pro-lifeby Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN, and Kelli

  • Secular Pro-Life says using signs for sidewalk counseling in front of abortion facilities can be good… or it can be very bad, depending on the kind of signs being displayed.
  • Wesley J. Smith says that unfortunately, another of his predictions is coming true. Doctors needing organs for transplant may soon seek to harvest organs from those whose death is considered “imminent”:

    I have repeatedly warned about articles published in medical and bioethics journals advocating killing the profoundly disabled or dying for their organs. The assault on the “dead donor rule” has now filtered down to the popular media. The Atlantic has an article advocating that dying patients be killed for their organs rather than having to actually, you know, die first….

    Allowing doctors to kill patients during organ harvesting would be an acute threat, particularly in a medical milieu growing increasingly utilitarian in outlook, cost cutting in approach, and devaluing of the equal worth of all human life.

    Knowing that doctors would kill for organs? I can’t think of a better way to sow distrust for the healthcare system generally, and organ transplant medicine specifically.


  • Suzy B features an editorial from Carly Fiorina on the urgent need to pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would prohibit abortion after 20 weeks gestation. Fiorina writes:

    Science supports those of us that believe in the sanctity of life. At 20 weeks, or five months into a pregnancy, an unborn child feels pain. At 20 weeks of life, an unborn child can suck his thumb, yawn, stretch, and make faces. An unborn child at 20 weeks IS a human life. The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (S.1670) protects the unborn in limiting abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy; it is legislation that is vital in protecting the dignity of life.

    This is legislation that, polls show, 60% of Americans support. Despite our disputes throughout this nation on abortion, most Americans recognize that these procedures are cruel, are tragically most often elective, and must stop. We are a compassionate society and must apply our principles to all, not just the born.”

    Fiorina made similar remarks at the Iowa Freedom Summit in January.

  • Pro-Life Action League says it is not too late for you to sponsor a Way of the Cross on Good Friday in front of your local abortion facility. Check their locations and if your city is not listed, they have online all materials needed to sponsor one.
  • ProWomanProLife is pleased to see doctors taking a stand and fighting for their conscience rights in Canada. A group of physicians is challenging Ontario’s College of Physicians and Surgeons which “requires doctors unwilling to provide certain care, such as prescriptions for contraception, to refer patients in good faith to a ‘non-objecting, available, and accessible’ physician… [and] in medical emergencies… would be required to perform procedures themselves” or face disciplinary action.
  • Right to Life of Michigan shares two pro-life television ads that will begin airing soon (see more videos at the RTL MI YouTube page, under Compassion Project). One deals with children conceived from rape and the other with post-abortion pain. These short ads bring great awareness. This ad, below, tells part of Shauna’s powerful story:


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