Rowan.jpgUntil public pressure apparently forced her, Orange County (FL) Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Jan Garavaglia refused for several weeks to autopsy a baby (pictured right) who was reported aborted alive by his mother on April 6 at Orlando’s EPOC abortion mill.
Finally on April 27, after the incident made the papers, Garavaglia conducted an autopsy that found “no air… in the lungs” and concluded, “Forensically, there was no evidence that the fetus was born alive.”
Now we learn that the father of the abortionist in question, Harry Perper, is 72-year-old Dr. Joshua Perper, who is downstate Broward County’s chief medical examiner.
The elder Perper likely had no influence on Garavaglia’s footdragging.
The elder Perper likely had no influence on Garavaglia’s findings, which required quite the medical leap. (Does she draw the same conclusion when autopsying a dead person with a plastic bag over her/his head – that the person never lived?)
But this sure smells funny…. although perhaps I’m paranoid because I live near Chicago….

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