Sunday funnies
No political cartoons on our issue this week. This one by Glenn McCoy came closest…
And in anticipation of the liberal response, by Chuck Asay…
No political cartoons on our issue this week. This one by Glenn McCoy came closest…
And in anticipation of the liberal response, by Chuck Asay…
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When the palestinians voted Hamas to be the leading party, we said it would look like this. Please do not act surprized Gaza.
As true as these cartoons represent Israel’s situation, we should not be surprised at Israel’s increasing isolation in the world.
The Bible predicts that Israel will have no friends near the end. We are simply seeing prophecy be fulfilled. Yes, the rapture is soon to happen.
And the political correctness motivated Obamaman will eventually find no choice but to withdraw America’s support of Israel. That is the day God withdraws His protection and the US is doomed.
It is foolish to think that Israel can or will be destroyed. They will never be destoyed as they are still the apple of God’s eye.
I suggest that all believers on this site understand that God blesses those who bless Israel and curses those who don’t. They are the branches and as Gentile believers we are merely grafted in. Read Romans and do not believer any of the heresy that says that today’s church is now Israel. This is absurd.
May God bless Israel and the Jews forever, and ever, Amen. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.
Of course Hamas’ rocket attacks are not morally defensible. However, they have destroyed FOUR lives. The Israeli military has destroyed FOUR HUNDRED lives.
There is no moral justification for destroying hundreds of human lives in the Hamas government, among graduates of the police academy, among inmates at the Gaza jail, among government employees and among innocent civilians caught in the crossfire, none of whom are responsible for the rocket attacks.
Hamas rocket attacks which kill people are properly called mass murder. Israeli bombing attacks which kill hundreds are properly called mass murder and mass negligent homicide.
The Israeli government does not deliberately target innocent civilians, unlike the American and British governments in 1945 with the fire bombing and the atomic bombing, but in bombing South Lebanon and Gaza it is willing to have hundreds die to achieve its political objectives.
The Israeli government is an abortionist, socialist and militarist horror show which neither values nor respects fully the lives and rights of human beings. The fact that all other Middle Eastern regimes are unjust and even criminal does not in any way justify the crimes that the Israeli government has unfortunately committed against Palestinians and othe people since its founding in 1948.
You have GOT to be kidding me. Why would you propagate hate, Jill, against anyone? Jews, Muslims, whoever. Meaningful messages are not spread with hate, but love. Umm… Jesus for example.
Israel was given to the Jews by God thousands of years ago because of Abrahm’s faith.
They miraculously claimed it back in the Six Day War. This was all prophesied thoudsands of years prior.
This was land the Arabs thought useless until the Jews made it valuable so now because of their hatred and jeaolusy of the Jews created this false Palestinian claim to the land and thereby justify the terror they they now perpetrate on Israel. Israel is simply defending itself which it has the right to do.
Jill has perpetrated no hate here, she just exposes the truth of the stupidity of the liberal media at their lack of historical comprehension and theological knowledge. Rather they choose satanically inspired political correctness over the truth of God’s word. Should we expect any else from a whole group of people who have been educated in our godless educational system.
Remember this strife goes back to Isaac and Ismael who both had Abraham as their father. Sarah was Isaac’s mother and Tamar the slave girl was Ishmael’s mother. The hatred between these two brothers resulted because Sarah acted on her own rather than in faith to bring about God’s promise of many decendants to Abraham. Therein lies the consequence of taking things into our own hands. This includes of course legalized abortion where we choose to play God. I can’t imagine the coming consequences.
I for one will have no part in it.
Joe, Israel calls ahead the buildings they are about to bomb in order to allow the civilians time to get out.
Hamas, meanwhile, uses human shields and uses their civilians specificially to cause public outcry. The locations Hamas chooses to store arms and high level leaders are no coincidence.
Ever since Israel withdrew from Gaza, they have been enduring daily rockets into their southern cities. What other country would put up with that kind of thing? Israel has shown far more restraint than anyone could ask, and take every precaution to avoid civilian casualties.
That said, Israel should continue to do everything in its power to reduce civilian deaths.
War is hell!
If your enemy’s stated goal is to completely destroy you, to blot out your existence as a person and as a people, to remove any evidence that you ever lived, then how do you respond when your stated enemy repeatedly attacks and kills your citizens, both by misguided bombs with cowards strapped to them and by long ranged guided missiles targeted at your civilian population.
The Jew haters may be fools, but they are not stupid. They situated their headquarters, armories and their arsenals in the midst of civilian areas knowing that the Israeli government would not let that fact prevent them from destroying their military infrastructure, even if civilians were likely to be killed in the action.
This is designed course of action on the part of the Jew haters. It is a sacrifice the Jew haters are willing to make in an attempt to score PR points with the world.
Everytime the Israeli government yields to pressure from the United States and others to give up a territory that has both strategic and tactical significance, the result is Israel pays the price with the lives of it’s citizens.
There was time in US history where bandits from Mexico were repeatedly crossing the border into the United States and doing mean things. (It is happening again by the way.) When the Mexican government could not or would not deal with the situation, then the US government sent the US Army into Mexico after the banditos. I am sure some non-combatants died in that action on both sides of the border.
Hamas has been armed with more accurate long range missles from Iran. Iran is funding murder-suicide bombers who target civilians in Israel. A majority of people voted to make Hamas their representives. They are now sufferring the consequences of that decision.
Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Quida, the PLO, etc., are sworn enemies of the Jews and of Israel. These militant theocrats have chosen the path of indiscriminate violence, terror, mayhem and murder to advance their social,political and religious agenda.
We are witnessing the continuation of a blood feud that has gone on for thousands of years. This is tribal warfare. The Arab Muslims ‘teach’ their children to hate Jews in the public schools in the Mosques and in the home. There are billions of Muslims, there are only millions of Jews. I am not aware of a similar charge being made against the Jews.
Joe, you can try and make a moral equivalency arguement here, but it can only be a lame effort.
yor bro ken
Posted by: Leah at January 4, 2009 10:27 AM
‘Why would you propagate hate, Jill, against anyone?’
Where is the hate? Please identify the hate? Is it the caricateur of the hook nosed arab man or the sterotypically burka draped femalel? Or is it the feminist in her predictably politically correct tee shirt?
yor bro ken
I particularly like when a leftist is of the opinion that we should give America back to the natives and then condemns Israel for defending itself from Islamic terrorists. Who was on that land first? I’ll give you a hint – Judaism is over 2,000 years older than Islam.
Plus it’s fantastic to see the left defend violent Islamic extremists who literally blow up their own chldren in order to murder Jews, but then these same leftists condemn American Christians as “fascists” for being anti-abortion.
You know what I also like about that area of the world? It’s filled with ancient temples and churches which are holy to Jews and Christians, and yet, for some reason, Muslims control the land. Why is that? I guess they won over the Jews and Christians with their loving behavior and convinced them to abandon their holiest places by baking them pies?
Considering that Muslims control the lands around these Christian and Jewish holy sites, I guess it’s only fair that the Muslims let we Christians and Jews control the land around Mecca. Oh wait, non-Muslims aren’t even allowed in Mecca. Whoops.
You have GOT to be kidding me. Why would you propagate hate, Jill, against anyone? Jews, Muslims, whoever. Meaningful messages are not spread with hate, but love. Umm… Jesus for example.
Posted by: Leah at January 4, 2009 10:27 AM
I considered commenting, but then I realized this should just be read again because it’s pretty much perfect!
Leah and Josephine, I guess we should shut down every newspaper in the US, then. Pretty much all of them propagate hate. Plus we need to shut down all political organizations. And free speech for that matter, since in today’s world, anything you disagree with or find unpleasant is deemed “hate”.
Posted by: Leah at January 4, 2009 10:27 AM
‘Why would you propagate hate, Jill, against anyone?’
Where is the hate?
The hate that you accuse ms Stanek of ‘propagating’?
To me, hatred is denying another human being’s right to exist.
Where do you find the Jews as individuals, or corporately as the nation state of Israel (by the way the only ‘democracy’ in the Arab world, unless you want to count Iraq.), clamoring for the obliteration of non-Jews in general or Muslims in particular.
But I digress, where in those political cartoons is the ‘hate’ of which you accuse ms Stanek of ‘propogating’?
Making accusations without offering proof is in it’s own way a ‘propagation’ of hate.
Please explain yourself.
yor bro ken
I say let them blow each other up. They are the ones foolishly fighting over a narrow strip of barren land.
I pray we continue being Israel’s friend! And not their fiend! God help us.
This liberal happens to sympathize, only slightly, with the Isrealis.
It’s kind of hard for me to sympathize with a people who’s sole agenda is to wipe out another people.
However, it seems like they’re making the same mistake as they did with Hezbollah in Lebanon back in 2006
If Israelis have the right to return on Palestinian land then how come Native Americans don’t have the right to return on American land? Guess I know why America likes israel so much, we’re both trumped up settler states playing ourselves off as democracies.
re: Lauren at January 4, 2009 1:18 PM
If I call ahead and say that I am going to commit arson that doesn’t make my arson less a crime. The random terror of Hamas is just as bad as the planned terror of israel. Just as Hamas is wrong now, so too were the so-called freedom fighters known as the Stern Gang (and their modern day IDF ilk) wrong. War never solves anything.
Posted by: John Lewandowski at January 4, 2009 3:04 PM
So John, are you calling for the murder of abortionists? War never solves anything and terrorism never solves anything. It’s the cruelest form of dirty politics.
Posted by: Yo La Tengo at January 4, 2009 9:36 PM
‘If Israelis have the right to return on Palestinian land then how come Native Americans don’t have the right to return on American land? Guess I know why America likes israel so much, we’re both trumped up settler states playing ourselves off as democracies.’
Well now we get to the which came first, the pre-natal chicken embryo/fetus or the chicken coming home to…….roost conundrum.
We will end up back at the beginning. I believe the DNA evidence shows that most of the indigenous/aboriginal people who were here when the evil white woman arrived, originated from someplace else as well. Their ancestors did not always live in the westerm hemishere.
One other thing the DNA/anthropolocical researchers have determined is that there is not yet any identifiable Jewish DNA in the samples they have analyzed from the known tribes in South, Central and North America.(Condolences to the adherents of Joseph Smith and the book of Mormon.)
The DNA reseach also indicates that all humans on the planet had a common origin in one woman who by our contemporary description would be higly pigmented person. Some observers might use the coloquial term, ‘black’. (Condolences to the white supremicists.)
If you will inquire of the North American tribes they will share with you the oral histories of the turf wars they had with neigboring tribes. Historically, boundary lines have always been disputed by the people on the different sides of the boundaries. Today, at least in America, we settle these boundary disputes in a court of law.
In the past we used the ‘might makes right’ arguement. Wars yielded fruits of conquest or booty.
I am not familiar with the oral histories of the North American tribes and as to who, if any one, gave them the title deed to the land in perpetuity. They do have title deeds to some lands as the result of treaty agreements with the Mexican, Canadian and U.S. federal governments and the several state/provincial governments.
The treaty rights are actionable in the US and Canadian federal courts.
Last time I checked the US, Canada, Mexico and Israel were still ‘democracies’. No taxation without representation and all that jazz.
Israel has been repeatedly attacked militarily by their ‘neighbors. The usual result is that Israel has gone toe to toe with them and prevailed, and as a result has re-acquired territory that historically used to be in their possesion which had been lost due to wars,invasion, and conguest. These are acceptable fruits of war which are understandable when you consider Israel was not the instigator of the various wars.
You cannot aledge that Israel provoked their neighbors (like some aledge the U.S. did in the Mexican/American war.) unless you stipulate that Israel’s and Jew’s mere existence is a ‘provocation’ to their non-Jewish neighbors.
But even then the ‘I don’t like you so I’m going to whip your butt and take your stuff’ justification does not carry much water with reasonable people.
I am not suggesting that Israel has always conducted itself in the most ethical way, but they have not instigated wars of conquest to re-gain real estate, that they once possessed and controlled.
I pray for the peace of Jerusalem, because when Jerusalem is at peace the rest of the middle east seems to be as well. To pray for the peace of Jerusalem is pray for the health and welfare of all it’s inhabitants, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity or religion.
I bless the sons of Abraham, all of them.
yor bro ken
Ken, you’re not “my bro” and the Lehi + their current incarnation in the ultra-right of Israel have nothing to do with “biblical” this or that. If anything they spit on the bible with their violence, just as militant palestinians spit on the bible\Koran (mindful that not all palestinians are Muslim). Your partisan prayers when you have no dog in the fight are silly. You can come down off your high horse anytime oh wise scholar and prophet.
The world is not well and it is soon to become an victim of an Obamanation.
All you men and women who voted for Obama can take heart. When it goes up in flames at least you will die with your right to kill babies in the womb. lol
Oh my Jesus,
you who once said;
ask anything of the Father in my name and He will grant it to you.
In your name Jesus, I ask the Father for the grace of His Holy Spirit to make your will known to our nation. That we may not live as self-serving heathen. But rather that we live to love one another as you loved us. And that he may send his holy angels down to visit with us always. To bless us and protect us. To drive Satan and his murdrous legions far from us. And to guide us in the ways of love.
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses.
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the Evil One. Amen
kbhvac and YLT,
There is archeological and DNA evidence that various peoples, including Pacific Rim, Asian, and yes, European peoples occupied ice age North America.
Political correctness dictates that people migrated from Asia, turned North America into a garden of Eden, and lived in bliss and harmony until Europeans arrived and stole everything.
In fact these various ice age settlers battled among themselves for dominance and control. No surprise there, life was a brutal struggle to survive. The later European settlers encountered the descendents of the victors, some of whom had European DNA. Oh, and yes, contrary to PC dictates, were still battling among themselves.
Given this, who knows who is the “indigenous” or “native” peoples of any land. We just don’t know who was where first or archeology and DNA is proving we don’t know as much as we thought. People could be decimated and their land, which they likely took from someone else, overrun. Who knew about it?
A dictum has ruled since creation. The land belongs to whoever can hold on to it.
Israel is being bombarded, daily, by rockets from Gaza. What county would put up with that and do nothing? If Israel had a gigantic net that simply repelled the rockets fired upon them, but launched them back into Gaza, would you have a problem?
Gaza millitants have the power to stop this war immediately, by simply stopping the rocket fire.
A country defending itself is not a “terrorist” group. If Jersey City was fireing rockets into New York City every day, I’m guessing some New Yorkers would want a bit of retaliation.
George Will made what I consider a good comment yesterday – that Gaza is roughly the population of Tijuana, Mexico, and if rockets were coming across from Tijuana, you know the US would respond.
Doug, Of course. No county would show even as much restraint as Isreal has. The second a rocket shot across the border from an organized, terrorist organization, America would respond.
War never solves anything.
Posted by: Yo La Tengo at January 4, 2009 9:43 PM
Yup. And World War II let Hitler run free.
Mary, not sure it is what PC dictates, more what Disney’s Pocahontas dictates XD
And to this day Japan remains our mortal enemy, right?
And we are still the Royal Colonies of the British Empire.
Puerto Rico is still a chattel of the Spanish Empire.
We still own black slaves in Mississippi.
Waste of time, those wars.
One of my favorite parts is when she is singing and she starts playing with a bear cub in front of his mother and they are all smiling and happy. I guess there was just something magical about her that she escapes the mom’s maul instinct…
PIP, 11:01am
Probably both. We went from demonizing Native Americans to deifying them. Neither is acceptable. The truth is somewhere in the middle.
Posted by: Yo La Tengo at January 4, 2009 11:09 PM
‘You can come down off your high horse anytime oh wise scholar and prophet.’
Come with me now to those thrilling days of yesteryears. Hi ho Silver, away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A fiery horse with the speed of light,
a cloud of dust,
and a hearty hi ho Silver!!!!
The Lone Ranger rides again.
Lighten up, chill out. If you can’t handle your ox being gored occasionally and/or your dog being shot you ought to go blog at the Sessame Street or Mr. Rogers web sites. PBS is better fit for someone who does not like their perspective being challenged.
yor bro ken
ps: the term ‘palestinian’ is the rather recent creation of someones fervent imagination, kind of like ‘kwanza’.
I have never made any claims to being a scholar or a prophet. Your confidence is misplaced.
About 10 years ago this young dude, all dressed in black with black fingernails and black eyeliner walked past my house screaming and cussing and fussing at the air around him. He was really angry about something, or nothing, or everything. I wish now I had asked him what his beef was.
That is the picture is get of you. What’s your beef?
ken, for what it is worth — I think that you are a very wise man.
Posted by: Lauren at January 5, 2009 8:08 AM
The length of your arms is probably greater than the length of your political memory. Please investigate the past more closely to understand the present. Israel did not magically appear in 1948, it was accomplished with a great deal of land renting, buying and stealing over a number of decades in the late 19th and early 20th century.
To say that thieves do the work of God is to spit on the God’s good name, to say nothing of the bit about “thou shalt not steal” from the Ten Commandments.
While they have not always been the aggressor, the passive-aggressive way in which they came about their land would piss off even the most diplomatic of fence-sharing friends.
re: carder at January 5, 2009 10:48 AM
No actually what let hitler run free for as long as he did was American reluctance to engage given its isolationist tac post WWI, and American misgivings towards the Jews at the time. If it were not for the bombing of Pearl Harbor I doubt we would have done a thing.
Ken – if I have any beef with you it is that you spew thoughtless invectives at me, and make baseless claims to know who I am and what I look like in grotesque terms and then pretend that you’re “my bro”.
I love my brother, he is a good man. You are not him. Based entirely on your conduct in this community towards me you have been completely sarcastic, snide, rude, funny with the facts and absent of insight. There are people on this board that I may not agree with, but they do put time and thought into their opinions. You, on the other hand, treat this like some right-wing talk show zinger forum.
People who make flip comments go unread because they add nothing to the discourse. Its like, you’re at the table, but you’re not saying anything, instead its your radio doing the talking for you – absent any questioning, analysis or insight.
The smart-alecs I remember from 5th grade never amounted to anything – they’re all sad, bitter divorcees who drink themselves to sickness. Thats not you, but you don’t act like it.
Eventually people stop hitting the bars and they hit the books because conversation is supposed to be about more than “hey baby! “; but thats all you offer – a clever one liner than everyone on the right or left has heard before.
Contrary to what you may have been told in 5th grade, there is nothing wrong with having read a book, taken a community college class or even graduating from university. So quit trying to show us you can make us laugh and show us what you actually know through YOUR articulate reasoned opinions – even if they are vastly different from mine.
YLT, I find it ammusing that you make a zinger at my historical knowledge and then proceed to write a post that completely ignores earlier history.
For the record: Here’s how the Jews lost, and then regained Israel.
587 BCE Babylonian Destruction of the first Temple.
538-333 BCE Persian Return of the exiled Jews from Babylon and construction of the second Temple (520-515 BCE).
333-63 BCE Hellenistic Conquest of the region by the army of Alexander the Great (333 BCE). The Greeks generally allowed the Jews to run their state. But, during the rule of the king Antiochus IV, the Temple was desecrated. This brought about the revolt of the Maccabees, who established an independent rule. The related events are celebrated during the Hanukah holiday.
63 BCE-313 CE Roman The Roman army led by Titus conquered Jerusalem and destroyed the Second Temple at 70 CE. Jewish people were then exiled and dispersed to the Diaspora. In 132, Bar Kokhba organized a revolt against Roman rule, but was killed in a battle in Bethar in Judean Hills. Subsequently the Romans decimated the Jewish community, renamed Jerusalem as Aelia Capitolina and Judea as Palaestina to obliterate Jewish identification with the Land of Israel (the word Palestine, and the Arabic word Filastin originate from this Latin name).
The remaining Jewish community moved to northern towns in the Galilee. Around 200 CE the Sanhedrin was moved to Tsippori (Zippori, Sepphoris). The Head of Sanhedrin, Rabbi Yehuda HaNassi (Judah the Prince), compiled the Jewish oral law, Mishna.
313-636 Byzantine
636-1099 Arab Dome of the Rock was built by Caliph Abd el-Malik on the grounds of the destroyed Jewish Temple.
1099-1291 Crusaders The crusaders came from Europe to capture the Holy Land following an appeal by Pope Urban II, and massacred the non-Christian population. Later Jewish community in Jerusalem expanded by immigration of Jews from Europe.
1291-1516 Mamluk
1516-1918 Ottoman During the reign of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (1520-1566) the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem were rebuilt. Population of the Jewish community in Jerusalem increased.
1917-1948 British Great Britain recognized the rights of the Jewish people to establish a “national home in Palestine”. Yet they greatly curtailed entry of Jewish refugees into Israel even after World War II. They split Palestine mandate into an Arab state which has become the modern day Jordan, and Israel.
Yo La T,
The blanket statement was made, “War never solves anything.”
Had it been worded as “War sometimes does not achieve its objectives”, I would have agreed wholeheartedly. But claiming that it NEVER solves anything, well, history has proven that simply is not true.
As far as who/what was at fault for Hitler running amok wasn’t the point of my statement. The fact is he lost WWI, the Allies won, and none of us here today are forced to salute the statue of The Fuehrer in German.
In that case, war solved something.
Correction: “Hitler lost WWII”.
Posted by: Yo La Tengo at January 6, 2009 12:07 AM
Ken – if I have any beef with you it is that you spew thoughtless invectives at me, and make baseless claims to know who I am and what I look like in grotesque terms and then pretend that you’re “my bro”.
thoughtless 1 a: insufficiently alert :careless b: reckless , rash
2: devoid of thought : insensate
3: lacking concern for others : inconsiderate
invective: of, relating to, or characterized by insult or abuse.
Most of what I write or say is based on some deliberation. Sarcasm is not effective if there is no basis in truth. Lies hurt very little. The truth hurts a lot when you are wrong or in the wrong.
I would say my sarcasm is pretty much directed at one person who is not a participant on this sight. If you want to take up his offense, if you volunteer to be a surrogate victim for him, then that is your choice. You choose to be offended when no offense was directed at you.
I ridicule bad ‘ideas’. I mock concepts that are demonstrably false. If you happen to subscribe to that idea or that concept, then so be it. Defend the idea or conept. Demonstrate that it is sound.
I try to write what I mean and mean what I say, without being ‘mean’. I try to avoid the ad hominen attack.
If I say your idea is bad, that is not a ‘thoughless invective’. If I were to say, ‘You are no good.’, then that is a personal attack. I do not believe you can find an example where I have made that charge against anyone.
I did not mean to imply that you looked like the young man, whom YOU describe as ‘grotesgue’. I made no judgement on his appearance. You may be a fine looking individual with refined taste in clothes. You may be extremely intelligent, and well educated. I have no informed opinion to offer in that regard. You may possess all the trappings of success.
What I meant to communicate is that you seem to be a wounded soul whose primary emotional outlet is ‘anger’. I make that assessment based on your posts. That is the similarity I perceive between you and the young man I described. To observe that someone is ‘angry’ is not a personal attack, it is an observation.
I regret that I did not inquire of that fellow why he was angry.
That is why I asked you what your ‘beef’ is.
Your anger may be directed at me right now, but your ‘beef’ is not with me.
I do read. My father taught me to read before I started school. I like history. I like biographies, I like fiction and non-fiction. My children are avid readers.
I have taken some courses at the local community college. Not a graduate yet. Living vicariously throuh my children who are now in college.
I play the guitar a little. I sing a little. I have written some songs.
I took typing in high school. I tried my hardest. I made a D. While my fellow students were doing time writings I was doing timed ‘writhings’. I could type really fast. I just couldn’t spell.
There is one fellow who posts here who believes planet earth is already overpopulated and dire consequences are iminent, such as famine, plague, pestilence and war. His proffered solution is to preemptively kill people now to prevent people from being killed later.
I have twice now suggested that he practice the gospel that he preaches and lead by example and recycle himself. The fact that he is still posting demonstrates that he does not really believe what he proposes. Or he is one of those folks who was created more equal than others.
I have a friend who is the youngest of thirteen children. When he was still a child this man came to his house whom he did not know. When he asked his mom who the man was, she told him, ‘He is your oldest brother.’
You can have siblings whom you do not know, yet.
My sign off: ‘yor bro ken’= ‘you are broken’. We all are broken in some way(s). That is not a personal attack, it is an observation and a demonstrable fact.
Preview is here!!
Abortion is more evil then the holocaust because it is mother’s killing their own children. It is intrinsicly evil, unnatural and demonic.
I’m very liberal and also very pro-Israel. It isn’t always so cut and dry, guys. Please don’t generalize!
Pip, I can’t wait to see the final product.
Israeli revisionist history which denies the existance of palestine or tries to place palestine in Jordan is sadly ironic given that this is what Hitler did to the jews in declaring them a non-people unworthy of the land under their feet. That having been said it is foolish to overstep in effort to right in the past a grave historical injustice.
Furthermore it is all the more ironic that many “supporters” of Israel and the Jews do not actually believe that the Jews will be in heaven since they did not “accept christ”. Thus the only purpose of their support for the Jews and for Israel is rooted not in altruism but in a desire to bring about some bizarre end-times saga.
Savagery of the past does not make current savagery acceptable. Even if your nation has been picked out of a book as favored by God.
If Hamas had not been firing rockets into Israel, none of this would be happening. What do the Israelis want from Gaza? Resources, industries, what? They want to destroy the weaponry and tunnels. If they didn’t exist, this battle wouldn’t be in progress. Did Hamas have much concern for innocent Palestinian lives, knowing the Israelis would eventually strike back? I mean, you don’t have to be a genius to realize if you keep firing missiles at a country, they likely will strike back militarily.