Jivin J’s Life Links 1-25-10, Part I
by JivinJ
In the years following Roe, we were told that the issue was no longer open for debate and that we should get over it and move on. But we couldn’t get over the stirrings of our conscience or move on from an issue that cuts to the heart of who we are as a nation. Affirming the dignity and worth of every innocent human life and defending the defenseless are fundamental American values….
With that in mind, this peaceful, hopeful grassroots crowd of individuals, families and students comes to our capital every year to remind us that every innocent life is beautiful, precious and full of potential. These warrior souls come to show their dedication to the weakest among us: those with special needs, women without anyone to turn to, and children without a voice.
When it is not possible to completely prohibit a social evil, it is both moral and effective to limit it as much as possible. When the ideal is beyond our power, it is moral and effective to seek the greatest good possible. Prudence instructs us that an “all-or-something” approach is better than an “all-or-nothing” approach in politics. One of the reasons is that progress is almost always a result of momentum, and momentum – in the face of countervailing obstacles – is often produced by small victories.
We lost that potential life at 8 weeks 2 days, or just over 6 weeks after conception.
If it was just a “potential life,” how did you lose it?
Reproductive choice is our right and also our responsibility, an awesome responsibility. But in an even more profound sense, choice is the human condition. It defines us as humans, and we are in turn defined by the choices we make. Choice is the basis of morality after all, and it is sacrifice as much as it is freedom.
Huh? Choice is the basis for morality? What does that mean? Is she asserting that what we choose to do makes something moral or not?
So this grandmother of 12 dedicates Roe’s 37th anniversary to changing the conversation about abortion from a debate about the limits of privacy to to an unwavering affirmation that reproductive choice is a fundamental human and civil right and as a result, a health care service that should be covered for all women in any health reform plan regardless of who is paying the premium.
Does Gloria Feldt really think she can change the conversation about abortion (and get rid of debate) by simply asserting the same choice mumbo-jumbo she’s been asserting for years?
Because if we want our beautiful, wonderful, precious granddaughters to have an equal place in this world, then our society must value their choices as much as we grandmothers value their lives.
How stupid is that? We should value people’s choices as much as we do their lives?
“Because if we want our beautiful, wonderful, precious granddaughters to have an equal place in this world, then our society must value their choices as much as we grandmothers value their lives.”
Um, a girl forced into prostitution in Thailand has access to abortion. So, does that mean she is has an “equal” place in this world? Access to abortion isn’t freedom, rather it gives men license to pressure women into sex and parents less incentive to help daughters make better choices. These grandmothers don’t give a crap about granddaughters or their physical or emotional well being.
Idiotic, illogical, yeah, gobledy-gook.
“we are in turn defined by the choices we make”
I am NOT defined by my abortion. It is something I did that I will regret forever. It is not who I am.
The title of Feldt’s article is
“What Does Choice Mean to Me? Let’s Forget About Legalities For a Moment”
I can’t get the old 1970’s peanut butter commercial out of my head – it said “Choosy mothers choose Jif”. I doubt the jingle writers ever had abortion in mind. No, I’m sure of it.
Gloria Feldt killed, what, a MILLION unborn children while she was running Planned Parenthood a few years ago? There are very few human beings who have destroyed more human beings than she has.
Every time I hear an abortionist advocate or pressure group “leader” giving us drivel and doublespeak about “choice” and “choose” and “reproductive health” (translation: unborn child killing) it makes me sick.
Their cold-bloodedness and ruthless cruelty to the unborn makes my heart sick and strengthens my resolve to do everything in my power to defeat this evil movement once and for all.
Their cold-bloodedness and ruthless cruelty to the unborn makes my heart sick and strengthens my resolve to do everything in my power to defeat this evil movement once and for all.
Posted by: Joe at January 25, 2010 2:21 PM
How’s that working out for you?
About that RH reality check article–The woman’s doctor couldn’t hear a heartbeat when she was 8 weeks pregnant, and concluded that she had miscarried. (My doctor won’t even check for a heartbeat until 10 weeks, because she doesn’t want to cause unnecessary worry. You don’t always hear a heartbeat at 8 weeks.) She continued to grow for another month, and her uterus was the size of a normal 12-week pregnancy at 12 weeks. At which time she concluded that, since her body hadn’t miscarried on its own, she needed a D&C.
Am I the only one that thinks she submitted to an unnecessary abortion of a wanted child?
Melissa, she very well could have, which would be very sad. My husband’s cousin had that exact thing happen to her. She went in for her 8 week visit and no ultrasound was heard. Her doctor asked her if she wanted a D&C, but she said she’d like to wait and miscarry naturally. Then when she wasn’t miscarrying after a few weeks she came back in to see her doctor. Lo and behold, they heard a heartbeat at that appointment. She was very thankful that she decided against the D&C.
Sadly, she had gone the D&C route with a previous pregnancy after hearing no hearbeat. It weighs on her mind that perhaps that child was ok as well.
nancy after hearing no hearbeat. It weighs on her mind that perhaps that child was ok as well.
Posted by: Lauren at January 25, 2010 3:00 PM
Wow, what a creepy story.
My best friend didn’t hear her son’s heartbeat at two months, or at three months… When she went in for her four month checkup, her doctor was rather surprised that she hadn’t miscarried, they had to listen long and hard, and did pick up a (very faint) heartbeat. At her ultrasound a couple weeks later, she learned that her baby was sitting sideways behind the placenta, which was muffling the heartbeat.
Makes me sad to think what might have happened, had she had another doctor. As it is, she has a healthy 8-month old.
Holy crap! I hate to hear stories about that (abortions mistakenly performed on healthy children who were thought to have been missed miscarriages but actually were not). It’s so sad.
Before I became interested in learning about the abortion issue, I never knew that these things happened. If I should ever be diagnosed with a missed miscarriage and a D&C is reccommended, in the light of what I know now about situations like the ones you all have discussed here, I think I’ll be taking the “wait and see” route. At the very minimum I’d want a detailed ultrasound done by a highly qualified doctor (not an ultrasound tech who does the routine ones but someone more specialized such as a maternal-fetal specialist) before any D&C would be done, if the “wait-and-see” didn’t yield an answer.
I’m so sorry for the women who have accidentally aborted healthy children thinking that they had already miscarried. I know it would be terrible to deal with.