Pro-life vid of day: GOP rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers affirms life
Last night, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers delivered the Republican response to President Obama’s State of the Union address. points out some life-affirming comments made by the mother of three:
Like all parents, we have high hopes and dreams for our children, but we also know what it’s like to face challenges. Three days after we gave birth to our son, Cole, we got news no parent expects.
Cole was diagnosed with Down syndrome. The doctors told us he could have endless complications, heart defects, even early Alzheimer’s. They told us all the problems. But when we looked at our son, we saw only possibilities. We saw a gift from God.
Today we see a 6-year old boy who dances to Bruce Springsteen; who reads above grade level; and who is the best big brother in the world. We see all the things he can do, not those he can’t. Cole, and his sisters, Grace and Brynn, have only made me more determined to see the potential in every human life – that whether we are born with an extra twenty-first chromosome or without a dollar to our name – we are not defined by our limits, but by our potential….
Quoted comments begin at 3:40…
McMorris Rodgers’ official bio states that she is “the only Member of Congress in history to give birth three times while in office.”

In other words, hope.
why do all republican women have tard babies?….
Yeah, Steven, that comment pretty much solidifies the fact that you’re a troll here.
Steven, you’re right – “have” is the key word. Because a lot of women would be afraid to “have” babies with such diagnoses. The Republican women you are noting are apparently strong enough and brave enough to welcome into their lives people who are seen as costly vulnerabilities by much of our society. :)
Wow. Steven.
So many precious people in my life were what you consider “tard babies” when they were born.
Shame on you.
God bless Cole and his family!!!
Steven, have you ever been tested for a behavior disorder? I’m serious. If you haven’t, you should know that there are counselors willing to help you learn how to reign in your nasty behaviors.
I am very glad to hear that Republicans plan to do make some progress toward real immigration reform. We have allowed thousands of families into the US, we let them work here, we let them go to our schools…. and yet we threaten them with immediate deportation and keep them on the outside of economic justice. This is a life issue, and pro-lifers should stand in solidarity with immigrant families.
Sadly, we cannot expect the current crop of Democrats to come up with a life-affirming solution to the problem. (Is it just me? It seems that Obama’s only solution to every problem is more contraception and abortion!) Let us hope that Democrats and Republicans will work together toward justice for our immigrant families.
“Republicans believe health care choices should be yours, not the governement’s” she cried.
Meanwhile, elsewhere, her cohorts were voting to not allow insurance companies participating in the exchanges to offer any abortion coverage and to take tax credits away from small businesses offering health insurance to their employees, if that insurance covered abortion.
Yep, republicans letting you make your own choices, just like always.
Yay the senate.
Abortion is not healthcare.
Yes it is.
Healthcare helps a person to live. Abortion causes intentional death, so it is the opposite of healthcare.
Abortion is healthcare for innocent children like lethal injection is healthcare for convicted criminals.
Healthcare helps a person to live – indeed. Abortion helps women to live.
A woman who is impregnated by a rapist should not have her life destroyed by going through an unwanted pregnancy and birth. The potential negative impacts on her physical and mental health are immeasurable.
I had a vasectomy a bit earlier in life than many who do because my then-wife was told in no uncertain terms by numerous medical experts that she should not get pregnant again, ever. Imagine if a woman in the same circumstances became a victim of rape and fell pregnant.
A woman whose fetus is found to be extremely unviable should not be exposed to the greater risk of ongoing gestation and delivery. Let alone the mental torture.
Abortion is a part of healthcare.
Reality, you should ponder this for a moment: “Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.” Abortion is not treating a medical disorder, it is causing one, and causes the entire notion of human rights to be rendered laughable. The quote is from Frederick Douglass, I’ve been reading his narrative lately, fits in very well with the abortion issue, where we treat human beings as property, and how like slavery, it warps the moral fabric of the oppressors. Hence Steven’s insinuation that disabled children should be put down like rabid dogs in the street.
This precious prolife US Representative now has a target on her back. Every single word she says, thing she does or has ever done will be picked apart and up for scrutiny by the Dead Babies R Us crew, the Demoncratic Party, PP, NARAL, HRC, etc.. I will be praying for her. I loved her prolife story about her son Cole. God bless her.
Chris, euthanizing rabid dogs on the street…What a humane way to end the suffering of mans best friend. To end the life of a human fetus with debilitating disease is more humane than euthanizing a dog. I’ve met plenty of people with diseases who wish they had never been born. They wish they had been aborted.
Maybe you need to get out more Steven, but your honesty is chillingly fresh. Heaven help you if you’re feeling down and Steven’s world comes to pass, perhaps they’ll at least give you a proper burial rather than grinding you up and flushing you down the sewer system. You should never have to be subject to your own morality because your life, and every life, has inherent value, whether you choose to recognize this truth or not.
Oh Del.
If Reality says that abortion is healthcare then it simply must be.
It’s gonna take more than one or two appointments for Steven. . .
Carla says:
January 30, 2014 at 11:56 am
Oh Del.
If Reality says that abortion is healthcare then it simply must be.
I just can’t see it, Carla.
Several thousands times each day in America, a healthy woman walks into an abortion clinic with a healthy child in her womb.
And each time, an injured woman staggers out of the clinic (often crying), and the child is dead.
It is impossible to claim that “healthcare” happened in between.
I like that piece from Frederick Douglass Chris. So why are there those who would inflict such on women?
Abortion is not treating a medical disorder, it is causing one – abortion is, like many other procedures and treatments, preventative healthcare. It does not cause medical disorders any more than any other form of treatment has the potential to do. It is actually safer than full term pregnancy and delivery.
and causes the entire notion of human rights to be rendered laughable.- no, that would be placing more value and importance on a gestating fetus than a woman.
The quote is from Frederick Douglass, I’ve been reading his narrative lately, fits in very well with the abortion issue, where we treat human beings as property, and how like slavery, it warps the moral fabric of the oppressors. – hence my question above.
If Reality says that abortion is healthcare then it simply must be. – hey, you don’t need to take my word for it, it’s self evident.
a healthy woman walks into an abortion clinic with a healthy child in her womb. – except that isn’t always the case. And as I said to Chris, it is also preventative healthcare.
And each time, an injured woman staggers out of the clinic – well that simply isn’t true.
It is impossible to claim that “healthcare” happened in between. – no, it’s not.
Curious Reality – you sound rightly opposed to a mother being treated as less important than her child who is at the 100% maternal-dependent stage of life – would you be opposed to the gravida and the fetus being viewed as equally important and valuable? Why or why not?
What has how many times a woman’s been pregnant got to do with it?
that would be gravida 3 or gravida 7 or whatnot (the number refers to the number of times). Gravida is the medical term for a pregnant female human such as fetus is the medical term for a pre-born developing human.
So do you oppose viewing them as equally important and valuable? Why or why not?
Ms. Rogers looks like a grown-up Camilla Belle.
Yes I know what gravida means. Number of pregnancies, successful or not. Often involves a fetus.
I don’t see what comparison there is to make.
Sorry Reality, I was trying to ask a question because I am curious about your thinking. A couple comments up you exhibited objection to a fetus being viewed as more important and valuable than a woman. Well, yeah – obviously that would be trouble (leads to it’s own world of tragedy). But I wondered your thoughts on them being viewed as equally important and valuable.
Separately, we’re all in a bad habit of mixing Latin/medical terms with generics, so when I phrased my question I opted to group together the Latin/medical together and keep the generics together. I didn’t think it would derail you so severely.
Did you have an opinion as to whether it would be acceptable to view both parent and offspring as important and valuable? “Hadn’t thought it out” is an acceptable answer as far as I’m concerned. (I always figure it’s better to take the time to determine my thoughts rather than make them up on the fly) Can’t speak for everyone here, but I’m seeking to understanding your position.
(if the “comparison” you were talking about was comparing the two individuals, then I suppose that’s your answer… that you haven’t been inclined to consider… but I’m not clear on whether you were just comparing the terms “pregnant woman” and “gravidas”)
Laurie, I just found it odd to be asked to compare the importance of a pregnancy with what is a component of a pregnancy.
A fetus and a woman are both valuable and important. A woman is more valuable and important than a fetus. I find putting an unthinking, unknowing, unfeeling developing human ahead of a thinking, knowing, feeling existent human nonsensical.
A thinking, knowing, feeling existent human could rape a brain dead (or passed out) patient (who is unthinking, unknowing, and unfeeling) in a safe, clean, environment.
Of course these rapes would be safe, legal and rare (rare to start out with anyway). And we could call it healthcare and charge big moola for it.
The rapist is more valuable than the brain dead patient, right?