Stanek Sunday funnies, “Liberals turn on Obama II” edition
This week critical mass was reached. The Benghazi, IRS, and DOJ scandals became too much for liberal cartoonists to ignore, and they came down en masse on President Obama. It appears the likely straw was spying on one of their own.
Be sure to vote for your favorite in the poll at the end of the post. And be sure to see Part I!
a twofer by Walt Handelsman at…
by Jeff Danziger at…
by Mike Luckovich at…
by Tom Toles at…
by Jack Ohman at…
by Dan Wasserman at…
by Signe Wilkinson at…
Well everyone, we should all find it very reassuring that Obama’s Brownshirts, aka the IRS will be running Obamacare.
And you thought computerizing medical records was to save trees, right?
Meanwhile Don Barack, like any criminal chieftan, maintains his blissful ignorance and innocence while the lower level flunkies do the dirty work and go to prison.
And I’m sure all of you Republicans were enraged back in the Bush administration regarding the All Saints Episcopal case, the NAACP, and other liberal groups.
Dear Ex-GOP —
Doesn’t matter whether some of us were enraged, or some of us didn’t care, or that most of us never even heard about those issues you mentioned.
The newsworthy item here is that the Press — as a collective — have suddenly turned against their annointed messiah.
We’ll have see where this goes….. One can easily imagine that the Democratic candidate to succeed Obama will have a tough time, if the press starts reminding people daily about how unpopular Obama is.
Hi Del,
I don’t really foresee the press turning against Obama. A lover’s spat at worst. Chris Matthews is so brain damaged from all those tingles going up his leg and hitting him in the rear that you can only expect him to continue his zombie like loyalty. As I said, like any criminal chieftan, Obama will continue his strategy of ignorance and innocence and any number of Americans will sucker for it.
Del –
And let me make it clear – I don’t think citizens should take these things lightly – I think they should be investigated and if necessary, tried through the court systems.
I just don’t believe that we should try them through the press, and I don’t believe conservatives have the moral high ground to be talking big.
Regardless, I’ve seen some good scrutiny by the press, but if you stay away from the fringe sites (MSNBC, Fox, Huffington Post, the Blaze) – you won’t find these scenarios that you talk about (the media in love with political figures, and then embracing them or turning their back on them, as if the whole thing is about junior high lovers).
Exactly the kind of deflection and obfuscation we expect from a liberal, as if you really can’t tell the difference in size and scope!
The AP has learned that no good deed goes unpunished when dealing with the narcissist-in-chief. Next up are the “1 percenters” whom Obama regularly taps for fundrasing purposes. Just wait until they are double crossed by Obama! The excrement will really start flying!!
Is the Associated Press fringe? Fine lot of thanks they got for their loyalty to Obama.
Doh! I had an INB4 all ready to type this weekend:
“ermagerd, republicans are corrupt tew!!”
and ex beat me to it! Hey ex, you should write for the Onion, unless you already do! LOL to infinity and beyond! ; > )
Jerry 1:37PM
Don’t expect anyone to turn against Obama. They have way too much invested in him, especially the MSM. This AP thing will amount to little more than a lover’s spat.
Great link Mary. Yep, I’m not taking a victory lap just yet. Check out ABC’s website. I was sure they’d have to drop their “Jodi Deflection Du Jour” (that cow is giving dust at this point) and cover the scandals, but nope, they found a lottery story to headline! Go ABC, high end journalism at it’s best. My old lit teacher would be so proud of you (not).
Hi ninek,
Thank you. Obama is the typical sociopath and the MSM is little more than the betrayed lover. And like the betrayed lover is only too ready to make excuses, forgive, and pick up where they left off.
Jerry -
And if there are big things that have been done, surely with time, the courts will sort them out.
The basic storylines are pretty clear though:
– Republicans are enraged and doing everything they can to score political points
– Democrats are sheepish, but doing the best to claim it is a conspiracy, and that Republicans are just as guilty when they’re in control.
– Most of the nation doesn’t care – as evidenced by Obama’s unchanging approval ratings (gallup at 50% today).
I voted for #5 just for the irony. The AP allows Obama to string them up like a puppet, then whines when he pulls the wrong string. Had they not been so busy covering up for him they might have seen something like this coming.
Hi Victor,
The AP would have seen this coming if they faced up to what Obama is, a sociopath. Look at the thanks Rev. Wright got for 20 years of friendship, ministry, and mentoring. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m no fan of Wright’s, but crappy is crappy. When it was politically expedient for Obama to toss Wright under the bus, he didn’t hesitate. You look at the personality you’re dealing with and take it from there. Absolutely nothing Obama is doing surprises me in the least.
Mary @1:07 pm – what you suggest about the press is a positively cult-like ignorance of the truth….come to think of it…
Hi Chris,
Cult like? Absolutely. Ignorance? I don’t think so. Maybe it can be more accurately compared to not wanting to face the faults in someone we love. The MSM created Obama, they willingly became little more than the white house stenography pool. Now what do they do? Face up to some very unpleasant facts, or turn a blind eye?
Hi Chris,
The MSM would also have the option to act as real journalists but they’ve been out of practice way too long.
I always enjoy a conversation from a bunch of people who profess to not watching any of the “mainstream media” (whatever that is); a group of people who 90%+ of your posts come from fringe sites – and now you are all experts on the mainstream media?
I’m confused. Mary – have you changed where you are getting your news from?
To be fair though, most journalists have college degrees and like facts – and thus aren’t going to be huge fans of the GOP these days. Plus, when you yell and scream and whine for years about how bad the news media is, don’t be surprised if they treat you less than you’d like. For instance, with as evil as Sarah Palin is to news organizations, I’m surprised they weren’t meaner to her back when she was relevant.
I just want to know how people get that Obama was treated wonderfully by the media in the first place. I understand for like MSNBC and maybe HuffPo, but all in all the rest of the media went from somewhat positive, neutral, or downright hateful in the case of FOX and other right wing leaning media outfits.
How do you know where I get my news and please define for me a “fringe” site. Fringe I would think is a matter of perspective. I’ve spent my life listening to the MSM, there was a time when that’s all there was. ABC, NBC, your local newspaper,etc.
Since you ask, I get my news from various sources. Most have college degrees and like facts? Yeah, and most are liberal.
You’ll notice this survey was in 2008 when Obama was elected.
Concerning Sarah Palin, you’re not serious, right?
Mary – I don’t believe that you read various sources – your links primarily come from pretty hard right sites.
College educated folks tend to lean left, and journalists are college educated – I would think there would be some bias.
On Palin, I’m saying that I’m not surprised that they ripped her apart. She ripped them, and they ripped her back. Seems fair.
Hi Jack,
Well, how many candidates have been pictured with halos or referred to as the Second Coming?
I don’t give a fat flying what you believe.
So you acknowledge the media has a liberal bias? Now we’re getting somewhere.
Which is it EGV? Are you surprised the media wasn’t meaner to her back when she was “relevant”, or are you not surprised they ripped her apart?
There is media with both a liberal and a conservative bias.
They are for profit organizations that design their message to the base of people that watch them.
Some lean left. Some lean right.
But in a world in which people can decide what to watch, does it matter?
I mean, you want the NY Times to lean more to the right. Well, then I’d like Fox to lean more to the left.
I want journalists to do their job, period.
But you only think they’re doing their job if they’re bent right.
Mary -
I would be all in favor of returning tax rates on the highest earners to what it was under Reagan, and establishing more public television options that don’t have to be slaves to the bottom line.
If MSNBC said “hey, we could move to the center, but we’d lose half of our viewers” – and you had an ownership share, would you say “yes, do it”. Or the same for Fox?
Media = Big Business
What I do find funny is, it’s always the OTHER guys that have bias.
I mean, Mary – do you read any biased news sources?
No Jack,
I think they’re doing their jobs when they act like journalists, period.
Apparently ABC’s Jake Tapper shared my opinion about the deification of Obama by the left leaning media. I don’t know about you but not my idea of responsible journalism.
This is America, we have a free press and journalists are only “slaves to the bottom line” if they choose to be.
I told you I read and view all kind of news sources with various points of view. Take it or leave it.
Actually EGV I get most of my sources from google, bing, and yahoo. I more often then not am seeing them for the first time. Some of the sources I haven’t heard of prior to searching.
Mary you’re making me lol today. Ex is a hypocrite . I made a remark about Ashley Judd who is a laughable loon yet hes quick to label Ted Nuget a schizophrenic and took a jab at John Boehner and now Palin. Say rumous have surfaced that Judd was in a mental hospital. Can the same be said about the people you are trashing ??
Funny how Judd made a video about Palin shooting animals with absolute fury in her voice and eyes but it’s okay to strangle and stab babies to death in an abortion clinic like Gosnell and several others did. Id say her behavior is odd to say the least. Save the animals ..kill the babies . Face it the only reason people hate Palin so much is because she’s pro life.
“Face it the only reason people hate Palin so much is because she’s pro life.”
Haha, no. I am pro-life and I can’t stand her (I don’t *hate* her, I think it’s weird to hate some politician).
She’s dumb, like, I didn’t even graduate high school and I’m pretty sure I’m smarter than her (and I don’t think I’m smart). She was too inexperienced at the job she wanted, she’s rude, she doesn’t understand that there’s such a thing separation of church and state. There are plenty of other reasons to dislike Palin that have nothing to do with her pro-life stance.
Positives: She seems to love her kids and she’s attractive and she’s pro-life. Those are literally the only things I like about her.
Pretty much most liberals call Palin “stupid ” because she’s a huge threat to abortion worshippers . She’s taken a lot of heat. Say the same about a liberal woman and suddenly you’re a misogynist pig! I remember Sandra Bernhards stand up “comedy” which was nothing more than a hate rant hoping stupid Palin to be raped by a pack of black men. She got a free pass because she was a liberal.
Jack I didn’t see your post as I was typing but you’re certainly entitled to your POV. I happen to like Palin myself as do a lot of women I know.
I wasn’t trying to say that you should not like her, I’m just saying there are reasons to dislike her besides her pro-life stance.
Sometimes I like those free for all blogs with cursing aloud because I’ve had my fair share of lmao about Chris Matthews with his tingling leg. Some of the comments are hilarious!!
Oops above post allowed
Mary @ 1:54:
Yes, it is a lover’s spat…the MSM and Obama are two peas in a pod, and the one percenters who support him at all of the exclusive $35,000 a plate fundraisers are just foolish. I still say though that the one percenters who support Obama are in for a rude awakening.
Having said that don’t you find it interesting how we always use to hear about Republicans rubbing elbows with the country club class, but now those same people are silent about Obama going to the swanky digs of the filthy rich internet whiz kids and hollywood narcissists. No double standard here!
Heather -
I attack Palin’s character and intellect.
You attack people’s looks. If you had a credible argument about her politics, and led with that, that would have been different.
One’s looks and one’s political beliefs are two different things. Don’t call me a hypocrite simply because you don’t take note of the gigantic difference.
And Jack is right – her abortion position is about the last thing on the list of why people dislike her.
I disliked her because she was unfit to run the country, and was a political ploy to even be added to the ticket. It was a slap in the face to the country – which is why I’m glad McCain lost. He was one of my favorite politicians for years – yet that was a joke.
” I disliked her because she was unfit to run the country, and was a political ploy to even be added to the ticket. It was a slap in the face to the country – which is why I’m glad McCain lost. He was one of my favorite politicians for years – yet that was a joke. ”
Oh yeah. 2008 was the first presidential election I was old enough to vote in, and I was actually excited to vote for McCain because I like him. But Palin almost ruined it for me. I still voted McCain, of course, I don’t like Obama. But he really should have gone with a better running mate.
“I attack Palin’s character and intellect.”
Ex-RINO, if fighting to stop abortion shows character and intellect then that would make you a hypocrite to attack her. And I can tell you for certain that the majority of pro-life conservative Christians think Sarah Palin has far more character and intellect then you. IMO she would win a Senate seat in Alaska if she ran.
“She’s dumb, like, I didn’t even graduate high school and I’m pretty sure I’m smarter than her (and I don’t think I’m smart). She was too inexperienced at the job she wanted, she’s rude, she doesn’t understand that there’s such a thing separation of church and state. There are plenty of other reasons to dislike Palin that have nothing to do with her pro-life stance.”
There is no mention of a separation of church and state in the constitution per say. The founding fathers intent was to keep the state out of church affairs, they didn’t mean for it to ban prayer in schools or allow for teaching on how to use condoms, etc. Your insult to Palin is ignorant. She calls an ace an ace and a spade a spade.
I’d be a lot more comfortable and confident with her as President than Obama, that’s for sure.
ex says:
I attack Palin’s character and intellect.
Frankly, ex, you are in no position to attack her character. Anyone who supports a president who as a senator in Illinois worked hard to make sure legislation protecting born alive babies would not pass either does not understand the issue or is a poor judge of character.
Sorry, I don’t see it as a particular virtue on anyone’s part supporting a man who would countenance such an evil thing. So if you think Palin’s character is something to attack you might take a breather and think about who you are supporting and what that says.
Palin is not as dumb as you make her out to be. That is what they always said about Bush too, and they made great fun of him until they found out he actually scored higher than Kerry. Then they were silent.
I don’t get it. I think a lot of people in the MSM say she is dumb because they are essentially snobs who come from privilege. They get jobs in media because of connections, as they have no other marketable talents. They say she is dumb simply because that is the way the stupid MSM losers portray their enemies. It is ideological warfare, my friend, and until you understand that is what drives the MSM you ought not believe a single thing you read in the MSM.
“There is no mention of a separation of church and state in the constitution per say. The founding fathers intent was to keep the state out of church affairs, they didn’t mean for it to ban prayer in schools or allow for teaching on how to use condoms, etc. Your insult to Palin is ignorant. She calls an ace an ace and a spade a spade.”
The founding father’s intent was to keep the state out of church affairs and prevent a state-sponsored religion or church from being put into place. That’s why you get that public teachers can’t lead school prayers (prayer isn’t illegal or kept out of schools, students are allowed to pray). I don’t understand why Catholics complain about the separation of church and state, seeing as Catholics were fairly oppressed in our early days before we became our own country and had a strong establishment clause.
I’m not even insulting her, really, just calling a “spade a spade”. She screws up basic knowledge and facts, a lot.
Idk Ashley Judd trying her hand at politics scares me speaking of ignorant women.
truth -
Two bold predictions. First off, seeing that the majority of the country knows Palin, and not me, I would hope that more would support her character.
Secondly, a well known conservative with a lot of money probably wouldn’t have a hard time winning a state in with just a few hundred thousand votes.
Yes, bold calls truth.
Jerry -
And I could say the same for you and any politician that votes for their love of guns over love of life. If you have found the perfect candidate, let me know.
Palin was essentially labeled as dumb because she couldn’t answer basic questions when given the opportunity to. You don’t need to spin it any other way. Asked about supreme court cases, she couldn’t do it. Newspapers? Nope. National security – she gave us her Alaska-Russia proximity answer. That’s why she was called dumb. The MSM didn’t put any of those answers (or lack of) in her mouth.
So pray tell what were Obama’s great qualifications to be president? What about his associations with terrorists Ayers and Dohrn? Oh yes, they only waved to each other when they took out their garbage and don’t we always hold political soirees in the homes of people we don’t know?
Wasn’t there also some questionable real estate dealing? Then there was Rev.Wright. However Obama never heard a word the man said though he sat in the pews for 20 years and besides, it was easy enough to toss Wright under the bus when it became politically expedient. Suddenly Obama’s friend, pastor, and mentor of 20 years was that befuddled old uncle we all have that embarasses the family.
Thankfully Obama did have a worshipful media to help elevate him to messianic status and a public hypnotized by a brilliant smile and empty suit, and that became orgasmic when he blew his nose. A media that didn’t ask questions, that didn’t probe, but instead was enraptured by the crease in his pants, that got tingles up its leg and even endowed him with halos. Ask the AP how they were thanked for their loyalty.
So now we have the IRS getting its hands on 60 million medical records, the IRS asking how people pray and what they post on Facebook. We have 4 Americans dead in Benghazi, and the AP offices bugged. Now if you truly believe Obama is blissfully ignorant and innocent in all of this than you believe all Al Capone ever did was run soup kitchens.
Josef Stalin and Adolph HItler must be watching from the deepest depths of hell, absolutely envious. 60 million medical records at the press of a button!
For the whacked out liberals, when you disagree with someone like Pain or Bush or Nikki Haley or Ronald Reagan, etc.etc.etc., you call them simple and stupid.
You are the party of Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters. Of Anthony Weiner and Charles Rangel. The irony makes me weep with laughter.
To your credit, though, your supreme leader Obama isn’t stupid, which makes him all the more dangerous. He’s just plain evil.
Courtnay -
There are whacked out liberals – I agree. I also don’t think Reagan was an idiot (though I wonder if he’d be embraced by the modern day conservative party). I don’t have much respect for Palin or Haley, though Palin is far worse…
Anybody who compares somebody in the modern day to an evil man who killed millions of jewish people – that person owes the rest of the world an apology. People throw around the hitler term too much.
You know what – find a leader who kills millions, and then use the term hitler. Until then, stop being so flippant.
I was very obviously pointing out that tyrants like Stalin and Hitler would be envious of Obama’s ability to spy on his citizenry, something tyrants are especially fond of doing, and if only it had been so easy for them. They only had the KGB and Gestapo. Obama has the IRS and confidential medical information on millions of citizens at the press of a button.
Oh BTW EGV, any chance your medical records are among the 6o million the IRS helped themselves to?
You were obviously making a stupid comparison – that’s what you were doing.
I’m quite sure that, as in all lawsuits, the facts will start to emerge over time. Quite frankly though, seizing records and doing nothing with him (but having them for a lawsuit) is quite different than seizing records, entering data into computers, and making decisions based off them.
So what was done with the medical records?
“For the whacked out liberals, when you disagree with someone like Pain or Bush or Nikki Haley or Ronald Reagan, etc.etc.etc., you call them simple and stupid.”
I wouldn’t call Reagan stupid. I wouldn’t call Romney stupid, or Ryan stupid, or plenty of other conservative politicians stupid. Actually, it’s just Palin I think is dumb, really. And Todd Akin. I’ll call liberals stupid if they are, like Biden, I think he’s an idiot.
Directly quote me comparing Obama to Stalin or Hitler.
What was done with the medical records? They were seized in violation of HIPPA. Where they are now or who is viewing them? Your guess is as good as mine.
When you speak of somebody’s policies, and then say Hitler would be proud, that’s linking the two. To now try to weasel out of it is pathetic.
So you are speculating on the medical records. Excellent. Call me when it is more than a mostly unanimous, unproven accusation.
So there is no direct quote from me comparing Obama to Hitler or Stalin. Thank you.
Please refer to my link of May 19, 12:08PM on this thread.
Ex Gop my late husband was orthodox Jewish and HE compares abortion to the holocaust!! He doesn’t want your apology! He understood semantics and he was disgusted with his sister for having multiple abortions exclaiming ” How could Debbie kill her babies after what Hitler did to our people.” He’s allowed to say it because he was Jewish and so is our son!!
Ex educate yourself on semantics. The same tactics are used to abort babies in the womb. Just like Hitler used semantics to kill the Jews. Just like black genocide. One clinic i used to protest had about 95% African American clientele. Mary you have the support of this Jewish family!!!!
Obama protects the right to tear apart millions of babies in the womb. He expands this right, he makes it more accessible, He works to make it appear the better, more humane option.
Hitler did the same for Jews, the disabled, gays, and others against whom he had a gripe through the concentration camps.
Abortion clinics are the concentration camps of our time. The comparison between the two leaders and speakers and champions for these policies is apt. Like it or not.
Mary rose you’ve got that right!! Burning the babies as Hitler used to do. Blob of tissue product of conception …..the Jews are parasites. Feminist Gloria Steinem “A woman has a right to remove a parasite from her body.”
Jews are sub human …..a fetus isn’t human. Simple as 1 and 1 =2 makes it easier to kill a person. The abortion industry has killed more people than Hitler.
Ex if you buy the semantics BS then you have absolutely no right to call Palin dumb. She gets it. You may not find her to be the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree but neither are you.
I think what I find most offensive is the way it’s all whitewashed. And believed. Girls, women, grown adults in my own social circle, are absolutely amazed to hear my updates on baby development week by week. When the heartbeat began, when the major organs were in place, when the feet and hands developed. These things were all mind-boggling for these women. Why? Because they have been LIED to and led to believe that human life doesn’t begin until birth.
The abortion biz has expanded upon Hitler’s foundation of deception and dehumanization, and has managed to hide the evil in plain sight.
Ex do you agree with the satanic act of abortion? Or do you find yourself agreeing with Ashley Judd for her rant on Palin shooting animals? How do you feel about men who hunt? Do you eat meat? Do you agree babies lives are worth less than animals? Please explain yourself
Sarah Palin is too uneducated to be in politics but Ashley Judd isn’t???? Are you joking?? Lol!
And the ADL slams the comparison of the two.
So some folks aren’t offended. Be aware that others are.
Also, EGV, who or what do you think Hitler WAS? Do you think he was not at one time a “modern day” person? To whom would you have compared him at the time?
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
Heather –
I hope you’re okay – those last two posts are a little odd. Anyways, on your questions:
I do not agree with abortion.
I’ve not ever heard of this Judd-Palin video.
I am fine with hunters – many of my friends deer hunt.
I eat meat
No, I don’t think babies lives are worth less than animals
Who said Ashley Judd was fit for politics? The only times Judd’s name has been brought up is by you (many times) after I simply brought up the problem I have with you attacking people’s looks, and not dealing with the actual content of who they are, or what they’ve said. It’s junior highish.
Again, I hope you’re okay – very odd posts from you tonight.
In what way are they odd? You’re really anti abortion and a liberal? You have attacked Palin and yes Ashley Judd DID do a video about Palin killing wolves. I’ve seen it. Go to you tube and look it up.
Mary Rose –
Hitler was the leader of Germany before and during WW2.
At one time, it was modern day while he was alive.
Not sure – maybe Zedong
Yes – I think abortion should be illegal. And I lean left (I don’t lean as far left as you probably think – I have voted for Republicans, and will vote for them again when they moderate themselves).
Sounds like a terribly irrelevant video – Palin and Judd are simply non-factors when it comes to politics these days.
Vegetarian/vegan does not equal “cares about animals more than humans”. Only the extremists are like that.
Who was wanting Judd to go into politics??
Oh but you have selective memory when you said John Boehner had orange skin and probably a spray tan. So WHO was looking at looks??? You were. I remarked Judd looked old or photo shopped and you had a hissy fit. I’m sure she’s not reading this. So what? She’s getting old n that’s a fact.
Jack from what I have read she was and so was Ben Affleck.
You’re not that dense. My point remains: Hitler was once simply another man, and to deny that his kind of evil still exists is to close your ears and eyes to the truth. Obama supports and expands the government-sanctioned homicide of over a million children every year, both early development and post-birth. Whether or not he instituted abortion, he is comparable as the leader of the movement.
Regarding his policies, there are similarities and differences. You are a fool if you truly believe that Obama has not taken plenty of pages from Hitler’s propaganda machine’s book. Heck, as a college student I was educated as to how much Hitler advanced the cause of advertising and media, and how aptly he utilized them. As an adult, I am still working to realize how much of my own childhood in the public school system was an exercise in brainwashing. If you really think that our government-liberal or conservative-does not utilize the brainwashing techniques of the Nazi regime in a modern way, you are fooling yourself. Or you are a very good projection of their goals.
Allow me to again caution you against failing to learn from the past.
Everyone’s getting older – every minute you get older. So Judd doesn’t defy time. Good to know.
I don’t remember the Boehner quote – would have to see it.
Jack I know you weren’t on the blog that day but ex seems to find it okay to put in his 2 cents about looks when it came to John Boehner claiming he didn’t remember. He’s most confusing so Ex are YOU okay?? Please try to remember what you have said before attacking someone else for doing the same.
Lol, you totally did make fun of Boehner’s spray tan, Ex. I remember it, I just can’t remember which thread.
By your definition then, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush 2 – all were Hitler’s as well – they all presided as President over a nation that killed babies.
Yes Mary – like Hitler, Obama/Romney/McCain/Reagan/Bush/Clinton insert any American politician here taps into the marketing machine of America to try to be a dazzling personality that attracts the masses.
Where you lose me is when you think that somebody trying to win votes is equal to a mass murderer trying to take out an entire group of people.
It’s like you found somebody from Illinois, and are trying to say they have a lot in common with Gacy. Yes, you can paint a couple of things they have in common – but to take it further is a joke.
I remember it, Heather.
I believe Ashley Judd was going to make a run for the senate seat from Kentucky, maybe McConnell’s. I don’t know if she still plans to.
Jack – don’t look too hard – I believe YOU.
I don’t remember the Boehner quote ….of course not but I do!
I honestly have no idea what people are arguing about on this thread anymore. All I see is Hitler, Ashley Judd, Boehner, spray tans, and who makes fun of looks more than someone else.
Yes Mary she was and Ex just last week you called Ted Nuget a schizophrenic. Did you forget that too? Got any medical evidence to back that up? Rumours were surfacing about Judd spending time in a mental hospital ….I believe that’s why she finally dropped out.
Hey Heather don’t make fun of people who have spent time in a psych ward once upon a time!
I didn’t simply say that Obama is the Prez and therefore he is responsible. I said he pretties abortion up, expands it, speaks for Planned Parenthood, and has held true first and foremost to his support of the abortion industry over all others. He has a perfect voting record for legalized abortion and against ANY regulations or limitations to abortion.
And honestly, I fully support examining the policies and behaviors of all of our leaders and scrutinizing how their policies and records compare to the greatest and worst of politicians. In this way, you can more aptly observe how you are being lied to. And we’re ALWAYS being lied to in some way or other.
Heather – I said he was delusional – that his opinions on things seems to be schizophrenic delusions because he seems to make things up, and then attack those things (that don’t exist).
Mary -
Supports it, turns a blind eye to it, talks it up or talks against it. Call it what you want. Look at the numbers.
I don’t like Obama’s abortion politics – but I also don’t like the GOP’s stance on taxes, demonizing the poor, and a 1950’s view of health care. So for me, since little gets done regarding abortion at the federal executive level, it’s not something I put at the top of my voting issues. Yes, those will find fault with it – and I know with supreme court justices and such, the President does ultimately, have some long term impact. But I also think that the GOP is so out of line with some of their economic stances, it will just lead to more abortions and more killing.
Heading to bed though – hope that explains it.
Ty Jack I knew I wasn’t that insane! Okay I’m just saying if he didn’t want me to be passing judgements on Judd then fair is fair and he needs to knock it off too. I’ve made my point now carry on.:)
And Ashley Judd is delusional too as are most liberals.
Let’s not pretend that ADL is some neutral organization that’s just here to call out inappropriate comparisons to the Holocaust. Quite the contrary, it’s part of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. Such a comparison might not be suitable or wise depending on the context and the audience. But it’s highly tendentious to argue from authority when there’s a clear conflict of interest.
Delusional =/= does not agree with conservatives. Most liberals are just regular people. Some are out there like Judd, just like some conservatives are nuts like Nugent.
Jack myself of all people did not mean it that way. And BTW knowing how you feel about animals I mean no offense. I’m not a hunter and I sympathize with you on that point. Animals shouldn’t be shot for fur or sport IMO but babies shouldn’t be murdered in the womb either.
Jack I was just trying to draw a line in the sand somewhere. I’ve seen the clubbing of seals and it made me shudder. BTW while I have you here Jack may I ask why you don’t like PETA? Just curious . You must have your reasons. I know little about their organization.
I don’t agree with hunting for sport. But considering that we killed off a lot of the deers’ natural predators, and hunting helps control the population, keeping it from exploding and having a lot of them die really terrible deaths from starvation, I’m reluctantly okay with hunting for meat.
And of course babies shouldn’t be murdered in the womb. :/
I always thought PETA was the ultimate organization at protecting animals ….I’m open for some education tonight.
“BTW while I have you here Jack may I ask why you don’t like PETA? Just curious . You must have your reasons. I know little about their organization.”
Because they make vegetarians/vegans look like sexist, crazy jerks, really. They have those really objectifying ads of naked ladies to try and make their points. They mostly go for shock value and outrage, not valuable discourse. They are allied with actually insane animal liberation groups like ALF (who actually are terrorist groups, or verging on them) who are willing to harm humans to ‘save’ animals and commit acts of vandalism and terrorism. And they are huge freaking hypocrites! They claim their shelters are no-kill but they euthanize hundred of animals a year!
I was just curious as to what you don’t like about PETA. I know Khloe Kardashian quit after modeling for some of their posters. She did so after her sister Kim was flour bombed for wearing fur to an event.
Okay Jack got it. I had no idea. I knew Pam Anderson was a member too. Khloe quit stating. she was stepping down after some radical PETA member bombed Kim saying she didn’t agree with scare tactics or violence. Kim was quite shaken but face it she’s one woman who will continue to wear fur.
Yeah, they use fear and intimidation against celebrities because it gets them attention and money from donors. They are kinda psycho.
Kinda like scientology.
and Liberals.
Say rumous have surfaced that Judd was in a mental hospital. Can the same be said about the people you are trashing ??
Heather, there are those of us here that HAVE been in mental hospitals. That doesn’t mean we’re bad people, or “crazy,” or serial killers. We were ill, just like someone with cancer or heart disease is ill.
Thank you Phillymiss & Jack for saying what needs to said & standing up against prejudice, ignorance, & stigma towards mental illness.
Ex-GOP wrote:
“I said he was delusional – that his opinions on things seems to be schizophrenic delusions because he seems to make things up, and then attack those things (that don’t exist).”
This kind of behavior =/= delusional or mental illness. We’ve been seeing it for a long time, it’s called creating a strawman argument. Please keep in mind it’s hurtful & stigmatizing for individuals with a mental illness to just use mental illness casually as a label for others behavior which you don’t understand.
I should clarify *It’s hurtful towards & stigmatizes individuals with a mental illness when people casually use mental illness as a armchair diagnosis or to label another person, whose behavior/thought process you don’t understand.