Read backstory here and here.

Six days from today graphic ads showing the reality of abortion will air before, during, or after the Super Bowl in at least 17 metropolitan areas across 10 states.

Those states shall at this point rename nameless, because the Obama machine is now trying to block the ads.

On January 27 NBC affiliates in four states as well as the City of Chicago (surprise) contacted pro-life activist Randall Terry, who is running for president on the Democrat ticket, and said they were cancelling his ads, which Terry had already paid for.

While federal law forces television stations to run ads submitted by federal candidates unedited, at issue is that Terry is a write-in or caucus candidate in the aforementioned locations.

NBC affiliates in those states told Terry the Democrat Party had contacted them and stated it did not think they had to air Terry’s ads under those conditions. Terry is now in communication with the FCC via the Thomas More Society law firm in Chicago to surmount this obstacle. Stay tuned.

In all, three activists will be running ads: Terry, Angela Michael, running unopposed on the Democrat ticket in Illinois’ 15th Congressional District, and David Lewis, also running for Congress but on the Republican ticket in Ohio’s 8th District.

Terry suggests donating to Michael, who is $2,000 short of purchasing ad time in a second major market.

Terry has a back-up plan, to use any refunded money to purchase ad time during the Sunday evening or Monday morning news programs in areas already green-lighted.

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