Pro-life vid of day: Lila Rose shines on CNN against NARAL president
by LauraLoo
NARAL Pro-Choice America President Ilyse Hogue debates Live Action’s Pro-Life President Lila Rose about the 41st anniversary of Roe v. Wade on CNN’s Crossfire with Sally Kohn and Newt Gingrich.
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[HT: Kelli]

I hate to open with an in inconsequential ad hominem comment — but Ilse is just annoying. The camera has trouble being kind to her.
I am sorry that Sally Kohn’s initial comment — that Texas women are seeking self-abortions — was not explained or answered. Is that true? Do they mean purchasing abortion pills from Mexico? Has this happened in more than a handful of cases? What?????
The entire discussion can be summed up as:
legal murder vs. actual human life developing in the womb.
Many on the left equate legal with right/good/moral because its government-sanctioned. So these leftists argue that because it is legal, no other considerations are necessary or even worth examining. Ilyse Hogue falls into that category of women. These back alley abortions by the thousands myth that she brought up when abortion is restricted, is even acknowledged by NARAL leadership as not true.
So these leftists can be on the side of legal but I am with Lila Rose on the side of life-affirming/good/right/ethical and moral culture of life.
And just a nodge to Del – to me thus far all these women that represent abortion rights are closer to the Amazons Warrior than an actual female. The only thing that throws me off in this comparison, is that appearance-wise Sally and Ilyse resemble men. Mind-boggling.
The camera has trouble being kind to her.
This reminds me of going shopping for bathing suits with a girlfriend who said, “This mirror makes me look fat.”
Not the mirror. Not the camera; and it’s not so much her looks but her attitude.
I’d like to know as well.
to me thus far all these women that represent abortion rights are closer to the Amazons Warrior than an actual female
LOL. The heart starts affecting the mind which affects the language which affects the behavior/demeanor which will, I believe, eventually affect the looks.
A buff proabort health/sex ed teacher was getting her flu shot ahead of me this year (she actually wasn’t ahead of me but budded ahead of me, my husband and son because her time is so much more important than ours is I guess). Before the nurse gave her the shot, she flexed and said, “I hope I don’t break the needle.” This was hilarious but on some level, I believe she really though she was capable of it!
Lila Rocks!
The Naral Pres is a windbag who NEVER directly answers the questions put to her. No surprise.
And female sex selection abortions are a myth? Where do these people come up with these kinds of statements? Seriously? There are millions of women missing in India, China, Yemen etc. Even within these communities in North America there are not the normal sex ratios.
Also they totally blew off the science and reason aspect of the discussion which is unfortunate because the science is on our side. This plus framing the question in terms of a human rights issue will eventually get the debate back on track.
If the unborn child is in fact human then what rights does it have? If not all humans automatically have the right to life, and we begin to openly admit this, then we are all, ultimately at risk. Because the right to life will be a very fluid right that changes with governments, policy and opinion.
LOL. The heart starts affecting the mind which affects the language which affects the behavior/demeanor which will, I believe, eventually affect the looks.
Can we please, please stop commenting on women’s looks? I admit I have done this in the past but I don’t anymore. Our opponents accuse of being misgoynist and all these comments just add fuel to their fire.
I’m not saying anyone’s looks are bad, phillymiss, but I do agree with Thomas R. that some woman start looking/behaving more like men when they have certain mindsets. They seem to be afraid of their own femininity.
I believe that some men start looking more feminine when they have certain mindsets too and I believe they are afraid of their own masculinity for whatever reasons. I don’t think stating my beliefs makes me a misogynist.
Yeah, and some people are simply more “masculine” or “feminine” naturally, regardless of if it isn’t proper or expected out of their gender. I think it’s all quite irrelevant to their views on abortion. I’ve known some pretty butch pro-life women and rather fem pro-life men. It’s just irrelevant IMO, and makes us look like we are taking cheap shots.
The headline of this story….”Lila Rose wants to force raped women to have the rapists baby”….only national media attention
No cheap shots Jack but just my observation regarding Sally and Ilyse specifically – two “women” who devalue their own gender in more ways than one….
It’s still a cheap shot Thomas. These women devalue their gender with their abortion pimping. Their looks and gender presentation and other physical traits are irrelevant and I don’t believe it’s fair to bring them up in my opinion.
My oldest sister is pretty much the stereotypical lesbian, looks-wise. She’s got longer hair but otherwise she presents pretty masculine, though I haven’t seen her in a long time I remember my other sisters used to tease her and make fun of her for acting “like a guy” along with mocking her for the being a lesbian thing. But, she’s also very much pro-life and wants abortion to be illegal. I don’t think her lack of stereotypical femininity has anything to do with her opposition to abortion. And her being butch doesn’t make her any less of a woman than someone who is a “girly girl”, she’s certainly not devaluing her gender by being herself looks and presentation-wise.
You are certainly misunderstanding my comparison. I referenced the Amazons female warrior race that functioned as a single-gender society but you manage to yet again turn this into a conversation about sexual orientation. Pushing feminist ideology that mimics the Amazons but at the same time attempting to embrace the male aspects of our humanity is not reflective of same-sex attraction, rather a warped sense of evolutionary psychology. PLEASE stop turning everything into a discussion about sexual orientation – it gets old…
… I wasn’t talking about sexual orientation, I was talking about “masculine” and “feminine” gender presentation, and how I think it’s irrelevant to pro-life viewpoints and it’s a cheap shot to go after someone for presenting in a non-typical way. I only mention that it was my lesbian sister I was referring to who is “butch” because I’ve spoken of her before, so people would know which sister I was talking about. I have four sisters.
I haven’t talked about homosexuality in several weeks, I think. Except today, because of the Voris post, but I can hardly be blamed for a post I didn’t choose to put on this blog.
I knew what you were talking about with the “Amazon warriors” stuff. You’re the one who is misunderstanding me. I believe that “masculine” and “feminine” presentation and characteristics are influenced by biology but there’s no requirement to present either way. People who don’t present typically masculine or feminine are not doing something wrong, and I think it’s quite irrelevant to their views.
Oh you think I was making it about sexual orientation because I said the “stereotypical lesbian” thing. No. I was referring to the stereotype of big beefy women with short hair and rough voices and other masculine presentations, that “stereotypical lesbian” thing. Of course, not all women who look like that are lesbians, and they are certainly not all pro-aborts.
Eureka Jack. I think that Sally is closer to reflecting her views through her looks.. As far as Ilyse I’d say I truly don’t know whether she is feminine or masculine, hard to tell. One thing beyond any reasonable doubt – both aspire for a single-gender society.
It’s what I said in the first place, you just misunderstood me.
I simply don’t think that the way Sally looks is “wrong” or reflective of her views. Like I said, my sister is masculine looking as well as masculine personality traits and she’s certainly no pro-abort or anything like that. She’s not even particularly liberal, and she’s a Christian (albeit a little unorthodox, she doesn’t think homosexuality is a sin). I think the gender presentation thing is irrelevant. But I think that there tends to be confirmation bias too, that since you’re expecting women with these views to look like that, you notice more when they do, but the pro-life women who look more masculine don’t stick in your brain as much. Whatever I’m tired, lol, I hope that made sense.
I liked how they were both rather stumped about what to say about the health factors in taking oral BC. All they could do was deflect at one point and actually concede a bit at another. Also, I want to know why Ilyse thinks some restrictions on abortion – as in “between a woman and her doctor” – are ok. Why does a doctor need to approve of a woman’s choice?
And not all lesbians choose to dress and/or wear their hair like a man would.
Hi angel,
Please do me a favor. For many decades now abortion is debated as a human-rightd
s issue. And then some staunch pro aborts began to acknowledge that thes were ‘killable’ living humans, it absolutely left me speachless. T his attitude, their attitude was so accepted, at I began to wonder if the whole concept of rights has little meaning. It seemed similar to the lack of empathy for the victim.
There are two problems that I see. Most humans are named after birth. This ‘naming’ not only legitimizes/legalizes their being … and offers protection. It also involves an emotional “acceptance” (for-want-of-a-better-word). Naming implicitly says ‘You-are-one-of-us-now’. [PL need consider a NAMING RITUAL pre-birth.]
the second problem is an unspoken one and it is IMO the determinant factor in pro-abortion and likely PC rhetoric. The difficulty is ‘vulnerability’. It at first seems ludicrous, but what is opposite pride, willfulness, individual-autonomy, MACHISMO, self-reliance, and what-is-sold-as-American-freedom but vulnerability/weakness. A babe is by-far extremely vulnerable. Does such make them less human? To many PL it makes them more so and calls out for protection.
Where is PC on human-vulnerability? Well its OK to kill a babe via abortion in the fist trimester (this is pre-viability and when the fetus/babe IS THE MOST VULNERABLE/MOST-NEEDY). tHERE IS AN ADDED DIFFICULTY? WITH PREGNANCY – A PREGNANT-WOMAN becomes VULNERABLE (ITS AS IF SHE IS BESTOWED WITH THIS TRAIT BY HER OFFSPRING). we hear over and over how abortion empowers women … how… by making them not-vulnerable? Also we hear of women being coerced … she listens to advice because she is vulnerable! If she doesn’t listen then she cam be beaten or killed. She has no rights, preferring vulnerability.
Am I onto something more than a pipe-dream. When someone ‘A-a-a-w-w-w-e-e-e!’ a newborn is it heartfelt enthusiasm or an expression of rage from fear?
Exactly MemyselfandI. Physical presentation is quite a different thing than political views or even sexual orientation. I think it’s not important or relevant at all. I don’t understand the point of focusing on such things. So what if someone’s too butch or too femmy, the important thing is their views and how they act towards others. That’s where these women are wrong, not in how they choose to present themselves or their mannerisms.
One of our friends, xalisae, will proudly tell you she’s more “masculine” than “feminine”, and you won’t ever find someone who hates abortion more and is less liberal or “progressive” lol.
A good number of my customers are lesbians. Mostly in relationships. My observation has been that it tends to be the older ones who dress and wear their hair in a more ‘masculine’ way.The younger ones present in a more ‘feminine’ way. Dunno why, it’s just what I find.
Great words of wisdom, John.
Sally Kohn is a pervert like Rachael Maddow.
Lila did a good job presenting on the birth control hormones. The pro-aborts were still spouting the lie that birth control prevents abortion, but there are no studies backing up their claim.
Birth control, especially the morning after pills, are much less effective in real life usage, than is touted by their ads and literature. Relying on them, and changing behavior because of them actually can lead to an increased demand and incidence of abortion, and there are studies which have shown this effect.
Reality says:
January 27, 2014 at 9:32 pm
A good number of my customers are lesbians. Mostly in relationships. My observation has been that it tends to be the older ones who dress and wear their hair in a more ‘masculine’ way.The younger ones present in a more ‘feminine’ way. Dunno why, it’s just what I find.
I genuinely want to like you, Reality…. so I am happy when you make an honest comment (and not just some inflammatory spew).
I have also noticed the change in style from the old “butch” lesbians to the younger, more feminine women with SSA.
My guess is that the older women 1) were looking for a uniform (ways to recognize co-travelers), and 2) were deeply committed to feminist ideology (which is opposed to anything feminine). The butch lesbians were always angry about everything, as a stereotype.
The younger gals are simply more comfortable with themselves. They like being pretty and feminine. Sexuality is more open in this hook-up culture, and it is easy for the younger lesbians to find each other (without need of a “uniform.”)
Also, there have been a lot of gorgeous celebrity women who have come out as lesbians in recent decades (starting with Ellen Degeneres, I suppose). As always, the pop idols have set the tone and inspired imitations.
Not Ellen Del. I think you meant Portia de Rossi. Ellen is the old representation of the lesbian look. Portia represents the new and improved. Any idea why they are still together?
I was referring to the stereotype of big beefy women with short hair and rough voices and other masculine presentations
Jack, don’t forget lumberjack boots and plaid work shirts. : P
Hey Del and Thomas R, stop making everything about sexual orientation. Man, it’s really getting old.
But seriously, if you’re going to accuse someone of something, Thomas, don’t turn around and do it yourself.
Sorry about that, DLP-L. It’s really not a topic that I care about much.
I was genuinely happy for the chance to have a real conversation with Reality, about anything.
And Portia may be glamorous, but Ellen has always been a cutie. She has never been the “angry butch” stereotype.
I was just teasing you Del. I was just pointing out to Thomas that I’m not the one bringing up homosexuality. Actually, it’s usually something I only being up after someone else has.
I was just responding to a statement about the difference between the old and the new “look,” which btw Reality started and Del commented on. Neither Del nor I made this about sexual orientation because the only thing referenced were ‘looks” not sexual activity. Point me to a sentence where sexuality was mentioned. You would have a point there if you find it (but you will not). Got ya :)
Lila did a good job presenting on the birth control hormones.
I think so too Pharmer. When I was a young woman, no one discussed the negatives of the pill; we just were not made aware and trusted our doctors (didn’t read the fine print).
Too many women still don’t know the adverse affects of the pill and it’s great that woman have a great young spokesperson in Lila.
Thomas, Del was talking about lesbians and their culture. You asked why Portia and Ellen were still together. That’s exactly as much about homosexuality as my statements were.
I was just joshing you dude.
Deluded Lib Pro-Lifer says:
January 28, 2014 at 4:33 pm
I was just teasing you Del.
Roger, that! Let’s you and I resolve to be friends.
Forgive me for taking your post seriously! I noticed the razzy face, but it’s still hard to discern irony and teasing in a com-box. I do mean to be respectful of your concerns.
Lol yeah when I do the smiley faces and such I’m generally trying to get across that my comment isn’t meant to be taken 100% seriously. I was trying to bring a little levity to the situation, Thomas and I bump heads a lot so I wanted to joke around with him. It is hard to get jokes in text sometimes! Thank you for trying to be respectful though I do appreciate it.
And yes let’s resolve to be friends and try to think the best of each other and give each other the benefit of the doubt when we make comments we do not agree with. :)
I just realized my last comment could be taken sarcastically, it is NOT sarcastic. I do want to be friends with all pro-lifers here and us all give each other the benefit of the doubt.
Well gee thanks Del. But I will point out that all my comments are honest. My stating facts and/or opinions which you don’t like does not constitute inflammmatory spew.
And keep in mind that I consider statements such as The decision to engage with the gay lifestyle is similar to a married man’s decision to have an adulterous affair to be inflammatory spew. Engaging in a homosexual relationship is no different to engaging in a heterosexual relationship. Neither is intrinsically wrong. Adultery is adultery whether perpetrated by heterosexuals or homosexuals.
Do you understand what I’m saying?
“And keep in mind that I consider statements such as The decision to engage with the gay lifestyle is similar to a married man’s decision to have an adulterous affair to be inflammatory spew.”
I’m okay with them using this analogy. It does hurt, but it’s much less hurtful than the pedophilia or bestiality analogies. I wish they would just compare it to an unmarried couple having premarital sex though, I believe that’s the best analogy. I feel like constantly comparing homosexuality to behaviors that harm non-consenting parties (like pedophilia and bestiality, and to a somewhat lesser extent adultery) is hurtful and makes LGBT people feel like they are much worse than other sinners, but adultery is a step up from the more horrific analogies. But someday I hope that people will just view us like anyone else, that a homosexual relationship (that actually involves sex, some don’t) is about the same morals-wise as an unmarried couple being involved in premarital sex. I do understand that people see LGBT people as worse and they have the right to, but I hope it doesn’t have to be that way forever.
When I go to church I am currently hiding in the back so I can watch the sermon without anyone really noticing me and trying to avoid getting to know anyone, lol, because I don’t want them to figure out what I am and then think of me like so many others do. I am hoping that won’t be forever though. I do believe that someday we can be accepted for what we are, because I don’t think being is a sin, just behavior. And I don’t believe it’s Biblically justified that homosexual behavior is any worse than non-marital heterosexual behavior. In the New Testament I see a lot about lack of charity, and lying, and stuff like that, I don’t see that homosexual behavior is held up as any worse than those things, at least. I really wish everyone could be okay with us just being who we are and being held to the same standards as anyone else and we’re not something disgusting for not being straight. I realize it’s probably natural for heterosexuals to be disgusted by non-heterosexuals but I hope that people can work to overcome that, because I think there’s a place for people who aren’t straight too.
So you’re ok with someone breaking one of your fingers because it’s better than them chain-sawing your arm off Jack, is that it?
a homosexual relationship (that actually involves sex, some don’t) is about the same morals-wise as an unmarried couple being involved in premarital sex. – and yet so many still wish to prevent homosexuals having married sex.
No Reality, I wish that they could just compare like with like. Unmarried, consensual sexual relationships between heterosexuals compared to consensual sexual relationships between homosexuals. We aren’t there yet, they haven’t accepted us that much yet. But I think using the adultery example is a step in the positive direction for understanding. At least it’s an acknowledgement (in a way?) that homosexuality isn’t the same as something like pedophilia, where someone is being raped or coerced. That’s a step in the right direction yeah? I do believe it’s possible to love everyone even if they haven’t historically like everyone.
And about the marriage thing, they think that even if same sex marriage is completely legalized it’s still not a marriage. As a religious institution for Christianity marriage is between a man and a woman (though there was some polygamy back in the day). So in their view, homosexual behavior can never be as legitimate as marital sex, because the institution of marriage can never be between two people of the same gender. It’s sad, but that’s how Christianity is.
Though I would really hope that anti-gay people would rather those who engage in homosexual behavior be in a committed relationship. Even if it’s a sin, it’s much safer to be monogamous, gay or straight.
Unmarried, consensual sexual relationships between heterosexuals compared to consensual sexual relationships between homosexuals. – that’s more like it!
they think that even if same sex marriage is completely legalized it’s still not a marriage. – that’s ok, they don’t have to. There’s the legal aspect then there’s the religious/cultural/whatever aspect.
It’s sad, but that’s how Christianity is. – to an ever-reducing extent.
“Unmarried, consensual sexual relationships between heterosexuals compared to consensual sexual relationships between homosexuals. – that’s more like it!”
Yes that’s the comparison I would like people who oppose homosexuality to use. I feel like there’s a real problem with people picking on LGBT and painting us a lot worse than we are. I think it’s dehumanizing and hurtful and honestly gets me on my suicidal ideation kick if I think about it too much. I wish people would think about how they come across. It really is possible to think the behavior is a sin without thinking we’re bad as human beings. But like I said, I’m okay with the adultery comparison in the sense that I think it’s a step in the right direction. People involved in consenting behaviors should not be compared to those involved in rape and coercion.
” they think that even if same sex marriage is completely legalized it’s still not a marriage. – that’s ok, they don’t have to. There’s the legal aspect then there’s the religious/cultural/whatever aspect.”
Well yeah that’s my point. Is that married homosexual sex will never exist under Christian definition of marriage, though it does and will exist in other capacities. Christians still consider the homosexual couple sinning and having non-marital sex even if they legally married. Though I really do hope that most of them encourage monogamy even if they think the behavior is sinful. STDs in the gay community are pretty widespread, I want people to think of their health even if their behavior is wrong (that goes for heterosexuals too).
Lila Rocks!
Jack, to clarify – my question regarding why Ellen and Portia are still together was not about their homosexual union but just followed my discussion about Ellen representing the old “look” while Portia represents the new “look.” In other words, are they compatible in that regard? This premise ( A>B) had nothing to do with their homosexuality.
I got the “joshing” part, thus my smiley face in the response…
Hi Jack. I am glad to hear you went to church does not matter whether you were seated on the back row I am glad you went. I pray that God will give you wisdom, direction, understanding and all of the fruit of the spirit (love, joy, peace, temperance, self-control, etc.) and a church family. But most of all that you will know He loves you.
The woman I mentioned before who came out of the lesbian lifestyle said that the first time she went back to church before her conversion she sat in the balcony as far away as she could from the front. She felt that the people were looking at her (she was dressed as a man which she had been doing for years) but Jesus Christ began to speak to her heart about how much He loved her and He ”wooed her with His everlasting love” letting her know that even though she felt she was “born this was” that He could give her a new spiritual birth and transform her mind. Guess what? He did. It was a process, she did not leave the lifestyle at once. The people at that church lovingly discipled her and step by step Jesus transformed her over a period of many months. The healing from the years of sexual abuse, physical abuse, rejection by her parents and foster parents, self-hatred, alcohol, drug addiction, trying to become a man, lesbian sexual behavior, etc. begin to change as she put on “the mind of Christ”. You and your family continue to be in my prayers.