Failed chemical abortion gives baby girl second chance at life
We thought she had gone. I had grieved for that baby and we’d just managed to get our heads around it.
Anthony and I felt like we’d made the right decision because we were having problems and we didn’t think it was right to bring a baby into that. I’d always been one of those people that was against abortions and hated them, but I was suffering with postnatal depression…. But it was not an easy decision and I regretted it straight away.
She’s obviously a little fighter, and we don’t want to cause it any more harm. When I had the abortion it didn’t feel the same as it does now – we have seen her and she has a heartbeat.
~ 19-year-old Shannon Skinner, who had a chemical abortion via Marie Stopes International at 8 weeks of pregnancy only to find months later that she was still pregnant with a second daughter, due in May, as quoted by The Daily Mail Online, December 31
Marie Stopes’ response? “Very occasionally, the medical abortion pill can fail. Cases like this are few and far between but of course that does not make the situation any the less upsetting.”
[Photo by Jon Kent/ via Daily Mail]

And someday the child will discover her parents made an attempt on her life. It will be a day full of sorrow, but hopefully all will overcome it. Question for the people who support abortion on here, is it a good thing her daughter is still alive and well?
Or rather the child will learn she was merely an unwanted mass of tissue & her mother tried to abort her, but hey since she survived, she’s magically turned into a wanted and protected human…ah the hypocrisy and contradiction of “choice”
It doesnt make things any less upsetting quoted Marie Stopes…yeah I know it sux when those babies live!
Why in the world is abortion upsetting?
Safe legal and rare.
Complete and total freedom right??
And YES this little girl is a FIGHTER!! Thank you Lord for your protection over her!!
No doubt what was upsetting to Marie Stopes International was that this child failed to die.
The attempt on her life was made at 8 weeks – so whether or not this couple knows it, their daughter already had a heartbeat for about 5 weeks and they could have easily viewed her on ultrasound at that stage.
It sounds like the visual image of their child made such an impact on them that they decided against a second attempt on her life.
I also wonder about the comments they made regarding “having problems” and not wanting to bring a baby into that. Pardon me, but… didn’t they already have a four-month-old “in that”? Have their problems magically disappeared? Looks like they stayed together, even after they believed they had aborted. Honestly, I’m trying to wrap my head around the screwed up thought process here.
Kel Gee I thought I was alone in that thought.
“Pardon me, but… didn’t they already have a four-month-old “in that”? Have their problems magically disappeared? Looks like they stayed together, even after they believed they had aborted. Honestly, I’m trying to wrap my head around the screwed up thought process here.”
It’s like their baby was a housing lease they were debating signing together, not a person with her own rights.
I hope this baby girl doesn’t suffer any ill effects from the attempt on her life, and mom and dad grow up enough to become the kind of parents they need to be.
This young couple and their child were lucky.
Very few people get a second chance in life to make the right choice. Children of abortion almost never get that second chance at life.
I hope this young couple have strong words to give to those grandparents/friends/employers who urged them to kill their child in the first place.
I think it’s encouraging that they are so young and apparently they regretted the decision to abort almost instantly. Maybe when their baby is born it will jar something in their brains to see that no matter what age she was, she was still their baby. I have hope for them. It just disturbs me how they discussed her in terms of their relationship instead of in terms of her life. And the mother referred to the baby as “it” even knowing the gender?
And perhaps if they keep having problems he or she could opt for sterilzaton.
Oh…. And I do hope that Maria Stopes INC. is upset over having to refund the cost of their failure to kill her daughter.
heather says:
And perhaps if they keep having problems he or she could opt for sterilzaton.
Their problem is youth, and lack of marriage, and lack of adult parental guidance.
Sterilization will not cure any of these problems, just as abortion cures nothing.
“Sterilization will not cure any of these problems,”
True, but it will prevent them from killing anyone as a result of these problems.
Just as abortion is a poor solution to an unplanned pregnancy, sterilization is a poor solution to immaturity.
Pro-life is about bringing loving and helpful and life-affirming solutions to the problems of life.
Hi Del..I agree with you. I just hope she doesnt get pregnant again and try to kill the next one if they havent fixed their problems.
Oh My GOSH. How is she going to tell her twin?
I saw a movie in which a teen finds out from her older sister that she survived an abortion that killed her twin.