Happy Thanksgiving!
Marjorie Dannenfelser of the Susan B. Anthony List wrote in her Thanksgiving message today that science has proven gratitute is healthy. “Folks that make a daily list of 5 things for which they are grateful are happier and healthier over time,” she wrote.
That’s a great idea, particularly today. I’m most thankful for:
1. John 3:16
2. My family
3. My church home and Christian friends
4. The blessing of living in the United States of America
5. My ministry: this blog, Kelli, the moderators, and you
Four of those for which I most thankful are pictured with me above: my grandsons. And there are 2 more, one 11-months-old and one to be born in 3 months!
What are 5 things you’re thankful for?
1. My life and the years I have had so far.
2. My Catholic Faith and everything that encompass the daily Eucharist, the body and blood of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior, the Blessed Mother, Mary, all the angels and saints who are a part of my daily life,
3. The healing I receive for the abortion I had
4. My family and friends
5 My ministry, Silent No More Minnesota
I’m thankful for:
1. My Catholic faith with that is gratitude for God’s many graces and blessings
2. My family both of origin and the one I have with my husband and offspring
3. My friends near and far
4. The gifts and talents God’s given me and the wonderful places its taken me so far
5. Each and every day
Of course, I’m grateful to every pro-lifer who non-violently stands up for life–for Jill Stanek, Dr. Gerard Nadal, the moderators and other pro-lifers who remind me we all walk together in defending life. But since it was only 5 things I had to list my top 5 as best I could LOL
My mother told me about a homily a priest gave that if we could name things we were grateful for each day we’d find more and more things to be grateful for.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving every one! Be safe :-) God bless.
2. My family and friends
3. My health
4. My job which provides the necessities and abundances of life
5. Living in the United States – its beauty and liberty
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
1. My faith
2. My husband
3. Miracle of pregnancy
4. Loving family and friends
5. Life
Happy Thanksgiving Jill and everyone! I am thankful for the free gift of salvation I have received through Christ. And I am thankful for my family!
I have to narrow it down to five? LOL
My God
My Family (Husband, child, siblings, etc.)
My health (what little I HAVE)
Being born in the U.S.
Having a roof over our heads, a car that runs, my husband’s job(ok..I squeezed all that in..LOL)
There are COUNTLESS numbers of babies who are thankful for YOU, Jill. We are ALL blessed to know you and the work you do. :)
1. My faith which has saved me
2. My family, both here and departed, and the newbies in the womb!
3. My friends, near and far who still keep in touch
4. Food on the table
5. Employment
I thank God for:
1. My Catholic Faith and the hope it gives me.
2. My family and friends
3. The pro-life community and their loving dedication to helping convert hearts and minds to see the dignity of every human life.
4. The beauty of nature
5. A warm bed to sleep in and food on my table.
1. Jesus Christ, without whose grace and enduring faithfulness I would have nothing.
2. My wonderful husband
3. My three beautiful children
4. My friends and family (even my in-laws, who are wonderful people of faith and whom I love dearly! :D )
5. The privilege I have to be a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom with a wonderful work-from-home job in the pro-life movement.
Happy Thanksgiving Jill and Everyone!!!
I am thankful for:
1. Like Jill John 3 :16, my personal relationship with Jesus Christ (Christianity not a religion but a relationship with God through his Son)
2. My wonderful family, my husband, kids, parents (one living, one in heaven) and my siblings.
3. The blessings and freedom of living in the USA
4. The love, peace and joy in our home
5. LIFE and Health, along with #4 these are blessings that money cannot buy.
God bless everyone.
1. God
3. Living in this country.
5. That they allowed my mother to come home home yesterday, seven weeks after fracturing her hip.
What beautiful grand children!
I am thankful for
1. my faith
2. my children
3. my job
4. my health
5. living in a free country
The God I love
My husband
My children
Thankful to God for all of you today!! Happy Thanksgiving!
Can I have two lists? First, the things I’m grateful for every day over the long term; second, the particular examples of God’s blesings that are giving me special cause to praise him this week?
List 1
The Cross and the Empty Tomb
My wife and son
Health and a growing ability to think straight
The peaceful prosperity, and the political and literary heritage, of England
My vocation
List 2
A frosty morning with a clear blue sky
Karl Barth and the Church Dogmatics
The Book of Revelation (in the Anglican lectionary this month!)
Bacon and eggs and fruit for breakfast
My favourite tweed jacket, call me shallow if you must…
But I agree with the others – too many things to be grateful for – the first alone would be enough – thank you Lord for the superabundance of your goodness.
i can only list 5?
1)Gospel of John chapter 6 verses 22-59 (my fellow Catholics know what I am talking about) verses 48-68 are especially important to me
2) That I still have one living grandparent, even though she’s not in the best of health
3) Religious freedom, which I think we take for granted many times
4) Nebraska pro life U.S House Representatives!
5) Michaela, Sam, Gemma, Grace, Gabe, Kolbe and Sarah (4 nieces and 3 nephews) and of course my two siblings and my parents.
I hope everyone has a fun and safe holidays :)
November 26th, 2010 at 10:01 am
i can only list 5? 1)Gospel of John chapter 6 verses 22-59 (my fellow Catholics know what I am talking about) verses 48-68 are especially important to me
I have a lot to be thankful for:
My Life in Reflection: Let Us Be Thoughtful & Thankful
Our Redeemer, forgiveness, the gifts of family, health, and this blessed country.
Adding one other reason for gratitude that some will not understand, but nevertheless here it is: Pope Benedict granting the moto propio allowing universal use of the traditional Latin Mass.
1. My family
2. The health of the members of my family (and my own)
3. President Obama
4. Electricity and running water (we were without power for a few days–makes you appreciate it)
5. Good friends