Pro-life vid of the day: The hidden every-day atrocities
by Hans Johnson
Once again the nation has been rocked by an unspeakable human atrocity. A young man too cowardly to face off with the criminals he was supposedly angry with, instead murdered nine innocent churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina, last week.
Recently students from the Immaculate Heart of Mary School (in association with Saint John the Baptist – Prolife League) in Falls River, Massachusetts, made a video drawing a parallel between the Boston Marathon bombing and the hidden atrocities performed behind the doors of a Planned Parenthood. They also noted that sidewalk counselors are in a way like the noble first responders who come to the aid of the more public victims.
Email with your video suggestions.
[HT: Br. Thomas Augustine Dalton]

Awesome group of students.
The murders last week occurred in Charleston, not Charlotte.
Should be shown in every parish in the Archdiocese of Boston.