267-Le08p.AuSt.91On January 22 the Republican National Committee issued a strongly worded resolution telling pro-life candidates it would support those “who fight back against Democratic deceptive ‘war on women’ rhetoric by pointing out the extreme positions on abortion held by Democratic opponents” and back away from those “who stay silent in the face of such deceptive rhetoric.”

So game on. The RNC has learned, quoting the resolution again, that “[c]andidates who stay silent on pro-life issues do not identify with key voters, fail to alert voters to the Democrats’ extreme pro-abortion stances, and have lost their elections.”

Like we said.

This past Wednesday the March for Life in Washington, D.C., saw RNC Chairman Reince Priebus speak from the rally podium as well as House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (pictured above right) – physically backing up the resolution.

More on the Republican pro-life surge from telegram.com: