease.
And so, as hateful, obsessive, and unpleasant our messaging may be, we press on, although we do try to present truths in the spirit of Christ. He was hated, too, but He presented His messaging in a God-pleasing way. That’s my goal. I fail more than succeed at that, but I’m working on it.
So, thanks for the encouragement, Amanda. And seriously, I’d love to someday meet you for coffee.
Apologies in advance if that was somehow a misogynist request. :)
Yes, Jill, shame on you for “getting old enough that unwanted pregnancy stopped being a personal concern.” LOL
If that’s the criteria then Amanda should have a chat with Cecile Richards!
Congratulations, Jill! “A woman’s greatness can be measured by her enemies.”
— Although I am not sure that Amanda is actually reading your blog. It sounds like she is reading somewhere else, by mistake.
Does she really think we are “hateful” here or anywhere in the pro-life movement?
We don’t even hate Amanda Marcotte. (Although I doubt that I could suffer through a whole cup of coffee with her. You have a generous soul, Jill!)
Well done, Jill. If I were as woefully ignorant about your writings as Ms Marcotte, I would not publicly display that ignorance the way she does.
Yes I remember when Alan Combs attacked you for the domestic violence rhetoric and I wrote that between a slap across my face or death by dismemberment, who was the violent one??
Have to chuckle – you’re not only one of Keith Olberman’s “world’s most hated” conservatives, you’re now among the most 7 anti-women’s rights activists out there.
In real life, you’re compassionate, caring and a fierce feminist. So proud to be your friend!
Wow. Congratulations!!!
Jill take a bow…coming from Amanda this IS the ultimate compiment!
I’ll say it, “well done, good and faithful servant”!!
I’d have to say that is a list, I’d love to be on. I am proud to not be a feminist, to love life and the lives of unborn children, and to cherish the lives that are in this world.
We are told we will be hated as Christians, and you’re obviously doing as the Lord has commanded of you!
We women should all get on that bandwagon of hating our bodies. What next? Come on ladies just start requesting a hysterectomy on demand! Periods are annoying and who needs brats? You must go to college even if you have to kill your children. I have my high school and nursing school diplomas sitting on my bedroom shelf. Big whup. They cant comfort me or hug me. I know plenty of people who didnt go to college. One owns her own dog grooming business. Shes fine I assure you.
I’m 35…if my decision is to have an abortion…I am requesting that any of you please slap me. (Grandma’s get the message across the best)
I also have children…if I ever force them to have an abortion or not preach chastity….I am requesting that any of you please slap me.
Jill supports domestic violence….lol suuuure. Ive told the story before and I shall tell it again. My old neighbor Bob and I dated for a few months. I knew he was divorced and I asked why. He showed me a pic. of his wife and she was very pretty. He told me they were fighting one day and it turned really ugly. He told me she went to the car and he came to the window of the car. She rolled the window down and she said “Oh BTW Bob there is something I need to tell you.” I told this story to show that not all women are victims of abortion. She said “I WAS pregnant but I went and had the little bastard sucked out of me.” He told me without thinking he backhanded her in the head. She started crying and drove away. No charges were pressed. He divorced her after her kind little confession. He explained “Heather I felt so bad for hitting her but she shocked the blank out of me.” ” I never knew she was pregnant and I dont even know if the baby was mine.” ” I could never trust her again so I divorced her.” “I never want to see her again.” I do not condone DV but Bob was always very sweet to me.
To echo what everyone else has already said, congratulations!
Female here…men are as equally affected. Heather….poor Bob! I want to cry when think of being in those shoes. I have heard stories similar to that from men around me, too.
Kathy…lol ..and please dont anyone slap me because it may look like Im taking up for an abuser. Im not. I mean what if the woman had just confessed to killing their 2 year old? I will never forget when David Smith found out that Susan ( his former wife ) had just murdered their boys after she lied to the media for 9 days. David Smith said “I just ran and ran.” “It was over. All thee hoping and searching was over.” Smith put a loaded gun to his head 10 years later but did not kill himself thankfully. Susan Smith was post abortive but not from David. Some women are evil!
Well Amanda…I’m not old enough that unwanted pregnancy is no longer a concern for me *eye roll* and I stand with Jill. So am I like, allowed to have an opinion on abortion since I’m not in menopause yet? Or you’re only allowed to have an opinion if you’re into dead babies. Gimme a break.
But as everyone else said…it is a badge of honor when they call you out by name and declare you their enemy! It means you’re a captain of the pro-life foot soldiers. It means you’re being heard and your pro-life work is attacking the minions of death. That must be gratifying to be called out in such an article! Awesome!!
Kathy…you rock!!:)
Now we should flood the Salon article with support for Jill. :-)
Yes Sydney lets flood. I can still reproduce too!
Nothing makes me happier than a miserable, angry, militant feminist that can’t stand the truth and know’s she’s defeated.
Rock on Jill !
The opposite of Jill Stanek is not Amanda Marcotte, but the zombies walking around who couldn’t care less about the millions of babies who end up in dumpsters, incinerators and landfills every year.
Marcotte produces zombies, Stanek produces the opposite of zombies.
The March for Life would be a good place for Marcotte to see the results of the life of Jill Stanek and other great women like her.
Congratulations Jill Stanek and Pro Life women everywhere!
“Stanek also notoriously celebrated domestic violence, arguing that men should hit women who have abortions.”
LOL at “notoriously” and also at the “celebrated” and also at the supposed argument.
What you wrote was absolutely nothing of the sort. It was not in support of domestic violence or of slapping women, but in support of a man having a vitriolic reaction to the idea that his wife had killed their child.
I’ll bet Amanda’s been mum about your exposing of JJ Redick’s little “abortion contract” and threats to his former gf Vanessa. No, she chose a single line out of a single article you wrote and came to the conclusion that you believe men should abuse women who abort.
She is either a liar or she’s cuckoo.
I don’t get the feminist stance on domestic violence. If men and women are subject to the same standards, then a man hitting a woman should be no different from a man hitting a man. Besides, there is a serious difference between a provoked, knee-jerk reaction and an unprovoked pattern of behavior.
Right Kel. Hear the ENTIRE and there is more sympathy for the man. Just like Bobby. Men dont have feelings? And he even said it was a knee jerk reaction.
Rachel ic we posted at the same time! Knee jerk. Also both sexes should keep their hands off each other. Ohio will press DV charges on women too.
Btw, I turned against BC after my first was born, when I was 24. I’m 30 now. Not only do I not support abortifacient drugs, but I disapprove of the voluntary consumption of carcinogens and the disruption of ecosystems through excess estrogens in the water supply.
“She is either a liar or she’s cuckoo.”
The two are not mutually exclusive.
I can’t click on “News Tips”
so this is unrelated to this article:
Thanks, DocKimble. I’ll add that link to our next Blog Buzz.
I was on Depo Provera for 14 years. I was a Planned Parenthood patient. I found Jills site. I severed my ties with PP and stopped fornicating and got married. I began protesting abortion clinics.
God Bless you, Heather
Well, hey, thanks, everyone. Didn’t expect all the affirmation but really appreciate it! We’re all in this together… :)
No problem Jill. Id rather have people hate my Christian guts than stand with women who murder babies for eh whatever. College boyfriend break ups not a good time too young too old birth defect because its a Monday. My husband was Jewish and PL but they reserve the most hate for Christians. Go ahead.
I’m one of many who will be happy to back you up against the anti-equal-rights charge. What really must bug the author is that you inspire other women to follow their consciences and take up defending life. Great ideas can be mocked, but not suppressed.
well, Jill, if that is an actual picture of you alongside the post, then I must say you seem quite happy with your role in the War on Women :)
seriously, thanks for everything you do, Jill – your site is one I continue to read daily and share with many friends in the fight
Well Jill, I just want you to know that I hate you, and Heather, and Laura Loo, and Kathy, and Rachel, and every other female that posts on this blog, including myself. In fact, I might just beat the hell out of myself, I hate my female self so badly. And my daughter. And my grandaughter.
No seriously, congratulations for making that list. You GO girl!
Yes phillymiss i hate women too.;) Im glad youre here!
Yes, Heather we’re just a bunch of female misogynists who hate other women, and our little female dogs too! So I want us to all go home and slap our daughters (I will have to figure out how to give my daughter in ATL a long distance slap) and kick ourselves in the behinds!
This stuff this Amanda person writes is so bizarre it really is hard to take it seriously.
Gee Phillymiss have you noticed she hasnt beaten the cra* out of Bro Choice? You know the men who treat women like sex objects and toss them in the trash when they are done having fun? Oh youre pregnant? Thats your problem lady! Have an abortion.
All these feminists are strange. Jessica Valenti said that having a baby. made her more pro choice than ever. The baby was a preemie. Gee Jessica was that due to your cervix being stretched from your abortion? Lindy West is bizarre too. Shes also post abortive.
That spontaneous slap was the reaction of a real man who a woman had just told she aborted his baby.
If that is a direct quote, then it’s kind of silly. However, Jill certainly doesn’t celebrate domestic violence in general.
Stanek, an ardent blogger, brings a hatefulness and obsessiveness that helps her stand out from an already unpleasant crowd.
I don’t agree with this. Amanda Marcotte is wrong, there. Jill has had some degree of differing tone in different posts, but who would not? For that matter, Amanda may have been having a particularly vitrolic day herself, when she wrote that.
I will say that though her comments are over-the-top, it mirrors what we often see in pro-lifers’ descriptions of pro-choicers.
Amanda’s own writing could be cherry-picked to illustrate Amanda’s promotion of domestic violence, but I’m glad that Doug admits that Jill doesn’t celebrate domestic violence.
What Marcotte is afraid of is this: what if most pro-lifers aren’t the 2-dimensional cartoons that Marcotte so desperately needs to believe in? What if, the human person has the same right to it’s own life at all stages of development? What if abortion really does murder a human being, and that in the future, people will look on the abortions of the 20th and 21st centuries as some of kind ‘holocaust’ type of inhumane event? What if the years of legal abortion are viewed as an historical past, a “never again” reproach to future generations?
What if human life is precious from conception to natural death?
What if it doesn’t kill you to soften your heart?
You don’t hate pro-lifers half as much as you hate what you think pro-lifers are.
I will say that though her comments are over-the-top, it mirrors what we often see in pro-lifers’ descriptions of pro-choicers.
Well, I don’t know about that. I don’t think PC people are necessarily evil or bad, just misguided. I have so many friends and family members (immediate family members) that have abortions and I still love them dearly. What am I supposed to do, go picket their houses?
I just have serious problems with people that do the actual hands-on-killing.
“That spontaneous slap was the reaction of a real man who a woman had just told she aborted his baby.
If that is a direct quote, then it’s kind of silly. However, Jill certainly doesn’t celebrate domestic violence in general.”
It’s a direct quote. I strongly, strongly disagree with Jill’s assessment of the Godfather II scene there, but you’re right she doesn’t support domestic violence in general. Your comment was very fair.
But what do I know, I’m just a supporter of the female women-haters on this blog, lol.
heather: “Rachel ic we posted at the same time! Knee jerk. Also both sexes should keep their hands off each other. Ohio will press DV charges on women too.”
This was a topic on which I’ve personally sparred with Amanda Marcotte. She claimed that women hit men only in self-defense. I argued that women often initiate the conflict, to which she said I was arguing that a man beating his wife for years doesn’t count as “initiating the conflict.” No, I wrote, of course not; I am talking about men who have never lain a hand on their partners…to which she argued that “making your wife black and blue doesn’t count as ‘laying a hand.'”
It was a scenario *I* was painting and she was trying to tell ME what the imaginary man in it had done first.
The woman’s a nimrod.
“I will say that though her comments are over-the-top, it mirrors what we often see in pro-lifers’ descriptions of pro-choicers.”
Phillymiss: Well, I don’t know about that. I don’t think PC people are necessarily evil or bad, just misguided. I have so many friends and family members (immediate family members) that have abortions and I still love them dearly. What am I supposed to do, go picket their houses?
Phillymiss, I don’t include you in the over-the-top group!
That was a sweet Eagles’ game last weekend. :)