Reader’s condensed background on Kline saga
On Monday, February 21, an ethics trial will begin in Topeka, KS, against former Attorney General and Johnson Co. District Attorney Phill Kline. The charges are being brought by the Disciplinary Administrator of the KS Supreme Court .
If you want a short, clear synopsis of this years-old saga, read Jack Cashill’s February 10 piece in the American Thinker. Also see Also see Kansas Meadowlark, “Background reading to prepare for Kline ethics hearing.”
But I have boiled it down even further to 4 key points:
1. Five of the 7 current Kansas State Supreme Court justices were appointed by pro-abort former Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, now the Secretary of DHHS under Obama. One of the 5, Carol Beier, once worked as an attorney for the pro-abortion National Women’s Law Center.
2. How much does Sebelius love Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry? She celebrated her May 15, 2007, birthday dancing the conga at a PP fundraiser. (Click graphic, left, to enlarge.) Then there was the party she threw at the governor’s mansion in April 2007 for KS’s 4 late-term abortionists.
3. When serving as Johnson Co. DA in 2007, Kline filed 107 criminal charges, including 23 felonies, against a Johnson Co. PP abortion mill for committing illegal late-term abortions and failing to report minor rapes. Since then 3 lower court judges have found probable cause for this case to move forward. It is still active. Kline was the 1st US prosecutor – and is still the only one – to file charges against a PP. If these charges stick, federal funding for all PPs will be jeopardized.
4. Nos. 1, 2, and 3 set the stage for a massive attempt by PP and its corrupt political, high court, and media accomplices in KS to squash the investigation of PP that Kline initiated. To that end they are on a vendetta to kill Phill, professionally speaking, by attempting to remove his law license. (His foremost crime? “Anti-abortion beliefs.”) Doing so, they hope, will scare off any other US prosecutors from coming after any nationwide PP, and it will also undermine the current case against PP in KS.

Yeah, that story was a little more detailed and convoluted(sp?) than i cared to admit back when it was raging a couple of years ago or so.
Thanks for condensing that for us.
You’re using the term “abortion mill”, which is officially a pet peeve of Abby Johnson. Do you still plan to use it in future posts?
So it seems like Kline doesn’t stand a chance with the KS Supreme Court stacked against him. It almost seems like they should recuse themselves. Thanks for keeping us updated on this, Jill.
Background reading to prepare for Kline ethics hearing
Carder, yes. You’ve heard of good cop, bad cop? Both are on the same team, just using different effective tactics toward the same end. Plus, I think we’re often speaking to different audiences.
Earl, great stuff, adding a link.
Bad cop? Heh.
“Clinic” does not sit well with me. Babies go to die and women are wounded in abortion mills.
I wonder if any public servants in Pennsylvania looked at what is happening to Kline and if that played a role in their decisions to ignore Kermit Gosnell.—Urgent–Take-Action-Now-.html?soid=1101063562637&aid=xFApVLEFOII
Take Action Now!! Defund all abortion clinics! Don’t let your tax dollars go towards sex trafficking and killing children!
Go to and see all the crimes Planned Parenthood is committing! they don’t need government money!
The thing I don’t get about Abby is that if she is now willing to spill what she did, knew, and saw at PP. why the need to “candy coat” and not call these places what they ARE ? Abortuaries, Mills, etc. etc.
Probably residual guilt and unfortunately when we see the bad in people and/or an organization it’s easy to forget the good that they did or do. Planned Parenthood minus its seedy side probably has done a lot of good and maybe she feels jusified defending it. I think though if they were littering or committing some misdemeanor we would be justified in remembering the good and speaking of their organization in benovalent terms but there killing the unborn, putting our public health at risk and compromising the health of women. I guess when they made up their mind as an organization to be perpetrators of death instead of life they forfeited their rght to be spoken of in glowing terms.