Pro-life video of the day: Olympics celebrate socialized medicine
by Hans Johnson
Many see the Affordable Care Act as the first step down the road toward emulating Britain’s health system, as celebrated during the opening ceremonies of the Olympics.
In a recent speech to the Royal Society of Medicine in London, Professor Patrick Pullicino charged that some 130,000 patients are “allowed to die” or, rather, are killed off every year. That is about 29% of the 450,000 deaths in British hospitals and hospices under National Health Service care.
He decried the misuse of the controversial Liverpool Care Pathway. This medical protocol was to be used when doctors were of the opinion that a patient could not recover and that death was imminent. The LCP dictates the withdrawal of treatment such as the provision of water and nourishment by feeding tube, as well as any medicine – save for the heavy use of painkillers. This results in the patient’s death in 33 hours, on average.
Professor Pullicino noted:
The lack of evidence for initiating the Liverpool Care Pathway makes it an “assisted death pathway” rather than a “care pathway.” Very likely many elderly patients are frequently put on the Pathway without a proper analysis of their condition. Predicting death in a time-frame of two to four days – or even at any other specific time – is not possible scientifically. This determination in the LCP leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy. The personal views of the physician or other medical team members of perceived quality of life or low likelihood of a good outcome are probably central in putting a patient on the LCP. If we accept the Liverpool Care Pathway, we accept that euthanasia is part o the standard of dying , as it is now associated with 29% of NHS deaths .
If Obamacare leads to health care rationing there may be no need for “death panels” if such a policy is made standard operating procedure
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I was extremely disappointed in the politicizing of the Olympic Games … I was disgusted by the commentary that extolled the benefits of socialized medicine.
I like that they included Peter Pan, since the National Heal Service really fosters a lot of Peter Pan Syndrome over there. #madeforeachother
I agree. They need a lot more Wendys to influence their Peter Pans.
I was wondering if perhaps Obama had slipped Danny Boyle a huge wad of cash with a note that said, “find some way to work socialized medicine into the opening ceremony and make it look really cool and fun…I’m having a hard time selling the Americans on it…”
It was propaganda, and it was beyond ridiculous…and not even entertaining.
I looked into their system. And apparently, National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) place a value of $2.0 million as the price for human life or about $45,000 per life year gained. So if the treatment cost more than $45,000 in one year… Guess what? You’re not getting it. This also very similar to Canada’s system as well. Not to mention they waiting list. 9mos to get routine treatments
I like the acronym… NICE.
NICE is going to let you Die today (or this year) because you have a fatal medical condition.
The British celebrating the NHS in front of countries like Germany and The Netherlands(with far more efficient delivery and better quality healthcare) is like them celebrating their cuisine in front of the French and Italians(who also have better healthcare systems).
who cares about the Olymipics…I wouldn’t go if they were being held down the street from my house..
This is a blog you must read regarding the spiritual implications of the Olympics. Here’s a sample:
” The truth is, the nations have been making child sacrifices to Satan (Zeus/Jupiter) for a long time. The Olympic opening ceremony focused upon the United Kingdom’s NHS (National Health Service), one of the main entities responsible for sacrificing children. In 2010 the NHS reported that it was spending more than one million pounds a week on repeat abortions. It said that many British women were using abortion as contraception and some would have as many as 8 or 9 abortions in their lifetime. The NHS reported performing 189,574 abortions in 2010.
Just for contrast, here is the opening cermony from the Beijing Olympics.
My son’s medical visits are being limited to twelve visits a year; I live in Louisiana though so judging from what I’ve seen in the past I feel confident that this will change soon. While I don’t believe in socialized medicine, I do believe in affordable health coverage and that everyone should have access to quality heath care. I also believe that when people who are in the health care profession and politicians and citizens decide to really start communicating, what they do agree on, a real solution will be found.